Building Social Media for Educators


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Building Social Media for Educators

Lisa Cohen

PROS• Learning at my own pace meant less pressure.• Being able to go back to review if I needed to was helpful.• Course was easy to follow and expectations were made clear.• Feedback was very quick.

CONS• Less structure was an adjustment for me.• Technical difficulties could be frustrating.

My Favorite and Most Useful Tool…

• Connect with other teachers• Share ideas with people from all over• Collect great new ideas• Get feedback on my ideas • Easy to use

Challenges I Encountered

• Adapting to the self-discipline of an online course

• Learning a lot of new terminology and technology in a relatively short span of time

• Certain websites and tools were less user-friendly than others

Things That Went Well…

• Connected with a lot of teachers and groups on Twitter and LinkedIn• Learned a lot of new tools that I can use at home and school• Developed a much better understanding of how to integrate social media into my classroom• Expanded my social media horizons by exploring the sites in depth

Look What I’ve Learned…


Rich Kiker