Genesis Dig Site 16



Genesis Dig Site 16

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Genesis 41:6“I cannot do it,

‘Joseph replied to Pharaoh, ‘but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”

In the first dream out of the Nile came 7 fat and sleek cows

Next, 7 ugly and gaunt cows came up out of the Nile and ate the fat cows

In the 2nd dream, 7 heads of grain, healthy and good were

growing on a single stalk

7 thin scorched heads of grain sprouted after the good grain

and swallowed them.

Pharaoh sent for magicians and wise men,

but they could not interpret his dreams (3x’s)

The chief cupbearer remembered his shortcomings What was that guy’s

name who interpreted our dreams when we

were in prison?

A young Hebrew interpreted my dream and it tuned out exactly as he said.

Where was Pharaoh standing in the dream he had one night?

1. By his favorite pyramid2. By the Nile River3. By his wife

What ate the seven sleek cows in Pharaoh’s dream?

1. Seven ugly cows2. Pharaoh and his officials3. Both answers are correct

What did Pharaoh see in his 2nd dream?

1. Seven heads of healthy grain2. Seven heads of scorched grain3. Both answers are correct

Why did Pharaoh send for the magicians and wise men?

1. He was very troubled2. He always had lunch with them3. Both answers are correct

Why was Pharaoh troubled?

1. Egypt was going to war2. Pharaoh had 2 dreams his

magicians could not interpret3. Pharaoh could not sleep4. Pharaoh heard a bad report about

an official

Which of Pharaoh’s officials remembered his shortcomings?

1. The wise men2. The baker3. Pharaoh4. The Cupbearer

How did the magicians and wise men help Pharaoh?

1. They calmed him down2. They interpreted his dreams3. They could not help him

Why did Pharaoh send for Joseph?

1. The cupbearer remembered that Joseph had interpreted his dream

2. Pharaoh head that Joseph could interpret dreams

3. Both answers are correct

Pharaoh sent for Joseph, so Joseph shaved and changed his clothes.

“I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can

interpret it.” “I cannot do it, but God will give Pharaoh

the answer he desires.”

Joseph told Pharaoh that God revealed what He is about to do. The 7 fat cows and good heads of grain mean 7 years of abundance.

The 7 ugly cows and thin heads of grain mean 7 years of famine.

God gave ___ dreams because it was _________ decided and would

happen soon.

3, 6Partly , Somewhat,


Pharaoh should put in charge a wise and discerning man.


Collect grain during the abundant years

Pharaoh and his officials thought Joseph’s plan was good.

That is a good plan!

1. God made known to Joseph all things concerning the famine.

2. There was no one as wise and as discerning as Joseph

3 things happened to Joseph

1. Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of Egypt

2. Joseph got married3. Joseph and his wife had 2 sons

Joseph was 30 years old when he entered Pharaoh’s service


Joseph helped prepare for the famine by 1.traveling through Egypt

and2. collecting and storing grain

When the famine started:

1. People cried out to Pharaoh for food2. People came from other countries to Egypt

looking for food

The famine was severe EVERYWHERE

• That is why people came from all the world to Egypt

Who did Joseph say would give Pharaoh the answer he desired?

1. God2. Joseph3. The magicians

What did Joseph say Pharaoh should do?

1. Start buying grain from other countries

2. Collect grain during the abundant years

3. Save water in wells

What did Joseph tell Pharaoh?

1. I did nothing to deserve being put in prison

2. God will give Pharaoh the answer3. I can give Pharaoh the answer he

desires4. All of the above

What did Joseph say to Pharaoh after he heard his dreams?

1. God has revealed to Pharaoh what He is about to do

2. It is one and the same dream3. God will do it soon4. All of the above

Who did Joseph say Pharaoh should put in charge of Egypt?

1. His wise men2. His magicians3. Himself4. A wise and discerning man

Why did Pharaoh put Joseph in charge?

1. God had made known to Joseph all things concerning the famine

2. There was no one as discerning and wise as Joseph

3. Both answers are correct

How old was Joseph when he entered Pharaoh’s service?

1. 17 years old2. 30 years old3. 40 years old

How did Joseph help prepare for the famine?

1. He traveled through Egypt collecting and storing grain

2. He went to other countries and bought grain from them

3. Both answers are correct

What happened when the famine started?

1. The people cried to Pharaoh for food

2. People from other countries came to Egypt looking for food

3. Both answers are correct

Why did all the world come to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph?

1. The famine was severe everywhere2. The grain in Egypt was the best in

the world3. Both answers are correct

The food was stored in the cities

Joseph was able to collect HUGE quantitiesof grain like

the sand

Joseph’s 2 sons were:



What happened after the 7 yrs of abundance?

1. The famine only struck Egypt2. The famine began just as Joseph

had said3. The Nile dried up completely4. All of the above

Genesis 41:6“I cannot do it, ‘Joseph replied to Pharaoh, ‘but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”