Emotional cocktail part 1


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The Emotional Cocktail - Part 1

Sanjay Vijayakumar

Startups are a vehicle for its creators to enjoy every human emotion possible

and appreciate life as a journey.

This emotional journey is 100% guaranteed

Deeper the emotion; the more you will live life.

Lets dive deeper into each state of mind.

1. This is best idea ever

2. This will be fun

3. This is harder than i thought

4. This is lot of work

5. This sucks.I have no idea what i’m doing.

Despair - absence of hope

What you do at this point is most critical.

Ok, it still sucks

Quick; lets call it a day

Hmm..(i think this is going to be fun)

Hey..this might just work


Trick is not to let emotions control you. Neither try to control the emotions!

Enjoy the journey and enjoy life.
