How does your film represent particular social groups?


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How does your film represent

particular social groups?

Mise En Scene Props

The key prop in my opening is a briefcase. A briefcase is often only seen used by men and suggests some kind of important work, whether that is documents or money or something else altogether. This suggests that men are the one who do the important work and are the ones trusted with important objects. This is a traditional representation of men, as they are often viewed as the ‘workers’ and complete the more difficult work. Women are often represented as mums and housewives and are thought to stay at home.


There are a variety of costumes seen in my opening. The suits worn by the businessman and boss both suggest a form of power and wealth, implying a high-up job. This is a traditional representation of men, as they are often seen holding positions of power and being the providers for their families.

The dark jacket and jeans worn by the gangster give him a tough appearance. This is also a traditional representation of men, as they are often seen as being the stronger sex.


There are two main types of setting in my opening. There are the busy city locations, that support the idea of a businessman and working in a high class area. This is a traditional representation of men as they are often seen as high earners and the supporters of their families. The other type of location is the rundown, back alleys and garage lots. This suggests the presence of crime. It also makes the Boss character look out of place in the location. This is another traditional representation of men as they are often associated with crime, especially in that type of area.

Camera Shots & Movement

Many of our camera shots, specifically

in the dialogue scene were low shots,

giving the characters a feeling of

power. This is a traditional

representation of men as they are

often seen as the more powerful sex.

There was a close up of the gangster

in the stabbing scene, showing his

reaction to stabbing the other man.

This showed his violent

characteristics, a traditional

representation of men, and something

that isn’t often seen in women.

Editing & Sound


The dialogue in our opening was between two

men, one of which, was more superior than the

other. This character showed a traditional

representation of men, being in charge and in a

powerful position. The other character, during the

dialogue scene showed a slightly more modern

representation of a man, being told what to do by

someone else and having someone in charge of



The slow motion edit during the stab scene

emphasised the violence of the scene and,

especially during the close up, the character’s

reaction to the violence. This showed a very

traditional representation of men being violent

and careless.