How to install Java and how to set the path


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5/15/2015 1

How to install Java

5/15/2015 2

How to get ready ...First of all you need to install java.Java is a set of several computer software and specifications developed by Sun Microsystems, later acquired by Oracle Corporation. So… you can download java free from this linkFor Windows - Mac OS - other OS please visit this page and select

5/15/2015 3

Double click on the downloaded file and it should open like this , them click next

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Click next, then read and accept the license.

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On the next screen you will encounter some options. Just leave these alone and click next unless you know what you are doing. (Because this is being read it is assumed that you do not.)

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The next page you encounter should install (and in some cases download) the Java Development Kit

5/15/2015 7

Verify whether jdk has installed properly or not

Open command prompt …start-> type cmd

Type “javac” in command prompt . If the prompt returns something along the lines of: "'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" Then it means the path has not set yet.

5/15/2015 8

How to set the path ..1. Open the properties of "My Computer" by

either right-clicking the icon on the desktop or right-clicking Start > MyComputer.

 When the pop up menu opens, scroll to the bottom and select "Properties".2. This should open a window named

"System Properties". Click on the "Advanced" tab.

3. Click "Environment Variables".( See the bottom of the page )

5/15/2015 9

How to set the path ..3. Go to c: drive ,open program file then click java and open jdk file ,open bin …copy the path by right clicking the address bar.

now go back to environment variables and there you can see system variable list …there you can find path variable ,click on it

5/15/2015 10

How to set the path ..4.Once the variable is opened, a text box in yet another window appears . Careful not to delete anything in this box. At the end of the text box, add a semi-colon if there is not one already, and addThe path of bin you have copied previously.

Or else "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin;" to the text box. This is assuming you did not change the file path of the installation.

5/15/2015 11

How to set the path ..Click "Apply" and "OK" to all the windows you have just opened. Open the command prompt again, while following steps 6-9 to see if that "javac" command works.

Well Done You have successfully installed Java!
