Double Page Spread Analysis


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Double Page Spread Analysis 1This double page spread and most double page

spreads for rap music magazines mostly have a 70-30

ratio of image to text. This allows the audience to

become more drawn in to the artist in the image so

that it encourages them to read about them.

As you can see in the top right

corner of the double page spread it

says ‘NAS’ which is the artists name

in the image and the header of the

double page spread.

However every

double page spread

in a rap music

magazine are not all

the same. This is just

an example of a rap

magazine covering

an article about the

artist Nas.

A double page spread allows you to

be more creative with text and images

as you can see on the page it is mainly

image so that it stands out when you

are flicking through the pages.

The artist in the image

follows the stereotype

of hip hop/rap artists

as he has a sleeveless

top, jewellery, a


face and tattoos.

The background in the image helps enhance

the artists’ feelings as a serious man and that

he is not joking around. The background

shows gym/boxing equipment which tells us

that he has been working out or boxing. This

shows us a bit more about him.


Pull Quote

This is a pulled quote

which has been

pulled out of the big

chunk of text. It is a

quote from the artist

and this will help

draw in extra

attention from the

audience. As this is

the biggest text on

the page, the

audience will read

this first and it may

encourage them

into reading more

about the artist.



A drop letter to

mark the start of the

big chunk of text.

The text has been

put into one column

and into several

paragraphs so that

it is easier to read.



In the bottom left

hand side of the page

there is a small print of

the page number, the

magazine name and

the date of the issue.

This is small so it

doesn’t get in the way

of the main image.

Double Page Spread Analysis 2The main image is a central mod shot of the artist

and also takes up all of the left hand page. The

clothes that the artist, Lupo Fiasco’ is wearing

matches the colour theme of this article in the

double page spread to keep it simple and calm.

There is a Pull Quote on the right hand side of the double page

spread which is a distinctive large text. This will draw the audience in

to read more on the article because it entices the reader and

interests them so that they want to find out more. In addition to this

the main words in the pull quote have been changed so that it

stands out ever so more.

As said before the

colour scheme for this

double page spread is

very simplistic, calm

and just works because

of how well yellow,

black and white go

together. This will help

the audience read

because their wont be

any loud colours

distracting them.

The background is a solid colour with

a lighter colour text on it so that the

text on the page is easier to read. The colours go well with

the genre of music, rap, so that it gives an attractive, eye

catching feel to the double page spread.

The headline is ‘FIASCO @9:30’

this is because this is when this

artist performed at a recent

concert so that fans can find out

and then read more about the

concert and the artist.

The artist is wearing a

typical costume that

fits in with the genre

rap. In the image he is

wearing a hoodie and

a golden watch which

shows he has fashion of

the genre and that he

is showing of his watch.

The watch has been

placed there because

of the headline which

has a time in it.

The only other image

on this page is one

that is a blue colour

which does not go

with the colour

scheme. This makes it

stand out and will

make readers look at

it. The image is of the

artist performing at a


The main article is put

into columns to insure

that it is easier to

read. The editor has

changed the colour

from the questions

and the answers so

that the reader can

quickly identify what

the artist has said.

Double Page Spread Analysis 1.2

This double page spread is about

the rapper NAS and is a positive

article about him. The double page

spread will attract the audience to

read because the image takes up

most of the page which means that

their isn’t much writing. As the

audience of this genre is working

class and not well educated this will

lure them in because pictures grab

more attention from the working


Another way this article meets the

conventions of a rap music

magazine is that the rapper NAS has

the representation of a serious and

tough rapper. The imagery helps this

representation get across and also

speaks to the audience with the use

of boxing bags behind the artists.

The image of the double page spread also speaks to the audience through uses and gratification, the idea that NAS

is wearing a top with no sleeves can get the impression across to the audience that he is a ‘wife beater’ this originated

from men in the ghetto usually wearing these tops when they were abusive in a relationship.

The lighting used in the image is key here because the light source is generated to make NAS have half of his face

bright and the other half dark. This is to get the rappers representation of good and bad, like having an angel on one

shoulder and a devil on the other, the lighting is used to show NAS has two sides to his personality, but this article shows

most of his good side and how he has become a better person. Hence why the lighting comes from the right and the

fact that his right arm is almost out of the image, meaning he is more good than bad.

Double Page Spread Analysis 2.2The main aim of this article on

this magazines double page

spread is to help brighten Lupe

Fiasco’s image. The way the

rapper is positioned shows him

looking up at something the

audience cannot see. This may

represent him looking up to

someone for advice.

All of the double page spread

is dark, apart from the top left

corner. This is artificial lighting

and has been used to shine

down on the artist, to create a

good light on the rapper, not

making him look God-like but

creating an image that Fiasco

can be represented as

religious. The annotation backs

this up, it is some lyrics pulled

from one of the songs of his,

rapping about God loving him.

Following the codes and conventions of a rapper, Lupe Fiasco tries a different representation of being religious and this

is backed up from the imagery, position of the rapper, lighting, camera angle and the article itself. But this religious

convention has been represented by other artists such as Kanye West and Eminem, except they express themselves as

God-Like beings.

I chose this article because it challenges the modern conventions of a rapper as Lupe Fiasco is shown to be more

religious, rather than boasting about wealth, he thanks God for where he is today.