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DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIA(Province of Westminster)

Charity No. 278742Website:

Twinned withThe Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

and The Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang, Cambodia

PATRONS OF THE DIOCESEOur Lady of Walsingham, September 24

St Edmund, November 20St Felix, March 8

St Etheldreda, June 23

BISHOPRt Rev Alan Stephen Hopes BD AKC

Bishop’s Residence:The White House,21 Upgate,Poringland,

Norwich, Norfolk NR14 7SH.Tel: (01508) 492202Fax:(01508) 495358



Cover Illustration: Bishop Alan with children from Our Lady Star of the Sea in Lowestoft.

2 Contents


Map of the Diocese of East Anglia............................................................. 4

Bishop Alan’s Foreword.............................................................................. 5

Diocese of East Anglia Contacts................................................................ 7

Key Diary Dates 2018.................................................................................. 14

Pope Francis................................................................................................ 15

Catholic Church in England and Wales..................................................... 15

Diocese of East Anglia................................................................................ 19

Departments....................................................................... 23

Commissions..................................................................... 26

Other Offices...................................................................... 29

Pastoral Statistics....................................................................................... 32

Year in the Life of the Diocese................................................................... 34

Feature Articles........................................................................................... 51

Obituaries.................................................................................................... 56

Vocations..................................................................................................... 59

Building Bridges..........................................................................................63

Parish Directory........................................................................................... 65

Deaneries..................................................................................................... 94

Schools Directory........................................................................................ 97

Hospitals Directory.....................................................................................103

Prisons Directory........................................................................................110

Clergy and Religious Directory.................................................................112

Financial Report.........................................................................................125

Second Collections....................................................................................128

Organisations and Societies Directory....................................................130

Diocesan Calendar for East Anglia 2018................................................. 145



2018 Yearbook and Liturgical Calendar

EDITORKeith Morris

Director of CommunicationsEmail:

Updates to:Bishop’s PA

c/o The White House,21 Upgate,Poringland,

Norwich, Norfolk NR14 7SH.Tel: (01508) 493956


Published annually – 35th edition

Publisher:Gemini Print (Wigan) LtdUnit A, Redgate Road,

South Lancashire Business ParkWigan, WN4 8DT

For advertising enquiries tel: (01942) 712480

4 Map



Foreword 5


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who were able and willing totake part in the recent ‘Alive in Faith’ Diocesan Fundraising Initiative which began in 2015and was completed shortly after Easter 2017. I am grateful to the many priests, deaconsand lay faithful, for their commitment, hard work, prayer and generosity which have madethe initiative so successful in many different ways.

In practical terms it will enable us as a Diocese to commit to the training of our 13seminarians and those who will discern their vocation in the future. It will also help us tosupport our retired and sick priests in the best possible way. It has enabled parishes tobegin projects to help them to carry out the mission of the Church locally. And it has alsoprovided us with a fund for ‘Caritas East Anglia’ which will support all we are doing in ourservice and help of the poorest and most vulnerable in our Diocese, including thoseparish initiatives which are already involved in this mission.

The response to ‘Alive in Faith’ was a massive Yes! to thefuture of our Diocese. But it must, of course, be firmlyplanted in our call to mission – to bring the joy and mercyof the Gospel to the people of East Anglia.

New initiatives in the Diocese are assisting us in this call:

The diocesan Youth Mission Team has taken on a new life.Much new work is being done to help our young peoplediscover for themselves the joy of knowing Christ. Lastyear’s Ignite Festival weekend, drew over 200 youngpeople to celebrate their faith together and to encounterJesus Christ in a profound way. Each parish needs tocontinue to support these young people and help them togrow – they are the present and the future of the Church.

The two-year programme for diocesan catechists, begun last September, will help torenew their own faith and understanding and give them confidence to hand on the faith toour young people as they prepare them for the Sacraments. The new programmes andmaterials for Sacramental Preparation, prepared by our Catechetical Commission, arenow being rolled out across the Diocese.

The diocesan marriage preparation programme, So Great a Mystery, prepared by theMarriage and Family Life Commission in response to Pope Francis’ call for greater andeven remote preparation for marriage, is helping priests and those who are preparingcouples to understand and live out the Christian understanding of this Sacrament.

All our work and mission, all of our outreach, is to bring Jesus Christ and his love andmercy, to others. As we pursue this mission, so our own lives and hearts will be touchedand deepened by Jesus Christ whom we will discover in those we serve.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have had a part in the publication of this YearBook. It is also a record of the mission of the Diocese.

Rt Rev Alan Hopes, Bishop of East Anglia



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Keep Faith Alight

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Contacts 7



Bishop’s Private Secretary – Fr Padráig Hawkins Tel: 01508 492589 Email:’s Personal Assistant – Mrs Elaine Bugge Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Tel: 01508 493956 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Offices: Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Tel: 01508 492202 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Office: Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Tel: 01508 492540 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: General – Rev Canon David Bagstaff Tel: 01379 642914 Email: Tribunal and Vicar Judicial – Rev Canon Simon Blakesley Monday - Friday 9am to 1pm Tel: 01508 495168 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: – Rt Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness Tel: 01223 224852 Email: Chancellor – Rev Canon Mark Hackeson Tel: 01284 754358 Email: for Religious – The Rt Rev Charles Fitzgerald-Lombard OSB Tel: 01986 893355 Sr Thomas More Prentice FDC Email: Permanent Diaconate Director – Rev Canon Mathew George Tel: 07939 920844 Email: Council – Rev Provost David Paul Tel: 01603 624615 Email: Director – Rev Patrick Cleary Tel: 01223 704640 Email: Safeguarding Co-ordinator – Mr Michael Thurley Tel: 0208 505 4199 Mobile: 07429 215344 Email: Archivist – Rev Dr Russell Frost Tel: 01473 741975 Email:

Diocesan Director of Communications – Mr Keith Morris Tel: 07712 787762 Email: Web Manager – Mr Gavin Dvelys Tel: 07956 916948 Email: Director of Music – Mr Daniel Justin Tel: 01603 728935 Email: Schools’ Service Commission Tel: 01508 495509 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Youth Services Director – Mr Hamish MacQueen Tel: 07812 004934 Email:

DEPARTMENTS AND COMMISSIONS Department for the New Evangelisation Rev Karol Porczak (MS) Tel: 01480 462192

Chaplain for each Constabulary: Peterborough: TBA Cambridge: Rev Canon John Minh Tel: 01223 832397 Norfolk: Rev Dr Sean ConnollyTel: 01603 426971 Suffolk: Rev Dr Russell Frost Tel: 01473 741975

Commission for Catechesis Rev Dr Andrew Eburne Tel: 01603 592168

Commission for Dialogue and Unity Rev Geoffrey Cook Tel: 01223 351650

Commission for Justice and Peace Rev John Bell Tel: 01223 503948

Commission for Marriage and Family Life Mrs Katy Whisenant Tel: 01284 724727 Mrs Kerry Urdzik – Co-ordinator Tel: 01473 251301

Commission for the Sacred Liturgy Rev Mgr Tony Rogers Tel: 01842 815372

8 Contacts

Contacts 9


Norwich Cathedral of St John the Baptist Tel: 01603 624615 Narthex Manager Tel: 01603 724380 Cathedral Shop Tel: 01603 728937 St George Tel: 01603 426971 University Chaplaincy Tel: 01603 592168

Aldeburgh Our Lady and St Peter Tel: 01728 452782

Beccles St Benet Tel: 01502 713179

Brandon St Thomas of Canterbury Tel: 01842 812200

Buckden St Claret Youth Centre Tel: 01480 810344

Bungay St Edmund KM Tel: 01986 893355

Bury St Edmunds St Edmund KM Tel: 01284 754358

Cambridge Our Lady & The English Martyrs Tel: 01223 350787 Fax: 01223 224860 St Laurence Tel: 01223 704640 St Philip Howard Tel: 01223 211235 Blackfriars Tel: 01223 741251 Fax: 01223 741252 St Edmund’s College Tel: 01223 336250 Fisher House Chaplaincy Tel: 01223 742192 Fax: 01223 329180 Our Lady Queen of Poland Tel: 01223 368539

Clare Mother of Good Counsel Tel: 01787 277326 Fax: 01787 278688Costessey Our Lady and St Walstan Tel: 01603 742812

Dereham Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary Tel: 01362 694066

Diss The Most Holy Trinity Tel: 01379 642914

Downham Market St Dominic Tel: 01366 382353

Ely St Etheldreda Tel: 01353 662759 Fax: 01353 662759Fakenham St Anthony of Padua Tel: 01328 853481

Felixstowe St Felix Tel: 01394 282561

Gorleston St Peter Tel: 01493 301013

Great Yarmouth St Mary Tel: 01493 842001

Haverhill St Felix Tel: 01440 702754 or 704923Hunstanton Our Lady of Perpetual Succour & St Edmund Tel: 01553 772220

10 Contacts

Huntingdon St Michael Tel: 01480 453257

Ipswich St Pancras Tel: 01473 252596 St Mary Tel: 01473 728115 St Mary Magdalen Tel: 01473 741975 St James Tel: 01473 726701 St Mark Tel: 01473 684963 Polish Mission Tel: 01473 217391

King’s Lynn Our Lady of the Annunciation Tel: 01553 772220

Lowestoft Our Lady Star of the Sea Tel: 01502 572453

March Our Lady of Good Counsel Tel: 01354 650788

Newmarket Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda Tel: 01638 662492 Presbytery Tel: 01638 730603

North Walsham The Sacred Heart Tel: 01692 403258

Peterborough St Peter and All Souls Tel: 01733 562528 Fax: 01733 346933 St Luke Tel: 01733 370877 Sacred Heart and St Oswald Tel: 01733 322750 Polish Mission Tel: 01733 552726

Poringland Our Lady of the Annunciation Tel: 01508 492589 Fax: 01508 495358St Ives The Sacred Heart Tel: 01480 462192

St Neots and Buckden St Joseph and St Hugh of Lincoln Tel: 01480 472587

Sawston and Cambourne Our Lady of Lourdes and St John Fisher Tel: 01223 832397Sheringham and Cromer St Joseph Tel: 01263 822036

Southwold Sacred Heart Tel: 01502 723207

Stowmarket Our Lady Tel: 01449 612946

Sudbury and Hadleigh Our Lady and St John the Evangelist Tel: 01787 372703

Swaffham Our Lady of Pity Tel: 01760 721418

Thetford St Mary Tel: 01842 752266

Walsingham and Wells-Next-Sea The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tel: 01328 821353 RC National Shrine Tel: 01328 820217 Fax: 01328 821087 Slipper Chapel Tel: 01328 820495

Contacts 11


CAMBRIDGE Canonesses of St Augustine Congregation of Jesus Tel: 01223 353913Dominican Sisters Tel: 01223 353730 FELIXSTOWEReligious of Jesus and Mary Tel: 01394 282386

GREAT BARTONBenedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion Tel: 01284 787321

HUNSTANTONDaughters of Divine Charity Tel: 01485 532837

MARCHFranciscan Missionaries of Mary Tel: 01354 652266

PETERBOROUGHWorking Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth Tel: 01733 561314Daughters of Jesus Tel: 01733 315038

QUIDENHAMCarmelite Sisters Tel: 01953 887202

SWAFFHAMDaughters of Divine Charity Tel: 01760 724577Poor Clares Tel: 01760 722158

WALSINGHAMCanonesses of St AugustineLittle Sisters of Jesus Tel: 01328 821343Marist Fathers Tel: 01328 820588Marist Sisters Tel: 01328 820246Sisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation Tel: 01328 820001Sisters of Our Lady of Walsingham Tel: 01328 801012

Whittlesey and Ramsey St Jude the Apostle Tel: 01733 203411

Wisbech Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo Tel: 01945 583466

Woodbridge St Thomas of Canterbury Tel: 01394 388828

Wymondham Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury Tel: 01953 603104

12 Contacts


ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC MATA Multi Academy Trust (MAT) based in Norfolk and North Suffolk. CEO – Mr Brian Conway

Currently six Primary Schools and one High School are part of the MAT: St Augustine’s Primary, Costessey, St Benet’s Primary, Beccles, St Edmund’s Primary, Bungay, St Francis of Assisi Primary, Norwich, St Mary’s Primary, Lowestoft, St Mary and St Peter Primary, Gorleston, Notre Dame High, Norwich

The administrative base of the MAT is at Notre Dame High, Surrey St, Norwich, NR1 3PB Tel: 01603 611431 Email:

OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM CATHOLIC MATA Multi Academy Trust (MAT) based in West SuffolkCEO – Mrs Teresa SelveyCurrently two Primary Schools are part of the MAT: St Felix, Haverhill St Louis, Newmarket The administrative base of the MAT is at St Louis Academy in Newmarket Tel: 01638 662719 Email:

See below for individual school details:

NORWICHSt Francis of Assisi Primary School Tel: 01603 441484 Fax: 01603 441484Notre Dame Preparatory School Tel: 01603 625593 Fax: 01603 444139Notre Dame High School Tel: 01603 611431 Fax: 01603 763381BECCLESSt Benet’s Primary School Tel: 01502 712012

BUNGAYSt Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01986 892502 Fax: 01986 892502BURY ST EDMUNDSSt Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01284 755141 Fax: 01284 762425St Benedict’s High School Tel: 01284 753512 Fax: 01284 701927Moreton Hall Preparatory School Tel: 01284 753532 Fax: 01284 769197CAMBRIDGESt Alban’s Primary School Tel: 01223 712148 Fax: 01223 461286

Contacts 13

St Laurence Primary School Tel: 01223 712227 Fax: 01223 712227St Bede’s Inter-Church School (Secondary) Tel: 01223 568816 Fax: 01223 576482St Mary’s Independent School Tel: 01223 353253 Fax: 01223 357451COSTESSEYSt Augustine’s Primary School Tel: 01603 743317 Fax: 01603 743833GORLESTONSt Mary and St Peter Primary School Tel: 01493 445117

HAVERHILLSt Felix Primary School Tel: 01440 703775 Fax: 01440 710768IPSWICHSt Mark’s Primary School Tel: 01473 601748 Fax: 01473 684588St Mary’s Primary School Tel: 01473 728372 Fax: 01473 716893St Pancras Primary School Tel: 01473 742074St Alban’s High School Tel: 01473 726178 Fax: 01473 718628KING’S LYNNSt Martha’s Primary School Tel: 01553 774829 Fax: 01553 769990

LOWESTOFTSt Mary’s Primary School Tel: 01502 565384 Fax: 01502 585807

MARCHAll Saints Inter-church Academy (Primary) Tel: 01354 659000 Fax: 01354 658770NEWMARKETSt Louis Catholic Academy (Primary & Nursery) Tel: 01638 662719 Fax: 01638 660572PETERBOROUGHSacred Heart Primary School Tel: 01733 262449 Fax: 01733 267762St Thomas More Primary School Tel: 01733 566005 Fax: 01733 312350St John Fisher High School Tel: 01733 343646 Fax: 01733 347983SUDBURYSt Joseph’s Primary School Tel: 01787 373365 Fax: 01787 882195SWAFFHAMSacred Heart Independent Day and Boarding School Co-educational 3 – 16 Boarders – Girls 8-16 Tel: 01760 721330 Fax: 01760 725557

14 Diary Dates

KEY DIARY DATES FOR 2018There are a wide range of Diocesan events each year, including various commissionmeetings, but here are some of the key events for 2018.

