28 may – Republic day & Memmed Emin Rasulzadeh


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28 May Republic

Day & Mammad

Amin Rasulzade


The Declaration of Independence• Republic Day is a national holiday in Azerbaijan, observed annually on

28 May. This was the day in 1918, when the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was proclaimed for the first time. It is one of the brightest pages in the history of Azerbaijani people, which commemorated the country unification

• The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR; Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Demokratik Respublikası – (also known as Azerbaijan People's Republic (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti) was the second democratic republic in the Turkish world and Muslim world, after the Crimean People's Republic. İt lasted only 23 monthes.

• ADR was founded by the Azerbaijani National Council in Tiflis on 28 May 1918 after the collapse of the Russian Empire.• Its established borders were with Russia to the north, the Democratic

Republic of Georgia to the north-west, the First Republic of Armenia to the west, and Iran to the south. It had a population of 2.86 million.• Ganja was the temporary capital of the Republic as Baku was under

Bolshevik control.

Under the ADR, a government system was developed in which a Parliament was the supreme organ of state authority; the Council of Ministers was held responsible before it. Fatali Khan Khoyski became its first prime minister.

First Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic

• Among the important accomplishments of the Parliament was making Azerbaijan the first Muslim nation to grant women equal political rights with men.• Another important accomplishment of the ADR was the

establishment of Baku State University, which was the first modern-type university founded in Azerbaijan

Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh

Mammad Amin Rasulzade (January 31, 1884 – March 6, 1955) was an Azerbaijani statesman, scholar, public figure and the first and only president of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (1918–1920). His expression "Bir kərə yüksələn bayraq, bir daha enməz!" - "The flag once raised will never fall!" became the motto of the independence movement in Azerbaijan in the 20th century.

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh’s speech on Independence day

First flag of Azerbaijan Democtratic Republictill November 9, 1918