Zinc oxide nano particle for the photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium in waste water...


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Zinc oxide nanoparticles for the photocatalytic reduction ofhexavalent chromium in wastewater under sunlight


Hexavalent chromium;Photocatalytic reduction;Zinc oxide nanoparticles;

Sunlight;Initial rate;

Kinetic model.


Common sources of chromium in wastewater are leather industries, elec-troplating, electronic, and timber. Hexavalent chromium is more toxic andcarcinogenic than trivalent chromium. Photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI)to Cr (III) in an aqueous medium under tropical sunlight and nanosizedZnO semiconductor catalyst has been investigated using potassium dichro-mate as the model compound. Methanol was added as a hole- scavengerfor enhancement of the photo-reduction. Effects of the process param-eters such as nano-ZnO loading (0 to 0.6g/L), initial concentration of sub-strate solution (10 to 50mg/L), pH (4-9) and methanol-dosing (0 � 1.75mol/L) have been investigated. The initial rate of the photochemical methodwas found to be independent of the concentration of potassium dichro-mate as well as concentration of methanol above an optimum value. Aprobable mechanism for the entire reaction and the corresponding kineticmodel have been proposed for the photo reduction and proved by experi-mental results. Another rate equation based on the LHHW model com-pares well with the mechanistic rate equation.2012 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA


Chromium occurs in two common oxidation states- Cr (III) and Cr (VI). Hexavalent Chromium is toxicand carcinogenic. But Cr (III) is less toxic and can bereadily precipitated or sorbed on a variety of inorganicand organic substances at alkaline or neutral pH[1,2].Industrial sources such as leather tanning industries,chrome plating, electronic, metallurgical, and timberrelease Cr (VI) in effluent streams and therefore must

be treated before it is discharged to surface water. Thetreatment procedure of Cr (VI)-bearing wastewateroften comprises of reduction of Cr (VI) and post-treat-ment such as coagulation-precipitation, active carbonadsorption or membrane based processes and tech-nologies[3-5].

Reduction of chromium occurs in an acidic mediumin presence of an electron donor (e.g., Fe++, Fe0) a re-ducing anion (e.g., S2-, SO

3 2-) or an oxidizable organic

(e.g., an alcohol)[6-8]. An alternative clean route is photo-

Prantik Banerjee*, Pallavi Mitra, Sampa Chakrabarti, Sekhar BhattacharjeeDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Calcutta, 92, Acharya P. C. Road, Kolkata, 700 009, (INDIA)

E-mail: prantik.banerjee85@gmail.com; sampac@vsnl.net; sampac.2008@gmail.com;pallavim8@gmail.com; sekharbhatta@gmail.com

Received: 3rd June, 2012 ; Accepted: 13th August, 2012

Environmental ScienceAn Indian Journal

Trade Science Inc.

Volume 7 Issue 8

ESAIJ, 7(8), 2012 [288-295]

Environmental ScienceISSN : 0974 - 7451

Prantik Banerjee et al. 289

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An Indian JournalEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Science

catalytic reduction in presence of a semiconductor mate-rial such as ZnO, TiO

2, CdS or WO

3 under visible/ UV

radiation[2,3,9,10]. The photocatalytic method is based onthe reactive properties of an electron-hole pair gener-ated in the semiconductor when irradiated by UV/vis-ible light having energy greater than the band-gap en-ergy of the semiconductor. Application of the photo-catalytic technique for remediation of inorganic and or-ganic pollutants in wastewater has been reviewed byKabra et al.[11]. This method is widely used for treat-ment of the drinking water and industrial wastewaterby oxidizing refractory organic contaminants. The ca-pacity of a semiconductor photocatalyst such as ZnOto reduce any reducible pollutant which uses the gener-ated electron on the semiconductor surface is, how-ever, less explored. Photoreduction of a metal ion isaccelerated if it is accompanied by simultaneous oxida-tion of an organic molecule that plays the role of a ligandor a �sacrificial electron donor�. During the photo-re-duction process, concurrent generation of one or moreof the species O

