How does your media product represent particular social groups?


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2. How does your media

product represent particular

social groups?

By Jason K. Balogun


The model that I have used for my

magazine is someone who represents my

targeted audience. He falls within the

targeted age group of 16-25, by having

him on the front cover it relates to the

targeted audience for the reason that

they are similar to him.

The model represents the targeted

audience well due to his ethnicity, as he is

a black male. Which represents the main

targeted audience.


Another way to represent the magazine targeted audience is through the use of props and clothing in the mise-en-scene of the images. A good example of this is by looking at the both contents pages as the cover star is pictured wearing a designer top, which is a common convention found within this genre of music.

Clothing played a huge part in exactly how I represented my targeted audience. For instance in my contents page one of my models was wearing a tracksuit, hoodie and a hat which largely represents the urban communities. The targeted audience of the magazine is mainly black and white people who have urban upbringings besides interest in urban music and urban music culture.


In order for my magazine to represent this

I ensued that the language used

throughout the magazine can relate to

the targeted audience, by making use of

slang I was able to make sure that those

reading the magazine can relate to the

magazine. However I had to make sure

that when using slang that I did not

overuse the slang due to that the fact

that the magazine had to maintain some

form of professionalism.