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The Roman Empire

Ancient Rome

Early Rulers• Around 600 B.C.,

Etruscan kings begin to rule Rome

• Kings build Rome’s first temples and public centers

• Romans overthrow cruel Etruscan king in 509 B.C.

• Romans found a republic—government in which citizens elect leaders

Julius Caesar Takes Control

• Military leader Julius Caesar elected consul in 59 B.C.

• Caesar, Crassus, Pompey form a triumvirate—a group of three rulers

• Military victories give Caesar increasing popularity and power

• Pompey fears Caesar’s growing power and challenges him

• Caesar defeats Pompey’s armies in Greece, Asia, Spain, Egypt

• Caesar is named dictator for life in 44 B.C.

Caesar’s Reforms• Caesar makes reforms:

grants wider citizenship, creates jobs for poor

• Group of senators opposes Caesar; kills him on March 15, 44 B.C.

Beginning of the Empire• 43 B.C., Caesar’s

supporters take control; become Second Triumvirate

• Octavian, Mark Antony, Lepidus alliance ends in jealousy, violence

• In 31 B.C., Mark Antony and Cleopatra’s forces are defeated at Actium

• Octavian accepts title of Augustus, “exalted one,” and rules Rome

A Vast and Powerful Empire Pax Romana

• Under Augustus, Rome moves from a republic to an empire

• Power no longer resides with citizens, but a single ruler

• Rome enjoys 200 years of peace and prosperity known as Pax Romana

A Sound Government• Augustus, Rome’s

ablest ruler, creates lasting system of government

- glorifies Rome with beautiful public buildings

- sets up a civil service to administer the empire

Agriculture and Trade• Agriculture most

important industry in empire; 90% of Romans farm

• Common coin, denarius, makes trade within empire easier

• Rome has vast trading network, includes China and India

• Network of Roman roads links empire to Persia, Russia

The Roman WorldSlaves and Captivity• Slavery is a significant

part of Roman life in both cities and farms

• Some slaves become gladiators; forced to fight to death

Gods and Goddesses• Early Romans honor

guardian spirits and gods Jupiter, Juno, Minerva

• Worship of emperor becomes part of official religion of Rome

Society and Culture• Rich live well; most

people are poor, receive grain from government

• 150 holidays and Colosseum events created to control the masses

Fall Of The Roman Empire

A Century of Crisis

The Empire Declines• Pax Romana ends in

A.D. 180 with death of emperor Marcus Aurelius

• Subsequent emperors unable to govern giant empire

Rome’s Economy Weakens

• Hostile tribes outside the empire disrupt trade

• Inflation—drop in value of money and rise in prices—weakens trade

• Overworked soil, war-torn farmland leads to food shortages

Military and Political Turmoil

• By third century A.D. Roman military in turmoil. Soldiers loyal to commanders, not Rome; commanders fighting for throne

• Government enlists mercenaries—foreign soldiers they pay to fight

• Average citizens lose interest in the affairs of Rome

Emperors Attempt Reform

Diocletian Reforms the Empire

• In A.D. 284 Emperor Diocletian restores order, divides empire in two

• Two emperors in Greek-speaking East, Latin-speaking West

• In A.D. 305 Diocletian retires, rivals compete for power

Constantine Moves the Capital

• Constantine becomes emperor of Western Empire in A.D. 312

• Seizes Eastern Empire in A.D. 324; moves Roman capital to Byzantium

• Byzantium eventually renamed Constantinople—city of Constantine

The Legacy of RomeThe Latin Language• Latin was official

language of Roman Catholic Church until 1900s

• Develops into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian

• More than half the words in English stem from Latin

Master Builders• Romans pioneer use of

arch; also used domes and concrete

• Create aqueducts—structures to bring water into cities, towns

Roman System of Law• Principles of Roman law

form basis of modern legal systems

Rome’s Enduring Influence

• By preserving and adding to Greek civilization, Rome strengthened the Western cultural tradition

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