You have 6 sheets of stickers that you plan to use to decorate your invitations. If you put two...


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You have 6 sheets of stickers that you plan to use to decorate your invitations. If you put two sheets of stickers on each invitation, how many invitations can you make?

What are some ways that you could model this situation?

After examining your brother’s model, what error did he make? Why is this not reasonable based on the context of the situation?

Your brother wants to create several extended mixes that mash together your favorite songs. Before starting on the mixes, he wants to figure out exactly how many he will need to make if the length of each remix is of an hour. He plans to play the mixes during the set-up, party, and clean-up, so he will need 5 hours of music in all. After doing some calculations, he tells you that he will be making , or 1, remix for your party, but this just does not sound reasonable to you, so you ask to see his model.

Elsa’s Thinking: Zeek’s Thinking:

Take a look at each friend’s model and determine which you agree with, but be sure you are able to justify your reasoning so neither friend thinks you are being unfair by just playing favorites!

Look closely at the context of each situation. Which were you trying to plan whenever you drew the above model?

Write a note to your family explaining how to create a model to solve a problem involving the division of whole numbers by fractions. Make sure to use clear language and precise Math vocabulary. You may even want to draw an example to make it easier to understand.

Dear Family…
