DeWeese poetry notes_ppt[1]


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The imaginative response to experience reflecting a

keen awareness of language.

Types of PoetryTypes of Poetry•Ballad – Songlike poem; tells a

story•Lyric - musical verse; expresses

observations & feelings of a single speaker.

•Haiku - 3-line verse form. First & 3rd lines have five syllables; 2nd has 7. Topic is always nature

•Limerick – a rhymed nonsense poem of five lines.

Types of PoetryTypes of Poetry• Sonnet - 14 line lyric poem (usually

unrhymed iambic pentameter)– Petrarchan (Italian)

octave & sestet; octave states a theme or asks a question, sestet comments on or answers the question.

– Shakespearean 3 quatrains & a couplet; Usually not printed with the stanzas divided.

VerseVerse•Free Verse – poetry not

written in a regular rhythmical pattern or meter

•Blank Verse – poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter

•Refrain – phrase or verse repeated at intervals in a song or poem.

RhymeRhyme• Rhyme - repetition of sounds at the

ends of words.• Rhyme Scheme – regular pattern

of rhyming words in a poem

• Internal Rhyme – rhyming words appear within one line.

• End Rhyme – Rhyme at the end of lines.

• Rhymed Verse – poetry, stanzas, lines that rhyme

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms• Verse - a single line, poetry, a

particular form of poetry, a stanza

• Meter – rhythmical pattern determined by number and types of stresses or beats in a line.

– Monometer (1 foot)

– Dimeter (2 feet)– Trimeter (3 feet)– Tetrameter (4


–Pentameter (5 feet)–Hexameter (6 feet)–Heptameter (7 feet)–Octometer (8 feet)

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms

•Foot - two syllables in a line create a foot

– Iambic: unstressed, stressed (Again; repeat)

– Anapestic: unstressed, unstressed, stressed (on the beach)

– Trochaic: stressed, unstressed (wonder, older)

– Dactylic: stress, unstressed, unstressed (wonderful)

– Spondaic: stress, stress (space walk, heartbreak)

• Rhythm – patterns of beats, or stresses in a poem.

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms• Stanza: formal division of lines

in a poem (paragraph)

–Couplet (2 lines)–Triplet (3 lines)–Quatrain (4 lines)–Quintet (5 lines)–Sestet (6 lines)–Septet (7 lines)–Octave (8 lines)

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms• Imagery – descriptive

language used to create word pictures using the senses.

•Symbolism – anything that stands for or represents something else

•Allusion – reference to literature, history or the bible

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms•Tone - writer’s attitude

toward his or her audience and subject matter.

•Mood – (Atmosphere) feeling created in the reader by the literary work

•Diction – word choice (including vocabulary used, appropriateness of words & vividness of language.)

Figurative LanguageFigurative Language

– Simile – comparison using like or as– Metaphor – figure of speech in which

one thing is compared to something else (no like or as)

– Personification – giving human characteristics to a nonhuman subject

– Oxymoron – contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence

(Figures of Speech) – not meant to be interpreted literally

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms

– Apostrophe – form of personification in which absent or dead are spoken to as if present and the inanimate as if animate.

– Hyperbole – deliberate exaggeration or overstatement

– Paradox – statement that seems contradictory, but may be true

More Figurative Language

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms– Alliteration: Repetition of initial

consonant sounds.– Assonance – repetition of vowel

sounds followed by different consonants in two or more stressed syllables. (“weak & weary”)

– Onomatopoeia – words in which sounds seem to resemble their meaning. use of words that imitate sounds (whirr, buzz, sizzle)

Poetry TermsPoetry Terms

• Verbal– Pun (play

on words)– Sarcasm

• Situational• Dramatic

•Types of IRONY

Reading A PoemReading A Poem• First Reading:

–Read the poem all the way through.

–Get an overall first impression of the poem.

–Write a sentence or two response stating your immediate reaction to the poem. (These are your first thoughts and feelings)

• Second Reading:–Read the poem again – out loud.

–Read slowly, word by word, watching punctuation, spacing and special treatment of words and syllables.

–Notes the usage of sound devices- alliteration, rhyme, etc..

–Attempt to guess what the poem is trying to say.

Reading A PoemReading A Poem

Reading A PoemReading A Poem• Third Reading:

– Identify the type of poem.–What is the literal sense of the poem? What is it about? What does the poem say about its subject?

–Look for figurative devices: metaphors, similes, personification, symbols, etc.

Analyzing A PoemAnalyzing A PoemUsing the hand out given to

you,(“How to Explicate a Poem”)

answer the questions about the following two


Nothing Gold Can StayNothing Gold Can StayNature’s first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf’s a flower;

But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf,

So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay. -- Robert Frost

Wish You Were HereWish You Were HereThey kissed goodbye at the terminal gateShe said you’re gonna be late if you don’t goHe held her tight, said I’ll be alrightI’ll call you tonight to let you knowHe bought a postcard, on the front it just said heavenWith a picture of the ocean and the beachAnd the simple words that he wrote herSaid he loved her and they told herHow he’d hold her if his arms would reach Wish you were here, wish you could see this placeWish you were near, wish I could touch your facethe weather’s nice, its paradiseIt’s summertime all year and there’s some folks we knowThey say, “Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here.” 

Wish You Were HereWish You Were HereShe got a call that night, but it wasn’t from himIt didn’t sink in right away, Ma’am the plane went downOur crews searched the groundNo survivors found she heard him sayBut somehow she got a postcard in the mailThat just said heaven with a picture of the ocean and the

beachAnd the simple words he wrote herSaid he loves her and they told herHow he’d love her if his arms would reach Wish you were here, wish you could see this placeWish you were near, wish I could touch your faceThe weather’s nice, its paradiseIt’s summertime all year and there’s some folks we knowThey say, “Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here.”

-- Mark Wills

Patterns/SoundsPatterns/Sounds1. How many stanzas are in the

poem? What is this grouping called?

2. How many lines are in the poem? What is this grouping called?

3. Does the poem rhyme or use free verse?

4. If the poem uses rhyme, what is the rhyme scheme?

5. What is the meter of the first two poem?

ImageryImagery1. What sensory details does the

poet provide?

2. Give examples of any sensory images used in the poem: sight, sound, touch, taste, smell.

LanguageLanguage1. Are there any “plays on words?”

(Writer uses words to make puns or riddles; Uses two different meanings for the same word.)

2. Does the writer use any figures of speech: metaphors, personification, similes?

3. Give examples of these.4. Are there any inferences in the

poem? (Words or lines where the reader has to figure out what the writer is talking about without directly stating it.)

LanguageLanguage1. Does the poet use irony in the

poem? Give an example.2. Does the poem have

onomatopoeia, internal rhyme, end rhyme, alliteration or assonance?

3. Provide examples of the above.


1. What is the subject of the poem?2. How do you know what the subject is?3. What are the themes of the poem?4. What is the poem trying to tell us?5. What is the setting or mood of the

poem?6. Give an example that shows the



1. Who is the speaker in the poem?2. Who is the speaker addressing? 3. How can you tell who the speaker

is addressing?4. Do we learn anything about the


Your ResponseYour Response

1. How does the poem make you feel?2. What is your opinion of the writers use

of subject, words and imagery?3. What would you change about the

poem?4. What is the most important image in

the poem? Why?5. What is the post important word or

phrase in the poem? Why?