Chemistry project on nutritional values in juices


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XII - ‘A’

Abstract: This paper discusses nutritional values and importance of juice in the health aspects. Thailand,

Philippines, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, China, Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, Hawaii, India, Bangladesh are the

major fruit juice producing countries. The demand of juice in the international market is expanding day by

day. Generally, the ripen fruits are consumed fresh and juice as source of essential minerals and vitamins

with some medicinal values. Fruits contain considerable calcium, potassium, fibre and vitamin C. Various

food items like jam, jelly, pickles are produced from fruits. Quality and availability of fruits vary due to

growing environment and variety. Ripening agents accelerates ripening, but affects the nutritional quality

of the fruits. In this paper the experimental procedure for determining citric acid content through titration

with sodium hydroxide is explained in order to indicate the nutritive value in juices.


Juice is a liquid that is naturally contained in fruit and vegetables. It can also refer to

liquids that are flavored with these or other biological food sources such as meat and



Specific calorie counts and nutrient information vary, depending upon which fruit you

choose and how its juice is processed. A mixed fruit-juice drink that contains more than 3

percent juice has about 110 calories, 0.3 grams of protein, 0.25 grams of fat, 27 grams of

carbohydrates and 0.2 grams of fiber per 8-ounce glass, according to the U.S.

Department of Agriculture. In contrast, a cup of fresh fruit salad has about 75 calories, 1.2

grams of protein, no fat, 18 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fiber. One 8-ounce glass of

unsweetened apple juice has about 115 calories and 0.5 grams of fiber. One cup of sliced

apples, however, has 57 calories and 2.6 grams of fiber.


Drinking extracted juice still nourishes your body with all the vitamins, minerals,

antioxidants and other nutrients available in the whole fruit. Juice can make these

nutrients more readily available to your body for absorption, according to the American

Cancer Society. In addition, certain vitamins may be lost or reduced during production of

shelf-stable juices. However, when making fresh juice, you do not compromise the

nutritional value.



Whole fruit provides you with a whole lot more nutrition that fruit juice. Focusing upon

two components of fruit — the skin and the pulp — will help to clarify why there is such

a difference between the two.


The edible skins of many of the World's Healthiest Fruits - including apples, apricots,

blueberries, figs, grapes, pears, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, and strawberries - are

all sites of important biological activity in the life of the fruit. The skin is one of the places

where the fruit interacts with sunlight, and forms a variety of colored pigments that

absorb different wavelengths of light. These pigments, including carotenoids and

flavonoids, are well researched as nutrients that protect our health and nourishment. The

skins of whole fruits like grapes have actually been studied for their ability to help lower

risk of cancer and help provide protection from ultraviolet light.Unfortunately, when

fruits are juiced, we don't always get to enjoy the fruit's skin. That is because many

juicing processes remove the skin, and do not allow for its full benefits to get into the



In addition to the skin, which is an important source of fiber in most fruits, the pulpy

part of the fruit is also a source of fiber (and other nutrients). Orange juice makes a good

example of the health difference when you focus on the issue of its pulp. The white

pulpy part of the orange is the primary source of its flavonoids. The juicy orange-colored

sections of the orange contain most of its vitamin C. In the body, flavonoids and vitamin

C often work together, and support health through their interaction. When the pulpy

white part of the orange is removed in the processing of orange juice, the flavonoids in

the orange are lost in the process. This loss of flavonoids is one of the many reasons for

eating the orange in its whole food form (even if you only end up eating a little bit of

the white pulpy part). Although many commercial products will say "pulp added" on

their labels, the "pulp added" many not even be the original pulp found in the whole

fruit, and it is highly unlikely to be added back in the amount removed.


Despite the plentiful nutrients available in juice, you won't be getting the fiber contained

in whole fruit. Juicing appliances extract the juice and leave behind the pulp and skin,

which is where most of the fiber content is located. Fiber's health benefits include

supporting digestion, controlling blood sugar and lowering cholesterol, according to the

American Dietetic Association. Fiber also helps you feel full longer, an important

advantage of whole fruits, particularly if you're watching your weight.


Another important consideration of juice relates to sugar content. Due to whole fruits'

fiber content, your body absorbs the natural sugars more slowly; therefore, you're less

likely to experience a spike in your blood sugar level. In addition, you need a

considerable amount of fruit for juicing -- one glass of juice has more sugar than a single

piece of whole fruit. The bottom line is: Juicing can help you round out your fruit intake,

but eating more whole fruits should be your primary goal.


The answer to this question depends on how it's consumed, and what foods it replaces.

