7 Remedies to a Wafer Thin Bank Account


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We are always complaining about not having enough money in our bank accounts

So . . . Here are 7 practical remedies for you to fatten your wafer-thin bank accounts . . .


Allow Your Bank Account to Fatten

You are capable of receiving a lot of money into your life

Start by SAVING 10% of your INCOME that comes along your way

Use piggy banks, saving accounts . . . whatever. Just Save.

"But when I began to take out from my purse but nine parts of the ten I put in," Arkad said, "it began to fatten. So will thine."

Control Your Expenses

Look at your consolidated bank account statement . . . Do you see money gushing out or money trickling in?

You may make $10,000 a month . . . But if you spend $9000 a month, you are no better off than making $1000 a month

"That what each of us calls our 'necessary expenses' will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary," Arkad stated.   "Confuse not the necessary expenses with thy desires."

Multiply Your Wealth

It’s not a joke when a Bank offers you a 50-year home loan. It reflects the reality of rising inflation rates and stagnant wages

Make your own informed decision, invest a portion of your money by other means, according to your risk/reward ratio

"A man's wealth is not in the coins he carries in his purse; it is the income he buildeth. That is what thou desireth:   an income that continueth to come whether thou work or travel."

Protect Your Wealth from Loss

Getting rich takes time. A tree can reach out high only when its roots are in place

If you’re going to take risks, and invest your money, learn to make calculated risks

Don’t just look out for Returns on Investment, Rather it is Return of your Investment!

"The first sound principle of investment is security for thy principal.   The penalty of risk is probable loss.   Study carefully, before parting with thy treasure, each assurance that it may be safely reclaimed.   Be not misled by thine own desires to make wealth rapidly."

Make Your House an Asset, Not a Liability

There is no ownership for the renter. Ever.

As long as you stay in your house, and it is still under mortgage loans, it remains a liability

Look for re-financing to reduce your interest rates, and always be on the look out for other rental yielding properties

Take a look at cheaper overseas properties. The grass can be greener on the other side

"Thus come many blessings to the man who owneth his own house. And greatly will it reduce his cost of living, making available more of his earnings for pleasures and the gratification of his desires."

Insure Your Future Income

What Man proposes, God disposes

While the future is unknown, take the right measures to ensure a certain level of financial stability

Insurance is the only financial tool to provide a certain payout in uncertain times

"No man can afford not to insure a treasure for his old age and the protection of his family, no matter how prosperous his business and investments may be."

Be Teachable. Always.

Pre-conceived ideas can be a cap on your ability to be a better person

Constantly learn, discover and share

Never underestimate the opportunity to monetise your favorite hobby or skill

"The more of wisdom we know, the more we may earn. The man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded. Cultivate thy own powers, study and become wiser, become more skillful, and act as to respect thyself."

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