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Submitted by:

Shikha kumari,IMBA

Central University Of Jharkhand

Company Profile

SPA Group was promoted by a team of finance professionals in 1995 with an objective to provide value added financial services. Initially, the Group focused as a niche financial solutions provider in corporate finance and wealth management to Indian companies and high net worth individuals. In January 2000, the Group expanded its operations and the range of services. Today, SPA provides services for securities broking, merchant banking, wealth management, financial advisory, corporate finance , risk management and insurance broking.

SPA is being managed by its promoters along with a young and dynamic team of over 1000+ professionals with rich experience, in their respective fields. The Group has established itself as one of India’s leading financial advisory house, offering various financial solutions to its Institutional, corporate and individual clients.  

Customer centric approach of SPA’s dedicated professional team has helped carve a niche for itself in financial services arena and won confidence of its clients. Clients of SPA are from a wide spectrum and comprise of Banks and other financial institutions, Mutual funds, Insurance companies, foreign institutional investors, public sector undertakings and government departments, private corporates, trusts and individuals.


Mr. Kamal Somani, FCA, is a senior finance professional with over 30 years of experience in investment banking, securities broking and corporate finance. His vast experience and vision has enabled the Group to establish itself as a respected financial services provider in the country. He looks after the overall group strategies and leads securities broking, investment advisory and investment banking activities of the Group.  

Mr. Sandeep Parwal, B.Com (Hons), FCA, has over 24 years of experience in various aspects of financial services. He handles investment advisory, insurance broking and merchant banking activities of the Group. His expertise in providing customized innovative solutions with unmatched speed provides a distinctive edge to the Group's capability.

Management Team

The Core management team of SPA consists of persons having a rich experience in Corporate Finance and Advisory, Investment Banking, Risk Management, Securities Banking and Wealth Management.

Mr.Sanjay Joon, President MBA, having more than 24 years of experience in marketing of financial products and has a vast experience in information technology and administration. His forte lies in his abilities of

accurately assessing his customers’ need, meeting them and leading an ever enthusiastic team. He heads Mutual Fund Division of the Group since its inception.

Mr. Sanjay Gupta, Associate Director (Investment Banking)    B.Com (H), Chartered Accountant, Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Has close to 20 years of work experience in the field of investment and merchant banking, Fixed Income Securities, Project Financing, Structured & Corporate Finance

Mr. V K Khattar, Principal Officer  He has to his credit 42 years of rich experience of working with Oriental Insurance Company Limited and retired as the Regional Manager. He is associated with our Group as the Principal Officer of the Insurance arm.

Mr. Vivek Gautam, Associate Director  He is having 30 years of experience in the field of Banking & Merchant Banking including 16 years of exclusive experience in Investment Banking. He has worked for 14 years in PNB till mid 1991 in Managerial positions. Thereafter he was deputed to PNB Capital Services Limited as Senior Vice President and worked as Head Merchant Banking during 1991 - 1996 and was associated in lead managing more than 60 public and rights issues for well known Corporates and Financial Institutions. He was also Head Investment Department dealing in securities for one year. Thereafter he worked as Director - Bajaj Capital Limited and President Merchant Banking for 7 years and also as Head Merchant Banking and Executive Director with Allianz Securities Limited for 1 year. He has wide experience in issue management, private placement of equity and debt, corporate advisory & finance, mergers & takeovers & distribution of financial products. He is with SPA Group since October 2006 and looking after Merchant Banking.

SPA Capital Services Limited

SPA Capital Services Limited  is the flagship Company of the Group and is engaged in providing Wealth Management and Financial Advisory services to institutions, corporates, and individuals since 1995. The Company is a leading distributor of Mutual Funds in the country and presently has assets over Rs. 13,000 crore under its management. The Company has successfully positioned itself as a strategic advisor to its customers for wealth management with its customer centric approach and innovative solutions.