2., HO

2., OH., H


2 and HO

2- is re-

ported. This occurs because of the fact that the me-dium (water) acts as the electron donor simultaneouslywith the sacrificial organic species acting as the holescavenger. Only a few investigations on photo-reduc-tion of Cr(VI) have been reported in the recent years.Ku and Jung[12] studied photoreduction of Cr (VI) in anirradiated suspension of TiO

2 (up to 12 g/L). Khalil et

al.[13] studied the same using an irradiated suspensionof ZnO, WO

3 and two varieties of TiO

2. The pH and

initial concentration of Cr (VI) were reported to haveaffecting the photocatalytic process. Using a sacrificialorganic species as a hole scavenger to enhance pho-toreduction of Cr (VI) has been reported in severalrecent publications. Schrank et al.[9] used Luranzol SKong dye in presence of TiO

2 photocatalyst at pH val-

ues ranging from 2.5 and 7.0. Mytych et al.[8] studiedphotoreduction of Cr (VI) with simultaneous degrada-tion of organic compounds such as phenols, chloro-and bromo-phenols, aliphatic alcohols and oxalateligands. Carbon tetrachloride in presence of a non-ionicsurfactant used as hole absorbers from suspended TiO


irradiated with visible light was reported by Cho et al.[14].From the very onset of human civilization, man has

utilized solar energy to meet various requirements, mostimportant disinfection of water, or environmental

remediation, a topic over which there has much hueand cry these days. The fact that fast depleting reservesof fossil fuel vis-a-vis deteriorating environment has fur-ther encouraged studies on more efficient usage of so-lar energy. Using advanced oxidation techniques byphotocatalysts, solid, liquid and even gaseous wastescan be treated with the help of solar energy. India, be-ing a tropical country, the daily average solar energyincident over India varies from 4 to 7 kWh/m2 withabout 2300 - 3200 sunshine hours per year, dependingupon location (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_energy_budget.html[15]. It is thus especiallydesirable that environmental remediation problems incountries like India may be addressed economically withthe help of solar energy rather than employing a rela-tively costly power generated from fossil fuel.

Very few reports are available on the photocata-lytic reduction of hexavalent chromium using solar ra-diation. Das et al.[16] studied the photocatalytic reduc-tion of hexavalent chromium under solar irradiation us-ing titania-pillared zirconium phosphate and titaniumphosphate prepared by them as semiconductor cata-lyst. The reduction was favoured in acidic pH and therate decreased with increase in initial concentration. Therate of reduction was pseudo-first order. Mahapatra etal.[17] prepared, characterized and studied the activityof the sulphate modified TiO

2 photocatalyst under solar

radiation for reducing hexavalent chromium to the triva-lent one. The photoreduction was enhanced by the pres-ence of complexing agent like EDTA. Surface of theZnO semiconductor was sensitized using humic acidby Selli et al[18] for enhancement of the reduction ofhexavalent chromium under solar radiation. In a re-cent article, Kabra et al.[19] reported solar photore-duction of hexavalent chromium using TiO

2 catalyst

and citric acid as electron donor. They found that thereduction was highly sensitive to pH and 100% re-duction could be achieved within 1.5h in the strongacidic pH of 2. A few researchers have reported com-paratively better photocatalytic activity of ZnO com-pared to TiO

2[20,21]. The undoped ZnO has the same

band-gap energy of 3.2eV as that of TiO2. From the

comparative absorption spectra of ZnO and TiO2, it

may be observed from the absorption spectrum of ZnOconsists of a single and broad intense absorption from470 nm to lower wave lengths, whereas TiO

2 shows

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intense absorption from 420nm until band gap char-acteristic absorption maximum at 400 nm. The absor-bance of ZnO is more than TiO

2 right from 470 to

350nm, the region where the light absorption due toband gap excitation occurs in both the materials[21].That means ZnO absorbs large fraction of solar spec-trum and more light quanta than TiO


