How to Choose & Prepare for Your Final Year Project


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How to Choose --------& Prepare for Your Final Year Project

By: Alahdal A. Hussein

Presentation Content

Project’s Topic Selection

• Selection Parameters

• Answer What? Why? How?

• How to do it?

Selection of Guide

• Relevance of the guide to your project

• Interest of the guide in your project

How to Do Your Project?

• Steps to be Taken

1. Project’s Topic Selection

“ Have you selected a topic for your final year project? If Yes, Did you chooe the right topic?

Selection Parameters

1- Area of interest 2- Resources availability 3- Cost of the project 4- The value added 5- Time required to complete the project

Have you considered any of the above parameters in your choice?

1- Area of Interest

▸ The first parameter to consider when selecting a topic for your FYP is your area of interest.


Why interest is important?

▸ Interest will make you passionate to work more on your FYP.

▸ Interest will make you eager to

know more beyond what your FYP requires.

2- Resources Availability

▸ Equipment ( before selecting a topic, make sure the equipment required are available )

▸Reading materials ( Make sure

there are enough references for your project )

What if there is lack of resources?

▸ If there is a lack of resource, change to another topic or you will face many troubles ahead.

3- Cost of The Project

Your project’s cost is the main factor that affect your project completion

If you and your college

are financially incapable, choose another topic.

4- The Value Added

▸ Your project should add value to the area of your interest. It should help in: ▸Solve a problem

▸ Innovate &create something new

▸Find a better way of doing something

5- Time Required to Complete The Project

▸ The time required to finish your project is important in selecting your project.

▸Don’t choose a project that

requires a longer time than what you are given.

Answer What? Why? How?

▸ In any project you will choose, you should be able to answer 3 questions before you consider it your FYP.

What your project is all about? What is the field of your project? What is the issue you are trying to

solve? Your field of interest will help to answer this question.

Why this project? Why you want to solve that

issue or challenge? A great project will solve an

issue in your field of interest.

▸How you will do it? ▸How you will achieve your goal? ▸The method, the strategy.

▸This depends on your planning and


How to Choose Your Project?

1- Decide your area of interest. 2- Start reading about it. 3- Find the issues and challenges faced in your area of interest. 4- Read about those issues and challenges, ( Previous Studies ).

How to Choose Your Project?

5- Decide the areas where you can contribute and improve. 6- Formulate your project’s topic. 7- Perform your evaluation by going through the 5 selection parameters.

How to Choose Your Project?

8- Find the answers for the 3 questions. 9- If all goes well, you have your project topic. The next thing to do is selecting your guide.

2. Selection of Guide

How to Select Your Guide?

▸ It is best to select your guide after choosing your topic. Because you choose a guide based on your topic.

▸Approach the guide who has the

knowledge and capabilities in the subject you have chosen.

▸Make sure the guide is interested in your project. ▸Ask your seniors about whoever you

want to choose as your guide.

How to Select Your Guide?

3. How To Do Your Project

▸Your guide may or may not approve your topic.

▸ If there is any changes, decide with your

guide what needs to be changed. ▸ If approved, then follow the following steps

Get Your Guide Approval on the Topic

Steps to be Taken

1- Prepare a plan of execution with your guide. 2- Prepare a timeframe and set deadlines for each part of the project.

3- Start reading in-depth about your topic.

Steps to be Taken

4- Get the facts and figures that support your reasoning for taking the project. 5- Meet with your guide frequently to update him/her with your progress.

Steps to be Taken

6- Order the equipment you need to conduct your experiments if any. 7- Start writing your project earlier. 8- Have a backup plan.


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