Gather Immediate Feedback



Learn which tools to use for gathering immediate feedback in classrooms, online, or with mobile devices. Many are free with basic options, but ask for fees to access advanced options. Tools discussed: Google Docs: Forms,,, and Polleverywhere.

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Gathering Immediate Feedback

Online, in the Classroom, and with Moodle Technology


Please introduce yourself Name Department

Survey and Poll-Making Tools Most = free for limited use or functionality Costs money for expanded use and


Tool Brands: Google Documents: Form

Discussion When and why do you need feedback?

Turn to a neighbor and answer this question with them.

Take turns. Talk about this all together

Responses Need to know quality of a project. Need to know what people think about an issue. Should action be taken in a certain direction? What do students know or understand about X? What does Johnny want to do for graduation?

Google Documents—Quizzes & Surveys Create Form Add title for survey Create questions

Multiple Choice Select all that apply

(check boxes) Paragraph Short answer Choose from a list Scale Grid

Google Docs—Surveys: Pros & Cons Its free! Puts answers or

results in a spreadsheet

Can share editing Can share the

surveys or quizzes with others

Unlimited number of survey responses

Feels a bit clunky Almost too many

options May require a longer

or steeper learning curve.

Results are not visually appealing (unless you export, convert it into a graph, and do it yourself)

Google Documents Quiz/Survey

Here’s the link to share with others, so they can take the survey.

Types of questions: paragraph text, text, multiple choice, checkboxes, choose from a list, scale, or grid.

This is the right place to enter instructions for completing the survey.

Google Docs: Questions Survey Responses Free: only 100

responses/month Tiered business plan

Individual Corporate

Many ways to share Blogs Websites Facebook Twitter Email

See handout

Polldaddy Results Voters submit answers

with cell phones Text messaging

responses Updates in real time No hardware to worry

about Free for all polls with

less than 20 votes Tiered plans Anonymous responses See video (8:04): Create Event

Text Messaging Instructions

Instructions for voting with a cell phone

Poll Everywhere Free: up to 40 in the

audience Text messaging

responses Spam free No unsolicited text

messages Audience phone

numbers are kept private

View Video (1:57): Warning: the video may produce

laughter and/or genuine smiles

Text Your Response

Poll Everywhere

Questions or Comments

Thank you!