The Company is registered with Reserve Bank of India as a Non Banking Financial Company. Presently the shares of the Company are listed on the Delhi Stock Exchange.

SPA Merchant Bankers Limited

SPA Merchant Bankers Limited  offers comprehensive investment banking solutions and higest quality independent financial advice to corporates sector and entrepreneurs. Our service offering covers private placement of debt instruments and debt syndication for both public and private sector corporates, Capital raising services through private placement of equity, managing capital issues (IPO, FPO and Right Issues). Besides we also cater to the entire spectrum of capital market needs through other services such as Corporate and Infrastructure advisory, Valuations, Managing Takeovers, Buy Back and Delisting. We have team comprising of multi-disciplinary professionals with a vast financial advisory and investment banking experience, who structure various financial products as per the requirements of the clients.

SPA Merchant Bankers Limited We have the Category –I Merchant Banking license from Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Indian Securities Market Regulator.

The Company has made notable and considerable progress in a short span in the debt merchant banking activities successful various debt primary issues. This is also reflected through the ranking by Prime Database, which has ranked the Group amongst the top 10 service providers in this segment. The Company was able to achieve above ranks on the basis of its performance in just two financial years since it commenced investment & merchant banking activities.

Since the commencement of merchant banking services, the Company has syndicated funds for various Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Designated Financial Institutions(DFIs), Banks and several State Level Undertakings (SLUs).

The Company for its Merchant & Investment Banking activities has found patronage as an Arranger with various central public sector undertakings like HUDCO, NTC, ITI, MECON, IISCO SAIL, REC, KRCL, public sector banks and financial institutions. Also the Company has had privilege to provide its services to various state level undertakings of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerela, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. In the private sector, the Company has provided its services to various domestic and MNC corporates.

The achievements corroborate our untiring and sincere efforts towards building and preserving mutually rewarding and sustainable relationships with our clients and giving them our value added services with meaningful performance.

We have strated providing equity capital market related services in the beginning of 2007 and advise Corporates, Banks and Businesses which are seeking to mobilize capital from Investor. We offer following opportunities to clients to raise funds through the following:

Private Equity Advisory

Intial Public Offering (IPOs)

Follow on Public Offering (FPOs)

Qualified Institutional Plaements (QIPs)

Right Issues

Preferential Allotments and

Foreign Currency convertible bonds (FCCBs).

Our team as Lead Manager/ BRLM has successfully managed/ are managing transactions for client across various industry sectors including:

Information technology



Power equipments




We, for execution of a transaction, combine our various strengths including in depth knowledge of regulatory environment, understanding of industry and market dynamics, distribution capabilities and networking with institution investors of our associate concerns. We built our business on strong relationships, innovative ideas and ethical standards.

SPA Securities Limited

SPA Securities Limited  is a SEBI registered securities broking Company. The Company is a member of Wholesale Debt Market, Capital Market and Futures and Options Segment of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited. The Company is also a registered member of the Over the Counter Exchange of India.

The Company is focused primarily on providing securities broking services to institutional clients and is empanelled as a approved securities broker with all the major Nationalised, Private and Co-operative banks, Corporate houses, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, Asset Management Companies and Provident Fund Trusts. The Company had a turnover of Rs. 25000 crores at NSE-WDM for the financial year ended March 2005. 

Equity broking for institutions was commenced in 2004 end. In its first full year of the operations, the Company achieved a turnover of over Rs.1500 crores in calendar year 2005.

SPA Insurance Broking Services Limited

SPA Insurance Broking Services Limited  is the arm of the SPA Group providing entire range of insurance service in insurance right from meeting insurance need of clients to cover its risk spectrum, advisory, claim settlement and also meet requirement of clients if they wish to outsource entire gamut of insurances related functions. The Company is registered with Insurance Regulatory Development Authority as approved Broker. The Company is empanelled with almost all the life and general insurance companies as a Direct Broker. The Company is functioning as life and general insurance direct broker and risk assessors.


