Canara Union 2014 Lone Wolf Quiz -The Prelims



Prelims of the Canara Union 2014 Lone Wolf Quiz, Karnataka Quiz Association

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O C TO B E R , 2 0 1 4 , N AV I N R A JA R A M


33 Questions

32 * 1 pointers, 1 * 2 pointer =34 points

Multiples of 5 are * Questions, tiebreakers

Top 16 go through to the finals

Prelims scores carry through to the finals

All the best!



1. From a Ramachandra Guha article in The Telegraph:

“When the train carrying them arrived at City Railway station on the morning of April 1, 1974, some 3,000 fans were there to receive them. At the front of the gathering was the city’s mayor, T.D. Naganna and the legendary M. Chinnaswamy.

That afternoon, the governor (as it happened, a Rajasthani, Mohanlal Sukhadia) hosted them for tea, following which they proceeded for dinner at the grand banquet hall of the VidhanSouda, where they were received by the CM, Devaraj Urs.

At or between the events hosted by the governor and chief minister, they were given a printed invitation to attend an ‘after-dinner’ party the same day, issued in the name of the state industries minister, a certain S.M. Krishna. When they reached they found Krishna missing and found they had been victims of a prank, this being April Fool’s Day.”

Who were honoured and pranked upon thus?


The Karnataka Ranji winning team

2. In 2011, the man shown on the left became the oldest entrant to an exclusive list that consists of the others shown. What list?


Shakti Bhatt First Book Prize

At 78, Jamil Ahmed’s win for “The

Wandering Falcon” makes him the oldest

winner of this debut book prize

The others are Mridula Koshy (2009), Samanth

Subramanian (2010), Mohammad Hanif (2008)

& Nilanjana Roy (2012)


What administrative position takes its name from the fact that the individual is supposed to manage the voting in a fair manner, ensure impartial counting and give back/submit the winning candidate’s name to the Election Commission?


Returning Officer

Because he/she returns the candidate name

4. The man you see has taken a hiatus from his fairly repetitive role to go on tour as a DJ. The tour takes its name from a combination of the wild parties he DJs at and the series he stars in. Name this tour.


Rave of Thrones


In this imaginative side-story to the Ramayana, Sitaleaves Luv with Valmiki while she goes to collect firewood. But when the sage leaves for his daily prayers, Luv wanders into the forest following Sita.

Upon returning, Valmiki doesn’t find the child and assuming that wild animals ate him up, takes X that is available at hand, uses his divine powers, and creates another Luv, who has all the qualities and characteristics of the original Luv.

What is X, that this story links etymologically to the newly created child?


Kusha/Darbha grass, from which Kush

was supposedly created


This term arose in the late 1970s/early 1980s, when automobiles became substantially more expensive due to increased government regulations.

Car dealers in the US often tried to attract customers with visible price advertisements, and buyers, who were still anchored to pre-1970s rates often expressed dismay on seeing the car and its associated price.

What 2 word term, that is still used in a related sense?


Sticker Shock

7. To commemorate this hand over to NASA’s Space Center Houston, Chewbacca and a host of Star Wars characters visited Oakland International Airport.

Houston Director Marketing Roger Bornstein commented “We’re proud to take temporary possession of this great American movie icon. It’ll be trusted into the care of Southwest Airlines and transported to Space Center Houston and during the launch scheduled on Oct. 23, 2007, it will take its rightful place in space for a mission to the ISS. When the mission is complete and it has traveled almost six million miles it will then be on display at the Space Center Houston and later returned to Lucasfilm. To paraphrase the famous Han Solo, ‘We’re all clear kids, now let’s load this thing and go home.”

What artifact made it into space thus?


Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber


After the 1962 Sino-Indian war, the Indian Navy commissioned INS Jarawa, a base on Port Blair to defend the Andaman-Nicobar islands.

However, as this proved insufficient to counter enemy incursions in the Southern Nicobar chain, the Joint-Services Command established a forward operating base INS Kardip on a small island between the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

How has this island come into public consciousness in the context of a new category?


Kamorta – the new class of Indian Navy

Corvettes is named after this island.


In Classical Antiquity, Aristotle claimed that there was a fundamental set of seven colours, as did various Renaissance artists who tried to establish a set of seven from which all other colours could be mixed.

However it was Isaac Newton, who, influenced by the Greek idea of a harmonic universe, proposed one of the first 7-colour circles in which he added orange and indigo to the original 5 colours to make a 7 colour scheme.

What was Newton influenced by to add 2 more colours to the 5 colour circle?


Musical Scale – Seven notes, hence seven



HMV has been instructed by a certain artist to donate all royalties from the sales of a certain album to the Veda Pathashala run by the Tirumala TirupatiDevasthanam, and continues to this day.

Name the album and the artist.


M S Subbalakshmi

Venkateswara Suprabhatam

11. What recent #TCQ connects?


HMT Watch Names

Janata, Inox, Roman, Utsav, Sangam


The 17688 Dharmabad-Manmad MarathwadaExpress connects many important towns such as Jalna, Parbhani, Nanded and Aurangabad.