Use of nano-sized semiconductor particles is a veryrecent trend and the available reports are not many. Inone of our previous works[22], we had studied the pho-tocatalytic efficiency of nanoparticles generated employ-ing different solvents, which was observed to be differ-ent due to different morphology of synthesized ZnOcrystallites. We had also observed that nanoparticleshave almost double reduction efficiency compared tothat of commercially available microparticles of ZnO.Yang and Chan[23] studied photocatalytic reduction ofhexavalent chromium in aqueous solution using dye-sen-sitized nanoscale ZnO under visible light. Alizarin RedS dye was used for sensitizing nano-ZnO prepared fromZnSO

4 and NH


3. The light source was 4nos.

18W household fluorescent lamp and also solar radia-tion. They achieved reduction efficiencies of 75% withlamp and 90% with solar radiation after 17h with 20mg/L initial condition of hexavalent chromium. Yoon et al.[24]

reduced hexavalent chromium in water usingnanotubular TiO

2 electrode under UV radiation of a

1000W Xenon lamp. At pH 3, they achieved a reduc-tion efficiency of 98% with a Cr(VI) solution of 1mg/Lin 120 minutes. Yang et al.[25] used WO

3 doped TiO


nanotube array in presence of citric acid as sacrificialelectron donor for photo reduction of hexavalent chro-mium. The radiations used were both in the UV andvisible regions with Hg and Xe lamps respectively. Idriset al.[26] used magnetically separable photocatalyst beadsmade of ã-iron oxide nanoparticle and sodium alginatepolymer to reduce hexavalent chromiumphotocatalytically. They obtained complete reductionof 50mg/L solution of dichromate within 50 minutesunder solar irradiation. Ku et al.[27] studied the photo-catalytic reduction of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution usingZnO/TiO

2 photocatalysts coupled with various ZnO

dosages under 365 nm UV light illumination. They ob-served that ZnO/TiO

2 containing 2.0 mol% ZnO ex-

hibited the lowest photoluminescence emission inten-sity and the maximum photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI)

in aqueous solutions due to the enhancement of chargeseparation by interparticle electron transfer.

In the present work, nanosized ZnO has been usedas a semiconductor catalyst to reduce hexavalent chro-mium present in potassium dichromate under solar irra-diation. The sacrificial electron donor was methanol andthe justification of its use was explained in our previouswork[28]. In the east coast of India in September � Oc-tober, the average intensity of the sunlight was about 60- 70 klux. The influence of process parameters such asZnO loading, pH, quantity of methanol added and ini-tial concentration of the substrate was studied. A pos-sible mechanism with a rate equation has been mod-eled and tested with experimental data.



Potassium dichromate (GR grade) was receivedfrom LOBA Chemie, India. Methanol (GR) was pro-cured from SD Chemicals, India. Zinc oxidenanopowder (< 100nm size, No. 544906) was pur-chased from Sigma-Aldrich and freshly prepared doubledistilled water was used to prepare solutions.

Characterization of semiconductor nanoparticles

The particle size was analyzed using a Malvern DLSnanosizer instrument. The mean particle size of the ZnOcatalyst was 50 � 80 nm (Figure not shown) and thesurface area was 15 - 25m2/g. Crystal structure andpurity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (Figure not shown)have been studied using PANalytical PW 3040/ 60XRD instrument. The cell volume was found to be29.02644±0.117286 Å3. The diffractometer systemwas X Pert PRO with 2 from 5 to 80o. Particle sizesof the nanoparticles have been calculated using Scherrerequation[29].t = 0.9ë/(Bcosè) (1)

where t is the grain thickness, ë is the wavelength of theradiations, B is FWHM value of the peaks and è is thediffraction angle and the value of t was found to be26nm. Size and surface morphology was also analyzedusing AFM (VEECO digital multimode nanoscopeIIIa) on glass slide (Figure not shown).