Candlelit Epiphany Mass for Diocesan Young People: Saturday January 6, 5pm,White House, Poringland

Mass for the Religious of the Diocese: Friday February 2, 11.30am, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich

Annual Mass to celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes with Anointing of the Sick: SaturdayFebruary 10, 11.30am, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich

Rite of Election: Sunday February 18, 4pm, St John’s Cathedral Norwich. A special service of prayer (not Mass), at which the Bishop formally greets those preparing for Baptism or Reception into Full Communion with the Catholic Church.

Lenten Station Masses: 6pm Exposition and confession, 7pm Mass, 8pm supper Peterborough Deanery – St Luke’s – February 20 Bury St Edmunds – St Edmunds – February 22 Norwich Deanery – St George’s – March 1 Ipswich Deanery - St Pancras – March 2 King’s Lynn Deanery – Holy Family – March 6 Coastal Deanery - St Peter's, Gorleston – March 8 Cambridge Deanery – Our Lady and the English Martyrs – March 15

Chrism Mass: Tuesday March 27, 7pm, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. Oils for the Sacra-ments are blessed and priests, deacons and people renew their commitment to serve.

Ignite Diocesan Youth Festival: May 5-6, Sacred Heart Convent School, SwaffhamThe weekend is an exciting, stimulating and challenging time of faith, food and fun!

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Monday May 7, 12 noon to 4pm. One of themajor annual events of the year in the life of the Diocese.

Annual Gathering of Deacons, Wives and Students and their wives in formation forthe Diaconate: Saturday May 12, St John’s Cathedral, Mass at 12.15pm.

Altar Servers Mass and BBQ: Saturday May 26, 12 noon, St John’s Cathedral, Norwich

Diocesan Children’s Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Tuesday May 29

Celebrate East Anglia: June 2 and 3, St Benedict’s High School, Bury St Edmunds

Diocesan Celebration of Marriage and Family Life: Saturday June 16, 11am, StJohn’s Cathedral, Norwich. Mass for couples celebrating special wedding anniversaries,couples married during the previous year, or celebrating the birth of a child.

Annual Celebration of Priesthood: Wednesday June 20, 11am, White House, Poringland. A day on which the Bishop and priests of the Diocese can focus upon theirministry and celebrate the years of service given by those celebrating jubilees in 2018.

Youth 2000 Festival: August 23 to 27, at the National Shrine of Our Lady, Walsingham

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: August 24 – 31

Dowry of Mary Pilgrimage to Walsingham: Sunday September 2

Diocesan Pilgrimage to our Lady of Fatima - Portugal, September 10 to 15

Catholic Church 15

POPE FRANCIS Successor of the Apostle PeterVicar of Christ, Bishop of RomeServant of the Servants of God

Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primateof Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the RomanProvince, Sovereign of the Vatican City State.

Jorge Mario BergoglioBorn: December 17, 1936Made vows: March 12, 1960 in the Society

of JesusOrdained Priest: December 13, 1969Consecrated Bishop: June 27, 1992 Appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Buenos Aires: June 3, 1997Installed as Archbishop of Buenos Aires: February 28, 1998Created Cardinal: February 21, 2001 Cardinal-Priest of St Robert BellarmineElected Pope: March 13, 2013Inaugurated: March 19, 2013

His Holiness is represented in many countries by Nuncios or by Internuncios; and manyGovernments are in turn represented at the Vatican by Ambassadors or Ministers. TheBritish Government has an Ambassador to the Holy See. The Cardinals constitute theSenate of the Church and with Congregations of the Roman Curia are the Pope’s assistants in the universal government of the Church

The Apostolic Nunciature in Great BritainNuncio: His Excellency Archbishop Edward Joseph AdamsAddress: 54 Parkside, Wimbledon, London SW19 5NFTel: 0208 944 7189



The Diocese of WestminsterArchbishop: His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols (1992, 2009)Address: Archbishop’s House, Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, London,

SW19 1QJ.Tel: 0207 789 033Web: Rt Rev John Sherrington (2012)

Rt Rev Nicholas Hudson (2014)Rt Rev John Wilson (2016) Rt Rev Paul McAleenan (2016)

The Diocese of BrentwoodBishop: Rt Rev Alan Williams SM (2014)Address: Cathedral House, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 8ATTel: 01277 232266 Web: www.dioceseofbrentwood.netEmeritus: Rt Rev Thomas McMahon (1980)

16 Catholic Church

The Diocese of East AngliaBishop: Rt Rev Alan Hopes BD AKC KC*HS (2003, 2013)Address: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 492202Web:

The Diocese of NorthamptonBishop: Rt Rev Peter Doyle (2005)Address: Bishop’s House, Marriott Street, Northampton, NN2 6AW Tel: 01604 715635 Web: www.northamptondiocese.orgEmeritus: Rt Rev Patrick Leo McCartie

The Diocese of NottinghamBishop: Rt Rev Patrick McKinney (2015)Adress: Bishop’s House, 27 Cavendish Road East, The Park, Nottingham,

NG7 1BB Tel: 01159 474 768 Web:


The Diocese of BirminghamArchbishop: Most Rev Bernard Longley (2003, 2009)Address: Archbishop’s House, 8 Shadwell Street, Birmingham, B4 6EY Tel: 0121 236 9090 Web: Rt Rev David McGough (2006), Rt Rev William Kenney CP (1987,

2006), Rt Rev Robert Byrne Cong Orat (2014)Emeritus: Rt Rev Philip Pargeter (1990)

The Diocese of CliftonBishop: Rt Rev Declan Lang (2001)Address: St Ambrose, North Road, Leigh Woods, Bristol, BS8 3PW Tel: 01179 733072Web:

The Diocese of ShrewsburyBishop: Rt Rev Mark Davies (2010)Address: Curial Offices, 2 Park Road South, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 4UXTel: 0151 652 9855Web: www.dioceseofshrewsbury.orgEmeritus: Rt Rev Brian Noble (1995)


The Diocese of CardiffArchbishop: Most Rev George Stack (2001, 2011)Address: Archbishop’s House, 41-43 Cathedral Road, Cardiff ,CF11 9HD Tel: 02920 220411 Web:

The Diocese of MeneviaBishop: Rt Rev Thomas Burns SM (2002, 2008)Address: 27 Convent Street, Greenhill, Swansea, SA1 2BXTel: 01792 650534

Web: www.menevia.orgEmeriti: Rt Rev Daniel J Mullins BA, Rt Rev Mark Jabalé OSB (2000)

The Diocese of Wrexham Bishop: Rt Rev Peter Brignall (2012)Address: Bishop’s House, Sontley Road, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL13 7EWTel: 01978 262726Web: Rt Rev Edwin Regan (1995)


The Diocese of LiverpoolArchbishop: Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP (2000, 2014)Address: 19 Salisbury Road, Liverpool, L19 0PH Tel: 0151 4940686 Web: Rt Rev Tom Williams (2003)Emeritus: Most Rev Patrick Kelly (1984, 1996)Emeritus aux: Rt Rev Vincent Malone (1989)

The Diocese of HallamBishop: Rt Rev Ralph Heskett CSsR (2010, 2014)Address: Bishop’s House, 75 Norfolk Road, Sheffield, S2 2SZ Tel: 0114 278 7988 Web: www.hallam-diocese.comEmeritus: Rt Rev John Rawsthorne (1997)

The Diocese of Hexham and NewcastleBishop: Rt Rev Seamus Cunningham (2009)Address: Bishop’s House, East Denton Hall, 800 West Road,

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE5 2BJ Tel: 0191 228 0003 Web:

The Diocese of LancasterBishop: Rt Rev Michael Campbell OSA (2008)Address: Bishop’s Office, Pastoral Centre, Balmoral Road, Lancaster,

LA1 3BT Tel: 01524 596050Web: Rt Rev Patrick O’Donoghue (2001)

The Diocese of LeedsBishop: Rt Rev Marcus Stock (2014)Address: Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BXTel: 01132 304533 Web:

The Diocese of MiddlesbroughBishop: Rt Rev Terence Drainey (2008)Address: 16 Cambridge Road, Middlesbrough, TS5 5NN Tel: 01642 850505Web: The Rt Rev John Crowley (1986, 1993)

Catholic Church 17

18 Catholic Church

The Diocese of SalfordBishop: Rt Rev John Arnold (2014)Address: Wardley Hall, Worsley, Manchester, M28 5NDTel: 0161 794 2825Web: aux: Rt Rev Terence Brain (1997)


The Diocese of SouthwarkArchbishop: Most Rev Peter Smith LLB, JCD, KC*HSAddress: Archbishop’s House, 150 St George’s Road, Southwark, London,

SE1 6HXTel: 020 7928 2495Web: Most Rev Michael Bowen (1970, 1977)

Most Rev Kevin MacDonald (2001, 2003)Auxiliaries: Rt Rev Paul Hendricks (2006), Rt Rev Patrick Lynch (2006),

Rt Rev Paul Mason (2016)Emeritus aux: Rt Rev Howard Tripp (1980), Rt Rev John Hine (2001)

The Diocese of Arundel and BrightonBishop: Rt Rev Richard Moth KC*HS (2009,2015)Address: High Oaks, Old Brighton Road North, Pease Pottage, West Sussex,

RH11 9AJ Tel: 01293 526428Web:

The Diocese of PlymouthBishop: Rt Rev Mark O’Toole (2014) Address: Bishop's House, 45 Cecil Street, Plymouth, PL1 5HWTel: 01752 224414Web: Rt Rev Hugh Christopher Budd (1986)

The Diocese of PortsmouthBishop: Rt Rev Philip Egan (2012)Address: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth, PO1 3HG Tel: 02392 820894Web: Rt Rev Crispian Hollis (1989)

The Bishopric of the ForcesBishop: Sede VacanteAddress: Wellington House, St Omer Barracks, Thornhill Road, Aldershot,

Hants, GU11 2BG Tel: 01252 348233Emeritus: Rt Rev Francis Walmsley

The Apostolic Eparchy of the Holy Family of LondonEparch: Hlib Lonchyna MSU (2002, 2011)

The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of WalsinghamOrdinary: Rev Mgr Keith Newton (2010) Prot NotWeb:

Diocese of East Anglia 19

DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIAThe Diocese of East Anglia is a suffragan diocese within the Province of Westminster,erected on 13 March 1976 by the decree Quod Ecumenicum of Pope Paul VI, using territory taken from the Diocese of Northampton, which was created in 1850. After theReformation, the area of East Anglia was soon placed under the care of the Vicars Apostolic of the Midland District, and later of the Eastern District, until the hierarchy wasrestored by Pope Blessed Pius IX. Today, the Diocese incorporates the English countiesof Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire and the city of Peterborough.

THE BISHOPThe Rt Rev Alan Stephen Hopes BD AKC converted to Catholicism in 1994 and was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Westminster the following year. He worked in Kensington and Chelsea and later was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese. He wasordained to the episcopate by Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor in 2003, holding the title of Titular Bishop of Chester-le-Street, and serving as auxiliary bishop in Westminster, untilhe was appointed Bishop of East Anglia in 2013. He took possession of his cathedral inNorwich on 16 July 2013.

The Bishop’s PredecessorsThe Rt Rev Alan Charles Clark was the first bishop of the newly erected Diocese, from its creation in 1976 until his resignation in 1995. He was previously Titular Bishop ofElmham and Auxiliary Bishop of Northampton. He died in 2002 and is buried in Walsingham.

The Most Rev Peter David Smith was ordained Bishop of East Anglia by Cardinal Humein 1995 and served as bishop until 2001, when he was translated to the See of Cardiff. In2010, he became Archbishop of Southwark.

The Rt Rev Michael Charles Evans was ordained Bishop of East Anglia by Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor in 2003 and served the Diocese until his death in 2011. His corporal remains are buried in St John’s Cathedral in Norwich.

THE DIOCESAN TRUSTEESThe Diocese is a registered charity (Charity Commission number 278742). The trustees of the charity are:

Bishop Alan Hopes Mr Peter LedgerMrs Marie Roberts Mrs Moira Goldstaub Rev Canon David Bagstaff - Vicar General Rev Canon Peter Leeming Rev Mgr Anthony Rogers Rev Mgr Philip ShryaneRev Nicholas Greef

DIOCESAN CHAPTER OF CANONS A consultative body appointed by the Bishop to advise him on various matters with theclergy and laity. The Canons are:

Rev Canon David Paul - Provost Rev Canon Mark Hackeson – SecretaryRev Mgr Canon Eugène HarknessRev Canon Simon Blakesley – PenitentiaryRev Canon David Bagstaff

20 Diocese of East Anglia

Rev Canon John MinhRev Canon Mathew GeorgeRev Mgr Canon Peter LeemingRev Canon Peter Rollings - Treasurer

THE COUNCIL OF PRIESTSA consultative body of priests partly appointed by the Bishop, and partly elected by hispresbyterium. Their role is to consider any serious matters raised by the Bishop, by thecouncil or by other priests.Secretary: Rev Pádraig Hawkins

Address: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 492589Fax: 01508 495358

THE CURIA A group of officials (Clergy and Laymen) which forms the principal organ of the Bishop’sgovernment. All enquiries can be made to: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH.

Tel: 01508 492 202Fax: 01508 495 358 Email: Office hours: 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

THE VICAR GENERALRev Canon David Bagstaff, Catholic Church of St Henry Morse, Shelfanger Road, Diss,Norfolk, IP22 4DX

Tel: 01379 642914

THE CHANCERYIs the office which handles all matters of procedure, faculty, dispensation and permission,It deals with all enquires related to Canon Law.

The Chancellor is Rev Mgr Canon Eugène HarknessTel: 01223 224852Email:

Vice Chancellor is Rev Canon Mark HackesonTel: 01284 754358Email:

THE TRIBUNAL Comprises a team of experienced and qualified canon lawyers whose job is the promotion of matters of justice. It is also concerned with the investigation and judgmentof marriage cases for nullity. Please address all correspondence to the Tribunal Administrator.

Tribunal Office: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SHTel: 01508 495168 Fax: 01508 495358 Email: Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 1pm.

Judicial Vicar: Rev Canon Simon Blakesley MCL, JCL, VJ

Promoter of Justice: Rev Roger Spencer, MA, JCL, Catholic Presbytery, The Common, Southwold, IP18 6AH

Tel: (01502) 723207

Diocese of East Anglia 21

Tribunal Administrator: Mrs Sharon Ellis Tel: 01508 495168Office hours: 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday

Judges: Rev Canon Simon Blakesley MCL JCL VJ His Honour Judge John Holt Mr Michael Nash LLM, DLSRev Roger Spencer MA JCL

Defenders of the Bond: Mrs Hilary Finlay Mr Bernard WhyteMr Michael Nash

Advocates: Rev Dominic Byrne Mr Paul Robbins

Lay Auditors: Mrs Elizabeth Barber-Lomax Mrs Gill Blunt Mr Clive BrooksMr John CarterMrs Anne ColeMrs Sue ColemanMrs Diana ConneyMr Jon Durant Mrs Hilary Finlay Mrs Alison FlathMrs Sheila Glasswell Mr Jim HealyMr John Holt Mrs Barbara Lamberton Mr Jim Marshall Mr James McGarry Mrs Anne Poole Mrs Nikki Prince Mr Roger PritchettMrs Pat RichardsonMr Michael Taylor Mr Tony WalmsleyMrs Bernadette Wapshott Mr Bernard Whyte

THE COUNCIL OF THE LAITY A consultative body of lay persons that meets the Bishop twice a year. Its membership ismade up of the Chairman of each of the parish priest’s parish council or forum.

