Analysis of covers, contents and double page spreads


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Colour scheme is red white and black. This is also incorporated within the masthead of “VIBE” The colour scheme is also

used within the various taglines and puffs within the magazine cover.

Central image uses the effect of direct address to attract the readers attention. Also, the artist is wearing black. This allows him to stand out from the pale grey/white background.The image shows the artist standing strong, which could also relate to the cover line. Showing that the artist has overcome his past.

The read and black coloured taglines stand out against the pale background. Allowing them to attract more attention and be more effective.

The colour scheme is seen to be red and white. This is effect as these colours contrast against each other which will attract attention.The colour scheme is also incorporated within the logo of the name of the magazine, making it more memorable.

The large central image again stands out when against the pale background of the magazine cover. It also links with the cover line of “This will kill me!”The central image shows the artist screaming, but with his band within his gaping mouth. This is effective as the cover line suggests that he is struggling within music, and the central image has been edited to support this point. The central image incorporates a secondary image, making it unique and effective.

The white cover line stands out against the red background, making it the centre of attention along with the central image.

Taglines and puffs are also used to great effect as they are also coloured differently to the background, so they stand out against it.

Colour scheme is mainly white and black but with a use of red within the title “NME” . This makes the title of the magazine stand out, making it memorable to any potential reader.

The central image is shown to the reader in black and white, this may have been used to make the various taglines and puffs stand out when compared to the central image, the central image could also attract attention as it will contrast to the other magazines on view, making in unique. Which may attract more attention that if it had vivid colours.

Taglines and puffs stand out against the white background and the black and white central image.

Secondary image stands out as it has its original colours, which stand out against the white background.

Central image stands out against the red background, this may be effective as it encourages the reader the read the article about the artist. Which is most likely to be the magazines main article.

Colour scheme of red white and black, contrasting colours attract the readers attention for longer.

“VIBE” is the only piece of text which is black, although it is a small text it attracts attention due to this different colour.

The white colour of the text makes the text stand out. This is needed as this text is most important within the page, as it shows the reader where to find various information located within the magazine.

The colour scheme here is seen to be red, white, black and grey. These colours contrast with the grey, which is used as a background

Image uses direct address to attract the readers attention to the page. This is effective as this page is used to show where all the information is located within the magazine. So it is vital for this page to use eye catching images and colour.

White puffs which indicate what information is on what page stands out against the grey background of the page. The text never covers the artists white top. Again showing that the use of white text is to attract attention

Black masthead stands out.

Light colour scheme of grey black and red

This light background allows the main image of the page to stand out. This is significant as the magazine is seen to be based on the band “Green Day” and the picture is seen to be a member of that band. Making the image also stand out is the clothing of the artist, which contrasts with the light coloured background.

The colouration of the variety of puffs around the image relate the colours used within the artists clothing, allowing them to also stand out to the same effect of the artist. Making the text very eye catching and effective.

The main image of this double page spread is very effective, this is because the page used for text is a plain white colour. The image incorporates the colours of red black and yellow, each of these contrasts with the white colour of the opposite page.

The page that uses text is also very effective. The drop capital “J” is used to great effect through the colouration, the red colour contrasts with the white colour of the page.The drop capital “J” also relates to the artist that the text is addressing, whom of which is “Jay Z”.So the drop capital uses the first letter of the name of the artist to great effect.

Collage of images behind the artists attract the readers attention to the page.

The colour scheme of the magazine is black white and blue, these colours contrast to make each colour stand out. Making the colour palette very effective.

These puffs are placed on a black background. This makes the white and blue text stand out more, making it more effective.

Central image uses direct address to gain the readers attention to the page.

Main colour scheme of yellow black and white is mainly incorporated within the image of the pages. This attracts the readers attention to the page. It is also very effective as the article is based on the artist “Wiz Khalifa” and the image is an image of this artist, giving a slight insight into the article.

This slight use of the colour scheme within the article makes the text stand out more against the white background. Again making the page effective.