Intensity of solar radiation was measured usingMetravi 1330 digital lux meter. pH of the solution was

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Blank experiments carried out without any photo-catalyst added did not indicate any photolysis or pho-tochemical change in the substrate. Thus the observedreduction of dichromate was due to photocatalytic ef-fect of ZnO and the sacrificial electron donor only.

Adsorption experiments

Adsorption of dichromate on the ZnO particles was

found to be negligible. EDS analysis of the spent cata-lyst from the adsorption experiment showed no Cr(VI)adsorbed on it. In spite of the dispute on the amount ofadsorption, there is a general agreement in the litera-ture[9,13] that ZnO adsorbs very little Cr(VI) at neutralor basic pH (the point of zero charge of the materialoccurs at a pH of 9.2) and our experiment was done ata close to neutral pH (pH = 5)[31].

We have filtered potassium dichromate solutionwithout catalyst to study whether there is any adsorp-tion/ reduction of Cr(VI) occurred by the membraneitself and we observed no adsorption / reduction ofCr(VI) during filtration through polycarbonate mem-brane. When adsorption experiment was conductedseparately with a high concentration of alcohol (Figure2), substantial adsorption of methanol was noted onthe zinc oxide nanoparticle. The residual concentrationof methanol was measured spectrophotometrically atë

max = 280nm.

measured by Eutech Waterproof pH Testr 20.

Analytical methods: The concentration of hexavalentchromium was determined spectrophotometrically atë

max = 349nm using a 1 cm quartz cell in a UV-vis spec-

trophotometer (Shimadzu UV-160A)[30].

Experimental set up and procedure

Solar experiments were carried out in a SS � boxtype reactor with a quartz glass cover and having a cool-ing water circulation system around it. The volume ofthe reactor was about 550 mL. It was mounted on amagnetic stirrer for mixing (Figure 1). Potassium dichro-mate solution, weighed quantity of ZnO and methanolwere taken together. This reaction mixture was main-tained as a suspension with the help of a magnetic stir-rer. After ensuring the adsorption equilibrium, if any, inthe dark, the reactor was exposed to the sunlight for2h. Aliquots of about 25mL were withdrawn at par-ticular time intervals, filtered using Whatman NucleoporePolycarbonate membrane (No. 111103, porosity0.05ìm) filter and the filtrate was analyzed spectro-photometrically for the residual potassium dichromatecontent.

Figure 1 : Experimental set-up for photoreduction ofhexavalent chromium under sunlight

Figure 2 : Time concentration data for adsorption of methanolon nano-ZnO photocatalyst [Initial concentration of methanol:20 mol/L, temperature 25oC, pH 5, nano-ZnO loading 0.5g in150mL solution]

Influence of process parameters

We have varied the nano-ZnO loading from 0 to0.6g/L and initial concentration of Cr (VI) from 10 to50mg/L. It was observed that the initial rate increasedwith ZnO-loading up to 0.3g/L. After that the rate re-mained unchanged with ZnO�loading of 0.4g/L andthereafter, with further increase in loading, it decreased.Increase in the amount of ZnO means increase in theactive sites for catalysis. Hence the increase in rate con-stant and percent degraded. But after a certain criticalvalue, the suspended catalyst blocked the entry of sun-

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The pHs selected were 4, 5, 7 and 9. It was observedthat the initial rate was maximum at pH 4 and remainsnearly the same at pH 5. However the initial rates werelower in neutral (pH 7) and alkaline (pH 9) medium.We have conducted the baseline experiments at pH 5.

We have used methanol as hole-scavenger and in-creased the quantity of methanol added from 0 to1.75mol/L in a set of experiments. We observed anenhancement in the initial rate up to 1.25mol/L, afterthat the initial rate did not change considerably withaddition of more methanol (Figure 3c). Therefore wefixed our experiments with 1.25mol/L methanol.

Photo-reduction � steps, mechanism and rateequation

The following reaction pathway is proposed for thereduction process where the first step is the generationof hole-electron pair after the surface of ZnOnanoparticles was irradiated with sunlight.