Chairman: Bishop Alan Hopes Secretary: Ian Herbertson


The Vocations Director is responsible for the promotion of vocations to the priesthood inthe Diocese, and the direction of individual candidates, and to promote vocations to thepriesthood and religious life generally. He monitors the training of the Bishop’s students,liaises with the seminary, and advises the Bishop on these matters.

Vocations Director: Rev Pat ClearyEmail:

22 Diocese of East Anglia

THE PERMANENT DIACONATE Is responsible for all matters relating to the training and on-going formation of permanentdeacons. Director: Rev Canon Mathew George, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JS

Tel: 01473 741975Assistant Directors: Rev John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge,

CB1 9NUTel: 01223 503948Rev John Morrill, 1 Bradford’s Close, Boltisham, Cambs, CB25 9DW. Tel: 01223 811822Mob: 07956 536140

The On-going Formation Committee manages the on-going formation of priests.Directors: Mgr Tony Rogers

Rev John BellRev John Morrill

The Diocesan Vocations Team advises the Bishop on matters relating to priestly, diaconal and religious vocations.

Members: Mr Hamish MacQueenRev Canon Mathew George Rev Henry WhisenantRev Pat Cleary Sr Camilla COLW Sr Michaela FDC Sr Stephanie ODC

Diocesan Catechesis and FormationThe Commission for Catechesis and Formation has a particular responsibility for Sacramental Preparation, and prepares courses, guidelines and training for catechists, aswell as catechetical material for those who have drifted away from the Sacraments of theEucharist and Confession. The Commission supports Adult Education in the Diocese andformation for teachers in Catholic schools, and organises the Newman Lectures onCatholicism and History at UEA each spring.Chair: Mrs Susan Mathewson Members: Mr Hamish MacQueen

Mrs Kerry UrdzikRev Henry Whisenant Rev Huw Williams Rev Padráig Hawkins


Vicars for Religious are the Bishop’s representatives to the various Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life that live and work within the boundariesof the Diocese. The Vicar advises the Bishop of matters pertaining to religious life. Vicar for Male Religious: Rt Rev Dom Charles Fitzgerald-Lombard OSB,

1 St Mary’s Street, Bungay, NR35 1AX. Tel: 01986 893355 Email:

Vicar for Female Religious: Sr Thomas More Prentice FDC, Sacred Heart Convent, 17 Mangate Street, Swaffham, PE37 7QW.

Tel: 01760 724577 Email:

Diocese of East Anglia 23


DEPARTMENT FOR THE NEW EVANGELISATION This department is responsible for ensuring that Evangelization is at the heart of the mission of every parish and organization within the Diocese.

“The parish is the presence of the Church in a given territory, an environment for hearingGod’s Word. For the growth of the Christian life, for dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship and celebration. In all its activities, the parish encourages and trainsits members to be evangelizers.” (Evangelii Gaudium 28)

Episcopal Vicar for the New Evangelization: Rev Karol Porczak (MS), The Presbytery,19 Needingworth Road, St Ives, Cambs, PE27 5JT

Tel: 01480 462192Email:

Chair: Fr Karol Porczak MSCo-ordinator: Mrs Rebecca BrethertonMembers: Rev Canon John Minh

Mrs Jan Southgate


THE BOARD OF FINANCE Administers the central funds of the Diocese, organises Gift Aid, arranges insurance forproperty owned by the Diocese, and advises parishes and schools on financial and building matters.Vicar for Finance: Rev Mgr Philip Shryane, Catholic Rectory, 82 Hartford Road,

Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 1XGTel: 01480 453257

Diocesan Finance Office: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH.

Tel: 01508 492540 Fax: 01508 495 358 Email: Office hours are 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday.Charity Commission Number: 278742

Financial Secretary: Lt Col John PittFinance Officer and Gift-Aid Co-ordinator: Ms Lorna Young

Email: Finance Office Assistant: Mr Paul Wilson


24 Diocese of East Anglia


THE DIOCESAN SCHOOLS SERVICE COMMISSION This commission promotes the highest standards of Catholic education in schools withinthe Diocese, working in partnership with all of those involved in education. It providessupport to schools, governors, staff and parish priests on educational matters and represents Catholic interests with the local educational authorities.

DIOCESAN SCHOOLS’ SERVICEThe White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 495509Fax: 01508 495358

Chairman: Rev Mgr Canon Peter Leeming Director of Schools’ Service: Mrs Julie O’Connor

Email: or

Deputy Director: Mr Flavio VetteseTel: 0792 1405824Email:

Assistant Director: Mrs Helen Bates Email:

Schools Commission Administrator: Mrs Jane Austin Email:

Commission members: Lt Col John Pitt Rev Mgr Tony Rogers Mr Aidan McGovernMr Dennis McGarry Mr Fred Corbett Mr John Pinnington Mrs Teresa Selvey Rev Canon David Bagstaff


Chaplaincy to Higher EducationCo-ordinating Chaplain: Rev Canon Mark Hackeson

University of CambridgeChaplain: Rev Mgr Mark Langham, Fisher House, Guildhall Street, Cambridge CB2 3NH.

Tel: 01223 350018

University of East AngliaChaplain: Rev Andrew Eburne, Catholic Chaplaincy, Multifaith Centre, University of East

AngliaTel: 01603 592168

Anglia Ruskin UniversityMrs Rosina Abudulai and Mrs Geraldine McHale. Tel: 01223 224850 Email:

Margaret Beaufort Institute CambridgeAn academic institution that works within the Roman Catholic church and its principle of

Diocese of East Anglia 25

human flourishing through God’s grace. It sets out to offer transforming experiences forwomen, the community and the church through theological education, professional pastoral practice and personal formation, assisting women to discern God’s call andpreparing them for lay ministries and Christian discipleship in today’s world.Contact: Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, 12 Grange Road, Cambridge,

CB3 9DUTel: 01223 741039Email:

Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) is managed and awarded by theBoard of Religious Studies on behalf of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. Itwas introduced in 1991 to replace its predecessors, The Catholic Teachers’ Certificateand the Certificate in Religious Education. Any person who is or wishes to be involved inCatholic education and formation may apply for this course. This includes those involvedin Religious Education in schools, Parish Catechesis and other ministries in the Churchand anyone who wishes to follow the course for faith development or personal interest.The course seeks to ensure that participants have at least a basic knowledge and understanding of the beliefs of the Catholic Faith. It also provides a basis for further study.

The course was revised in 1992. It is designed for teachers in Catholic schools; that theymay have a basic understanding of the Church, its teaching and way of life to enablethem to contribute to the maintenance of the ethos of the Catholic school. It is also forcatechists in order to give them a basic understanding of the faith of the Catholic Churchas a foundation for their catechetical ministry, and for adult members of the Church to enable them to continue to grow in understanding as they live their Catholic faith.Contact: CCRS Registrar, Catholic Education Service, 39 Eccleston Square, London

SW1V 1BXTel: 020 7901 1900Fax: 020 7901 1939Email:


DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE The Diocesan Youth Service runs a variety of events and pilgrimages, works with youngpeople in schools and parishes, and works with youth leaders to support parish basedyouth programmes. The Diocesan Youth Service consists of the Director, Mr Hamish MacQueen, the Youth Council, and the Ignite Team (Youth Mission Team).

Director of Diocesan Youth Service: Mr Hamish MacQueenThe White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH. Tel: 01508 486236 Email: Web: Facebook: Twitter: @Igniteyea Instagram: igniteyea

Diocesan Youth Council: The Diocesan Youth Council is a representative body of youngpeople from across the Diocese. Their Mission statement is “A council representing andgiving a voice to young people in the Diocese of East Anglia, and working to encourage,promote and enable the unity and participation of young people within the life of theChurch in each parish and deanery, and in the Diocese as a whole.” If you would be interested in joining the Youth Council, please contact Hamish.

26 Diocese of East Anglia

Ignite Team: This is group of young adults working full-time sharing the Gospel messagewith young people through music, drama, puppets, multimedia, social networking andpersonal testimony. If you would like the Ignite team to come to your school or parish,(especially to help with First Communion and Confirmation preparation) or if you would beinterested in joining the Ignite Team (people usually join as a ‘gap year’) do get in touch.Team Leader: Catherine Williams

Email: Chaplain to Diocesan Youth Ministry: Rev Luke Goymour


The Diocesan Communications Office is responsible for press relations and communication matters.

Director of Communications: Mr Keith Morris Tel: 07712 787762Email:

Diocesan Newspaper: Catholic East AngliaEditor: Mr Keith MorrisPublished: Monthly (except August & December)

Weekly e-newsletter: Sign up at: Editor: Mr Keith Morris

Diocesan Yearbook Editor: Mr Keith Morris

Diocesan Web Manager: Mr Gavin Dvelys Mobile: 07956 916948 Email:

Website: @RCEastAngliaFacebook:


The Liturgy Commission encourages the worthy celebration of the Sacred Rites andadvises on liturgical matters, and musical, artistic and architectural matters pertaining tothe sacred liturgy. Chairman: Rev Mgr Tony RogersSecretary: Mrs Sue Aldous Members: Mr Daniel Justin

Mrs Stella Fox Rev John Barnes Provost Rev David Paul

Diocesan Director of Music: Mr Daniel Justin Tel: 01603 728935 Email:

Diocese of East Anglia 27


THE DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR DIALOGUE AND UNITY Advises the Bishop on matters relating to ecumenical dialogue and inter-faith relations,and has two members from each deanery. Members of the Commission represent theDiocese on national and county ecumenical bodies.Chairman: Rev Geoffrey Cook, 20 Brierley Walk, Cambridge CB4 3NH

Tel: 01223 351 650 Email:

Secretary: Mrs Mary Hunt, Oulton Lodge, Borrow Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 3PW

Email: MEMBERS:Bury St Edmunds: Rev David Finegan, The Presbytery, 29, Lockington Road,

Stowmarket, IP14 1BQ Email:

Cambridge: Rev Geoffrey Cook, 20 Brierley Walk, Cambridge CB4 3NH Tel: 01223 351 650 Email: Mrs Priscilla Barlow, Silverlands, Church Street, Litlington, Royston,

Cambs, SG8 0QB Email:

Great Yarmouth: Mrs Mary Hunt, Oulton Lodge, Borrow Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 2PW

Email: johnandmaryhunt@gmail.comMrs Laurette Burton, Lodders, Frostenden Corner, Beccles, NR34 7JA Email:

Ipswich: Rev Adrian Gates, St James, 482 Landseer Road, Ipswich IP3 9LU Email: Rev Clive Brooks, 76 Broom Knoll, East End, Bergholt, Suffolk, CO7 6XN Email:

King’s Lynn: Mrs Julia Walton, Oddfellows Cottage, 112, Burnham Road, South Creake, Fakenham, NR21 9JG

Email: Shaun Morrison, 38 Windsor Road, King’s Lynn, PE30 5PLEmail:

Norwich: Terence Bartlett, 8 Howard Mews, Norwich, NR3 4JUEmail: Tel: 01263 823940. Fr James Walsh, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, NR28 9JPTel: 01692 403258Email:

Peterborough: Mr Brian Keegan, 8 Glamis Gardens, Peterborough, PE3 9PQ Tel: 01733 265769 Email: Rev John Bedford, 5, Garrick Walk, Peterborough, PE2 8DD Email


THE DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE The Marriage and Family Life Commission aims to promote and support marriage andfamily life within all the Catholic communities of the Diocese, including schools. It looks to

28 Diocese of East Anglia

increase awareness of ways of helping families to live the Christian life and to promotegood marriage preparation as well as provide support for those already married. It alsohas a care for those whose experience of marriage and family proves difficult. The Commission includes married couples appointed by the Bishop and representing the geographic areas of the Diocese, clergy appointed by the Bishop, and individuals fromschools and specialist services as needed for consultation at the request of Commissionmembers and with the approval of the Bishop.Chairman: Mrs Katy Whisenant

Tel: 01284 724727 Marriage and Family Life Co-ordinator: Mrs Kerry Urdzik

Tel: 07852 561259Email:

Fertility Awareness Methods Advisor: Monika GolinskaEmail:

Members: Dr Chris and Dr Antonia BraithwaiteMr Damian and Mrs Aude WallaceProvost Rev David PaulRev Canon Simon BlakesleyRev Denys LloydDeacon John Steel


THE DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL CONCERN The Commission primarily comprises representatives from Deaneries and from CaringOrganisations in the Church. It forms part of the Church's response and raises awareness in parishes of matters of social need. The Commission administers the St Edmund's Fund which makes grants towards social care and welfare projects in ourparishes.Chairman: To be appointedBury St Edmunds: VacantCambridge: VacantCoastal: Mrs Veronica Alexander, The Wellands, 5, Station Road South,

Belton, Great Yarmouth, NR31 9JG Tel: 01493 780389

Ipswich: VacantKing’s Lynn: VacantPeterborough: Mr Stephen Giblin, 10 Stoneleigh Court, Harewood Gardens,

Longthorpe, Peterborough PE3 9QP Tel: 01733 266543 Email:


THE DIOCESAN SAFEGUARDING COMMISSION A professional body that implements national procedures regarding the safeguarding ofchildren, young people and adults at risk within the Diocese.Chairman: Mr Denis White. (Family Law Solicitor) Vice Chairman: Mrs Alison Flath (formerly Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)Police Representative: Detective Inspector David Green (Suffolk Constabulary)National Probation Service Representative: Mrs Rebecca Hudson (NPS

Cambridge and Peterborough)

Diocese of East Anglia 29

Social Services (Children Services) Representative: Mrs Jackie Cole (Norfolk County Council)

Social Services (Adult Services) Representative: Mrs Sue Carlaw (Peterborough City Council)

Clergy representative: Rev Pat Cleary, St Laurence’s, CambridgeReligious representative: Sr Philomena Morris (Sisters of St Louis, Newmarket)Clerk to the Commission: Mrs Rebecca Bretherton

Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Mr Michael ThurleyTel: 0208 5054199 Mobile: 07429 215344Email:

Diocesan Safeguarding Administrator: Mrs Rebecca BrethertonEmail:


THE JUSTICE AND PEACE COMMISSION Advises the Bishop and Council of Priests on Justice and Peace issues. The Justice andPeace Commission provides forum for those in parishes with an interest in Justice andPeace issues, and encourages the exchange of information and appropriate action. Issues addressed in parishes include support for peace, the protection of creation, helpfor refugees, support CAFOD campaigns and the promotion of Fairtrade. Chairman: Rev Prof John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cambridge, CB1 9NU

Tel: 01223 503948 Email:

Secretary: Mr Bernard Shaw, 98 Brampton Road, Cambridge, CB1 3HL Tel: 01223 240207 Email:

Treasurer: Mr Arn Dekker, 11 Goding Way, Milton, Cambridge, CB4 6AH Tel: 01223 861772 Email:

Chaplain: Vacant

OTHER OFFICESHISTORIC CHURCHES COMMITTEEAll correspondence should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary Dr Gordon Watkins,2 Greenfall, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SP.

