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God sometimes does a mighty work Dig Site 15 “Midianites Meet Their Match” Truth for This Week: God sometimes does a mighty work in a surprising way.

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Dig Site 15 God sometimes does a mighty work
Dig Site 15 Midianites Meet Their Match Truth for This Week: God sometimes does a mighty work in a surprising way. Faith Words: Faith Trust in God that leads people to believe what God has said, depend on Him, and obey Him. People Jerub-Baal The name given to Gideon. It was a challenge for Baal to get ready to defend himself against Gideon. Meaning of name: Let Baal contend Gods Characteristics
God asks His people to trust Him. God works in unexpected, yet powerful ways. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Memory Verse: Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14 Recap, Dig Site 14: For seven years, God let the Midianites harass the Israelites because they had not obeyed Him. God sent an angel to Gideon, telling him to save Israel. Gideon did not feel able to do this. Recap, Dig Site 14: Gideon did as the Lord commanded and tore down Baals altar and the Asherah pole at night. Gideon tested God with the wool fleece. God sometimes does a mighty work
Dig Site 15 Midianites Meet Their Match Truth for This Week: God sometimes does a mighty work in a surprising way. Judges 7 Early in the morning, Jerub-Baal (that is, Gideon) and all his men camped at the spring of Harod. The camp of Midian was north of them in the valley near the hill of Moreh. 2 The Lord said to Gideon, You have too many men
2The Lord said to Gideon, You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, My own strength has saved me. 3Now announce to the army, Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead. So twenty-two thousand men left, while ten thousand remained. 4 But the Lord said to Gideon, There are still too many men
4But the Lord said to Gideon, There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will thin them out for you there. If I say, This one shall go with you, he shall go; but if I say, This one shall not go with you, he shall not go. 5 So Gideon took the men down to the water
5So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the Lord told him, Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink. 6 Three hundred of them drank from cupped hands, lapping like dogs
6Three hundred of them drank from cupped hands, lapping like dogs. All the rest got down on their knees to drink. 7The Lord said to Gideon, With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the others go home. 8So Gideon sent the rest of the Israelites home but kept the three hundred, who took over the provisions and trumpets of the others. What did the Lord tell Gideon about the size of his army? (7:2)
It was too small. It was just the right size. It was too big. What did the Lord tell Gideon about the size of his army? (7:2)
It was too big. (Answer #3) Why did God want to reduce the number of men Gideon had in his army
God did not want Israel to boast that their own strength had saved them. God did not want that many Israelites to die in battle. Gideons army was too strong. Why did God want to reduce the number of men Gideon had in his army
God did not want Israel to boast that their own strength had saved them. (Answer #1) What did God say Gideons men could do if they were afraid? (7:3)
Pray for courage Invite more men to fight Leave Mount Gilead What did God say Gideons men could do if they were afraid? (7:3)
Leave Mount Gilead (Answer #3) How many of Gideons original army left because they were scared? (7:3)
10,000 men 22,000 men 300 men How many of Gideons original army left because they were scared? (7:3)
22,000 men (Answer #2) How many men drank from cupped hands? (7:6) How many men drank from cupped hands? (7:6)
(Answer #2) What did the remaining 300 men take from the other soldiers? (7:8)
Their provisions Their trumpets Both answers are correct. Both answers are correct.
What did the remaining 300 men take from the other soldiers? (7:8) Both answers are correct. (Answer #3) Now the camp of Midian lay below him in the valley
Now the camp of Midian lay below him in the valley. 9During that night the Lord said to Gideon, Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands. 10If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah 11and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp. So he and Purah his servant went down to the outposts of the camp
So he and Purah his servant went down to the outposts of the camp. 12The Midianites, the Amalekites and all the other eastern peoples had settled in the valley, thick as locusts. Their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore. 13 Gideon arrived just as a man was telling a friend his dream
13Gideon arrived just as a man was telling a friend his dream. I had a dream, he was saying. A round loaf of barley bread came tumbling into the Midianite camp. It struck the tent with such force that the tent overturned and collapsed. 14His friend responded, This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite. God has given the Midianites and the whole camp into his hands. 15When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he bowed down and worshiped. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, Get up! The Lord has given the Midianite camp into your hands. Who was Gideons servant?
