© Boardworks Ltd 2010 1 of 4 Poetry Unseen Poetry – part 1

© Boardworks Ltd 2010 1 of 4 Poetry Unseen Poetry – part 1

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Page 1: © Boardworks Ltd 2010 1 of 4 Poetry Unseen Poetry – part 1

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PoetryUnseen Poetry – part 1

Page 2: © Boardworks Ltd 2010 1 of 4 Poetry Unseen Poetry – part 1

© Boardworks Ltd 20102 of 4

Analysing poetry

To be able to analyse a poem you need to make sure you can use the right terminology.

How many of the following terms can you define?

subjecttonenarrativesimilealliterationiambic pentameterrhythmdialectmetaphor

repetitiononomatopoeiaimageryassonancesonnetdramatic monologuestanzarhyme scheme

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Subject and theme

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Attitudes and feelings