Tel: 01508 493273 Email:

Members: Mrs Moira Goldstaub, ChairmanRev John Barnes, Vice ChairmanRev Canon David Bagstaff, Vicar GeneralDr Bill WilsonDr John Maddison Lt Col John PittMr Richard Halsey Rev Provost David PaulRev Dom Charles Fitzgerald-Lombard OSBRev Mgr Tony Rogers

30 Diocese of East Anglia

DIOCESAN PASTORAL SERVICE FOR THE DEAF AND HEARING IMPAIRED Rev Mgr Philip Shryane, Catholic Rectory, 82 Hartford Road, Huntingdon,

Cambs, PE29 1XGTel: 01480 453257Email:

WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE COMMITTEE Director: Rev Canon Peter Rollings, The Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street, King’s

Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HQ Tel: 01553 772220Email:

THE ST EDMUND’S FUND Rev Tony Felton, 6 Borough End, Beccles, Suffolk. NR34 8YW

Tel: 01502 715744 Mobile: 07985 228397Email:

PORT CHAPLAINCYFelixstowe: Rev John Barnes, St Felix’s Presbytery, 8 Gainsborough Road,

Felixstowe IP11 7HT Tel: 01394 282 561

Ipswich: Rev Francis Leeder, 1 Orwell Place, Ipswich IP4 1BD Tel: 01473 52596

King’s Lynn: Rev Canon Peter Rollings, Catholic Presbytery, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HQ

Tel: 01553 772220Lowestoft: Rev Paul Chanh, The Catholic Presbytery, Gordon Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk,

IP33 2DA Tel: 01502 572453

REGISTRAR FOR DECEASED CLERGYRev Padráig Hawkins, Private Secretary, The White House, 21 Upgate Poringland,

Norwich NR14 7SH Tel: 01508 492589

MISSIO (The Association for the Propagation of the Faith) Director: Rev Anthony Chantry, 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1BX

Tel: 0207 630 8220

EAST ANGLIA DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Director: Rev John Morrill, 1, Bradford's Close, Bottisham, Cambridgeshire,

CB5 9DWTel: 01223 811822Mob: 07956 536140

ARCHCONFRATERNITY OF ST STEPHEN Director: Rev Canon Peter Rollings, The Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street,

King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HQ Tel: 01553 772220

EAST ANGLIA DIOCESAN ARCHIVESArchives - documents, books and artefacts – recording the life and history of the CatholicChurch in East Anglia are lodged at the Cathedral. Parishes are encouraged to commit their

Diocese of East Anglia 31

records to the Archives, and new material is always welcome. Researchers please contactthe Archivist.Diocesan Archivist: Rev Dr Russell Frost, c/o Cathedral House, Unthank Road,

Norwich, NR2 2PA.Mobile: 07771 857476

Assistants: TBA

CATHOLIC POLICE CHAPLAIN Cambridgeshire: Canon John Minh, 135 High Street, Sawston, CB22 3HJ

Tel: 01223 832397Norfolk: Rev Nick Greef, 18, Levine Close, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 5RH

Tel: 01603 715066Suffolk: TBAPeterborough: TBA

FRIENDS OF THE VENERABILE (The Venerable English College in Rome) Registered Charity No 1075141Founded in 1985 and supports the students of the College with prayers, encouragementand financial help. From these students come our future priests. To find out more or tojoin the Friends contact:Chairman: Mike Lang

Tel: 01364 644811 Email:


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32 Pastoral StatisticsC




















s C








































Bury St Edm









Our Lady






St Laurence






St Philip Howard





























































Great Yarmouth

























St Pancras






St M







St Jam






St M







St M








Pastoral Statistics 33




































King’s Lynn
























North Walsham













St George







All Souls






Sacred Hrt/St Oswald0





St Luke












St Ives






St Neots/Buckden




















































































34 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

DECEMBER 2016: A packed congregation witnessed the blessing of a new-looksanctuary at St Felix in Felixstowe following a £25,000 project.

JANUARY: A light-filled youth celebration of Epiphany, with a candle-lit Mass andfireworks, took place at the White House in Poringland.

A year in the life of the DioceseHere is a pictorial record of memorable events during 2017 across theDiocese of East Anglia.

JANUARY: Seminarian Jaylord Magpuyo became the first-ever Filippino to be ordained as a deacon in the Diocese of East Anglia at OLEM in Cambridge.

FEBRUARY: Fr Rafael Esteban retired after 50 years of ministry with a farewell partyat Our Lady of Lourdes in Sawston.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 35

MARCH: The Station Mass at St Luke’s in Peterborough.

MARCH: Master stonemason Paul Blake with the new stations of the cross at StHenry Morse in Diss.

36 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

MARCH: Bishop Alan welcomed around 50 people to the Catholic Church at theRite of Election at the Cathedral in Norwich.

MARCH: 175 young East Anglian Catholics joined 10,000 others at the Flame eventat the SSE Wembley Arena in London.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 37

APRIL: The Chrism Mass is celebrated at St John’s Cathedral.

EASTER: The Cathedral in Norwich turned from pitch black to a mass of blazingcandle lights at the Easter vigil.

38 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

MAY: The annual East Anglian Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 39

APRIL: The Diocese’s twinning link with Battambang was celebrated with a Cambodian-style Mass at St John of the Cross in Aylsham.

MAY: Preacher to the Papal Household, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, brought a message of hope to Walsingham at the Anglican National Pilgrimage.

40 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

MAY: Cambridge University academicsProf Nicholas Lash(left) and Prof EamonDuffy (right) receivedPapal knighthoodsfrom Bishop Alan.

MAY: Archbishop Eamon Martin (right), Primate of All Ireland, spoke at the Newmanlecture series at the University of East Anglia in Norwich.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 41

MAY: Over 200 young people took part in the Ignite Youth Festival at Sacred HeartSchool in Swaffham, including a Fight the Good Fight workshop.

MAY: The Diocesan Children’s Pilgrimage which began in Little Walsingham.

42 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

MAY: Bishop Alan, pictured above with the altar servers, visited the Catholic community in Cambourne to celebrate Mass.

JUNE: A colourful and enthusiastic International Mass took place to celebrate thebirthday of the church, Pentecost, in Bury St Edmunds.

JUNE: Hundreds of charismatic Catholics from across the region gathered at theCelebrate East Anglia event at Bury St Edmunds.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 43

JUNE: King’s Lynn Parish celebrated an amazing 1175 years of combined Catholichistory with an outdoor Mass at St Martha’s School.

44 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

JUNE: Over 50 children from three church choirs across East Anglia came togetherfor the first ever diocesan choirs festival at OLEM in Cambridge.

JUNE: Over 3,500 years of married life were celebrated at the annual Marriage andFamily Life Mass at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 45

JUNE: Four priests with 160 years of service joined Bishop Alan and 40 others at aCelebration of Priesthood at the White House in Poringland.

JULY: A group of young East Anglian pilgrims completed a ten-day pilgrimagewalking the Camino in Spain to Santiago.

46 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

JULY: St Mary’s Primary School in Lowestoft marked its Golden Jubilee with a special end-of-year Mass with Bishop Alan.

AUGUST: Bishop Alan presided at the Mass at the grotto in Lourdes as part of theannual Catholic Association pilgrimage, including a group from East Anglia.

SEPTEMBER: 3,000 pilgrims representing the universal Catholic church gathered atWalsingham for the Dowry of Mary pilgrimage.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 47

SEPTEMBER: St John the Baptist in Norwich becomes just the second Catholiccathedral to be awarded the CAFOD Live Simply Award.

SEPTEMBER: The Fatima Pilgrim Virgin statue and saints relics visited St John’sCathedral in Norwich to mark the 100th anniversary of the visitations in Portugal.

48 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

SEPTEMBER: Pilgrims from East Anglia spent eight days in the Holy Land visitingholy places and meeting with the Christians of the region.

SEPTEMBER: Around 700 pupils and teachers from 25 Catholic schools across EastAnglia gathered at St John’s Cathedral in Norwich for a Schools Mass.

Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017 49

SEPTEMBER: A full day of celebrations marked the 60th anniversary of St Martha’sprimary school in King’s Lynn and the official opening of a new £3.5m extensionwhich has enabled it to double in size from 210 to 420 places.

OCTOBER: Around 700 Catholics from across the Diocese took part in a silentEucharistic procession through Norwich and all-night Vigil for Life at the Cathedral.

50 Year in the Life of the Diocese - 2017

Features 51

The Ignite team is growing

The Ignite Team - the Youth Mission Team of the Diocese of East Anglia -is growing.

� Joining Hamish MacQueen (Director of Diocesan Youth Service) and Catherine (Cat)Williams (Team Leader) are Fr Luke Goymour and Ciaran Losasso.

Fr Luke has been appointed full-time chaplain to the Diocesan Youth Service, and muchof his ministry will be as part of the Ignite Team. He is particularly excited about visitingyoung people in their parishes.

"We are a MissionTeam,” he said. “Thatsense of being 'sent'to preach theGospel of JesusChrist is central toour make-up. It's areal privilege to besent into parishesand schools to sharewith the young peo-ple of our diocesethe best news ever -That God lovesthem, and wants tohave a relationshipwith them!”

Also joining Fr Luke is Ciaran Losasso who comes from Norwich and became moreinvolved in youth work in the Diocese after World Youth Day in 2016. He joined thevolunteer ‘Ignite Lite’ team and from there became a full-time member as a ‘gap year’ afterstudying history at UEA.

“I feel that it is a great blessing to be given this opportunity to serve young people and theChurch on the Ignite Team,” said Ciaran when asked about taking on this new role.

“It is so special to be able to play just a part in helping others to encounter Jesus and theGood News that He brings, and that we all so desperately need in our lives. It is evenmore of a privilege to be able to do this among the people and places I grew up around.”

As members of the Ignite Team, they will continue to spread the Gospel messagethroughout the Diocese of East Anglia working in both parishes and schools runningretreat days, youth groups and Confirmation / First Holy Communion classes.

They will also continue to run events such as the Ignite Festival and other events they areplanning to launch throughout 2017 and 2018. Having Fr Luke as part of the Ignite Teamalso enables them to offer greater availability of the Sacraments such as Youth Masses.

“We are really blessed to have such a strong team this year and I am so excited aboutwhat we are able to do in bringing the Gospel message to young people in East Anglia,”said Hamish.

Centenary Mass starts cause forSuffolk hero’s sainthood

A Memorial Requiem Mass to celebrate the life of humanitarian andphilanthropist Leonard Cheshire took place on September 7, 2017,the centenary of his birth, in his home village of Cavendish, Suffolk.

� The Mass, which was celebrated byBishop Alan, also marked the start of acampaign by the Diocese of East Anglia topromote his Cause, the first step tocanonization as a saint, and was attendedby his two children, Jeromy and Elizabeth.

Leonard, who died in 1992, is best knownfor his work creating hundreds of homesaround the world to care for disabled andvulnerable people, much of it with his wifeLady Sue Ryder. He was also anoutstanding war-time leader and pilot whowas awarded the VC. He converted toCatholicism at the age of 31.

After the Mass, daughter ElizabethCheshire said: “It was an absolutely lovelyand really moving Mass and a very niceand personal homily from a priest whoknew Dad in his last few years. He wouldhave been very surprised and humbled bythe canonization process. He was a reallygood man and was always motivated by adesire to do what was right and do thethings that needed to be done. He was alsoa truly spiritual person and had a very deep faith. He lived his life through his faith andeverything he did in the years that I knew him was guided by that faith.”

Fr James Fyfe, who is promoting the Cause of Leonard (which was first begun by FrMichael Johnstone), explained: “It means to begin to try to collect any evidence for saint-hood from among the faithful. There is a prayer card which invites people to pray toLeonard for a particular reason. If the prayers are answered then evidence is collected,examined and presented. This does not mean that we already think he is a saint - thatpart is a very long way off and it may be 50 or 100 years hence - it is a discovery process.

“Bishop Alan and the Diocese are embarking on the process because Leonard lived inCavendish. But he is a world-wide figure and many people will be praying for the successof the Cause and we shall reach out to them. However, we shall begin in East Anglia firstbecause there are people here who knew him and remember him and who may havesomething to tell us.”

Anyone interested in the cause, or wanting a prayer card, is invited to contact: Fr JamesFyfe, 69 Queen’s Road, Wisbech, PE13 2PH. Details of answered prayers should be sentto Leonard Cheshire Cause c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, NR14 7SH.

52 Features

Portrait of Leonard Cheshire by JuneMendoza.

Features 53

Campaign makes faith come alive

The Alive in Faith campaign hasraised pledges of £6.5m across theDiocese of East Anglia to help fundparish projects, social outreach,clergy pensions and seminariantraining. One project already inaction provides accommodation forthe homeless in Sheringham. FrDenys Lloyd reports.

� Parishioners from Our Lady and StJoseph, Sheringham and Cromer, raised amagnificent total of around £185,000 inpledges over five years through Alive inFaith and a proportion of that moneycomes back to us to fund our own parishprojects.

For us that means the on-going mainte-nance of our buildings, but primarily theprovision of accommodation and care for the temporarily homeless at Canaan House, inHolt Road, Sheringham.

The seven-room house is owned by an Evangelical Christian Trust. Its original purposewas to provide very low-cost holiday accommodation; but latterly the demand for thisaccommodation more or less petered out. The Trust has allowed us to rent CanaanHouse – in the name of the North Norfolk SVP (St Vincent De Paul) Conference, which isbased in our parish.

We have a first-class social worker, Joey Garande (pictured above), who oversees thewhole process of admissions to the house. All potential residents are referred to us bylocal authorities and Joey has been very successful in obtaining relevant Social SecurityBenefits for them. Out of this money, rent is paid to the Trustees of Canaan House.

Through the Alive in Faith funds, we are able to pay Joey’s salary, as well as, on occasion, providing one-off financial assistance to residents as needs arise. As parishpriest, I see Joey regularly and I have been most impressed by his professional and business-like approach to the project.

Joey has now very nearly achieved his goal of making the house self-financing (throughSocial Security Benefits). There is also a paid caretaker, who lives in a static caravanon site and is always available to help the residents and sort out day-to-day issues.Normally there are about 12 residents in the house at any one time using a family roomand both double and single rooms. Any room left vacant is normally almost immediatelyoccupied again. On one occasion earlier this year there was a total of 22 men, womenand children in the house; but such a number is exceptional.

The house is safe and peaceful (potential residents have to show that they are not ad-dicted to alcohol or drugs). The average stay is between 12 and 16 weeks: that is thetime taken for suitable, secure and permanent accommodation to be found for residents.

