You’Re Good At What You Do



Bruce Kidson shares how a small business can complete with bigger companies and get onto page 1 of Google, without spending a fortune on SEO. (Search Engine Optimisation)

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You’re good at what you do. Right?

And you would like more customers to have the benefit and enjoy your services.

Maybe you have invested in a web site but it’s sitting on page 3 of Google and not bringing in the new customers you’d like. A friend mentioned that

you ought to be doing SEO, what ever that is, but you’re not sure what benefit you would get for spending £300 to 500 a month.

Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube, your customers are there,

that much you know, but how do you get to engage with customers. And where are you

going to find the time? After you’ve run your business, worked hard at that and

then there’s the paperwork that seems to be the bane of small businesses. I know as

I’ve run small businesses.

I’m Bruce Kidson and have 30 years experience in running small &

medium size companies from self employed to 300 employees. And sales have always been a forte of

mine, growing the businesses 20 to 6,000% a year.

For some people business is tough, today, but others are thriving.

The internet has brought new opportunities.

I thought I’d make use of this, and I wrote a course some 300,000 words, got an expensive web site, got a PR guy a traffic ‘expert’

wrote blogs and did worked very hard on it for 18 months. But it didn’t take off. Very few sales. What a bummer.

So instead of getting other ‘experts’ to do it, (I had also run

out of money ) I decided to learn about marketing myself

and to help other small business

And I discovered how as a small business with limited resources can not only compete with

the big companies, but perform better.

Profit from Local Social Media is a collaboration of myself Bruce Kidson and some of the big names in social media and

marketing, Ryan Deiss, Laura Betterly and Jo Barnes and together we can help you:

Get you onto page One of Google, cost £20

Harness Social Media

Encouraging customers to come back more often

Having existing customers spend more

Getting more customers.

Complete the marketing survey to discover the best way to market and if you would like we can help

Or give me a ring 0742 871893


Our Mantra

Live in the Moment it’s a present

Love greatly and unconditionally

Laugh at life’s challenges, funny things and self
