Aulas europeas holidays


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HolidaysHow to choose a destination?

What do you prefer?

1. Holidays to rest?

2. Unforgettable holidays…

What do you expect from your holidays, after eleven months

of hard work?

1. An all-included trip?

2. To follow your wild impulses…

Far away or near here?

1. Near your city?

2. Abroad?

What kind of transport do you prefer the most?

1. By car:

2. By train:

3. By ship:

4. By plane:

Which hemisphere do you prefer?

1. South hemisphere?

2. North hemisphere?

What language do you want to practice?

1. Mongolic language?

2. English language?

3. Spanish language?

Choose a country:

1. United Kingdom:

2. India:

3. EE.UU:

In conclusion:

• Unforgettable holidays…

• To follow your wild impulses…

• Abroad…

• By plane…

• North hemisphere…

• English language…


So, your election is….

Welcome to Alaska!!!