Empowered for success


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Empowered For SuccessWe are born with our unique purpose and our own set of special abilities and strengths that can empower us to succeed. What's missing for most people is the knowledge of how to utilize those abilities to get what we want in life and business.

  In this book, I have provided timeless information along

with a variety of techniques for accelerated results, yet facilitating all the richness that is derived from personal development. You will learn powerful techniques and strategies that can improve your chances for happiness and success; increase your personal power, and take you to higher levels of achievement.

Empowered For SuccessYou will learn how to:

Harness The Power Of A Magnetic Universe For Success and Happiness

 Co-Create Your Reality By Developing Your Pathway To Success  Move Beyond Goal Setting to Higher Levels Of Achievement  Be able to Create the Masterpiece of Your Life.

An executive of a major Fortune 500 company once said, “The best way to determine your destiny is to invent it.” Well you may have thought about what it would be like to invent your destiny. Loana Morgan takes it a step further. She suggest that we not only invent our destiny, but to make sure we fulfill it. If you dive into this book with an open mind, and a learning spirit, you will be able to make sure your life serves as a vehicle that expresses your highest calling. - Jerry Clark, Chief Empowerment Officer, www.clubthino.com


Empowered For Success The book is now available in stores and can be purchased online in the

stores listed below.  In the US http://www.amazon.com/Empowered-Success-Masterpiece-Principles-Technique

s/dp/1456738364/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299888794&sr=8-1  In the UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Empowered-Success-Masterpiece-Principles-Techniqu


  In Canada http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Empowered-Success-Create-Masterpiece-Y


