Blog’s planning


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This blog is addressed to a group of adults and young adults who study English in a private language institute because of personal interests; for this reason they are highly motivated and dedicated to their language learning process.Most learners are interested in learning about the animals that live in Colombia and want to be able to talk about them in the target language.


The students are mostly intermediate language users who have been placed in the A2 and B1 levels according to the ECF. Most of them are familiar with the use of information technologies and are interested in implementing newer methodological approaches that allow them to have more interaction with the information and to improve their language skills.The blog is designed to complement their study material by providing more opportunities for learners to use their skills. Describing is an important aspect of language use and their guide book provides a lot of work on describing people, so the idea of the blog is to extend their descriptive skills to animals alike.


TOPICSStudents will be able to describe Colombian wildlife by properly referring to different animal characteristics which will allow learners to classify or categorize a variety of animals living in the area. Through a development of new lexicon and the reinforcement of descriptive structures, students will be able to talk freely and comfortably about a variety of wild and domestic animals.Even though describing is a lower language skill, a big lack has been identified when students are asked to talk about their favorite animals or pets; that is the reason why this blog has been intended to fill in those gaps.


The blog will contain:- A presentation of animal parts with pictures. - It will also include some examples descriptions of some of the most popular wildlife in the region (1 texts and 2 audios)- A video about animal diversity which includes English subtitles- And some games to consolidate knowledge.

1. Videos2. Vocabulary3. Readings 4. Animal Parts 5. Game6. Example product

