Jenkintown Bank Integration


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Eagle Consultant GroupJenkintown Bank and Glenside Loans

John Brownell

Who Is Eagle Consultant Group?

Eagle Consulting Group (ECG) supplies technology solutions for business, government, and the nonprofit sector.

ECG employs expert IT consultants whose goal is to assist customers and guide them towards the best products and services to fit their business needs.

Jenkintown’s Current System

No interaction between Glenside database and Jenkintown database

Different database platforms

No data integrity

Design, Room for Improvement

Database search functionality

No link to function between the

Jenkintown and Glenside database

Search results boring and lacks customer intrigue

Getting on the Right Track

Seamless integration between Glenside database and Jenkintown database

Establish single database platform

Create standard for inputting and storing data

Business Requirements Gathering

Success Using Resources

Project Funding

System Impacting Goals

System Information Gathering

In-house Technical Resources

Database Platform


Building a New System


Custom configuration for needs of company

Competitive Advantage


Very Expensive

Limited Resources

Time and Resources Used for New System

Repairing System Issues


Low cost of system reconfiguration

End user familiarity


Legacy System

Compatibility with newer computing devices

Integrate or Innovate?

Integrate and Modify Current System

Limit training for end-users

I.T staff familiar with current system

Proven and Established applications

Reduce time and cost of overall project

Outsourcing The Solution Able to limit I.T staff resource expenses

Team of implementation experts

Focus employees on other vital business needs

Fixed Implementation Cost

Choosing Eagle Consultant Group

We believe Eagle Consultant Group can meet your needs of integrating and modifying your current system.

Our team of technical specialists offer expertise in designing customized solutions, while our advanced technology engineers assist customers with the implementation and long-term management of those solutions.

Jenkintown Bank and ECG will make the perfect team!

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