The train’s original up/down timings were set up so that people from Marathwada and neighbouringdistricts could arrive into Aurangabad at 09:40 hrsand then leave by 1810 hrs on the return train.

By what nickname is this train known, since it allows people from neighbouring districts to time their visits to the city with the opening and closing times of the institution they are visiting?


High Court Express

All neighbouring districts are attached to

the Aurangabad bench of the Mumbai High


13.What English word, for a weak, timid and generally dull person, derived from a misspelling of a drab breakfast item, comes from the name of this character from H.T. Webster’s “The Timid Soul” series of comic strips?




Greek physicians and medical tricksters were often shown as putting goats and horses to sleep within a matter of minutes by applying pressure on this vessel, and then revive the subject by releasing pressure.

This was because both horses and goats depend entirely on this vessel for cerebral blood, due to insufficient vertebral blood channels.

What blood vessel, that derives its name from the ancient Greek root karoun meaning “sleep/drowsiness”?


Carotid Artery

15.* Connect the folk art on this Eurasian nation’s currency note with the video.

15.* Connect the folk art on this Eurasian nation’s currency note with the video.



Sabre Dance

Aram Khachaturian’s Sabre Dance is the



In 1629-30, he was sent as an envoy by Philip IV to Spain to negotiate a truce between warring England and Spain.

To capture his efforts for a solution, he created something that represented Pax (peace) in the person of Ceres, goddess of the earth, sharing her bounty with humanity.

Beside Pax is Minerva, goddess of wisdom who drives away Mars, the god of war, and Alecto, the fury of war while a winged cupid and Hymen, the goddess of marriage lead children (the fruit of marriage) to a cornucopia, or horn of plenty.

Whose work is this, that was presented as a gift to Charles I of England?


Peter Paul Rubens

The work is titled Peace and War


J&K CM Omar Abdullah recently commented on the purpose of this ubiquitous government office artifact asking “Are the _____ not clean? Do they have stains?”

By one account, it was a hand me down from WWII days when British soldiers or American GIs had it in their cars, while others say it was used by British colonials in the Raj who couldn’t handle the sub-continental climate.

A third theory has it that it’s an invisible screen that separates the ruler from the ruled, a new identity maker in the strict hierarchy of Indian power politics, but protocol lists for officials show no sign of what size or colour it should be or how much it should weigh.

What are we talking about?


Towels on government chairs


With this film, Werner Herzog became the only feature-film director to achieve what feat?



Only director to have directed a movie

on all seven continents


Known as a Makisu, this cooking accessory is woven from thick or thin bamboo strips and cotton string and comes in various sizes.

While it may also be used to squeeze excess liquid or make compact omelets, it is used in the preparation of a certain food item.

What food item (generic term) and what purpose is it used for?


Sushi, Rolling it up


At the 1924 Paris Olympics, Frenchman Albert Seguin is noted as the first person ever to achieve this in an event called The Men’s Sidehorse.

In the same Olympics, 22 men went on to achieve it in the Rope-Climbing event.

What feat, that featured more prominently in the headlines 52 years later?


Perfect 10


The Spanish claimed they got it from the Native Americans, and then passed it on to the Italians during the wars between Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and Francis I, the King of France – the Italians called it “The Spanish disease”.

When the French brought it home from Italy, they called it “The Italian disease”.

English gentlemen visiting France then brought it home, calling it “The French disease” and in a final twist, British colonial subjects abroad called it “The British disease”.

What disease, the subject of intense “passing the blame”?




The position he became famous for came his way via destiny in 1798, when he impressed Arthur Wellesley as a co-passenger on a ship to India.

Wellesley took him along for the siege of Srirangapatnam, where the young man averted a major disaster by consulting the stars and advising British troops to travel south to a more defensible position.

After the war, when he submitted a proposal to Wellesley that would help the British not only understand their colonized lands better, but the world in general, the latter spoke to his brother, the Governor General, and the young man got the job.

Who was the young man?


William Lambton

who started the Great Trigonometrical

Survey of India


Legend has it that crops in Europe during the Middle Ages were plagued by pests, so the farmers began praying to the Blessed Lady, the Virgin Mary.

Soon, the farmers started seeing these insects in their fields, and the crops were miraculously saved from the pests.

The farmers associated their good fortune with the insects and likened the red skin colour to the Virgin Mary’s cloak and the spots to her sorrows.

What insects, that still go by the name Marienkafer, meaning Mary beetles in Germany?




Referring to a period of warm weather that occurs in autumn, especially October and November, this phrase did not come from British colonial rule.

The more likely explanation is that it was first coined along the American east coast where warm weather in autumn is not uncommon; a further extension of this theory speculates that Native Americans used the weather to hunt and forage to build up winter stocks.

What phrase, that also figures in the title of this non-fiction book by Alex Von Tunzelmann as well as the memoirs of a coach?


