Converge 2014: Overthrowing Dead Culture, Chapter 11: The Fundamentals - Niles



Overthrowing Dead Culture, Chapter 11: The Fundamentals BRIAN WM. NILES Just as the financial and housing markets have been rocked by change, higher education has joined the club. In preparation for the next chapter of his successful 2010 book, “Overthrowing Dead Culture”, Brian has spent the past few years exploring the issues and opportunities facing college and university enrollment. He's identified what's worked, what hasn't, who’s figured it out and who still needs to catch up. And he doesn’t hold back. Brian will discuss how higher education can avoid being the next "bubble” by embracing the customer, become more efficient and drive toward success. It’s about the fundamentals. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Attendees will learn about key challenges facing future enrollment in higher education. Share examples of colleges changing the way they do business in order to be more effective in their engagement with key constituencies. Attendees will be challenged to 1. identify the challenges facing their campus and 2. begin a plan of action to improve their client satisfaction and future success. Learn about building their own fundamentals in their department or institution to help focus efforts toward team success.

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