Evaluation Question 3


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QUESTION 3What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Overview Audience feedback involved us talking to members of our

target audience and getting their opinion on the products we created at different stages to ensure that the final product would be to a high standard and liked by the target audience. If I hadn’t sought out feedback during the production of my products I might have created something that my audience didn’t find appealing and so they might not have viewed it. I have learnt a lot from my audience about what is preferred by them in a music video and also my complimentary products, including everything from speed of shots to logo design.

The first sort of audience feedback I received was in response to a questionnaire that I sent out to a few members of the public in order to accurately understand what they enjoyed and would be looking for in my products. I learnt that there was a pretty even split when it came to the gender of my audience, with most of them falling within the 16-25 age brackets. Furthermore, from this feedback I understood that most of my audience preferred performance elements in a music video, with concept making up around only 25% respectively. This played a key role in the development of my music video, as it helped me to get an idea of the type of video that my audience wanted and would enjoy.

Music Video Audience Feedback The audience feedback I collected in regards to my

music video was vital, and by learning this feedback it led to a few key changes. One change that I made was at the beginning, where I added an epilepsy warning for 5 seconds, due to the many flashing images within the video. I learnt this through feedback from my audience, as it is a convention of music videos and films to have this warning to prevent incidents.

Music Video Audience Feedback Another change that came from learning something

from my audience feedback was the addition of slower solo shots of the lead singer in a different location. My audience had given me feedback saying that where they enjoyed the video, the fact that it was all shot in one location became a bit repetitive after a while. After learning this information, I shot some more footage of the lead singer in front of a white background, creating a big contrast in shots.

Digipak Audience Feedback Initially I had found 3 types of digipak available on the market,

and I was unsure as to which one I preferred. To combat this, I created multiple design mock ups of the digipak cover and asked my target audience which they preferred. I learnt that my target audience mainly enjoy digipaks involving a photo of the band/lead singer, as this would enable the band to be easily identified.

Originally I had chosen a design which I ended up not liking, and from my audience feedback I learnt that there were a few aspects they didn’t like, such as the positions the band were in and the lighting. I went on to create and develop many versions of my digipak, being sure to ask my audience what it was that they wanted to see. After narrowing it down to a choice of 4, I learnt that a simple yet interesting design was what worked best for this product as it was interesting and eye catching but not too distracting or messy.

Magazine Ad Audience Feedback My magazine Advert was the one that I

found most difficult to complete. I asked my audience what they thought of a couple of versions of my digipak, and learnt that a key thing for them was a continuation of colours and theme. I kept the main part of the advert black, having the only colours come from the photo of the band themselves.

After asking for opinions on the product, I also learnt that the audience didn’t like there to be a lot of empty space on the page, as it made it look incomplete and sloppy. I filled this space with quote reviews from respected music magazines and so improved the look of my advert massively.

Magazine Ad Audience Feedback Also I learnt that in order to make the advert seem

more professional I needed to include a picture of the digipak to the advert, so that the audience can see which album it is advertising. I included this as a change onto my final digipak as a number of my audience had requested so.

On a positive note, I learnt from my audience feedback that they enjoyed the photo used as the main image and they also liked the continuation of the font used on it. The colour scheme was also commented on, with notes that it matched the genre and suited the magazine very well.