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HACIVAT:MERHABA KARAGÖZ.Hello Karagöz. KARAGÖZ:MERHABA HACICAVCAV.Hello Hacıcavcav. HACIVAT:NE VAR NE YOK ?What’s up ? KARAGÖZ:HERŞEY VAR,HİÇBİR ŞEY YOK !There is everything,but there is nothing ! HACIVAT:NE DEMEK BU  ?What is the meaning of this ?

KARAGÖZ:ANLATAYIM.İYİ DİNLE !Let me tell you.Listen well ! HACIVAT:ANLAT ! DİNLİYORUM.Explain ! I am listening (to you). KARAGÖZ:NE DİNLİYORSUN ? BEN HİÇBİRŞEY DUYMUYORUM.What are you listening to ? I am hearing nothing. HACIVAT:KARAGÖZÜM SEN NEDEN SÖZ EDİYORSUN ?Karagözüm what are you talking about ? KARAGÖZ:SEN BİRŞEY DİNLİYORSUN AMA BEN DUYMUYORUM.You are listening something but I am not hearing it .

HACIVAT:KARAGÖZÜM BENİ DELİ EDİYORSUN ?You are making me crazy. KARAGÖZ:BEN Mİ ?Am I ? HACIVAT:EVET,SEN !Yes,you are ! KARAGÖZ:HİÇ SES YOK.VE SEN DİNLİYORSUN.SONRA DA BANAKIZI YORSUN.BİLİYOR MUSUN,SENİ ANLAMAK BAZEN ÇOK ZOR.There is no voice.And you are listening to it.And you are getting angry with me.Do you know,impossible to understand yousometimes.

HACIVAT:BEN GİDİYORUM.I am going. KARAGÖZ:NEREYE VE NEYLE ?Where and how ? HACIVAT:UZAĞA.ATLA,EŞEKLE,DEVEYLE.Far away ! By horse,by donkey,by camel.

KARAGÖZ:UKALA ! GEL BURAYA ! DUR ! DİNLE !Wiseacre ! Come here ! Stop ! Listen ! HACIVAT:NE DİNLEYEYİM ?What shall I listen to ? KARAGÖZ:NE DUYUYORSUN,ONU DİNLE !Listen to,what ever you are hearing. HACIVAT:HAYIR,HAYIR BEN GİDEYİM.No no,I shall go. KARAGÖZ:KENDİNE DİKKAT ET !  UKALA !Take care of yourself. You wiseacre ! 

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