SPA believes in attaining customer satisfaction, on continuing basis, by providing highest standard of financial services in India. The philosophy at SPA is to provide services to clients after assessment of their profile, needs and risk-appetite. The basic work theme at SPA is:

- Dedicated, competent and honest team of professionals- Customer centric work environment- Insight of customers’ perspectives- Strong research base- Clear understanding of applicable laws - Consistency and passion to excel- Technology savvy


Since 1994, with the coming into existence of the SPA Group, we have diversified into a complete financial solution providing house, catering varied needs of our clients ranging from investment advisory services to investment banking, corporate re-structuring, distribution and broking services, risk management and insurance advisory. Within a short span of time, the Group has made a place for itself in the midst of the top financial solutions provider in the country.
















EQUITY MARKETThe market in which shares are issued and traded, either through exchanges or over –the-counter market. Also known as the stock market it is one of the most vital areas of a market economy because it gives company with the potential to realize gains based on its future performance.


A demat account is opened by the investor while registering with an investment broker (or sub-broker). The demat account number is quoted for all transactions to enable electronic settlements of trades to take place.

Access to the demat account requires an internet password and a transaction password. Transfers or purchases of securities can then be initiated. Purchases and sales of securities on the demat account are automatically made once transactions are confirmed and completed.

Advantages of demat

A demat account also helps avoid problems typically associated with physical share certificates, for example: delivery failures caused by signature mismatch, postal delays and loss of certificate during transit. Further, it eliminates the risks associated with forgery and locvxcss due to damaged stock certificates. Demat account holders also avoid stamp duty (as against 0.5 per cent payable on physical shares) and filling up of transfer deeds. Demat account holders usually obtain quicker receipts of benefits like stock splits and bonuses.

Disadvantages of Demat

Trading in securities may become uncontrolled in case of dematerialized securities.

It is incumbent upon the capital market regulator to keep a close watch on the trading in dematerialized securities and see to it that trading does not act as a detriment to investors.

Agreements are entered at various levels in the process of dematerialization. These may cause anxiety to the investor desirous of simplicity.


A trading account is an account which contains, " in summarized form, all the transactions, occurring, throughout the trading period, in commodities in which he deals" and which gives the gross trading result. In short, trading account is the account which is prepared to determine the gross profit or the gross loss of a trader.

Format of Trading Account (T or Account Form):

Trading AccountFor the year ending .......20......


To Opening stock ........To purchases .........Less Returns ......... ........To Carriage inwards .........To Cartage .........To dock charges .........To Wages .........To Duty .........To Freight .........To Clearing charges .........To Etc. Etc., .........To Gross profit (Transferred to profit and loss account) .........

By Sales .........Less returns ......... .........By Closing stock .........By Gross loss transferredto profit and lossaccount .........

Advantages of Trading Account:

The advantages of the trading account are as follows:

A trader can find out the gross profit and thereby can ascertain the percentage of profit he has earned on the cost of goods sold. This percentage of gross profit may serve as his ready guide for the adjustment of future sale price.

A trading account help a trader to compare his stock at open with that at the close. He can further find out whether the purchases he has made during the period of account have been judicious.

Once can compare the figure of sales with similar figure of the previous year and can find out whether business is improving or declining.

If the gross profit disclosed by the trading account is less than expected, an enquiry can be made into the cause responsible for the decline. And if the gross profit is more than was expected, steps can be taken to maintain it.


CASH TRADING: Cash trading is unlike margin trading because the account holder cannot borrow money from the broker to fund the transaction. Cash trading involves less risk than margin trading, because risk is limited to only the cash invested.



Day trading refers to the practice of buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day such that all positions are usually closed before the market close for the trading day. Traders who participate in day trading are called active traders or day traders.

Intra-day means the move as measured from the previous close and not just relative to another price traded on the same day.

