GE14 class 2 May 23rd


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Good morning!!!

• 2

• Identify and use noun clauses.• Practice speaking skills to

recommend a book• Identify and use vocabulary to

describe reading habits. p. 44





Reading for pleasure

Do you like reading? Why or why not? What kind of books do you like to read? What is your favorite book? What types of books do you know?

Unit 4Introduction

Activity: Speaking. Answer the questions the teacher asks.


5/23Activity: Grammar. Answer the following questions.

Noun clauses What is a clause?

What is a sentence?

What is a noun?

What is a noun clause?Recommend a book


5/23Activity: Grammar. Answer the following questions.

Noun clauses I didn’t know that he wrote that book. I think that Junot Diaz’s novels are fantastic. She forgot that Andrew Morton wrote biographies.

I didn’t know he wrote that book.

A: Does Stephen King have a new book out? B: I think so. / I believe so. / I guess so. B: I guess not. / I believe not.

We’re both disappointed that this new book isn’t very good.

Were you surprised that the ending was sad?

Recommend a book