Photo-excitation: )eZnO(hhíZnO 1k (2)

The hole is responsible for oxidation and the electron isresponsible for reduction. As reduction is the desiredroute here, we have used methanol as hole-scavenger.There was no change in the initial rate of reduction ofCr(VI) by addition of methanol beyond 1.25mol/L. Thismeans that all the holes generated at that particular ZnOloading and light-intensity, have been scavenged by theamount of methanol added. Since the quantity of metha-nol is in large excess, we can safely assume that the

light and hence the decrease in the initial rate of reduc-tion of Cr(VI). We have plotted ZnO loading up to 0.4g/L against initial rate to get a straight line (Figure 3a).Under the otherwise same experimental conditions, ini-tial rate of reduction with nanosized ZnO is about 2.8times of that with microsized ZnO catalyst.

The range of initial concentration of the substratewe worked was from 10mg/L to 50mg/L. We observedthat the percent reduced decreased with increase in theinitial concentration which was reported before by Kuand Jung[12], Chakrabarti et al.[28], Iwata et al.[32], andChakrabarti and Dutta[33]. However, the initial rate ismore or less independent of initial substrate concentra-tion (Figure 3b).

The photoreduction experiment has been conductedin different pH to study its effect on the photoreduction.

Figure 3a : ZnO-loading vs initial rate of photoreduction[Initial concentration of substrate: 50mg/L, methanolconcentration 1.25 mol/L, solution volume 500mL,temperature 25oC, pH 5, solar light 70klux]

Figure 3b : Initial substrate concentration vs initial rate ofphotoreduction [ZnO-loading 0.4g/L, methanol concentration1.25mol/L, temperature 25oC, pH 5, solar light 70klux]

Figure 3c : Concentration of methanol vs initial rate ofphotoreduction [Initial concentration of substrate 50mg/L,nanoZnO loading 0.2g, solution volume mL, temperature25oC, pH 5, solar light 70klux]

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recombination of hole-electron pair is negligible.Turchi and Ollis[34] suggested four modes of photo-

catalytic reactions, where one of the described reactionoccurring between two free species in the fluid phaseforming H


2. In one of the studies, Khalil et al[13] has

suggested that since there was no appreciable adsorp-tion of Cr(VI) on ZnO surface, and it is also possiblethat homogeneous reduction of Cr (VI) in solution oc-curs by photogenerated H


2[13]. Dissolved oxygen acts

as the electron scavenger and generates H2O


Generation of H2O



2 OH21



A parallel reduction reaction may have occurred throughadsorbed methanol (since we observed adsorption ofmethanol and not the substrate on the surface) whichgives rise to methoxy radicals upon hole scavenging.

Hole scavenging by methanol:

OCH)ZnO(h OHCH 34k

3 (4)

The reduction of Cr (VI) to Cr (III) may proceed ei-ther with hydrogen peroxide (vide Eq. 3 above) and/orwith the methoxy radicals (vide Eq. 4 above) gener-ated in situ. The reduction reactions are given below(Eqns (5) and (6)). Equations 5 and 6 are based ontwo observations: (i) quite a considerable amount ofmethanol adsorbed on nano-zinc oxide. (ii) a typicalFTIR spectra (Jasco FTIR-670 Plus) of a reaction mix-ture showed peaks at 1009 cm-1 (69% transmission)and 835 cm-1 (55% transmission). These peaks arecharacteristic of an aldehyde which is formaldehyde inthis case. Khalil et al.[13] suggested homogeneous re-duction of hexavalent chromium by photogeneratedH


2 responsible for supply of electron to the hexavalent

chromium in solutionReduction of Cr(VI):



Cr(VI) (5)

productsCr(III)OCHCr(VI) 5k3


A mechanistic rate expression for photo-reduction canbe developed on the basis of the above reaction steps.Generation and consumption of H


2 and methoxy radi-

cals are assumed to occur at pseudo-steady state[28].