DELIVERY: delivery trading is when you want the shares that you purchased to come into your demat accounts. i.e, you want to take the delivery of shares that you have purchased. T+2 is settlement where all the trades are settled on T+2 basis where T is the trade day. For example, a trade executed on Monday is mandatorily settled by WednesdaY(considering two working days from the trade day). The funds and securities pay-in and pay-out are carried out on T+2 day.

FUTURE : Futures Trading is a form of investment which involves speculating on the price of a commodity going up or down in the future.

OPTIONAL: In finance, an option is a derivative financial instrument that specifies a contract between two parties for a future transaction on an asset at a reference price (the strike). [1] The buyer of the option gains the right, but not the obligation, to engage in that transaction, while the seller incurs the corresponding obligation to fulfill the transaction.An option which conveys the right to buy something at a specific price is called a call; an option which conveys the right to sell something at a specific price is called a put.

INVESTMENT STRATERGY: Investment strategies can differ greatly from a rapid growth strategy where an investor focuses on capital appreciation to a safety strategy where the focus is on wealth protection. The most important part of an investment strategy is that it aligns with the individual's goals and is closely followed by the investor.

Investment Strategy is usually considered to be more of a branch of finance than economics. It is defined as set of rules, a definite behavior or procedure guiding an investor to choose his investment portfolio.

For example, investing in mutual funds has recently emerged as a very favorable investment strategy.As the return on investment is not always clear, so the investors prepare the strategy so as to face the ongoing challenges in investment. A balancedinvestment strategy is generally required in the process of investment, which possesses long time period and some risk tolerance.


GROWTH APPROACH: The "growth" approach to stock selection is one of many approaches that investors can use to evaluate a stock. The growth approach seeks to evaluate a company's future earnings prospects. The belief is that what drives a company's stock price is how much money the company earns. As with any other approach to selecting stock, there are various opinions as to what constitutes a high level of growth.

When using this approach to select stocks, the following measures are important to know:

Earnings MomentumPrice-to-Earnings RatiosPrice-to-Sales RatiosNon-Financial AttributesInvestment Themes

Earnings Momentum

Earnings momentum is a relative measure of the rate of change in the growth of earnings. For example, if a company is anticipating a 25% growth in earnings in the next year, that might sound impressive. Yet if earnings in the previous two years grew at 45% and 35% respectively, the 25% doesn't look quite that good.

On the other hand, a company whose earnings have been growing consistently at 8% per year, and whose earnings are expected to grow at least 15% for the next three years due to a new product, could be an excellent growth stock. The important thing to remember here is that the key to earnings momentum is the change in the rate of growth in earnings.

Price-to-Earnings Ratios

As a growth-approach investor, you may also be interested in looking at a stock's price-to-earnings or P/E ratio. While value investors would look at the low P/E ratio relative to the norm, growth investors would look at the P/E relative to the anticipated earnings growth rate. If the market is pricing a stock at 12 times earnings and a five-year growth rate of 20% is anticipated, the stock may represent a growth opportunity.

Price-to-Sales Ratios

The idea behind this ratio is that earnings per share can be affected by non-cash items such as depreciation, etc., but revenues represent real earnings. A growing level of sales revenues is important to growth investors. Price-to-sales ratios are relative to industry groups. For example, a grocery store would be expected to have a different price-to-sales ratio than a defense contractor.

To calculate the price-to-sales ratio, divide the price of the stock by the sales, or revenue, per share of the company.

Non-Financial Attributes

When looking for companies with good long-term growth prospects, it's important to look at numerous non-financial factors, such as new products, new markets, new technologies, quality of management, ability to increase market share, etc.

Investment Themes

As a growth investor, you might look for companies that are positioned to take advantage of areas of concern or need that will grow in the future. Examples include: the aging of the population and its implications for the future of healthcare; the ever-growing concern for the environment; or the state of the country's infrastructure. There are many themes that will arise and change in importance over the years. These changes can be sources of opportunity for growth investors.


