Glamour website deconstruction


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The colour scheme of this website is very basic with the majority using Black and white. This shows a mature theme therefore conveying that their target audience is more mature, of woman aged 18 – 30. However I would personally like to see a bit more colour on a websites home page as this would be more likely to attract someone to the page and would also make it more entertaining. By adding more colour it would also give further connotations of the businesses target audience, with what their personality is like and what their interests are e.g. with the use of pink the target audience would be woman with a girly and happy (bright) personality.

I like how there is a subscribe button as this directly links the website to the magazine. These also shows a use of technological convergence with the promotion of ‘FREE ACCESS to digital editions!’ (of the magazine). This will also make the magazine more convenient for the audience as they will be able to read it anywhere they please on their smart phone or laptop instead of having to physically carry around the paper based product. And then there is also marketing use by creating an offer for ‘12 issues for £12’ using persuasive language to promote the magazine further.

Having a Follow button would be a good idea as this allows the customers to get more involved with the magazine by following their pages and accounts on social network sites. This will also allow the organization to keep up with their customers and what they like with the use of a like and favorite button on these sites as the audience can like the their posts and therefore showing which news and articles they are most interested in reading about and which would be the most popular. There is also the fact that with the companies posts on these social network so they are therefore more noticeable and their customers wont forget about them.

I like the image use on this website home page as it allow the user to instantly see the genre (fashion). It immediately promotes fashionable clothing with the use of a strip slideshow allowing more images to be seen using a more compact space. There has also been close up shots used on the celebrities included in the articles. With this use of shot type it allows the audience to feel up close and personal with the celebrities making a better connection with them and therefore appealing more to them.

I like this appropriate use of video add ad it is promoting the beauty blogger Zoella’s YouTube channel. This would be appealing to the target audience as relation to my target audience interview they said they would like to read and know about fashion tips, therefore this would compliment their interests.

I like the overall layout of the page as it flows easy and is also simple to navigate round making it usable for any audience. I also like how its very interactive as this will make it ore entertaining for the audience with more information to see and things to do. I also quite like how there are two navigation bars as it would look two much on a single bar however when split in two and in two locations the information is more spread out and looks less overwhelming, making it easier to use and easier on the eye.

I really like the ‘News & Opinion’ board as this allows the audience not not only see the latest news but to also be able to see peoples opinions on them by reading the comments. They can also add their own opinions which will allow them to feel not only more involved with the magazine but also noticed by he company and feeling wanted and their opinions valued. I also like the layout of this board as it contains both images and text making the information look more spread out instead of a clustered bulk of text which would not be appealing to their target audience.

I like how the ‘News & Opinion’ board has been continuously used throughout the site as this gives the website consistency. I also believe this is a good use of convention to have on all the pages since it does make the audience feel more involved in the business and feel as if their opinion is valued.

The magazines masthead is also used on the website on all pages to create a link of synergy between the them. This can also be used to as a good link for all of the webpages and then for all of the social network sites and anything else they produce to ensure brad recognized and for anything they produced to be instantly recognized as their work.

The colour scheme is also continuous throughout the website to create a house style. The dominant colour on this site is predominantly white, this connotes that the target audience will be more mature and also convey that so with the articles, themes and stories used within the website and magazine. As stated in the Glamour home page deconstruction I would like my own website to feature more colour as I believe this would appeal more to my target audience and make the Tribe website more entertaining.

The layout of this page is very simple which I believe would also suit my target audience and would be a good idea for one of my web page layouts as it is easy to use and navigate around to find the information. I like how they have used large banner sized boxes for a link to each article containing various images and the appropriate text to back up these images. It is also a good feature that the News & Opinion board does not move as the viewer scrolls down the web pages articles as this gives the web page a feel of consistency and also uses a professional effect which will be appealing to their target audience.

It is a good idea that there has been a lot of images included ion the page as there are what will initially attract the audience to the articles and will also intrigue them with the use of celebrities. I like the image use with the camera shots being close ups as since this page is dedicated to make up it allows the audience to see how the make up has been applied and the total effects it have left. I also like how the models in the images all look confident and strong woman which will leave a positive effect on the target audience as they themselves are woman and will see these specific individuals as inspirations and someone to look up to.

There have been a vary of font sizes used on the page however there doesn’t seem to be much variation between font styles. In my opinion they have done a good job in constructing the page well based on font sizes as they have allowed their more important pieces of texts to stand out amongst the subordinate text. For instance the headings of the articles have been set in a larger font than its description therefore the audience will be drawn to this first. If I was to change anything I would alter the size of the web pages title as it is only shown very small in the top left hand corner of the page and is quite difficult to see amongst the mass of other information and conventions on the page.

These are the bottom of webpage links and navigation bar. It is fairly small compared to that on other fashion websites. It is fairly simple yet still provides a link for the audience to contact the company therefore getting them more involved and also a link to their private policy and cookie statement which would be important for the audience to reed especially if they intend to add any private details onto the site e.g. by subscribing to their magazine online.