Historic place for pilgrim retreat

For over 500 years Dowry House in Walsingham has been used as apilgrim hostel and in early 2017 this purpose was restored by the Shrinewhen it reopened as a retreat house run by the Community of Our Lady ofWalsingham.

� The Community was founded in the Slipper Chapel on the Feast of the Epiphany,January 6, 2004, with the aim of living and spreading the spirituality of Walsingham in-depth. As an ecclesial family of consecrated life, membership is open to people from allstates of life.

Meanwhile, in 2006, Peter Hoye bought Dowry House and began renovating it to updatethe retreat centre for modern-day pilgrims. His dream was to have a religious communityliving on-site, praying in the chapel and offering hospitality. In 2016, he generouslypassed over the management of the retreat house to the shrine and Bishop Alan invitedthe Community to run it: “for the shrine, for the diocese and for the nation”.

Known affectionately to many as ‘the old Sue Ryder place’ Dowry House is situated directly opposite the Priory Gatehouse in the High Street. Built between 1470 and 1496,the twelfth-century Augustinian Priory used it as a pilgrim hostel, providing hearty mealsand warm lodgings. During the 15th Century, Walsingham enjoyed the reputation of beingone of the world’s most renowned shrines and pilgrims came from far and wide.

The religious landscape of England changed dramatically during the Reformation of KingHenry VIII and at one point the house’s cellars were used to house two martyrs who werehung, drawn and quartered the following day.

After the Reformation, the building underwent a series of evolutions as it was used for dif-ferent purposes: for trading businesses, a post office, a coffee shop and accommodation.

54 Features

The exterior of thebuilding, facingonto the HighStreet, was given abrick façade in the19th century. Morerecently, in 1982,Sue Ryderpurchased it toprovide a retreathouse for her staffin this quiet,grace-filled placeknown asEngland’sNazareth.

A range offormation coursesand retreats forthose seeking to deepen their faith are now offered at Dowry House.

It has 17 beautifully furnished bedrooms that can hold up to 26 guests, for whom allmeals are provided. The Welcome Centre at the entrance offers resources for passingpilgrims to have a fruitful time in Walsingham and the gardens are being developed toprovide outdoor prayer spaces for residential guests.

The Julian Library holds a Marian collection of some 3,000 books ranging from art andhistory through to mystical theology. The Beckett Room is a reading room whereresidents can relax and the St Edward’s Conference Room, with its media facilities, sitslarger groups of 30 plus for seminars. Thecloister of the courtyard joins the mainbuilding to the Chapel.

The beautiful chapel has a specia taberna-cle designed for Perpetual Adoration, sinceit is from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesusthat all effective evangelization comes. Assuch, Dowry House hopes to be the praying heart of the Shrine and a place forall people to encounter the Word madeflesh Who lives among us.

Sr Camilla, the leader of the community, said: “Walsingham is a place where pilgrims canbe held by Mary and led by her to a knowledge of the Father’s infinite love for each one ofus. We are invited to bring our somewhat broken spirits to be healed by God through herintercession.

“Dowry House Retreat is a place for people to come and recharge their spiritual batter-ies, to attend one of the many formation courses being organised by the Shrine, to do anindividually guided retreat or just to come away and rest a while with the Lord.

“We hope that, for anyone visiting, it will be a grace-filled and a life-defining experience.By discovering all that Walsingham has to offer for the spiritual journey we hope peoplemay leave with the desire to come back again and again.”

Features 55


� Room rates start from £55 for a singleor £90 for a double, full board. En-suiterooms are £78 for a single and £136 fora double (full board). Discounts forgroups.Tel: 01328 801018 Email:

Fr Bill Mason (1928-2017)

Tributes have been paid to Fr Bill Mason, first ordained as an AnglicanPriest, who went on to join the Catholic Church and serve in Suffolk.

� “Fr Bill” was born William Hugh OwenMason on July 27, 1928 at Kersey in Suffolk where his mother was the first district nurse to work in that area and hisfather was a tenant farmer.

He won a scholarship to King Henry VIIGrammar school at Sudbury and had thedistinction of being Head Boy and Captainof Cricket. He followed his brother into theIndian Army followed by National Service inthe Middle East. Oxford University followedand while there, Bill discovered his vocationand went from university to CuddesdonTheological College.

Bill was ordained as an Anglican Deaconon Trinity Sunday 1954 at St George’sCathedral Southwark and as an AnglicanPriest on Trinity Sunday 1955. He served atAll Saints, Dulwich, St Barnabas, NortholtPark and St Mary Magdalene, MunsterSquare as a curate before being given hisown parish at St Clement, Notting Dale. After several years he returned to his native Suffolk and was appointed as Vicar at St Mary’s, Little Wratting. He stayed there brieflybefore going to Walsingham as Assistant Administrator of the Anglican Shrine.

Following his marriage to Christine in 1972, he went to the Parish of Ss Peter & Paul atKeddington. There he served as Rector for 15 happy years during which time his children, Lucy, Ben and Joe were born. In 1987, Bill took the courageous decision to bereceived into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, giving up the Rectory at Keddington and his income as an Anglican clergyman.

Owing to an administrative error, it took five years to gain permission from the Congregation for the Defence of the Faith in Rome for Bill, as a married man, to be ordained as a Catholic priest. In that intervening period, Bill showed a remarkable faithfulness to his priestly vocation, and trust in God's providence. Whilst maintaining thepriestly discipline of the Divine Office he worked as an assistant to a Funeral Director,and immersed himself in parish life in Bury St Edmunds, not the least enriching the choirwith his fine singing voice.

On April 3, 1993, he was ordained a priest, and the presence of a crowded church testified to the esteem in which he was held by the Catholic congregation of Bury St Edmunds, his friends and his colleagues from the past. He placed his priesthood unreservedly at the service of any who needed it, whether lay or clerical, and his unsophisticated wisdom and experience quickly won him a wide circle of admirers andfriends. His skill in the confessional was legendary. In the last few years when ill-healthmight have been a valid excuse for scaling down he soldiered on, ably supported by thedevoted care of Christine and he died on October 31, 2017 at the age of 89.

56 Obituaries

Obituaries 57

Fr Augustine Hoey (1915-2017)

Monsignor Augustine Hoey, a priest of the Diocese of Westminster, wholived in Walsingham for some years to pray for and support the work ofthe Shrine and for unity among Christians, has died at the age of 101. Hewas a well-known and loved figure. Fr Denys Lloyd pays tribute.

� The words of the Short Chapter at None, as FrAugustine spoke them in the Community Churchat Mirfield in probably 1962 or 1963, have beenwith me ever since: “Bear one another’s burdensand so fulfil the law of Christ.”

I was then a student at the College of the Resur-rection and those words have been a compass tomy ministry ever since. I am sure it was then andalways has been the depth of his prayer andcloseness to God that again and again lent to FrAugustine’s words a penetrating power andauthority.

When I was a member of staff at the College ofthe Resurrection – from 1969 until I was receivedinto the Catholic Church in 1990 – I spent substantial parts of many college vacations atthe ‘House of Prayer’ Fr Augustine established - first in a flat in Hulme, Manchester andthen in a redundant vicarage in Sunderland.

Fr Augustine’s remarkable, and in a sense quite ruthless, dedication to God showed itselfin his attention to fine detail, not only in the creation of the carefully typed and indexedoffice books we used, but also in the very simple, but uniformly elegant décor of both theflat in Hulme and also the house - ‘Emmaus’ – in Sunderland.

Fr Augustine’s manner of celebrating the Eucharist, spoke eloquently of his wonder andawe before the majesty of God. Occasionally, in the 1960s, he was invited to be the cele-brant at the College Eucharist - every move, every gesture was done with a strikinggrace. Even in his old age, his back remained ram-rod straight when he genuflected. Itwas not for nothing that his mother had been on the stage.

And years later, when, as a Catholic, he was living the ‘life of prayer’ in Walsingham andhe was approaching his 100th birthday, he still concelebrated daily at the Church of theAnnunciation in the village. When it was his turn to read the Gospel, it was evident that,without a shadow of doubt, for him this truly was ‘the Word of God’.

Aged 99 he was given the title of Monsignor. A memoir, Trembling on the Edge of Eternity,by Antony Pinchin and Graeme Jolly, was published in 2015.

One of my last memories of Fr Augustine is of how his words resonated with an extra-ordinary, penetrating power. What he said at the end of the Mass for his 100th birthday inthe Reconciliation Chapel at Walsingham was his ‘last word’ on his passion for therestoration of Christian unity. Before the blessing, he moved forward from his place as aconcelebrant, and with a voice that seemed as strong as when he preached parish mis-sions in the 50s and 60s, he expressed his horror at the ‘scandal’ that shamed the placehe loved so much – the scandal of separation and disunity at Walsingham: Mary stillbeing honoured at two separate Shrines. “This scandal must cease! – we must pray…”

58 Obituaries

Fr Anthony Slack (1941-2016)

Parish priest Fr Anthony Slack will be remembered for his dedication toparishioners in Whittlesey and Ramsey and a dry sense of humour.Bernard Whyte pays tribute.

� Fr Anthony (Les) Slack retired inAugust 2016 at the age of 75 after 16years as the Parish Priest of St Jude’sWhittlesey and The Sacred Heart,Ramsey.

In November 2016, he had a suddenbrain hemorrhage and died within a veryshort space of time. His funeral washeld at Ratcliffe College, Leicestershirewhere he had spent many years as atutor. Requiem Masses were alsocelebrated at Whittlesey and Ramsey.

Fr Slack was born in Manchester, andat the age of 13, became a student toRatcliffe College which was run bymembers of the Rosminian Order,(Institute of Charity). At the age of 18 hewas inducted into the Order and wasordained into the priesthood at StJohn’s, Wonersh at the age of 23.

After a short time as an assistant priestin Cardiff, he returned to Ratcliffe where he became a tutor for the next 30 years. Havingserved the Whittlesey/Ramsey parish as a locum for some years, he was appointedParish Priest in 2000 where he remained till his retirement. He was one of a number ofRosminian Priests supporting the Diocese at that time.

He was well known by his parishioners for his love of Latin, and for the singing of hymnsat every opportunity. When not looking after the needs of the parish, he followed a deepinterest in railways and would spend his free time exploring the rail routes of the BritishIsles. His knowledge in this respect was outstanding. He was beginning to enjoy a new-found interest in bridge before he died.

In his latter years in the parish, he did not enjoy the best of health, but looked forward toa more peaceful time at the Rosminian retirement home at Derryswood, Surrey. Hisretirement Mass was concelebrated by a number of Rosminians as well as priests fromour diocese, and a most thoughtful homily was given by Fr David Myers. Canon DavidBagstaff paid tribute to the dedication of Fr Slack to our parish and the diocese. He wasalso joined by clergy from other Christian denominations who had come to share in theservice.

Fr Slack will be remembered for his dedication to his parishioners, and wry sense ofhumour which he shared over coffee after weekday Masses.

He will be fondly remembered in our prayers. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Vocations 59

VOCATIONSWith five new candidates starting in seminaries across Europe inSeptember, the Diocese of East Anglia now has 12 men training forthe priesthood, the highest number for at least 30 years.VocationsDirector Fr Patrick Cleary reports.

The dozen men vary from those who just started in September 2017, to those whohopefully, will be ordained fairly soon.

We have men in six seminaries, across three different countries (Italy, Spain andEngland). Thanks to the financial support that the Diocese is receiving from the successful Alive in Faith programme we are now able to sustain this number of seminarians. The annual collection for the training of new priests raises enough, fromacross the diocese, to pay the fees and expenses for just one seminarian.

As the vocations director, it's my responsibility, to accompany young men through theprocess from early and noncommittal enquiries to ordination.

Part of my responsibility is to visit each seminary, and indeed each seminarian, at leastonce during the academic year.

Bishop Alan places seminarians in various parishes for pastoral experiences during thesummer break and during other periods according to the seminaries' requirements.

This is a huge change from my time as a seminarian, when we spent the summer monthsworking in various capacities in the secular world. My experiences included working on afarm, in a shop, in a factory, cutting grass verges for the local county council and runninga pitch-and-putt golf course. On one stormy evening, when no customers materialised, Imanaged a hole-in-one, but who is going to believe me!

We also had a much lower profile in the life of the diocese. Often, the first that peopleknew that we were training for the priesthood, was the announcement of the date of ourordination. Now, the progress and activities of our seminarians is charted in variousdiocesan communications, especially in the pages of Catholic East Anglia, our diocesanpaper. Our seminarians also feature prominently in various diocesan celebrations, liturgies and events.

These days, it's common for applicants to approach the diocese in early middle life, having had some experience, in the world of work, or indeed some experience of timespent in a religious order.

The average age of our seminarians is probably in the 30s rather than the 20s. Each one,brings some particular experience to their vocation, which I'm sure will be beneficial to thediocese in the years ahead.

This is an interesting diocese in terms of the variety of parishes. We have large cityparishes, market town parishes and coastal parishes from King’s Lynn to Felixstowe. Wetry to give the seminarians exposure to all of the various types of parishes during theiryears of preparation.

We went for many years with no seminarians at all and are presently blessed with ourvery Biblical team of 12, with all their talents and variety. Please remember them in yourprayers.

Vocations – Sr CarinaSr Carina, from the small Community of Our Lady of Walsingham,tells her own Jesus story.

� This is the story of how I fell in lovewith the Risen Christ: how he choseme before I chose him; how he hadbeen there all along as my Bridegroom, patiently loving me andwaiting for me, until I opened my eyesin the darkness and saw him lookingstraight at me.

I was raised a Catholic and grew upwanting to know Jesus, but never experienced a personal relationshipwith him. The pull of the world’s distractions anaesthetised thisheartache, and I allowed myself to beswept away in the rushing surge ofexams, UCAS, socialising and culti-vating an identity… all without Jesus.

It was only ever the Holy Spirit thatreally had a look-in on my life of faith:he faithfully responded to my emer-gency calls, either for inspiration inthe exam hall, or for inner fortitude fora challenging conversation. Truthfully,I gave up expecting any deep experience of closeness to God.

I wanted to become a fashion-magazine editor and I had planned myperfect life… right up until retirement. It never occurred to me to ask God what dreams he had for my life as everything was going according to my plan. When I went to my first-choice university, I felt like I was living the dream. When my grandfather died unexpectedly at the end of Freshers’ Week, however, I struggled to process my grief. Iwas driven by the apprehension that if I stopped, I would be crushed by the stampede ofdeadlines and commitments. I had erroneously equated productivity with self-worth, yet Ihad lost my very self in the process.

Deep down my heart screamed with conviction that this wasn’t true life, surely this wasn’thow I was meant to be living. But everything around me told me I was living my dreamlife… So what was my heart still searching for?

I had stopped attending regular Sunday Mass and was feeling disillusioned with theCatholic Church. I started attending a close friend’s Evangelical Church and bought myown Bible that I read on a daily basis. Jesus’ words in Mark 8:35 gave me fresh hope: “Forwhoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and forthe gospel will save it.”

