Brain carve profile




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A research based Premier Indian Organization with commitment to quality and continuous research…

Constant upgradation of tools & techniques and a permanent two way communication between researchand delivery departments

BrainCarve has a clear mission to make meaningful contribution to the overall development of the country by producing high caliber, competent and knowledgeable human resources.

Whytrain the brain?

Left Brain Functions

Left Brain

Left Brain

Left Brain

Left Brain

Left Brain

Left Brain

Right Brain


Right Brain

Right Brain

Right Brain

Right Brain

Right Brain

Right Brain

Despite the best parental care and exposure to the best of educational systems, rarely does one achieve equal and full development of both sides of the brain.

your children with an opportunity to

Provideachieve this!


Look at the chart and call out the words, not the colors

Left | Right Brain Conflict

Magic Fingers

Teaches children to use the 10 fingers to count up to 99 as well as add and subtract.

It has been scientifically proven that the child activates both left and right side of the brain when calculations are done using this technique.

Vedic Mathematics as taught today It is a calculation system for speed and accuracy which increases counting abilities

Enhances the skills of arithmetic Pattern Recognition

Facilitates the growth of an alert& agile mind and

Helps in the coordination of the right and the left brain while ensuring super fast co-ordination

between brain cells

BrainCarve has been designed using a unique technique that taps on your child’s brain power to make the child a real master of memory.

Human brain is so powerful that all observations made by us are available within ourselves in storage memory.

Specially designed BrainCarve tools leads to higher and amazing memory, an important additional skill for students to do well in regular studies

Read the following numbers

just once, take 30 seconds to read them …


Now can you reproduce them in the same sequence ?


Out of the box thinking A heuristic for solving problems; the ability to look at the problem from many angles instead of tackling it head-on Thinking that finds solutions in ways that do not seem obvious Training such that the children move from very simple to complex problem solving practices.

Helps a New Idea to SurfaceEnables CreativityIs a disciplined process for innovationGenerates more possibilitiesFocuses on the result and helps learn a lot

Intelligence is a potential. Thinking is a skill. To fully use the potential, the skills needs to be developed.

Benefits of Thinking techniques

A specially developed personality development program which

aims at evoking the concept of ‘self- enhancement’ promotes a self-help concept facilitates development of one’s personality and attitude removes from the realm of one’s thought process the word ‘impossible’.

An Ancient Chinese and Japanese Science that Helps in Right Brain Activation a lotIncreases Right-Left Brain CoordinationActivates all the brain functions at the same time Increases diligence and IQ of the student Upgrades the child’s abilities to life long skills



People who are successful in life are those who are able to harness their brain to its maximum which makes them more ntelligent, more analytical and thus, more knowledgeable. - Kail RE

A Sharp brain is not god gifted. It is a result of good training of the brain in early childhood. - Maya Angelou

Speak to Dr.B.ParameswariCreator and Founder

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