Cisco Board 18




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The OneClimate Initiative

Presentation to the Cisco Foundation Board


September 2007


How to meet the challenge of global warming? Technologies now exist, public awareness exists - but enabling action at all levels of society remains a barrier.

How to meet the challenge of global warming? Technologies now exist, public awareness exists - but enabling action at all levels of society remains a barrier.

Together, Cisco and OneWorld could deploy the power of social media - motivating millions of people and organisations around the world to act.

Why OneWorld?

• for 12 years we have been global pioneers in innovative social media – 240 million hits a year.

• we have a trusted and successful partnership with Cisco – 300 calls a dayto the LifeLines farmers’ help service.

• our innovations have enabled global knowledge-sharing and sustainable poverty reduction -60,000 jobs via cell phone in Kenya.


Already making a difference

Lifelines - with Cisco -innovating e-phones so farmers in India can get

expert agricultural support

Learning about Living – innovating e-learning for

gender equalising and sexual health for

girls and boys in Nigeria

Not to mention…

• The world’s first portal on sustainable development (1995)

• Web delivered radio exchange platform for global non-profits (1996)

• Civil society’s first spider and search engine (1997)

• Online citizen video worldwide (2000)

Now for the future

Enabling climate actionby a powerful combination of

new media

Virtual WorldParticipation

Social Networking


Now OneWorld is building a niche social networking site: It’s a ‘Climate Facebook’ - to mobilise the public will to tackle climate change.

Now OneWorld is building a niche social networking site: It’s a ‘Climate Facebook’ - to mobilise the public will to tackle climate change.

= offers spaces to every citizen and group - because we all have our crucial roles to play in tackling climate change. offers spaces to every citizen and group - because we all have our crucial roles to play in tackling climate change.


Each group has its own eco profile - plus dedicated pages full of web 2.0 tools to display its progress in creating a more sustainable world.

Each group has its own eco profile - plus dedicated pages full of web 2.0 tools to display its progress in creating a more sustainable world.


Vivid graphics will show each group’s progress in reducing its carbon footprint - moving towards targets for individual, local and global sustainability.

Vivid graphics will show each group’s progress in reducing its carbon footprint - moving towards targets for individual, local and global sustainability.


Organizations need meetings. But meetings imply travel-carbon costs - so what are widely affordable alternatives?

Organizations need meetings. But meetings imply travel-carbon costs - so what are widely affordable alternatives?


OneClimate Islands in Second Life offer a surprisingly human experience of meeting - from multiple locations and without travel-carbon costs.

OneClimate Islands in Second Life offer a surprisingly human experience of meeting - from multiple locations and without travel-carbon costs.


Practical training and product demonstration pose the same challenge…Practical training and product demonstration pose the same challenge…


OneClimate is building simulations and interactive displays that will allow hands-on skills-training with virtual hands – again without emitting travel-carbon.

OneClimate is building simulations and interactive displays that will allow hands-on skills-training with virtual hands – again without emitting travel-carbon.


In December 2007 we will offer a week of participation in the landmark UN Climate Summit in Bali by running a Parallel Summit on OneClimate Island.

In December 2007 we will offer a week of participation in the landmark UN Climate Summit in Bali by running a Parallel Summit on OneClimate Island.


And we will overcome the problem of limited participation on Second Life by streaming the Virtual Bali meetings onto – our social networking site.

And we will overcome the problem of limited participation on Second Life by streaming the Virtual Bali meetings onto – our social networking site.

OneWorld Leadership

Anuradha Vittachi: Award-winning film-maker and internationally published author on global survival. Co-Founder of OneWorld. UK Woman of the Year award.

Peter Armstrong: Former BBC Head of Department. Co-Founder of OneWorld. UN Association Peace Prize. BAFTA Lifetime Achievement Award for interactive media.

OneClimate Timeline

Sep 06 Beta launched

Nov 06 Virtual Nairobi pilot

Feb 07 Seed funding

Oct 07 public launch

Dec 07 Virtual Bali

Q4 08 1 million visits

Q4 09 Self-sustaining

A Proposal for Partnership

Working together Cisco and OneWorld can offer critical trusted tools and platforms to the global community.

This is a close fit with Cisco’s current priorities towards the environment and the power of the human network.

Our request to the Foundation is for a commitment to plan this partnership together and to support it with an appropriate level of grant and in-kind resource.