With every fibre of my being, I wanted this true Life that Jesus promised. I had a growingdesire to live intentionally; conscious of how I would live “this one wild and precious life”

60 Vocations

Sr Carina, left, makes her First Profession ofVows alongside Sr Johanna.

Vocations 61

(Mary Oliver) I had been given, what I would do with it and what I would leave behind. Ihad a firm resolution that this life I have cannot be wasted: it has to be used for something, contribute some good, mean something…

By summer, I was contemplating leaving the Catholic Church. My mother was horrified.She persuaded me to watch the BBC documentary ‘The Big Silence’. As I saw each retreatant have a profoundly personal encounter with the divine, my heart began to softenwith painful surrender as I realised that I did not have all the answers.

Feeling very much like the prodigal son, I began to attend fortnightly Taize prayer meetings and even took part in a week-long ‘Retreat in Daily Life.’ My eyes were openingup to the treasures held within Catholicism: the Church was offering me the means for apowerful depth of intimacy with God. I wanted to find God in the silence.

I did, however, balk at the thought that this would entail conforming to an institutionalisedreligion – and worst of all, to the inherited faith I had sought to reject. In my stubbornnessof spirit, I resolved to carve out my own path, convincing myself that I was walking towards freedom. I was drawn to a local meditation centre, which advocated a spiritualitybased on Hindu and New Age concepts.

I was also reading articles on the Taize website. When I came upon the words, “There arealso those who ask themselves how they can follow Christ by choosing the road ofcelibacy,” I was shaken by the sensation that God was speaking to me directly. It was asthough he were pointing a finger at the screen and saying ‘Carina, that’s for you.’

As part of my degree, I studied the writings of St Teresa of Avila and her ‘Book of Life’convinced me of the powerful truth that God is real, personal and immediate. Contrary tothe meditation centre’s ideology, I could not accept that Jesus was anything less than fullyhuman and fully divine! My heart soared as the wrestling with my angel slowly became adance with Christ, the Beloved. I no longer rejected the call to consecrated life as some-thing shameful, but instead saw it as a privilege – chosen by the Father to be the spouseof his only Son, the King of Kings.

I no longer attended Mass on a ‘Sundays-only’ basis, but needed to quench my thirst inCommunion almost every day. In the Eucharist, I saw the immense power of Jesus’ loveand his beauty overwhelmed me: I wanted to give everything to the one who had givenme everything. I wanted to live with purpose in such a way that I was saying with my life:Jesus, you did not die in vain for me upon that cross. I surrendered to the beauty andfreedom of spiritual motherhood and I could finally accept that having my own familywould never be enough for me. I longed to proclaim with my life that Jesus is enough, byliving a life that could only be sustained by his grace. The life that I had fabricated out ofmy own self-will was no longer my dream: he had become all that I longed for and thoughtabout. I realised with joy that my heart had found what it was looking for.

I came across the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham online, its motto, ‘called to thefullness of life and love,’ resonated deeply and I strongly identified with the vocation to alife lived ‘intensely with God and intensely with people’ (as symbolised by COLW’s hood!)This vocation was written in my bones.

In COLW’s charism and spirituality, all the inexpressible longings of my heart had the po-tential to be fulfilled. The real adventure was just beginning! When I visited the communityfor the first time, I experienced pure joy – like the leap of joy at the Visitation when StJohn the Baptist recognizes Jesus in the womb of Our Lady. I knew intuitively that it wouldbe here, in Mary’s little community, that my true self would meet the true God.

� Sr Carina made her First Profession of Vows on the Feast of the Annunciation, 2017.

62 Vocations

Vocations – Jaylord Magpuyo

Seminarian Jaylord Magpuyo became the first-ever Filippino to beordained as a deacon in the Diocese of East Anglia on January 25at OLEM in Cambridge. Here is his own vocation story.

� “like one of your hired hands”. Luke 15:19 This response of the lost son in Luke hasbecome a guiding principle in my responseto God’s calling. On the one hand, it crystal-lizes the meaning of service for me. On theother, it shows the depth of God’s love.

I would consider my calling as nothing extraordinary. In fact, it is a simple one.There are no imposing signs which I couldcategorize as special. All I knew was to playbasketball and chess and paint. I have takenthe sport so seriously that I even skippedmeals just to play the game and be with myfriends. Such was my passion that I even intended to make chess a living.

But my plan is not God’s. I realized thateverything has already been laid out for meand all was part of His plan. He used my feebleness to His gain. When accepting the invi-tation of my classmates to a three-day visit to the St Francis Xavier College Seminary, inDavao City, I found out there were lots of basketball courts inside and the seminariansplay almost every day during their sports time. That made me interested.

After passing the entrance exam, I decided to try the seminary life for a year at the age of16, and the year became years. But one thing I realized, God was slowly preparing andforming me to become not an athlete but a servant of His vineyard.

I finished my AB Philosophy degree and MA in Theology in 10 years all together, not including my pastoral and work assignments. But of course, the journey was not easy for it was long and winding. There were intermittent events along the way that have influenced my future decisions. I was admitted into the Military Ordinariate while finishingmy theology at San Carlos Graduate School of Theology, Manila.

The experience was challenging, since I was trained to be a priest with a view to becom-ing a Military Chaplain. As I was about to graduate in theology, I discerned and prayed ifthis would be the life that God was leading me into.

Again, God hears my cry, like the psalmist used to pray. After much time spent in front ofthe Blessed Sacrament every day, I decided not to pursue the vocation in the militaryservice and instead applied to the Diocese of East Anglia.

To be accepted by the Diocese and be ordained as a Deacon by the Bishop Alan is, forme, the will of God. To serve the Diocese with utmost devotion and steadfast generositywill be my lifelong commitment.

� Jaylord was due to be ordained as a priest at St John’s Cathedral on December 8.

Building Bridges togetherOver the past 16 years, the Diocese of East Anglia is privileged to have formed specialcharitable relationships with two twin dioceses, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (theHoly Land) and the Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang (Cambodia).

As well as individual parishes and schools entering into twinning arrangements and supporting humanitarian projects within those partnerships, the Diocese has providedfunding for a number of initiatives including house renovations, educational provision,medical support, catechetical initiatives, sponsoring of seminarians, university scholar-ships and music activities.

In the Holy Land, efforts are channelledthrough the Latin Patriarchate which hasan established procedure for assessing funding re-quests and monitoringtheir delivery in orderthat the money raisedis used to best effect. Ifyou would like to knowmore about supportinga possible project fromyour parish, or as anindividual or group;please contact Fr PaulMaddison at Marchparish, who has responsibility for therelationship betweenthe two dioceses.

In Cambodia, the Diocese has helped build a learning centre at Ta Om, restore a nurseryand middle school at Kompong Ko, built nursery schools in Nikum and Chrab Viel, restored a church in Ta Om and a parish centre in Pailin. For more information, pleasecontact Fr Mark Hackeson in Bury St Edmunds parish.

Various deaneries and parishes have established special links with particular parishesand schools in the Holy Land and Cambodia, or taken on projects. They include:

Holy LandOur Lady and the English Martyrs, Cambridge – Bir Zeit Parish; Sacred Heart, St Ives –Aboud Parish; St Peter & All Souls, Peterborough – Ramallah Parish; St Philip Howard,Cambridge – Taybeh Parish; Our Lady & St Etheldrea, Newmarket – Beit Sahour Parish;St Dominic, Downham Market – Gaza School; Brandon and Mildenhall – Jifria School

CambodiaBury St Edmunds Deanery – Siem Reap; St Mary’s, Ipswich – Battambang & Chamnoam; Costessey – Ta Hen; North Walsham – Sisophon; Ely – Prek Taol; St Francis of AssisiSchool, Norwich – Kbal Spean School

Building Bridges 63

Fr Paul Maddison at the Holy Family Orphanage in Bethlehem, supported by the Diocese of East Anglia.

64 Building Bridges

Can you help build bridges?The two current Diocese of East Anglia Building Bridges projects are to support ateacher through college training in the West Bank in the Holy Land and a new formation centre for children, youth groups and adults at Battambang in Cambodia.

If you would you like to support these projects, cheques should be made payable tothe “RC Diocese of East Anglia”.

First Name...............................................Surname.......................................................


Address..................................................... Amount enclosed .................................

Anything you give will be divided equally between Cambodia and the Holy Land un-less you indicate by ticking a box below that all your money should go to one project.

� Cambodia � Holy Land

GIFT AIDYou can boost your donation by 25p in Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay in the current tax year. Youraddress is needed, above, to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

DECLARATIONI am a UK taxpayer and wish the RC Diocese of East Anglia to treat this donation asa Gift Aid donation. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital GainsTax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations itis my responsibility to pay any difference.

Signature:………….....……...........…............................. Date:………….....………

Please send to: Building Bridges, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SHRegistered charity no 278742

Pupils from the kindergartenin Nikum inCambodiawhich issupportedby BuildingBridges.

Parish Directory 65

PARISH DIRECTORY Key:(+) Indicates registered for marriages

Indicates wheelchair access

Indicates loop system for hearing-aid users installed

Parish 1


Address Earlham Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA. (1722; 1894; 1910; cons 1957)Tel 01603 624615 Fax: 01603 623684Email Web Rev Canon David Paul (Cathedral Dean)

Rev Henry WhisenantRev Arockiya SeelanRev Laurie Locke (Priest in Residence)

Deacons Rev Patrick Limacher, Cathedral House, Unthank Road, NR2 2PARev Andrew Eburne, Cathedral House, Unthank Road, NR2 2PA

Services Sun, 1st M evng Sat 6pm; Sun M 9am, 11amHds, M 7.30am, 10am, evng 7.30pm

Confessions Sat 10.30am, 3.30 to 4.30pm, 6.45pmCathedral Shop Tel: 01603 728937 (During opening hours)Narthex Gen Mgr Gavin Wood Tel: 01603 724380.

Email: St Francis of Assisi Primary School Tel: 01603 441484

Notre Dame High School Tel: 01603 611431Notre Dame Prep School Tel: 01603 625593

Hospitals Colman Hospital (Priscilla Bacon Lodge)Tel: 01603 255720Norwich Community Hospital Tel: 01603 776776Julian Hospital Tel: 01603 421800Norwich BUPA Hospital Tel: 01603 456181Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Tel: 01603 286286

Other places of worship in the Parish:

LAKENHAM, St Mark’s C of E ChurchAddress Hall Road, NorwichServices Sun, M 5.30pm

(+) WEST EARLHAM, Holy Apostles, Address Scarnell Road, West Earlham. (1953, 1996)Tel 1603 624615Email Rev Laurie Locke Services Sun, M 9am

Hds, M 9amSyro Malabar Rite Mass: 3rd Saturday of monthNight Vigil 1st Friday of month 7-10pm

Confessions Sun 8.30am

66 Parish Directory

ACLE - see Great Yarmouth (Parish 19)


Address Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4DA Tel 01480 843343Clergy Rev Nelson Gwuegbu, Catholic Chaplain Capt USAF RAF Alconbury

(Catholic Chaplain, 501 CSW/HC, RAF Alconbury AB)Services Sun M 9.30amConfessions By appointment


Address 15 The Terrace, Aldeburgh, IP15 5HJ (1906; 1924)Tel 01728 452782Email tonybrucerogers@gmail.comWeb www.catholicsinaldeburghandleiston.orgClergy Rev Mgr Anthony RogersServices Sun, 1st M evng Sat 6pm; M 11am

Hds, M 10amConfessions Sat 5.30pmHospitals Aldeburgh and District Community Hosp Tel: 01728 452778Care Homes Aldringham Court Tel: 01728 832191

Chantry House Tel: 01728 603377Garrett House Tel: 01728 453249Leiston Old Abbey Tel: 01728 830944Norwood House Tel: 01728 668600

Other places of worship in the Parish:

LEISTON, Suffolk (+) Address All Saints, Seaward Avenue. (1919; 1964)Services Sun, M 9.15am

Hds, evng M 7amConfessions Sun 9am

ATTLEBOROUGH, Norfolk. See Wymondham (Parish 51)

AYLSHAM, Norfolk. See North Walsham (Parish 32)

BAR HILL, Cambs. See Our Lady and English Martyrs, Cambridge (Parish 7)

Parish 3BECCLES, Suffolk. (+) ST BENET’S MINSTER

Address St Mary’s Road, Beccles, NR34 9NR (1898; 1901; cons 1908)Tel 01502 713179Email www.saintbenetsbeccles.wordpress.comClergy Rev Dom Martin Gowman OSB (Priest in Charge) - 2, Grange Road,

Beccles, NR34 9NR Deacons Rev Michael Wells

Parish Directory 67

Rev Anthony FeltonServices Sun, M 10.30am, evng M 6pm

Hds, M 9.15am; evng M 7pmConfessions Sat 9.50am and on requestSchool St Benet’s Primary School Tel: 01502 712012Hospital War Memorial Hospital Tel: 01502 719800

Other places of worship in the Parish:

GILLINGHAM, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Address Gillingham, Norfolk, NR34 0AEServices Sun, M 8am Hds, M 8am

BLAKENEY, Norfolk. See Walsingham (Parish 47)

Parish 4BRANDON, Suffolk. (+) St Thomas of Canterbury

Address Brandon Road, Weeting, IP27 0PT (1923; 1976: cons 1993)Tel 01842 812200Email parishpriest@stthomas-stjohnparish.comWeb www.stthomas-stjohnparish.comClergy Rev Richard White, 18, Stuart Close, Brandon, IP27 0HBServices Sun M 9am (Polish), M 11am

Hds M times vary, see newsletter/websiteConfessions By appointmentNursing Home Brandon Park Tel: 01842 812400

Other places of worship in the Parish:

MILDENHALL, St John the Evangelist, Address St John’s Close, Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7NXServices Sun M 9am

Hds M times vary, see newsletter/WebConfessions By appointment‘Lunch Bunch’ St John’s Church, St John’s Close, IP28 7NX

Tel: 01638 718066Residential Homes Mabbs Hall Tel: 01638 712222

Mildenhall Lodge Tel: 0333 321 1971

BRANTHAM, Suffolk. See St Mark’s, Ipswich. (Parish 24)

BRETTON, Peterborough. See Peterborough (Parish 36)

BUCKDEN, Cambs (+) St Hugh of Lincoln, See St Neots (Parish 39)

Address The Towers, Buckden, St, Neots, PE19 5TA (1957) (Claretian Missionaries (CMF)

Tel 01480 810344Web www.stjosephsthugh.orgClergy For details of Parish Clergy and Mass times see Parish 39 – St NeotsRetreats St Claret Retreat Centre

Tel: 01480 810344Web

68 Parish Directory

Parish 5BUNGAY, Suffolk. (+) St Edmund, King and Martyr

Address 1 St Mary’s Street, Bungay, NR35 1AX (1657, 1823, 1891, cons 1910)

Tel 01986 893355Email Rt. Rev Dom Charles Fitzgerald-Lombard OSB MPhilServices Sun First M Sat Evng 6.30pm; Sun M 10.30am

Hds M 9.15amConfessions Sat 10.30amSchool St Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01986 892502Hospital All Hallows Hospital, Ditchingham Tel: 01986 892728

