10 best selling infomercial products in slc


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10 Best-Selling Infomercial

Products in SL, Utah By Caryl J. Sapepe

You found yourself gazing at the glaring television screen in the middle of the

night. You were hoping to catch up to the latest episode of your favorite

show, but all you could find was infomercials. You thought that the ads would

bore you back to sleep but ended up watching and analysing them. And they

work! Companies wouldn’t continue producing them if they were not appealing to

the viewers.

And who has remembered these pitch lines? “Call in the next 20 minutes and get 6

pounds of OxyClean!” “Feed your hungry family in just three minutes.” “But wait!

There’s more!” You may have just blankly stared at the box, but the infomercials

being broadcasted on television seriously bring bucks; probably, more or less $91

billion in sales per year.

So, here is a list of the 10 best-selling infomercial products that made some

viewers in Salt Lake City pull out their credit cards and call the numbers on the

screen for easy payments. (Trust us. We did some research.)

1. Ped Egg

Here comes Ped Egg adding first to the list. Or do you prefer calling the

product as “Cheese Grater”? Considering it as an effective tool in removing

calluses and dead skin to make your feet look smooth and healthy, it is

basically just made of plastic and a little metal. The reason why our feet

looks bad is because they take a lot of abuse on a daily basis, and we hardly

find time for its treatment and maintenance. The product works if you see

all of the powdery results left over it. By applying Ped Egg with the included

emery pads, you will likely have a salon quality feet.

2. Bowflex

Bowflex Home Gym is an exercise machine used for improving body

resistance, building strength and muscle. The product is compact enough to

be placed in almost any room of the house, working like that of a gym

machine. This home fitness machine have been traditionally sold via

television infomercials, but you can now purchase one on the Bowflex website

or from a sporting goods store.

3. Total Gym

Another example of a resistance exercise machine is Total Gym. This

product fits conveniently at home and only requires your body weight for

resistance. Surprisingly, there are a lot of choices to consider that depends

on your wants, needs and choice from different price brackets.

4. Rug Doctor

From machines, commercial grade to cleaning solutions. Couldn’t you ask for

more? Rug Doctor maintains its good reputation as the first and the best

name in the carpet cleaning rental industry, promising their costumers of

clean carpets, refreshed upholstery and cleaner air with its professional

service. Based on the Rug Doctor Survey (September 2009), 98% of its

clients are satisfied with their carpet cleaning experience.

5. George Foreman Grill

“It’s so good (that) I put my name on it!” Remember this famous tagline?

What about former heavy weight boxing champion, George Foreman? This

champ endorsed and promoted George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing

Grilling Machine, commonly known as George Foreman Grill— an indoor,

electrically heated grill which have been sold worldwide since 1994.

6. Little Giant Ladder System

Check out this convertible aluminium ladder system by Wing Enterprises,

known as Little Giant Ladder System. It’s good if you have seen infomercials

about the stuff, but is it a junk that you would regret buying or is it a high-

quality system as seen on TV? According to a lot of reviews, the system is

considered as a solid product that works best for small spaces, staircases

and multiple services like a whole house renovation, because of its ability to

be converted into several heights and formations.

7. CarMD

If you don’t know much about cars, you will likely rely on a mechanic to check

it. Unfortunately, there are several cases in which car owners easily fall prey

to a scam. To prevent this, CarMD — a diagnostic tool which gives more

knowledge and power in the hands of a car owner rather than the mechanic,

comes into play. This product allows you to scan your vehicle and engine

without having to go in to the mechanic for less effort and use money.

8. Ginsu Knives

“Ginsu Knife asked, ‘How much would you pay? Don’t answer!’ Urged viewers

to, ‘Call now! Operators are standing by!’ and included the signature, ‘But

wait! There’s more!” This became a catchy popular infomercial phrase ever

since. When its infomercial was first broadcasted in the late ’70s, the

viewers were amazed by the so-called, “miraculous Japanese knife”. But the

knife wasn’t miraculous nor Japanese. Ginsu is a brand of knives that was

made popular in US through the use of infomercials.

9. Sham Wow

ShamWow is like a chamois, a towel and sponge all in one. This product is

believed to easily remove stains, to prevent from dripping or making a mess,

to wash, dry and polish any surface, to be machine washable and bleachable,

and to last for ten years. Sham or wow? See it for yourself.

10. ProActiv Solution

“There’s hope, and it’s worth it, and you’re going to feel awesome,” stated in

proactive.com by a Proactiv user, named Molly. If you are frustrated by face

and body acne, you are not alone. Completing the list is ProActiv Solution

that is considered as the go-to acne treatment for millions of people.

Indeed, there’s big money in blemishes.

