A short history of Great Britain




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Celtic people settled in Britain around 700 B.C.

The Celts are ancestors to many people in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland today.

The Celts often had women as their leaders. One of them is very famous. Here name was Boadicea. She fought the Romans.

The Romans occupied most of England and Wales in AD 43. The Romans were afraid of the Scots. That is why they built Hadrians Wall along the Scottish border.

Hadrians Wall

The Romans stayed in Britain for a long time. When they left , new people attacked Britain.

The Angels and the Saxons attacked Britain. The Celts could not fight them, so they fled to Wales, Scotland and Cornwall.

In 793 the Vikings attacked a monastery on the island of Lindisfarne.They killed the monks and stole the gold and silver.

The Vikings stayed in Britain for almost three hundred years.

The Vikings were people who lived in Denmark, Sweden and Norway over a thousand years ago.

In those days it was hard to find good farmland.

Many men sailed to find new land.

They often stole valuable things from other people.

The Vikings were great sailors.

The longest ships were called longship or dragonship.

The viking ships were decorated with dragon’s heads to scare the enemy.