Fruit juice that has been robbed of its fiber and broad range of nutrients is basically just a

concentrated source of sugar that lacks the supportive nutrients to help it digest and

metabolize. Fruit juice elevates blood sugar more quickly than whole fruit, and the level

of sugar that can be obtained from fruit juice is higher than the level found in whole

fruit. For example, 120 calories' worth of whole apples contains about 24 grams of sugar,

while 120 calories' worth of apple juice contains about 30 grams.Additionally, many fruit

juices that are sold in supermarkets contain only a small percentage of real fruit juice, and

contain added sweeteners (sucrose or high fructose corn syrup). As a result, it is easy to

consume a large amount of calories without getting any actual nutrition when you

consume these beverages. Make sure you read fruit juice labels carefully! Turn over on

the back of the jar or bottle, and look over the ingredient list - you may be surprised to

see exactly where the fruit itself fits in!


Fruit juices contain mixtures of the weakly acidic fruit acids the predominant acid is:

citric acid in citrus juices

tartaric acid in grape juices (and wines)

malic acid in apple juices

succinic acid in cranberry juices.

Synthetic soft drinks are made acidic by adding acid:

citric acid in lemon juices and ginger ales

phosphoric acid in colas.


fruit juice, fruit drink, or fruit soda? Each has a sweet flavor. Labels can

help you choose beverages for your family.

• For nutrition, 100% fruit juice is the best.

• fruit drinks have some juice, added vitamin C, and added sugars.

• fruit soda is carbonated water with added sugar and flavorings.



Orange juice - 1 drop

Lemon juice- 3 drops

Pineapple juice- 6 drops

Apple juice- 10 drops



Unfortunately, food and beverage manufacturers aren’t always honest about what is in

their products.The fruit juice you find at the supermarket may not be what you think it

is… even if it’s labelled as “100% pure” and “not from concentrate.” After being

squeezed from the fruit, the juice is usually stored in massive oxygen-depleted holding

tanks for up to a year before it is packaged. The main problem with this method is that it

tends to remove most of the flavor, so the manufacturers need to add so-called “flavor

packs” to the juice, to bring back the flavor that was lost during processing. So even if

you’re buying the highest quality juices at the supermarket, they are still far from their

original state. Some of the lowest quality ones don’t even resemble fresh-squeezed fruit

juice at all… they are basically just fruit-flavored sugar water.

Bottom Line: Fruit juice isn’t always what it seems, even the higher quality types have

gone through processing methods that remove the flavor, making it necessary to add

“flavor packs” to bring them back to their original state.



Fruit juice is missing a lot of the stuff that makes whole fruit healthy. Orange juice, for

example, does contain Vitamin C and is a decent source of folate, potassium and Vitamin

B1. It also contains antioxidants, some of which can increase the antioxidant value of the

blood. But calorie for calorie (or sugar gram for sugar gram), it is nutritionally poor

compared to whole oranges and other plant foods like vegetables. The main problem is

this… fruit juice contains no fiber and is very high in sugar. Take a look at the

breakdown for a 12 ounce (350 ml) portion of Coca Cola and apple juice:

Coca Cola: 140 calories and 40 grams of sugar (10 teaspoons).

Apple juice: 165 calories and 39 grams of sugar (9.8 teaspoons).

This is the ugly truth about fruit juice… most types contain a similar amount of sugar as a

sugar-sweetened beverage, sometimes with even more total calories!

Bottom Line: Fruit juice contains some nutrients, but less compared to many plant foods.

It contains no fiber and is just as high in sugar and calories as most sugar-sweetened



When we eat whole fruit, it takes significant effort to chew and swallow them. The sugar

in them is also bound within fibrous structures that break down slowly during digestion.

Not only that, but fruit is also very fulfilling… so it’s hard to eat a lot of it. For these

reasons, the sugar in whole fruit gets sent to the liver slowly and in small amounts. The

liver can easily metabolize these small amounts without being overloaded. But… if you

drink a large glass of fruit juice, it is the equivalent of consuming several pieces of fruit in

a very short amount of time, without all the fiber. The large amount of sugar gets

absorbed and sent to the liver very quickly, just like when you drink a sugar-sweetened

beverage. A large part of the sugar found in fruit juice is fructose. The liver is the only

organ that can metabolize fructose in meaningful amounts. When the liver takes in more

fructose than it can handle, some if it gets turned into fat. Some of the fat can lodge in

the liver and contribute to fat buildup and insulin resistance. Although small amounts of

fruit juice (or soda) are unlikely to cause major problems for healthy, lean and active

people, this can be a complete disaster for people who are overweight or have diet-

related metabolic problems.



A. Promotes Heart Health:

Apples are great sources of super antioxidants – polyphenol and flavonoids – that are

beneficial for the heart’s health. Furthermore, they provide your body with potassium,

an important mineral that is also crucial for the heart. So, taking one serving of apple

juice every day facilitates the heart to function properly.

