Prioritizing Debts with Jameson Van Houten



Jameson Van Houten of Stonegate Financial Group reveals some information about how to prioritize your debt so that you can achieve financial freedom in the future!

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Prioritizing DebtFrom Jameson Van Houten of Stonegate Financial Group

Why Prioritize?

• It is important to consider prioritizing debt so that you know exactly what your debts are.

• By paying smaller installments to larger debts and putting smaller debts to the side, you are actually putting yourself in a worse position.

• Consider paying off smaller debts first before attacking larger debts shares Jameson Van Houten.

Paying Smaller Debts First

• If you pay of smaller debts first, you can get those off of your plate.

• You can then apply the amount that you were paying to the smaller debts to larger debts to pay them off faster!

• Budgets and having a financial plan will help you to achieve your goals!

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