Digital collections: use, value, impact. kcl. 12th july, 2010



This is a presentation given at Kings College, London in 2010.

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The funders perspective...

The JISC Digitisation Programme has funded over 50 projects since 2004, at c. £24 million

Importance of measuring Impact and

capturing Value

Compelling arguments

Building a body of evidence

Responsibility to the public

Stimulate further innovation

Impact is intertwined with a number Impact is intertwined with a number of other concepts...of other concepts...

Sustainability Usage


Access Discoverability

Need to ensure institutions are better equipped to undertake

this work...

Impact Toolkit

Benefits and Impact of Digitised resources

Impact and embedding

The Impact Toolkit is an example of JISC’s work in trying to support projects undertaking this work.

Impact analysis and evaluation should be evenly distributed

Implications of social web and public engagement

1 comments: safra_28 said...

Company Sergeant Major George Cavan was my husband's Great Grandfather and although he already knew a some of his history he was amazed to see reference to this note as he never knew it existed, its great to see that his family in Australia where able to not only keep this item intact for 90 years but also able to let the Great War Archive have the item for future generations to see.10 October 2008 13:23

Route of the Dorothea, towards the North Pole, in 1818

Research and EngagementResearch and Engagement