20 Things Your Kid Should Know Before Kindergarten


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20 Things Your Kid Should Know Before Kindergarten

By essaywriter.co.uk

Before entering kindergarten, your kid should know how to do these things.

1. State his or her first and last names.

2. Write

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3. Hold writing instruments correctly using the three-finger grasp.

4. Count from one to thirty and be able to give the number that comes before and after any given number from one to at least 20.

5. Identify all the letters in their name.

6. Identify the basic shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, star, rhombus or diamond and heart.

basic 7. Know the basic colours: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, black, white, brown and pink.



5. Identify the numbers from 1 to 10, in any order.

9. Match letters and their sounds.

10. Identify the letters in their capital and small forms.

11 Use their fingers in accurately touching count items from one to ten.

12. Know the concepts of print: front and back of book and which is the first page and follow words from left to right.

13.Rhyming some words

14. Retell simple stories in the right sequence of events.

15. Create familiar words from given familiar words and a new beginning sound.

(e.g. – the word “cat” and the beginning sound “r” to “rat”)

16. Fix or adjust their own clothes before and after using the restroom.

17. Use the restroom without any help and reminders: peeing, washing hands.

18.Take off and put on outer clothing.

19. Sit for and listen to a story for five to 10 minutes.

20. Share materials and toys with other children.

Some more bonus tips:

1. Teach your child how to listen and follow a short or small set of directions or those which involve two or three steps.

2 Teach them how to act and solve problems. Do this without aggression towards them and teach them how to do problem solving without them using aggression.

You should prepare your child for kindergarten by teaching him or her the positive attitude of going to school, specifically kindergarten. Train them to be confident and prepared to be separated from you. You can do these by bringing them to interesting places like the beach, park, zoo, airport, farm and lake, among others. In these trips, let your child learn shapes, colours and words and let them identify these. Ask your kid to observe things. Let them talk about their experiences. As parents, you are the adults who provide your children the conversations they need to do with adults. They do so for learning and being able to feel that they are being cared for.