Other places of worship in the Parish:

HARLESTON, Norfolk. St Thomas More, Address Jays Green, Harleston, IP20 9HHServices Sun M 9am, Hds M 7.30pm

BURNHAM MARKET, Norfolk. See Walsingham (Parish 47)

Parish 6BURY ST EDMUNDS, Suffolk. (+) St Edmund, King and Martyr

Address 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG (1685; 1791; 1837)

Tel 01284 754358Email Web Rev Canon Mark Hackeson (Vice-Chancellor)

Rev Alvan Ibeh SMMMDeacons Rev Alan McMahonServices Sat 6pm, Sun 8.30am 10.30am and 6pm

Hds M 9.30am, 12 noon, 7.30pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass: First Sat 4pm, Third Sun 2.30pmPolish Mass: Third Sat 4pm

Confessions Sat 10.30-11am; Wed 10.30-11amSchools St Edmund’s Primary School Tel: 01284 755141

St Benedict’s Upper School Tel: 01284 753512Moreton Hall Prep School Tel: 01284 753532

Hospitals West Suffolk Hospital Tel: 01284 713000Nuffield Hospital Tel: 01284 701371St Nicholas’ Hospice Tel: 01284 766133

Other places of worship in the Parish:

COLDHAM COTTAGE, Suffolk, Our Lady Immaculate and St Joseph, Address Bury Road, Lawshall, IP29 4PLClergy Rev Gerard QuigleyTel 01284 830393 Email

Parish Directory 69

Services Sun M 10.30amHds Vigil M 7pm

Confessions On request

GREAT BARTON, Suffolk, Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion, Address East Barton Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, IP31 2RFTel 01284 787321Fax 01284 788012Email www.montanacarehome.comSister Superior: Sr Thaya MosesChaplains Rev Chris HoganServices Sun M 10.30amFacility Residential and Sheltered Accommodation for the Elderly

CAISTER-ON-SEA, Norfolk. See Great Yarmouth (Parish 19)

CAMBOURNE, Cambs. See Sawston (Parish 40)

Parish 7CAMBRIDGE, Our Lady and the English Martyrs (+)

Address Hills Road, CB2 1JR (1841; 1890; cons 1890)Tel 01223 350787 Fax 01223 314843Email

Chancery Email: Rt Rev Mgr Canon Eugène Harkness OSB Obl, KCHS, KCStG, MA,

STB, MCL, JCL (Chancellor)Rev Peter Raj

Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 8, 9.30, 11; 12.45 (Polish); evng M 4.30; 6.30 (Latin) Hds Vigil M 6.15pm; M 8, 10, 12.15; evng 7pm (Sung)

Confessions Sat 9am, 10.30am, 4.45pm, Tues 4.30pmReligious Congregation of Jesus, 8, Brookside, CB2 1JE Tel: 01223 353913

Dominican Sisters,155, Huntingdon Rd, CB3 0DH Tel: 01223 353730Canonesses of St Augustine:Sr Jennifer Dines CSA, 58, St Matthews Gardens, CB1 2PJ

Schools St Alban’s Primary School Tel: 01223 712148St Mary’s School (Independent) Tel: 01223 353253St Bede’s Inter-Church Secondary School Tel: 01223 568816

Hospitals Fulbourne Hospital Tel: 01223 726789Ida Darwin Hospital Tel: 01223 726789

Other places of worship in the Parish:

BAR HILL, Cambs. (+) Church CentreServices Sun Vigil M Sat evng 6pm

DITTON LANE, Cambridge, St Vincent de PaulServices Sun M 10.15am

70 Parish Directory

BLACKFRIARS, Priory of St Michael, ArchangelAddress Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 ODD (1238, destroyed 1538,

restored 1938)Tel 01223 741251 Web Very Rev Euan Marley OP (Prior)

Very Rev Aidan Nichols (Sub-Prior)Rev Robert Eccles OPRev Benedict Jonak OPRev Bruno Clifton, OP (Master of Novices)

Services Sun M 8.15am, 9.15am (Latin), 11am (sung conventual); evng M 6pmSunday morning prayer, 7am. evening prayer 7pm

MARGARET BEAUFORT INSTITUTE, (Roman Catholic member body of the Cambridge Theological Foundation, offers qualifications in pastoral theology)Address 12 Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DU Tel 01223 741039 Fax 01223 741054Principal Dr Anna Abram

ST EDMUND’S COLLEGE CHAPEL (Cons 25th October 2000) (A constituent College ofthe University of Cambridge)

Address Mount Pleasant, Cambridge, CB3 0BNTel 01223 336250Staff The Hon Matthew Bullock (Master);

Rev Prof Allan Brent DD (Fellow Commoner);Rev Dr Geoffrey Cook, MSc, PhD, (Life Fellow);Rev Alban McCoy OFM CONV (Dean)

Services Sun M 10.30amHds M evng 6.30pm

UNIVERSITY (See Cambridge University Chaplaincy)

Parish 8CAMBRIDGE, St Laurence (+)

Address Milton Road, CB4 1XB (1938; 1958; 2006Tel 01223 704640Email Rev Patrick Cleary (St Laurence’s Presbytery, 91, Milton Road,

CB4 1XB. Email: Bob Eccles OPRev Jaylord Magpuyo

Deacon Rev Geoffrey CookServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 8am, 11am

Hds M 9.30am, 7.30pmConfessions Sat 10.15-11am; 5.30-5.55pmSchool St Laurence Primary School Tel: 01223 712227Hospital Spire Hospital Tel: 01223 266900Other places of worship in the Parish:

Parish Directory 71

ST LAURENCE SCHOOL,Address Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JXTel 01223 712227Services Services: Sun M 9.30am

Hds M 9.30amConfessions Sun 9.15am

Parish 9CAMBRIDGE, St Philip Howard (+)

Address 33 Walpole Road, Cherry Hinton, CB1 3THTel 01223 211235 Email Web Rev Philip John Panthamkal SM

Rt Rev Mgr Canon Eugéne Harkness OSB Obl, KCHS, KCStG, MA, STB, MCL, JCL (Chancellor)

Assistant Priest Rev Peter Edwards, 42, Kelvin Close, Cambridge, CB1 8DNTel: 01223 240757 Email:

Deacons Rev Dr Prof John Bell, 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, CB1 9NUTel: 01223 503948 Email:

Services First M Sat evng 5.30am; Sun M 10am, 12noonHds M 9.30am, evng 5.30pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass – 1st Saturday of month 7pm Night Vigil 3rd Friday 5.30 – 10pm

Confessions Sat as announced or by appointmentHospital All chaplaincy referrals must be made directly to the

Chaplaincy Office in the first instance.Cambridge University Hospital Tel: 01223 217769, Chaplaincy Office Rosie Maternity Tel: 01223 217769, Chaplaincy Office Brookfields Tel: 01223 723000 Arthur Rank Hospice Tel: 01223 723110, Chaplaincy Office


Address Fisher House, Guildhall Street, CB2 3NHTel 01223 742192 Fax 01223 329180 Web Rev Mgr Mark Langham (Chaplain)

Rev Philip Moller SJ (Assistant to chaplain)Sr Ann Catherine Swailes OP, (Chaplaincy Asst) Tel: 01223 742193)Rev Prof Allen Brent DD (Part-time)

Services Sat Vigil M 6pm (Spoken English)Sun M 9am (Sung Latin); 11am (Sung English);

Confessions 4.30 – 5.30pm Saturday


Address Polonia House, 231, Chesterton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1ASTel 01223 368539Clergy Rev Waldemar Niewinski

72 Parish Directory

Services Sun M 12.30 at Our Lady and English Martyrs (Parish 8) 7.30pm at Polonia HouseMass in Polish also available in Brandon and Huntingdon Parishes.

CHATTERIS Cambs. See March (Parish 30)

Parish 10CLARE, Suffolk. (+) Mother of Good Counsell

Address Clare Priory, Ashen Road, CO10 8NX (Founded 1248; restored 1953) Augustinian (OSA) Retreat and Prayer Centre

Tel 01787 277326 Fax 01787 278688 Email Web Rev Stefan Park (Prior and Bursar)

Rev David Middleton (Parish Priest)Rev Ben O’Rourke

Services Sun M 8am, 10am Hds Vigil 7pm, M 10am Confessions Sat 10.45 – 11.45am and on callPrison HMP Highpoint North

Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9YG Tel: 01440 743595Chaplaincy Rev David Middleton OSA

Other places of worship in the Parish:

COLDHAM COTTAGE Suffolk. See Bury St Edmunds (Parish 6)

Parish 11COSTESSEY, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady and St Walstan

Address The Presbytery, Townhouse Road, Costessey, NR8 5AA (1564; 1841;2006)

Tel 01603 742812 Email davidward@stwalstans.comWeb Clergy Rev David WardDeacons Rev William DimelowServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm, Sun M 10.30am

Hds M 09.15am, 7pmConfessions Weds, 6-6.30pm; Sat 10-10.30amHospital Spire Hospital Norwich Tel: 01603 742812School St Augustine’s Primary School Tel: 01603 743317

CROMER Norfolk. See Sheringham (Parish 41)

Parish 12DEREHAM, Norfolk. (+) Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary

Address London Road, East Dereham, NR19 1AS (1912; 1925; 1951)Tel 01362 694066

Parish Directory 73

Email Rev Brendan Moffatt, 35 London Road, Norwich, NR19 1ASDeacons Rev Martin SandersonServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 9am, 11am

Hds M 10am, 7.30pmConfessions Sat 5.30pm and by appointment.Hospital Dereham Hospital Tel: 01362 655236Prison HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, IP25 6RL Tel: 01440 743195Chaplain Rev Martin Sanderson

DERSINGHAM, Norfolk. See Hunstanton (Parish 21)

Parish 13DISS, Norfolk. (+) The Most Holy Trinity

Address Church of St Henry Morse, Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4DX (1952; 2012; Cons 2015)

Tel 01379 642914 Email Web www.sthenrymorse.comClergy Rev Canon David Bagstaff (Vicar General)Services Sun First M Sat. evng 6pm; Sun M 9am (Polish Mass First and Third

Sunday of the month at 12.30pm)Hds 10am and 6pm

Confessions Sat 10.30 – 10.45am (after Mass)Hospital Burston House Hospital Tel: 01379 741562

Hartismere Hospital Tel: 01379 870707St John’s House, Palgrave Tel: 01379 7376877

Other places of worship in the Parish:QUIDENHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Address Carmelite Monastery Chapel. (1949; Cons 24 Sept 1957)Tel 01953 887202 (Monastery) Tel 01953 716060 (Chaplain)Chaplain Rev Stephen Blair, St Michael Cottage, Carmelite Monastery,

Quidenham, NR16 2PGServices Sun M 10.30am

Hds M 8amConfessions At call

DOGSTHORPE Peterborough. See Peterborough (Parish 34)

Parish 14DOWNHAM MARKET, Norfolk. (+) St Dominic

Address 17 Howdale Road, PE38 9AB (1937; 1941; Cons 28th Nov 2006)Tel 01366 382353Email Rev Erico de Mello Falcao, (Chaplain to the Portuguese-speaking

communities) Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 9.30am

Hds M 9.30am, 7pmConfessions Sat 5.30 - 5.50pm

74 Parish Directory

Residential Homes: Ashville House Tel: 01366 383428Downham Grange Tel: 01366 387054Diamond House Tel: 01366 385100High Haven Tel: 01366 382205Oakes Court Tel: 0303 303 0003Victoria Hall Tel: 01366 347276

EARLHAM, Norwich. See Cathedral parish (Parish 1)

Parish 15ELY, Cambs. (+) St Etheldreda

Address 19 Egremont Street, CB6 1AE (1890; 1903; Con 22 May 1987)Tel 01353 662759 Fax 01353 662759 Email www.elyrcchurch.comClergy Rev Anthony ShryaneDeacons Rev John SteelServices Sun First M Sat evng 6.30pm; Sun M 9am, 11am

Hds M 9.30am, 7.30pmConfessions Sat 10.30am and by appointmentHospital Princess of Wales Hospital Tel: 01353 652000

Parish 16FAKENHAM, Norfolk. (+) St Anthony of Padua

Address 29 Wells Road, NR21 9EG (1905; 1909)Tel 01328 853481Email Web Rev Richard HealyServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 10.45am

Hds M 10am, 7pmConfessions Sat 5.30pm

Parish 17FELIXSTOWE, Suffolk. (+) St Felix

Address 8 Gainsborough Road, IP11 7HT (1899; 1912; 1958)Tel 01394 282561Email Web www.stfelixfelixstowe.ukClergy Rev John BarnesServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 9.30am

Hds M 9.30amConfessions Sat 5.15-5.45pm and by appointment

Port of Felixstowe ChaplaincyClergy Rev John Barnes (Chaplain)

Patricia Ezra (AOS Chaplain)Religious Convent of Jesus and Mary Tel: 01394 282386/277790

63 Orwell Road, IP11 7PP Chaplain The Parish Priest

Parish Directory 75

Contact details Tel: 01394 277289Services Sun M 11am

Hds M varies, please checkHospital Felixstowe General Hospital Tel: 01394 458820

FRAMLINGHAM, Suffolk. See Woodbridge (Parish 50)

GAYWOOD, Norfolk. See King’s Lynn (Parish 28)

GILLINGHAM, Norfolk. See Beccles (Parish 3)

Parish 18GORLESTON, Norfolk. (+) St Peter the Apostle

Address Lowestoft Road. (1889; 1939; Cons 5 May 1964)Tel 01493 301013Email Web,uk Clergy In residence: Rev Alexander Ibe SMMM (Assistant Priest)Services Sun M 9am

Hds M 7.30pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass – 1st Sunday of month 3.30pm Night Vigil 3rd Friday of month 5.30-8.30pm

Confessions By appointmentSchool St Mary and St Peter Primary SchooL Tel: 01493 445117Hospital James Paget District Hospital Tel: 01493 452452

GREAT BARTON, Suffolk. See Bury St Edmunds (Parish 6)

Parish 19GREAT YARMOUTH, Norfolk. (+) St Mary

Address Regent Road, NR30 2AJ (1827; 1859; Cons 22 August 1950)Tel 01493 842001Email Web Rev Anthony Nwankwo SMMM (Administrator)

Rev Alexander Ibe SMMM (Assistant Priest)Deacons Rev Peter GlanvilleServices Sun M 11am

Hds M 10amConfessions Sat 10.30-11amHospital Northgate Hospital Tel: 01493 337652

Other places of worship in the Parish:

ACLE, Norfolk. Address In St Edmund’s CofE Church, NR13 3BYServices Sat M 5pmConfessions On request

CAISTER-ON-SEA, Norfolk. St Ignatius Loyola, Address Ormesby Road, NR30 5LJServices Sun M 5pmConfessions On request

76 Parish Directory

HADLEIGH, Suffolk. See Sudbury (Parish 44)

HALESWORTH, Suffolk. See Southwold (Parish 42)

HARLESTON, Norfolk. See Bungay (Parish 5)

Parish 20HAVERHILL, Suffolk. (+) St Felix

Address Princess Way, CB9 9BP (1938; 1964, 2014) Tel 01440 702156/704923Email Rev Michael TeaderDeacons Rev Huw WilliamsServices Sun First M Sat evng 6.30pm; Sun M 10am

Hds M 9.30am; 7.30pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass – 4th Friday of the month.

