Building An Online Community- The Story Of


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Digital Marketing Webinar Building An Online Community- The Story of

November 28, 2014 | Alok Kejriwal (CEO & Co Founder,


Lessons learnt building an online


Alok Kejriwal – Founder - November 2014

Lesson 1:

Define WHY

I was inspired to share...

So, I decided to share my wins, my losses, my pains, my gains

my journey…

Lesson 2:

Define Meaning

What does “Rodinhood” mean?

Rodinhood is Rodin’s

thinker collaborating with

Robinhood the doer

Rodinhood represents

thinking and doing.

Lesson 3:

Start Small

I began by writing a simple blog

Lesson 4:

Stay committed

I’ve written over 500 articles!

Lesson 5:

BE the Brand

I AM RODINHOOD… everywhere

Lesson 6:

Participate outside your community

I am regular on Quora

Create traction on media…

Lesson 7:

Walk, Talk, BE the Brand

I wear my brand… Everywhere!

Lesson 8:

Get a Co-Founder

Asha – Co-Founder

Asha wrote to me almost 4 years back, “Alok, I like what you write but can’t stand your grammar and spelling mistakes.”

I saw in her the making of a great partner… someone committed to the purpose

Lesson 9:

Be heavily involved in the community

I reply to a LOT of posts

Lesson 10:

Serve your community…

I go to exclusive events and then share them with the community

I usually write USEFUL stuff..

Lesson 11:

Let the community members become the HEROES

I am no longer the most popular content creator...

Lesson 12:

Write what you LIKE; not what you SHOULD

I BASHED UP the other AK

Lesson 13:

Create a rewards system

Reward your community with merchandise and call outs!

Lesson 14:


Rajesh is a WINNER !

Lesson 15:

Take the community offline

Beyond meeting on the site, I invited a few members to my office

I started meeting people on my trips to other cities!

We began to break bread together

It became personal

The meets got larger

And larger

And Larger…

TheRodinhoods has grown from 1 member to 8500+ members today

Lesson 16 :

Build something that will make you IRRELEVANT

They LOVE TheRodinhoods…

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