Evaluation Questionnaire Results



Evaluation Questionnaire Results

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Audience Feedback I created a questionnaire to ask 10 people from my target audience to analyse all 4 pages and provide me with feedback on the final outcome. It was important for me to get feedback from my target audience, so I could know if my media product would be successful out there in the industry, competing against other successful music magazines such as Kerrang! or Q.

Audience Feedback

Out of the 10 people that I asked, 9 of them said that they would purchase my music magazine because it the stories interested them. Most people also said that “the magazine looks like a good quality magazine” and that it was similar to something that they already read. 1 person said that they wouldn’t purchase my magazine, and when asked why, he said that he does in fact love rock music, but doesn’t usually buy magazines. I was happy with this result, as the majority would purchase my magazine.



Would You Purchase ‘Noise’ Mag-azine?


Audience Feedback


Does My Magazine Pages Look Realistic and Professional?


10/10 people commented that my magazine looked professional and realistic. I am very pleased with this feedback as I tried to make my media product as realistic as possible.

Audience Feedback




What Do You Like Most About My Front Cover?


The majority of people (50%) said that they most liked the layout of my front page, stating that: “It looks like a genuine magazine and has all the conventions of a magazine that you expect it to have”. 40% of people liked the main image, saying that: “the person in the photo portrayed a good facial expression”.

Audience Feedback





What Do You Like Most About My Contents Page?


When asked the same question about my contents page, half of the people who answered my questionnaire said that they liked the layout because it looked realistic. 30% of people answered that they liked the stories, and that cover lines such as: “Plan B – Never Needed A Plan C!’ was whitty and clever. 1 person said that they liked the overall magazine as a whole, and that each convention made the magazine a good quality.

Audience Feedback




What Do You Like Most About My Double Page Spread?


Yet again, the layout was the best feature of my double page spread. I am very happy that this was the most liked feature of all 3 pages, as I wanted my magazine to look like a proper magazine and worked really hard on ensuring that the layout was to a high quality. The remaining responses said that my interview (30%) was authentic and the image (30%) was nicely edited and of a high quality.

Audience Feedback





Without Looking At The Price, How Much Would You Pay For My Mag-


£1 - £2£2 - £3£3 - £4£5+

Half of the responses said that they would pay £2-£3 for my magazine. As my magazine is £2.99, I am satisfied that they don’t find my magazine over priced or estimated that the price would be lower. Through these results, its clear that consumers possibility want a cheap alternative to what’s already out there.

Audience Feedback


Is My Main Task Magazine Better Then My Prelim Task Magazine?


All 10 people said that my main task magazine was an improvement on my prelim task magazine. Personally, looking back myself, I do believe my main task is evidence that I have hugely improved my skills in Photoshop, as I also believe that my main task magazine looks far superior to my prelim task magazine.

Audience Feedback




What Aspect Of My Work Was Most Improved On Comparing My Prelim

Task To My Main Task?

LayoutImagesCreative Writing

40% of the responses said that the images were much better on the main task then they were on the prelim. An equal amount of people also said that the layout was far better on my main task magazine then my prelim one, stating that: “It is evident that you have made a huge improvement in terms of designing magazines”. The remaining 20% said that the text in the magazine was much more interesting.

Looking back at your Preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?I feel that, having completed the preliminary task and learning about the demands of this production process, I have learnt how to quickly get my designs and thoughts onto Photoshop. When I first started creating my preliminary task, I didn’t know any of the shortcuts of the tools I had to use. Therefore, my time wasn’t very efficient as I had to manually select the tool I wanted with the mouse button. Throughout the course of my main task, I had familiarised myself with the tool and keyboard shortcuts, which allowed me to save time by just clicking the relevant button on the keyboard.

Another skill I believe I have learnt from my preliminary task to my final product is to use the tools in Photoshop to a higher standard then I previously did. In both productions, I used the shape tool but for the main task, I used it along with the gradient tool to make the background two different colours. I also used the text tool in both magazines, but I used it to a greater effect second time around by using a variety of fonts for different conventions of the page. For example, the masthead was in the font ‘Impact’ and the cover lines were in ‘Lucinda Fax’. I believe both these examples show the level of progression I have accomplished from my preliminary task to my main task as I have learnt to adapt the skills I previously had and to use the tools to a greater effect.

There is evidence of progression that I feel particularly demonstrates how I met the demands of the production process, for example the layout of my main task is to much of a higher standard then my preliminary task pages. Through research and being accustom to the layouts of current, existing magazines, I have identified the typical codes and conventions of a successful magazine and ‘replicated’ them (Steve Neale) within my magazine.

Looking back at your Preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Prelim Front Cover Main Task Front Cover

Looking back at your Preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Prelim Contents Page Main Task Contents Page
