Explanation Text dan contohnya


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Explanation Text

Group 2 :

1. Dyah Ayu Intanasya P. (05)

2. Farida Nur Dadari(06)

3. Ayu Setyo K. (11)

4. Desinta Dian P. (22)


Group 2



Explanation Text

Explanation TextExplanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena.

Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena.

It is often found in science, geography and history text books.

Explanation Text

Purpose To explain the processes involved in the formation and working of natural or socio cultural phenomena

Generic StructureGeneral statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.

Sequenced explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.

Closing or concluding statement/ paragraph (optional)You may want to include interesting comments about what you have explained.

Explanation Text

What should I write?

Explanation Text

What should I write?

Explanation Text

What should I write?

Explanation Text

Language Feature

The use of general and abstract nouns

The use of action verbsThe use of simple present tenseThe use of passive voiceThe use of conjunctions of time

and causeThe use of noun phrasesThe use of complex sentencesThe use of technical language


The Characteristics of an explanation text are that they usually have :

A title and a general opening statement

An explanation process ( written in a series of logical steps )

The use of action verbs

The use of passive voice

Use of time and causal connectives

Use diagrams or illustrations


Explanation text Procedure text

Explanation Text

Example of the explanation text:

Inside the Honey Stomach



Nectar in cell

Wax Cap

First, bees drink nectar from flowers using their long tongue.

Their tongue helps them to reach the nectar inside the flower.

Then, bees store the nectar in a special sac called a honey

stomach. Inside the stomach, special enzyme changes nectar into

two sugars called fructose and glucose.

After the bees return to their hive, they spit the nectar from its

honey stomach into one of the cells.

Next, the heat in the hive evaporate water from the nectar

and it turns into honey.

Finally, the bees cover the cell with a wax cap.

Bees are the only insects which produce food for humans.

The food the honey bee produces is unique, good tasting, beneficial and nutricious. So, how does a bee make honey?

Thousands of worker bees can produce over 200 pounds of

honey for the colony in a year. Imagine if there are no bees on this earth!


•Unique= unik

• Tongue= lidah

• Sac= kantung

•Hive= sarang

• Spit= air ludah

• Evaporate= menguap

• Fructose= fruktosa

•Glucose= glucose


1. From where do the bees drink nectar?

The bees drink

nectar from the



2. How do they drink it?

Long Tongue

The bees drink

nectar by using

its long tongue

Question3. Inside the honey stomach, what does

the enzyme change nectar into?


glucose The enzyme

change nectar

into fructose and



4. After the bee return to their hive, what

do they spit from their honey stomach?

Spit nectar

They spit nectar

from their honey



5. How do the bees cover the cell?

Wax Cap

They cover the

cell with a wax


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