0 ][H]OCr(VI)][H[k]][eH[]O[k]OH[dtd 2




2222 (7)

0 ]OCr(VI)][CH[k]h][OHCH[k]OCH[dtd

35343 (8)

The initial rate of reduction [from Eq. (4) and Eq (5)]is,

]OH[Cr(VI)][Ck][H]O[Cr(VI)[Hk dt





Combining Eqs (6), (7) and (8),

Initial rate = ]e][[H]O[k 21

22 + ]h][OHCH[k 34


Again, the pseudo-steady state assumption applied tothe generation of holes and the electrons leading to

0 ]h][OHCH[k]h][ZnO[k]h[dtd

341 (11)




1 0 ]e][[H]O[k 21

22 (12)

Combining Eqs (10), (11) and (12), the final form ofthe rate equation becomes:

Initial rate of reduction,r

i = 2 k

1[ZnO][h ]=k [ZnO] (13)

The initial rate is thus directly proportional to the cata-lyst loading as the intensity of solar radiation remainsconstant. This corroborates to our experimental obser-vation indicated in Figure 3a.

At constant loading of ZnO,the initial rate r

i = k� (14)

Eq..(14) means the initial rate is independent of initialsubstrate concentration and methanol concentration. Theproposition is supported by the experimental data de-scribed in Figures 3b and 3c. A recent article by Wanget al.[35] reports that the rate of reduction is indepen-dent of the substrate concentration; this supports ourEq. (13) as deduced from the present model.

Several researchers proposed the LHHW rateequation to determine the rate constant for photocata-lytic reduction of hexavalent chromium[9,12]. But thereare reports which suggest that photocatalytic processesdo not always obey LH equation[36,37]. Although we didnot observe any appreciable adsorption of Cr(VI) onthe ZnO photocatalyst surface, but adsorption of metha-nol could lead to a LHHW-type pathway of the reduc-tion reaction through the formation of the methoxy radi-cals [Eq. (4)]. To test this possibility we selected thefollowing form of the LHHW equation for the initial rate:


Ai CK1

C'kr Rate, Initial


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An Indian JournalEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Science

We could regress the data very nicely (R2=0.99).Moreover we observed that since KC

A>>1 at the ex-

perimental range, the LH equation reduced to the formwhere initial rate was independent of the initial con-centration of the substrate. Following the equation [Eq.(15)] suggested by Minero and Vione[36] for a well-stirred open system where the substrate is very poorlyadsorbed on the photocatalyst, it was observed thatthe initial rate is directly proportional to the catalystloading only. This, once again revalidates our proposedEq. (13).

The value of the zero order rate constant from theLHHW model is 0.29 mg L-1 min-1. Using ZnO load-ing as 0.3g/L, the value of rate constant from our pro-posed model [k�� in Eq. (14)] comes to be 0.28 mg.L-1.min-1 which are in good agreement. Figure 4 showsa parity diagram showing the experimental and pre-dicted values of the initial rates at different loading ofZnO photocatalyst.

tron donor. Under constant intensity of solar radiation,the extent of degradation as well as its initial rate couldbe increased by increasing the loading of the photo-catalyst. About 43 % reduction of the substrate couldbe achieved over a reaction time of 120 minutes usingonly 0.5g nano ZnO per litre of substrate solution. Theinitial reaction rate was practically independent of theconcentration of the substrate as well as of the sacrifi-cial electron donor but showed a linear dependence onthe catalyst in suspension. A kinetic model has beensuggested based on a possible sequence of reactions.We also observed that the model fitted in the initial ratewhich was calculated from the experimental data.


A research grant no. Conv./ 002/ NanoRAC(2008) dated 12.12.08 from the Centre for Researchin Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University ofCalcutta. Prof. Basab Chaudhuri, Registrar, Universityof Calcutta. Prof. Binay K. Dutta, Chairman, WestBengal Pollution Control Board.


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