(7:10) Purah Tarah Obed Who was Gideons servant? (7:10)
Purah (Answer #1) Why did Gideon and Purah go down to the Midianite camp? (7:10-11)
To listen to what the Midianites were saying To steal some of their weapons Both answers are correct. To listen to what the Midianites were saying
Why did Gideon and Purah go down to the Midianite camp? (7:10-11) To listen to what the Midianites were saying (Answer #1) What did one of the men in the Midianite camp dream? (7:13-14)
That Gideon defeated the Midianites That the Midianites defeated the Israelites The Gideon spied on the Midianite camp That Gideon defeated the Midianites
What did one of the men in the Midianite camp dream? (7:13-14) That Gideon defeated the Midianites (Answer #1) What did Gideon do when he heard the Midianites dream? (7:15)
He ran away in fear. He worshiped God. He captured the man who had the dream. What did Gideon do when he heard the Midianites dream? (7:15)
He worshiped God. (Answer #2) What did Gideon call out when he returned to the Israelite camp? (7:15)
Get up! The Lord has given the Midianite camp into your hands. Both answers are correct. Both answers are correct.
What did Gideon call out when he returned to the Israelite camp? (7:15) Both answers are correct. (Answer #3) 16Dividing the three hundred men into three companies, he placed trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them, with torches inside. 17 Watch me, he told them. Follow my lead
17Watch me, he told them. Follow my lead. When I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do. 18When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, For the Lord and for Gideon. 19Gideon and the hundred men with him reached the edge of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, just after they had changed the guard. They blew their trumpets and broke the jars that were in their hands. 20 The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars
20The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, A sword for the Lord and for Gideon! 21While each man held his position around the camp, all the Midianites ran, crying out as they fled. 22When the three hundred trumpets sounded, the Lord caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords. The army fled to Beth Shittah toward Zererah as far as the border of Abel Meholah near Tabbath. 23Israelites from Naphtali, Asher and all Manasseh were called out, and they pursued the Midianites. 24Gideon sent messengers throughout the hill country of Ephraim, saying, Come down against the Midianites and seize the waters of the Jordan ahead of them as far as Beth Barah. 24And the hand of the Israelites pressed harder and harder against Jabin king of Canaan until they destroyed him. So all the men of Ephraim were called out and they seized the waters of the Jordan as far as Beth Barah. 25 They also captured two of the Midianite leaders, Oreb and Zeeb
25They also captured two of the Midianite leaders, Oreb and Zeeb. They killed Oreb at the rock of Oreb, and Zeeb at the winepress of Zeeb. They pursued the Midianites and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon, who was by the Jordan. Judges 8 28Thus Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again. During Gideons lifetime, the land had peace forty years. How did Gideon divide the 300 men? (7:16)
Into groups of 10 Into three companies Into five companies Into three companies How did Gideon divide the 300 men? (7:16)
(Answer #2) What did Gideon give each of the 300 men? (7:16)
A trumpet and an empty jar with a torch inside A sword and a torch Both answers are correct. A trumpet and an empty jar
What did Gideon give each of the 300 men? (7:16) A trumpet and an empty jar with a torch inside (Answer #1) What were the Israelites supposed to do when Gideon and themen with him blew their trumpets? (7:18)
Blow their trumpets Shout, For the Lord and for Gideon. Both answers are correct. Both answers are correct.
What were the Israelites supposed to do when Gideon and themen with him blew their trumpets? (7:18) Both answers are correct. (Answer #3) When did Gideon and the 100 men with him reach the edge of the Midianite camp? (7:19)
At noon Just after they had changed the guard At dawn Just after they had changed
When did Gideon and the 100 men with him reach the edge of the Midianite camp? (7:19) Just after they had changed the guard (Answer #2) What did the three companies do when Gideon and those with him blew their trumpets and broke their jars? (7:19-20) Blew their trumpets and smashed their jars Charged into the city Ran away in fear Blew their trumpets and smashed their jars
What did the three companies do when Gideon and those with him blew their trumpets and broke their jars? (7:19-20) Blew their trumpets and smashed their jars (Answer #1) What did the Midianites do when the 300 trumpets sounded? (7:22)
They fought the Israelites. They turned on each other with their swords. Both answers are correct. They turned on each other with their swords.
What did the Midianites do when the 300 trumpets sounded? (7:22) They turned on each other with their swords. (Answer #2) What message did Gideon send to Ephraim? (7:24)
Run away. Seize the waters of the Jordan. Both answers are correct. Seize the waters of the Jordan.
What message did Gideon send to Ephraim? (7:24) Seize the waters of the Jordan. (Answer #2) During Gideons lifetime, how long did the land have peace? (8:28)
50 years 40 years 20 years During Gideons lifetime, how long did the land have peace? (8:28)
40 years (Answer #2) Finish this verse: Wait for the Lord; be strong and (Psalm 27:14)
faithful. He will always help you. courageous always. take heart and wait for the Lord. take heart and wait for the Lord.
Finish this verse: Wait for the Lord; be strong and (Psalm 27:14) take heart and wait for the Lord. (Answer #3)