Indian Summer


He was keen to play a double role but at the same time, P. Bhanumathi expressed an interest in filming another movie on the same lines, based on an 1894 novel.

He finally gave in and told her she could fully adapt the novel, while he would loosely base his film on it with elements of Viva Zapata and If I Were King thrown in.

Eventually Bhanumathi gave in and joined him on his film and he summarized how much his fate rested on the film with the comment “If the movie profits, I’ll be a King; if it flops, I’ll be a homeless nomad!”

What 1958 film?

Also name the 1894 novel.


Nadodi Mannan

Based on The Prisoner of Zenda


In this cartoon, R K Laxman pokes fun at Rajiv following in Indira’s footsteps and using her strategy of trying to divert the country’s attention from the government’s inefficiencies by talking of external threats.

The 3-word caption he uses is a pun on the expansion of a brand abbreviation – the pun refers to Rajiv repeating Indira’s words.

What 3-word caption, the modified version of the expansion of a famous brand name, is blanked out?


His Mother’s Voice

Pun on “His Master’s Voice”


The herb Meadowsweet or Mead Wort has been used in cooking to flavor jams, stews and mead.

In traditional medicine, it was used for digestive remedies, considering it has a acid reducing and anti-inflammatory effect that neutralize ulcers and gastric ailments.

In 1827, a synthetically altered version of the active ingredient in a drug was isolated from this plant, with the company naming the drug after the old botanical name for meadowsweet – Spirea ulmaria.

What was this ingredient and what was the drug?


Salicin/Salicylic Acid

Aspirin, that comes from spirea


In 1977, he was playing soccer with a bunch of friends, when he sustained what was initially a minor toe injury.

When the injury got worse, he met a doctor who diagnosed him with melanoma and advised amputating the foot as a measure.

However, since his faith mandated him to adhere to not just the first but all the tenets of the following verse from Leviticus 21:5: “They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in the flesh., he desisted from going for the amputation and the cancer spread, eventually leading to death.



Bob Marley


The story from Norse myth goes that Loki placed a bet against the dwarf Sindri and his brother Brokkr that they would never be able to make an item as beautiful as Ivaldi’s sons, who made Odin’s spear.

The dwarves accept the bet and Sindri puts some iron into the forge, telling his brother not to stop pumping the bellows until he returns.

Loki, to avoid losing the bet, takes the shape of a fly and bites Brokkr on his eyelid, who stops pumping the bellows briefly – at which point Sindri returns and removes the iron from the forge, but the damage is done.

What anomaly, in an otherwise perfect object, is attributed to this story?


Thor’s hammer’s short handle


A sea-side village near Bideford, Devon, it took its name by virtue of a 19th century historical novel, that motivated entrepreneurs to develop tourism in the area for literature lovers.

The Northam Burrows Hotel & Villa Building Company decided to open a hotel to cater to tourists who would like to come visit the coast, partake of the invigorating sea air and imagine themselves as sea-faring adventurers and privateers.

The hotel, and eventually the surrounding areas of the village took on the literary work’s name – thus making this the only village in the British Isles with an exclamation mark in its name.

What work/village name?


Westward Ho!


The word was originally an occupational surname for an itinerant metal worker in Scotland & England, who would mend household utensils.

Many Gypsies adopted this as a surname to indicate proficiency in this work; the name might have had more to do with the sound made than the kind of utensils they predominantly worked with.

Over time, the verb form emerged to indicate someone who was familiar with the process of bricolage – the art of adapting, meddling or adjusting something in the course of making repairs or improvements.

What surname/verb form, used in a similar sense?



32. Samuel Johnson’s dictionary has an entry for this element that goes thus:

“by virtue of Basil Valentine, a German monk, who having thrown some of it to his hogs, observed it purged them heartily and they immediately fattened. Therefore, he imagined, his fellow monks would be better for a like dose. The experiment, however, succeeded so ill, that they all died , and the medicine was henceforth called _______”

While Johnson may have been joking, it is now clear that the element’s name comes from its ability to shift between forms – a brittle silvery metal or a grey powder, indicating its opposition to remain stable in a single form.

What element name?



Which does not comes from killer of monks

but from anti monos (against singleness)


Story goes that PS Ranganatha Char of Messrs RanganathaChar & Co. Engineers worked with his men, under moonlight with a Petromax, to get the famous pillar with four fierce lions ready in time for the inauguration of suburb A by B (person) on 20th August, 1948.

Not very long after, PS Ranganatha Char went on to build a now forgotten pillar with dressed granite stones in north Bangalore near the Kirloskar Electric Company for the inauguration of a new `Industrial Suburb’ C by D (person) on 3rd July 1949.

A-B & C-D are related in a twisted sort of way.

Name the (suburb, inaugurator) pairs (A,B) and (C,D).


A – Jayanagar, B – C. Rajagopalachari

C – Rajajinagar D – Jayachamaraja
