2. class management


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English Language TeachingTips

Tutor: Amin S. Houshmanda.sabzikar@iaurmia.ac.ir

How to manage teaching & learning?• How should teachers use their physical presence

in class?• How should teachers use their voices in class?• What is the best seating arrangement for a

class?• What different student groupings can teacher


Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman

How should teachers use their physical presence in class?• Proximity• Appropriacy• Movement • Contact

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


Teachers should consider how close they want to be to the students they are working with.

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


Deciding how closely you should work with students is a matter of appropriacy.

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


Most successful teachers move around the classroom. They can retain their students’ interest or work more closely with smaller groups.

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


• Being able to move around the class• Making eye contact with students• Listening to what they have said and responding


It is almost impossible to help students to learn a language in a classroom setting without making contact with them.

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman

How should teachers use their voices in class?• Audibility• Variety• Conservation

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


Teachers need to be audible. They must be sure that the students at the back of the class can hear them just as well as those at the front.

Audibility IS NOT shouting!

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


It is important for teachers to vary the quality of their voices – and the volume they speak at – depending on the type of activity.

e.g. the kind of voice you use to give instructions or introduce a new activity will be different from the voice which is most appropriate for the conversation.

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman


It is important that teachers vary their voices throughout a day;Avoiding shouting wherever possible;So, teachers can conserve their vocal energy.

Conserving the voice is one thing teachers will want to take into account when planning a day’s or a week’s work.

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman

What is the best seating arrangement for a class?

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman

What different student groupings can teacher use?

1. Whole class2. Groupwork and pairwork3. Solowork (individually)

Taken from Harmer, J. (2007), How to Teach English, Pearson, Longman

To be continued …

Tutor: Amin S. Houshmanda.sabzikar@iaurmia.ac.ir

Mobile: +98 (0) 914 388 5094