If you utilize the "value" approach to investing in stocks, you are a value investor. Your objective is to find the undervalued situation and then hold the stock until the marketplace begins to realize the undervaluation and bids the price of the stock up. The value-oriented approach tends to be a longer-term style of investing. The assumption is that the market will eventually recognize the value of the stock, and the price will rise.

There are many approaches to value investing. Some value buyers may look for more than one measure of undervaluation before they purchase a stock; others may look for only one such relative measure.

When following a value-oriented approach, you would look at a number of measurements of a company's valuation and compare them to industry or market norms. Some of the major valuation measures are:

Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E)Price-to-Book Value RatiosPrice-to-Cash Flow RatiosDividend Yield

Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E)

Stocks have a P/E ratio. This ratio is determined by dividing the price of a stock by the company's net earnings per share. This ratio tells how much investors are willing to pay today for $1 of the company's earnings.

It's important to realize that different industries tend to sell at different levels of P/E ratios. To determine if a company is selling below normal P/E, compare the P/E of a particular stock to that stock's historical P/E ratio, the composite P/E for the industry and the P/E of the market. If you determine that the company is selling at a relatively low P/E, try to determine the cause.

Price-to-Book Value Ratios

Book value is the value of a company's total assets minus total liabilities. In the case of price-to-book value, it is important to keep in mind that there are differences among industry groups. For example, a steel company would tend to trade at a lower price-to-book value since such a company would have a much greater level of hard assets than would a computer software company whose main assets might be copyrights on software programs and the programming knowledge of its employees.

To calculate price-to-book ratio, take the assets of a company and subtract the liabilities, intangible assets and uncapitalized lease obligations. Divide this value by the number of shares outstanding. As with the P/E, compare this ratio to the market, the industry group and historic norms to determine if the company's current price implies a relative undervaluation.

Price-to-Cash Flow Ratios

This measure is popular among value investors because earnings are easier for a company to affect than cash flow. As with price-to-book value ratios, look to identify those companies trading at low price-to-cash flow ratios. Keep in mind that cash flow ratios can vary from industry to industry.

Dividend Yield

If you are value investor, you would try to compare a company's dividend yield to the market, its industry group and the historic norm for the company, to see if the stock is selling at a higher than normal yield. If so, you would try to determine why this is the case. It may be that the market is anticipating a dividend reduction. Keep in mind that dividends also vary among industries. Utility stocks for example, tend to trade at a higher yield than do food companies. To calculate dividend yield, divide the annual dividend the company pays its common stockholders by the price of the stock.

By including value stocks in your portfolio - in addition to other types and styles of investments - you are ensuring it's well diversified and that you're not "putting all your investment eggs in one basket."

Make sure to speak with your CIBC Wood Gundy Investment Advisor who can help you determine if value stocks are appropriate for your investment portfolio.

TOP DOWN:A top-down approach (also known as stepwise design) is essentially the breaking down of a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems. In a top-down approach an overview of the system is formulated, specifying but not detailing any first-level subsystems. Each subsystem is then refined in yet greater detail, sometimes in many additional subsystem levels, until the entire specification is reduced to base elements. A top-down model is often specified with the assistance of "black boxes", these make it easier to manipulate. However, black boxes may fail to elucidate elementary mechanisms or be detailed enough to realistically validate the model.


A bottom-up approach is the piecing together of systems to give rise to grander systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system. Bottom-up processing is a type of information processing based on incoming data from the environment to form

a perception. Information enters the eyes in one direction (input), and is then turned into an image by the brain that can be interpreted and recognized as a perception (output). In a bottom-up approach the individual base elements of the system are first specified in great detail. These elements are then linked together to form larger subsystems, which then in turn are linked, sometimes in many levels, until a complete top-level system is formed. This strategy often resembles a "seed" model, whereby the beginnings are small but eventually grow in complexity and completeness. However, "organic strategies" may result in a tangle of elements and subsystems, developed in isolation and subject to local optimization as opposed to meeting a global purpose.