B. Prevents Asthma:

One of the unique advantages of apple is that it contains flavonoids. This imperative

nutrient is well-known to prevent asthma attacks. In addition, flavonoids play a

significant role in making your lungs strong and effectual. It has been proven by latest

research that the individuals who consume apple juice on a regular basis have better lung

function than the others.

C. Cleanses Liver:

The alkalinity in the apples assists in cleansing the destructive toxins/waste by-products

from the liver in addition to maintaining the pH levels of the body. Pectin, present in the

apple’s skin, promotes the digestive system.

D. Reduces Cholesterol:

Along with the other several benefits of apple juice, an important benefit is its assistance

in lowering the cholesterol levels. The excess cholesterol levels in the body are the main

cause behind numerous cardiovascular ailments. Thus, you can strengthen yourself

against such diseases by consuming an apple or its juice every day.

E. Makes The Bones Strong & Healthy:

Apples offer a number of healthy nutrients including vitamin C, iron, boron etc. These

nutrients combine to make your bone structure healthy and strong.

F. Boosts The Immune System:

The good amount of vitamin C in apples improves the immune system of your body as

well as assists the body in combating germs and bacteria.

G. Prevents Cancer:

Apple juice is the best defender against tumors and cancer, especially lung cancer.

Flavonoids and phenolic acids have proven to be effective in preventing the

development of tumors and cancerous cells. These compounds are easily available in


H. Offers A Solution For Constipation:

Constipation is a severe health issue that occurs when the large intestine absorbs too

much of water. Apples contain sorbitol that offers a solution for this problem. When this

substance reaches the large intestine, it draws water into the colon. This way, it makes

the stool softer and easy to pass.

I. Beauty Benefits Of Apple Juice:

Apple juice has wonderful advantages for the skin and the hair. It is widely used in

natural remedies for treating skin-related issues like inflammation, itching, cracked skin

and wrinkles. The application of apple juice for a few minutes to the hair scalp ensures

the prevention of dandruff and other scalp disorders.

J. Improves Eye Health:

A sufficient quantity of vitamin A is available in the apple juice. This vitamin helps in

improving the eye vision and preventing eye disorders.


A. Maintains the Blood Pressure Levels:

Orange juice is the amazing drink for the patients of high or low blood pressure . Are

you interested in finding the reason? Well, this delicious drink contains a significant

amount of magnesium which has a wonderful ability to bring back the disturbed blood

pressure level to normal range.

B. Promotes the Immune System:

Due to the presence of vitamin C, orange juice acts as a best defender for you against

several diseases (such as flu or colds), promoting the immune system.

C. Contains Healing Properties:

One of the top health benefits of orange juice is its healing properties. Oranges contain

flavonoids (like naringenin and hesperidin), which are anti-inflammatory stuffs. When

you consume this yummy fruit in raw or juice form, the flavonoids work amazingly to

treat the arthritis and heal the stiffness and pain.

D. Prevents Cancer:

The latest scientific research has exposed the effectiveness of the orange juice for

preventing several types of cancer. Oranges comprise a stuff known as D – limonene

that is an efficient agent against skin cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer, colon cancer

and lung cancer. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin C also helps in this regard.

E. Benefits for Treating & Preventing Ulcers:

Ulcers generally appear in the small intestine and stomach. The occurrence of ulcers

sometimes becomes a major reason of constipation because in this case, the consumed

food particles can’t break down properly. The orange juice is very advantageous in

treating and preventing ulcers. It also stimulates the digestive system.

F. Prevents Kidney Stones:

The risks of formation of kidney stones can be reduced by taking one serving of orange

juice on regular basis. Too much concentration of minerals and chemicals usually result as

the development of kidney stones. Orange juice contains citrate, which has an excellent

ability to prevent this disorder by decreasing the urine acidity. So the individuals, who

are suffering through this terrible condition, should include fresh orange juice in daily diet

plan .

G. Assists in Weight Loss:

Many people believe that the regular consumption of orange juice is helpful for cutting

down the extra pounds, claiming that this citrus fruit is full of antioxidants, which act

efficiently to lose weight.

H. Reduces Risks of Heart Attacks:

Another leading benefit of orange juice is its assistance in prevention of heart disorders.

Hesperidin is a plant based substance that protects the arteries from being clogged by

improving the health of nearby cells. Oranges contain hesperidin in sufficient amount,

thus consumption of one glass freshly squeezed orange juice ensures lower risks of heart


I. Treats Anaemia:

Anaemia is a condition that generally occurs due to insufficient red blood cells in

hemoglobin. Iron deficiency is the leading reason behind this situation. Orange juice

provides a good quantity of vitamin C that promotes the absorption of iron into blood

stream. That’s why most doctors suggest the anaemia patients to consume orange or its

juice on regular basis .

