Being Committed To Your Dreams



Believe in the beauty of your dreams

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“The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams.”

If Not You Than Who;

Dream Building 101

“The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams.”

If Not You Than Who;

Dream Building 101

How many of you have created your ‘Bucket List’?

Share your number one Dream.


“If not you than who, if not now than when?”

•Desired outcome

•“Want To!”

•Emotional Significant Event(s)

“If not you than who, if not now than when?”

•Within the realm of possibilities

•Challenging but can be accomplished

•“Flying to the Moon” . . .

“If not you than who, if not now than when?”

•Must be measurable to avoid frustration

•Action Steps . . . Daily Habits

•Lem Barney Example

“If not you than who, if not now than when?”

•Reasonable time line (Realistic)

•Written down!


“If not you than who, if not now than when?”


“Out with the old, in with the new.”

“If not you than who, if not now than when?”

How to inspire your Dreams

MCRD & North Carolina (Camp Lejeune):

*VFW Teacher of the Year Nomination (Passion w/ Veterans)

*Create a compelling documentary (Film Festival)

Donna (Papes) Quinlan: Professional & Personal Dreams Accomplished

Ruth Tobin: Teacher-of-the-Year Award and Nominations

Lem Barney: Morning Daily Schedule

Walk Across America: When I began my list of Dreams!

Waiting for the Morning Train: Foster Part time Business (Story to tell)

Rebel Without a Cause: One man, One Camera, One Dream

The World is Flat: Public Speaking/Presentations

Books People Places

Honored as Teacher of the Year by Local Optimist Organization

Nominated as Disney Teacher of the Year (1999)

Nominated as 2009-2010 Michigan Teacher of the Year Nominated by VFW 2009 National Teacher of the Year

Present at various Professional Development In-service Training Sessions

Regional Girls Coach of the Year (2001)

Coached in 1999 Boys Class C State Finals Game / Coached b’ball for 20 yrs.

Married an incredible women . . . Three beautiful girls (Family)

Ran a Marathon (2007 Marine Corp)

Part-time business (MVP Memories Production) . . . Exhibit my ‘voice’

Passion for the unknown . . . Reading, People, Places, Obtained a P.H.D.

To be at peace with self, share in the joy of others and those many precious moments in life.

To find beauty and joy in every opportunity that presents itself (Carpe Diem!).

To be able to create a legacy with family and

professional career

Challenged to continually grow and dream

Relationships are

everything, build them


Couldn’t read until 3rd grade! “Stupid”, “Dumb”,

“Village idiot”

Special Education Student . . . Sent to

special room



Reading Instruction?

High School Experience:

1.96 GPA, Troubled Student, 3-4 a.m., Sports (week to week)

Only Dream . . .

Dream Deferred What happens to a dream

deferred?Does it dry up

Like a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore--

And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?

Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Langston Hughes


Emotional Event(s)

Brought to knees

“Watch you thoughts; they become words. Watch your

words, they become actions; Watch your actions; they

become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

Being committed to your DREAMS is like preparing and participating in a Marathon.