Some of the  beginners   to online stock trading  do not understand relationship between Share Trading account and Demat Account . In this short article lets see the relationship between Demat account ,Trading Account and your Bank Account . We will also see how many trading or Demat account you can have in total.Work Flow

Below is a short chart where I have tried to give the flow when you buy a share . click to Enlarge.

Demit Account: Account where your Shares are stored in electronic form .

Trading Account: An account which is used to place orders for Buying and Selling of shares .So Trading account is an interface between your Bank account and your Demit account , when you buy something , Trading account takes money from your Bank Account (Its already taken from your Bank account and saved in Trading account) and buys shares and stores it in your Demit account .When you Sell something , Your trading account takes back the shares from your Demit account and Sells them in  Stock Market  and get back the money and that goes back to your Bank account (actually you manually transfer it to Bank account from Trading account most of the times .

How to Trade on the Stock MarketAt some point or another, we have all become interested in making more money using the money we already have, i.e. investing. The stock market, if played correctly, is a natural way to

achieve this goal. Though the thought of potentially losing thousands of dollars can be scary, a little luck, patience and a lot of research could lead to you returning your investment many times over. However, you cannot possibly hope to recoup on an initial investment until you understand the finer points of trading on the stock market.

Never blindly buy stock in a company. Look into the companies you want to buy shares in. Publicly traded companies tend to have their every move detailed on the Internet and in financial newspapers like the Wall Street Journal: Any major developments that may or may not affect their stock price could make headlines. Examine the histories of these companies and consider their financial stability.

Tell your stock broker to get you a prospectus for any of the companies you are planning on buying into. A prospectus is a document filled with facts and free of any speculation about a company, and it is prepared with existing and potential investors in mind. A prospectus provides things like financial statements, yearly earnings breakdowns and any legal dealings the company is involved in.

Consider how much you'll be investing in which companies. Remember that very few people become overnight millionaires investing in the stock market. Also consider exactly why you're investing: Are you putting money in for a large payoff decades down the road, or are you looking to make some kind of small profit fairly quickly?

Purchase shares in the companies you've decided on. If you're working with an online stock broker, this can be as easy as a few mouse clicks. If you're working with a professional, you'll need to place a phone call to relay the relevant information. Once this is done, the broker will purchase or sell the requested shares on your behalf. You should keep up to date on the stock price in the morning newspaper or in real time on sites like Google


The Project which I was assigned by SPA was to study the behaviour of different customers towards Equity market basically in the region of Jamshedpur.

Key steps:

Intially I started my project by knowing what is Equity market all about and how does it work.

After reciving the training from my Seniors regarding Equity market ,whihch acted as the base strength in my survey ,I staread my Survey.

Firstly I divided the region of Jamshedpur region into small areas like:








Then my next move was to contact with different consumers, which started with doing phone calls and then getting the appointment. Once I received appointment from some of of clients. after meeting with people first I gave my introduction like from I have come, what is my company, what Iam doing, what is my objective.Then I asked about the people, What is your profession if he is an fianancialadvisor, then my next is to ask question and tried to get their views towards Equity market.

This process basically started with briefing them about the market followed by a set of questions asked:

Do you know about Equity market?

Have you ever invested in this market?

If<yes what could you say about this market? Etc, were asked .

During the whole process of my summer internship program. I have meet around 380 people and I got different kind of people:

85%- financial advisor.

15%- non financial advisor

Since my basic object is to meet with financial advisor for my market survey?

After meeting and communicating with financial advisor in different area I get the following

Information out of 85% of financial advisor:

65% - Insurance advisor.

10% - Bank and post office advisor.

3% - Tax accountant.

20% - Mixed financial advisor.