J. Makes the Skin beautiful & Young Looking:

The antioxidant properties of orange juice make the skin fresh, beautiful and young-

looking by preventing the aging effects. In addition, the antioxidants with the

combination of vitamin C protect the skin cells from getting effected by free radicals.

Thus, taking one serving of orange juice each day is a best way to maintain the freshness

and attraction of skin for long time. Orange juice for skin is a blessing with no disguise at



A. Rich Source Of Vitamins A And C:

As I mentioned, tomato juice is an abundant source of Vitamins A and C. These help in

strengthening the immune system, improving vision and in preventing vision-related

diseases. These vitamins also help in maintaining the health of your bones and teeth.

B. Prevents High Cholesterol:

Drinking tomato juice can also help in the prevention of high cholesterol. It is rich in fiber

which helps in breaking down LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. It also has niacin or

Vitamin B3 that is known for stabilizing cholesterol.

C. Aids Weight Loss:

Another big benefit of tomato juice is that it aids in weight loss. It keeps the body

hydrated, while the low sodium and high fiber content in it ensure that the body doesn’t

feel weak or hungry. It gives the body the required amount of nutrients and calories to

ensure that the metabolic process in the body remains unaffected.

D. Regulates Bowel Movements:

One of the biggest problems that old people face is irregular bowel movement. The best

solution available to counter this is tomato juice. The fiber in the tomato juice keeps the

liver healthy, aids digestion, prevents constipation and thus, regulates and aids the bowel


E. Breaks Down Homocysteine:

Tomato juice is rich in Vitamin B6 which is known to help the body to break down a

compound called homocysteine into other harmless molecules. Homocysteine is a

compound that damages blood vessel walls and causes various heart diseases.

F. Detoxification:

Tomato juice has a detoxification effect on the body due to the presence of chlorine and

sulfur. Our liver and kidneys are responsible for the detoxification of our body. Thus, for

the body to remain healthy it is essential that these two organs remain in a healthy state.

Natural chlorine helps the liver and kidneys to function properly, while sulphur protects

them from any kind of infection. As tomato is abundant in both, to get rid of all the

toxins in your body, all you need is a glass of tomato juice.

G. Excess Lycopene:

The red colour in tomatoes is due to a fat soluble antioxidant known as lycopene.

Scientific studies have proved that lycopene protects the body against different types of

cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, coronary

artery disease, pancreatic cancer and also atherosclerosis.

H. Energizes The Body:

Tomato juice is full of antioxidants, so its application as well as consumption helps to get

rid of the free radicals in the body, thus helping it to remain young and energetic. Instead

of a cup of coffee, try drinking a glass of tomato juice to get that energy kick you crave


I. Tomato Juice For Skin:

Tomato juice for skin has a lot of benefits. It helps in getting rid of tanning, counters

discoloration of skin, helps in treating and preventing acne, shrinks open pores and

regulates secretion of sebum in oily skin.

J. Tomato Juice For Hair:

The vitamins and iron present in tomato juice help in preserving as well as adding shine

to dull, damaged and lifeless hair. It also helps in getting rid of itchy scalp as well as



Vitamin A: carrot,Cantaloupe Melon and mango

Vitamin B: apple,banana and pineapple

Vitamin C: orange,lemon,apple,amla and pineapple

Vitamin D: carrot,melon and papaya

Vitamin E: kiwi,avocado and papaya

Vitamin K: tomato,banana and green apple


People are better off making their own juice so they can control what goes into it, and

to limit their intake to a couple of glasses a week as a ‘nutritional top-up’. She suggests

the following tips for making the healthiest juice:

- Blending is better than juicing as it retains the pulp and skin of the fruit and veg

- Include vegetables in the mix and only use a small handful each of just two types of

fruit, such as berries and a small banana.

- Add the juice of half a lemon or a splash of apple cider vinegar. This will mask the

taste of vegetables and make the juice taste sweeter without adding more fruit or


- Add fats, such as chopped walnuts or flaxseeds, to slow the absorption of the sugars.

- Choose 100% fruit juices with no added sugar.

- Pick apple or berry juice over citrus, which is worse for teeth and more likely to

erode enamel than other juices.

- Fruit juice softens tooth enamel, which protects teeth from decay, so wait one hour

after drinking before brushing your teeth. This will give the enamel time to harden.

- Avoid flavored water, as it also contains lots of sugar.

- Never drink juice from the bottle, or give juice to small children in bottles, as this

bathes the teeth in juice and increases the chances of damage.

- Drink fruit juice heavily diluted with water.


Overall, drinking fruit juice in small amounts may be okay for some individuals, but

people need to realize that fruit juice really is very similar to sugary soda. Instead of juice,

eat whole fruits. That way, you also get all the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals

found naturally in the fruit. And according to the experiment orange juice has more

vitamin C content among the taken fruit juices.
