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  • 1. In What Ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Rachel Louise Jones

2. Documentary 3. The documentary does not challenge any forms and conventions of real media products as it had no need to do this. However the documentary follows most of the codes and conventions that are necessary for the documentary to be accurate and to be at a good standard. 4. First of all the documentary makes sure that it uses conventional interview techniques. We ensured that the framing of all our interviews were either framed to the left or the right of the shot and the interviewee was placed facing the person asking the questions so that they were not looking directly at the camera.Our documentary interviews Vs. Professional documentari es 5. We ensured that the eye line of the interviewee was approximately 1/3 of the way down the shot to adhere to the rule of thirds. On top of the interviews we had to overlay some a caption to allow the viewer to read who is being interviewed and how they relate to the topic. This is a convention of documentary interviews for this exact reason.Rule of thirds within our documentary and a professional one.Graphics shown in our documentary and then in a professional documentary below. 6. During the interviews in our documentary the interviewers questions are never heard. To cover up the sections where the questions had been edited out, we used cutaways and archive material to cover the jump cuts that were present between answers. This is conventional because it prevents the shots from jumping and makes the running of the programme smooth and effortless. 7. We also used cutaways that were relative to each interviewee's answer to keep the viewer interested and mean that they did not have to just watch a straight interview. Examples of this include film clips during Liz Folan's interviews which were relevant to the answers she was giving us about film adaptations of books. This method was also present when Julie Mann spoke about how people accessed books in the modern day and cutaways of people reading online and on devices were brought in over the interview to make it more exciting.Examples of Cutaways and film clips we used to keep the audience interested. 8. We kept to the ideals of relevant mise-en-scene during interviews to conventionally ensure that they matched the topic of the entire documentary and the interviewee's interviews. Most of our mise-en-scene was book related such as bookshelves for the Julie and Christine's interviews as they are talking about books and film adaptation posters for Liz's interview as she is discussing the idea of books being made into films and the relevance of books within films. Just like in the Jaws documentary the background reflected sharks and in the Downton Abbey one refelected period dress and sets. 9. Newspaper Advert 10. We ensured that our poster contained the Channel 4 logo to show what channel it was being broadcast on, just like the one on the official Channel 4 Advert. We ensured the title of the documentary was on the poster along with the time and date it was being broadcast and a 11. We included a hashtag and a website address on the poster, similar to the one on the official poster. Although the real poster did not contain a hashtag we felt it appropriate to add one on.