The people that I have meet which have little or no knowledge about EQUITY MARKET, or some of them were not interested, after communicating and convincing him I got following result:

65% of people finally prepared, and show interest in equity market due to following reason:

Less competition in the equity market because as comparison to other equity market advisor is very less.

Give high return and benefit to its investor if he invests for long as well as in short term.

This makes for easier access for the company's products and services in the marketplace. For example, if a car company is looking to begin exporting its product to a new market in Asia, a strong marketing advantage is gained by also listing its stock on the local stock exchange.

The feedback received was such:

Name Contact No Feedback

Jai Kumar 9263996289 Interest to invest in equity market.Kamlesh 9835175701 Interested to invest in equity market.

Hota Sir 9431343502 Interested to invest in equity market.

Ajay Sir 9661810243 Already invest in equity market.Kameshar 9835374844 Already invest in equity market.

Naveen Pandey 9771309815 Already invested in equity market.B.K.Tiwary 9031924102 Already invested in equity market.

Vikash Tiwary 8092894115 Already invested in equity marketGourav Sir 9334622827 Already invest in equity market.

Paras Prasad 9955468271 No idea about equity market

Pappu kumar 9431762128 No idea about equity market

kamram 9234739839 No idea about equity market

Shanu kumar 8862808262 No idea about equity market.Sudanshu kumar 9234500137 Like to invest in equity market but not aware.

S.K.Hussan 9234610478 . Like to invest in equity market but not awareDr.Pradip Bhagat 9334625982 Risk in this market.

L.chander 9004611443 They find risk in this market.Jassjit Singh 9525148770 They find risk in this market.

S.B.Jha 8092364261 Investment in L.I.C, mitual funds.Kribal Singh 8797781697 Investment in L.I.C, mitual funds.Ram kumar 9234610603 Investment in L.I.C, mitual funds.

Dr.B.C.Mahapatra 9199541793 Investment in L.I.C.

N.L.Singh 9431765076 Investment in L.I.C.

Jsaad Ahamed 8092565669 Investment in L.I.C.

Mandher Sharma 9431329374 Take a chance to invest after getting knowledge.Ranjeet Singh Soni 926354525 Not ready to listen bcoz. Of their perception about this market.

Anil kr.Mishra 9431762100 Not ready to listen bcoz. Of their perception about this market.Rajesh kr. Singh 9234610661 Not ready to listen bcoz. Of their perception about this market.

T.K.Pandey 9430157831 Not ready to listen bcoz. Of their perception about this market.

Manjeet kour 9199541849

Not ready to listen bcoz. Of their perception about this market.

B.Bala Roa 9334635791 Invest in FD, L.I.C, saving.Kirshan Lal 9835126552 Invest in FD, L.I.C, saving.

Ankan kumar Kar 9431521635 Invest in FD, L.I.C, saving.Ravi Kiran 9835118229 Some showed interest after getting knowledge.

Abhishek kumar 9431764883 Showed Some interest after getting knowledge.Randhir kumar 9204881073 Showed Some interest after getting knowledge.

M.R.Rohit 9334629894 Very difficult to convince people.Rajiv Singh 9835173641 Very difficult to convince people.

Rareev Ranjan 9835707815 Very difficult to convince people.Navin Sharma 9835382177 Some ask why to invest in this market.

Asapu Durga Rao 9955125535 Why to invest.Mr.Abhijet 9835309922 Why to invest.Dhiraj Kr. 9576166695 reason to trust u.

Dinesh Prashad 9835564511 reason to trust u.Sudhakar Sharma 9973681156 reason to trust u.Abhishek Gupta 9334098306 Wants to invest bcz risk taking is a part of life.

Ratna kr. 9931195839why we invest in this market rather invest were u don’t have to take any mental pressure.

Mr. Anirban 9031050439why we invest in this market rather invest were u don’t haveto take mental pressure.

Shiv Kr. Pandey 9234653326why we invest in this market rather invest were u don’t have to take any mental pressure.
