Global registries initiative frumkin omodei


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Global Registries Initiative

Research Data Access and Preservation Summit RDAP 2011

Poster Session


• to facilitate a global data and scholarly resources commons into which anyone can contribute, and from which anyone can discover and reuse valuable scholarly materials and research data

• [across the historical boundaries of knowledge domains and jurisdictions]

Use Cases

• Postgrad "I need a way of discovering globally all the data specific to my research. I also would like to contact the researchers that are responsible for creating those data collections”

• Research Project Leader “I need to keep tabs on all national and global research outputs within my field of expertise so that I can effectively manage my team, and forge global networks that will collaborate around a common problem …”

Use Cases

• Research Administrator “I need an intuitive system that allows me to monitor my projects and investigators, and identify the national and global networks and collaborations that they belong to …”

• ICT Specialist “I need a list of machine-accessible catalogues of relevant research and data for the discipline areas covered by my Research Centre so I can mash-up all these sources into a single search index tailored for their needs.”


• to build a federation of national collection registries and global discipline-specific registries, providing an interoperable core of services based around the concept of a global “Register of Registries”

• enable discovery services based on a collection-centric information model complementary to current item-centric models (eg google search)

• Provide consistent, standardised methods for web apps to communicate with collection registries

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• OCKHAM Initiative - Ockham Digital Library Services Registry

• IESR - Information Environment Service Registry

• ANDS - Australian National Data Service


• Initial scoping meeting held in December 2007• Initial participants:

– Ockham Digital Library Services Registry; – IESR Information Environment Service Registry;– ANDS Australian National Data Service;– later NSF Data Conservancy Program

• Annual meetings held 2008 to 2010 – outcomes documented on web site

• Invitational workshop held March 29th to develop strategy for moving forward

Questions for you !• How do you think global discovery services for grey

literature, research data, learning materials and primary digital resources would benefit your project/organisation ?

• If your project has involved the aggregation of metadata from other collections (or you have been a contributor to other aggregations) what issues/problems have you experienced ?

• Are there indexes with valuable content you would like to see aggregated into a single discovery service?

See survey form:
