A2 media coursework evaluation q2


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Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary products?

The Logo

As Emmerdale was my inspiration for my trailer , I decided to go with the same institution which is ITV1. This channel

attracts a wide audience which is what I was looking for. For my fonts I used a similar font to Emmerdale and Eastenders

although that isn't in my sub genre.

Representing Age.

The stars represent their target audience.

They have been made to look older by the clothes that they are wearing and the make-up.

I have made them look older as the channel that we would

broadcast the trailer on is ITV1 which has a very wide target


The Logo

The square around the ITV should always be yellow. The ITV can sometimes vary and either be black or white. The

1 can also vary and be black or white.

All end credits should have a black background and should use the designated ITV font in

white (as set out in the End Credits Style Guide) with the job description in upper and lower

case and the name in caps.

I have tried to conform to the ITV house style.


House style

Front Cover and Poster

•Both of these ancillaries have the same main stars on them . This shows that they are consistent.

•They both show that the two stars are rivals because on the front cover they are standing back to back

suggesting that they are having a sort of duel. On the poster they are having a fight which also shows they

are rivals.•The star on the left suggests that she is the

antagonist and the star on the right is the protagonist as she looks more innocent. Also the star on the left is dominating the shot more which could also connote that she is an antagonist and the more dominant of

the two.

•They both have the same soap name on them. I chose to spell Affleck’s with an apostrophe. I then made it

the same for all of my ancillaries to create consistency and to make a more professional looking product.


End Title Card

•All of these title cards are similar in the fact that they all have the

ITV1 logo in the bottom of the screen in the middle. They then have the name of the soap in the centre of the screen. They all have websites in the bottom left and two

have a sponsor in the right hand corner.

Matching the sub - genre of the magazine




Sub headings

Feature image


2 stars

Main Feature

Eye lines match

Matching the sub - genre of the magazine

Not too cluttered

The main feature is

displayed at the bottom of the


Only 3 colours to make it look professional.

Barcode at the top of the


3 features with


Features are anchored on

the stars.

Website and date at the top of the page

under the masthead.

Eye lines are matching.

Strap line at the bottom.The spacing is

the same for all features.

Matching the sub - genre of the magazine

Not too cluttered

The main feature is

displayed at the bottom of the


Only 3 colours to make it look professional.

Barcode at the top of the


3 features with


Features are anchored on

the stars.

Website and date at the top of the page

under the masthead.

Eye lines are matching.

Strap line at the top.The spacing is

the same for all features.


The TV easy magazine caters for a much

younger audience. We know this by the use of

colours. For example, on the TV easy mag there are 7 colours on there,

whereas on mine there is only 3. This creates a

much more professional looking product.

The stars on the TV easy mag are all young

implying that it is aiming for a young target


Examples of posters

This is an example of a poster from the IV1 series Emmerdale.

Poster matching the channel/institution

Both have the ITV1 logo The images are both

action shots.

Both of the names of the soaps are displayed at

the bottom.

The time and date of the program are both

displayed under the name.

The logo position should be either in the right or left hand corner of the



This was my final poster and it was used in my final production.

Evaluation of products

I believe my trailer and ancillaries

combine really well as they all feature

the same characters. They all use the

same branding and the soap name is consistent. On my

products I feel that I have applied all of

the codes and conventions of existing soaps.