Confessions Sat 5.45-6.15pm or by requestSchool St Felix Primary School, School Lane Tel: 01440 703775

Fax: 01440 703421Hospital and Nursing Homes

Eastcotts Nursing Home Tel: 01440 762314 Swallows Nursing Home Tel: 01440 714745

Prison HMP Highpoint, Stradishall Tel: 01440 743100

HELLESDON, Norfolk. See Norwich, St George (Parish 33)

HOVETON, Norfolk. See North Walsham (Parish 32)

Parish 21HUNSTANTON, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St Edmund

Address Sandringham Road, PE36 5DR (1903; 1905; 1958)Tel 01553 772220Web www.hunstantoncatholicparish.orgClergy Served from King’s Lynn (Parish 28)Services Sun M 11am Holy Days M 10amConfessions At callReligious House Daughters of Divine Charity

27, Sandringham Road, PE36 5DP Tel: 01485 532837

Nursing Homes Millbridge Nursing Home Tel: 01485 570349Rebecca Court Tel: 01485 570421Norfolk Lodge Tel: 01485 532383Lincoln Lodge Tel: 01485 534570Driftwood House Tel: 01485 532241Somerset Lodge Tel: 01485 533081

Other places of worship in the Parish:DERSINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) St Cecilia

Parish Directory 77

Address Mountbatten Road, PE31 6YE (Cons 22 March 1991)Services Sun M 9am

Hds Vigil M 7.30pmConfessions After 10.15am Mass on Wednesday

Parish 22HUNTINGDON, Cambs. (+) St Michael the Archangel

Address 82 Hartford Road, PE29 1XG (1872; 1900; Cons 2000)Tel 01480 453257Email: stmichaelshuntingdon@yahoo.comClergy Rev Mgr Philip Shryane

Rev Ivan Weston Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, resident at 2, The Furlongs, Needingworth, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE27 4TX Tel: 01480 462107

Services Sun M 9am, 11am; 3.30pm (Polish)Hds M 10am, 8pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass – 3rd Sunday of month Night Vigil 4th Saturday of month 6-9pm

Confessions Before Sunday MassHospital Hinchingbrook Hospital Tel: 01480 416416

Other places of worship in the Parish:

PAPWORTH, Cambs. Address In Parish Church, Church Lane, Papworth EverardServices Sun Vigil M Sat evng 6pm

Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 4th Sunday of month 3pm Night Vigil 2nd Friday of month 6.30-9.30pm (at Papworth Methodist Church)

Confessions As announced

Parish 23IPSWICH, (+) St James

Address 482 Landseer Road, IP3 9LU (1949; 1952; 1999)Tel 01473 726701 Email stjames-ipswich@btconnect.comClergy Rev Adrian Gates, MA STB (Louvain)Services Sun First M Sat evng 6.30pm; Sun M 9.30pm

Hds M 10am, 7.30pmConfessions Sat 10.45 - 11.15am and by appointmentHospital and Nursing Homes

St Elizabeth’s Hospice Tel: 01473 727776Nuffield Hospital Tel: 01473 279100Treehouse Children’s Hospice Tel: 01473 271334Ipswich Hospital Tel: 01473 712233Woodlands Tel: 01473 712233

Parish 24IPSWICH, (+) St Mark

Address 180 Hawthorn Drive, Chantry Estate, IP2 0QQ (1959)Tel 01473 684963

78 Parish Directory

Email Web Rev Christopher SmithDeacon Rev Clive Brookes (Rtd)Services Sun First M Sat evng 5.30pm; Sun 11am

Hds 9am St Mark’s School, in term time, 7.30pmConfessions Fri 11.50–12.10pm, Sat. 5-5.20pmSchool St Mark’s Primary School Tel: 01473 601748Hospital and Nursing Homes

Parkview Home Ipswich Tel: 01473 228890Prince of Wales Drive Home Tel: 01473687129St Mary’s Holbrook Tel: 01473 328111Monmouth Court Nursing Home Tel: 01473 685594

Other places of worship in the Parish:

BRANTHAM, Suffolk. (+) Holy Family (1920)Address Holy Family Church, Brantham Hill, Brantham, Manningtree, Suffolk,

CO11 1TBServices Sun M 9am

Hds Vigil M 7.30pmConfessions After Mass on request

Parish 25IPSWICH, (+) St Mary

Address 322 Woodbridge Road, IP4 4BD (1827; 1838; 1960)Tel 01473 728115 Email Web Clergy Rev John Warrington

Rev Canon Michael Hazell (Rtd) Deacon Rev Christopher Brighten Services Sun M 9am, 10.30am; 12noon (Polish), 6pm

Hds M 9.15am, 12noon (Polish) Syro Malabar Rite Mass – 4th Saturday of month 4pm

Confessions Sat after 9.30am M and by appointment Schools St Mary’s Primary, Woodbridge Road, IP4 4BA Tel: 01473 728372

St Alban’s High, Digby Road, IP4 3NJ Tel: 01473 726178 Hospital The Ipswich Hospital Tel: 01473 712233

Other places of worship in the Parish:

KESGRAVE, Ipswich. (+) Holy Family and St MichaelAddress Main Road, Kesgrave. (1931) Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 9.15am

Hds Vigil M 7.30pm Confessions Sat 5.15-5.45

Parish 26IPSWICH, (+) St Mary Magdalen

Address 468 Norwich Road, IP1 6JS (1954; 1956; 1979)Tel 01473 741975

Parish Directory 79

Email smmpresbytery@gmail.comWeb www.marymagdalens.orgClergy Rev Canon Mathew GeorgeServices Sun M 8am, 10am, 6pm

Hds M 9.30am (either in Church or School), 7.30pmConfessions Sat 10am or after daily 9.30am Mass on requestSchools St Pancras Primary School Tel: 01473 742074Nursing Homes Paddy Gere Tel: 01473 747495

Sherington House Tel: 01473 464106Shamrock House Tel: 0300 123 3511

Parish 27IPSWICH, (+) St Pancras

Address 1 Orwell Place, IP4 1BD (1861; Cons 12 October 1961)Tel 01473 252596 Email Web Rev Francis A LeederServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 9.30am, 11amConfessions Tues after 9.30am M; Sat after 10.45am M and 6pm M


Address 82 Wellesley Road, Ipswich, IP4 1PHTel 01473 217391 Web Chaplain Rev Krzysztof KitaServices Sun M (in Polish) 12noon at St Mary’s Woodbridge Road.

(Parish 26 above)Hds M (in Polish) 12noon at St Mary’s, Woodbridge Road.

KESGRAVE, Suffolk. See Ipswich, St Mary (Parish 25)

Parish 28 KING’S LYNN, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of the Annunciation

Address Catholic Rectory, London Road, North Everard, King’s Lynn, PE30 5HQ, (1778; 1897; Cons 6 August 1947)

Tel 01553 772220Email parishpriest763@gmail.comWeb Canon Peter Rollings

Rev Gordon Adam (OOLW)Deacons Rev John Belfield

Rev Shaun Morrison (OOLW)Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 11.30am, Vespers and

Benediction 4pmHds M 7.30pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass – 3rd Saturday of month 6.45pm. Night Vigil – 1st Friday of month 6-9.30pm

Confessions Sat 5-5.30pmSchools St Martha’s Primary School Tel: 01553 774829Hospitals and Nursing Homes

80 Parish Directory

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Tel: 01553 613613Sandringham Hospital Tel: 01553 769770Fermoy Psychiatric Unit Tel: 01553 736 318Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House Tel: 01485 601700

Other places of worship in the Parish:

GAYWOOD, King’s Lynn Holy Family, Address Field Lane, Gaywood. (Cons 22 April 1985)Services Sun M 9.30am

Hds M 9.30amConfessions After Sat 10am M

KING’S LYNN Pontifical Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham (1897)Services Rosary on Fridays at 11.30am

Devotions on Sundays after Benediction

KIRTLING, Suffolk. See Newmarket (Parish 31)

LAKENHAM, Norwich. See Cathedral Parish (Parish 1)


Address USAF Base ChapelTel 01638 523711Clergy Rev Onyema Okorie (Base Chapel Bldg 990, RAF Lakenheath,

Brandon, Suffolk. IP27 9PN)Services Sun 11.15am

Hds M as announcedDaily M Mon - Thurs 11.30am

LAWSHALL (Coldham Cottage), Suffolk. See Bury St Edmunds (Parish 6)

LEISTON Suffolk. See Aldeburgh (Parish 2)

LODDON, Norfolk. See Poringland (Parish 37)

Parish 29LOWESTOFT, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Star of the Sea

Address Gordon Road, NR32 1NL (1880; 1902; Cons 22 October 1952)Tel 01502 572453 Web www.ourladylowestoft.comClergy Rev Paul ChanhDeacons Rev Stephen PomeroyServices Sun First M Sat evng 5pm; Sun M 10.30am

Hds as announcedMass in Polish 2nd Sat each month 7pm

Confessions Sat 4pm or on requestPort Chaplain Rev Paul ChanhSchools St Mary’s Primary School Tel: 01502 565384

Other places of worship in the Parish:

Parish Directory 81

PAKEFIELD, Lowestoft. St Nicholas, Address Morton Road, Pakefield (1996)Services Sun M 9am

Hds as announced

Parish 30MARCH, Cambs. (+) Our Lady of Good Counsel and St Peter

Address 8 St John’s Road, PE15 8RJ (1911; 1953)Tel 01354 650788Web marchcatholicpriest@gmail.comClergy Rev Paul Maddison Services Sun Sun M 11am

Hds 10amConfessions Fri 09.30am, Sun 10.30am and by requestReligious Houses Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Tel: 01354 652266

Assisi Convent, 11, Princes Walk. PE15 8AHSchools All Saints Inter-Church Academy Primary Tel: 01354 659000Prison HMP Whitemoor Tel: 01354 660653

Other places of worship in the Parish:

CHATTERIS, Cambs. Cof E Church of Ss Peter and Paul, Address High Street, ChatterisServices Sun M 9am

MARHAM Norfolk. St Margaret’s Church

Address RAF Station Church Centre, RAF Marham, King’s Lynn, PE33 9NP Clergy No resident Chaplain

For pastoral needs please contact Downham Market (Parish 14)

MILDENHALL Suffolk. See Brandon (Parish 4)

MILDENHALL, Suffolk. Our Lady of Walsingham,

Address USAF Base ChapelTel 01638 542822 Fax 01638 545401Clergy Rev Michael TenorioServices Sun M 4.30pm

Daily M Tue - Fri 11.30amHds 11.30am, 5.30pm

Confessions Sun 3.45pm or by appointment

82 Parish Directory

Parish 31NEWMARKET, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda

Address 14 Exeter Road, CB8 8LT (1857; 1863; 1966: 2011)Tel 01638 662492 (Office) 666305 (Evenings)Email Web Rev Canon Simon Blakesley, 14 Exeter Road, Newmarket,

CB8 8LT Deacons Rev John MorrillServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 10.30am

Hds M 9.30am, 7.30pmConfessions Sat after M, 6-6.20pmReligious Houses: The Old Stable House Retreat Centre Tel: 01638 667190Schools St Louis Academy (Primary) Tel: 01638 662719Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Newmarket Hospital Tel: 01638 564000Kingfisher House Tel: 01638 669919Exning Court Tel: 01638 578959Gracewell of Kentford Tel: 01638 555090

Other places of worship in the Parish:

KIRTLING, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady Immaculate and St Philip Neri, Address Newmarket Road, CB8 9PA (1872; 1877) Services Sun M 9am, Hds: M 12noonConfessions On request

Parish 32NORTH WALSHAM, Norfolk. (+) The Sacred Heart

Address Kings Arms Street, NR28 9JL (1925; 1935; 1990)Tel 01692 403258Email Web www.sacredheartnorthwalsham.comClergy Rev James Walsh, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, NR28 9JPServices Sun M 11am

Hds M 10.30amConfessions Sat 12-12.30pmHospitals North Walsham Hospital Tel: 01692 408000

St Michael’s Hospital, Aylsham Tel: 01506 842053Prison HMP Bure, Scottow Tel: 01603 326 000

Other places of worship in the Parish:

AYLSHAM, Norfolk. (+) St John of the Cross, Address White Hart Street. (1899; 1961)Services Sun M 9am

Hds M 9amHOVETON, Norfolk. (+) St Helen, Address Honing Road West. (1959) Services Sat Vigil M 5.30pm

Hds M 6pm

Parish Directory 83

NORWICH, St John’s Cathedral See Cathedral (Parish 1)

Parish 33NORWICH, (+) St George

Address 223 Sprowston Road, NR3 4HZ. (1869; 1964; Cons 24 May 1966)Tel 01603 426971 Email office.saintgeorge@gmail.comWeb www.stgeorgenorwich.comClergy Rev Dr Sean ConnollyDeacons Rev Ian Hatfield

Rev Nicholas GreefServices Sun M 10.30am

Hds M 12noon and 7.30pmConfessions Sat 10.30-11am and by appointmentReligious Sr Mary Richard Prendergast, CJ,

15 Suffield Court, The Great Hospital, Bishopgate, Norwich NR1 4EJTel: 01603 610543

Hospitals and Nursing HomesHellesdon Hospital Tel: 01603 421421Norvic Clinic Tel: 01603 439614

Other places of worship in the Parish:

HELLESDON, Norwich. (+) St Boniface, Address Brabazon Road, Hellesdon. (1950; 2001) Services Sun M 8am

Hds Check with St George’s – aboveTHORPE ST ANDREW, Norwich. (+) Our Lady, Mother of God, Address St William’s Way, Thorpe St AndrewServices Sun Sat evng Vigil M 5.30pm

Hds Check with St George’s - above

NORWICH, University of East Anglia Chaplaincy

Address The Catholic Chaplaincy, Multifaith Centre, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park Plain, NR4 7TJ

Tel 01603 592168 Email Web Rev Andrew Eburne (full-time) Priest Rev Pádraig Hawkins

Email: frpadraighawkins@gmail.comServices Sun M 6pm (term time only)

OXBURGH, Norfolk. See Swaffham (Parish 45)

PAKEFIELD, Suffolk. See Lowestoft (Parish 29)

PAPWORTH, Cambs. See Huntingdon (Parish 22)

84 Parish Directory

Parish 34PETERBOROUGH, (+) St Peter and All Souls

Address Park Road. (1847; 1896; Cons 24 October 1961)Tel 01733 562528 Fax 01733 346933 Email Web Rev Adam Sowa (Parish Priest),

Rev Waldemar Smialek Rev Piotr Stangricki, Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette (MS)

Deacons Rev Claudio Chiappinelli, Rev John Bedford

Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 8.30am, 9:30am (Italian), 10.45am, 6pm. At OLOL Sun 9.15am Hds M 9.30am, 12.30pm, 7.30pm and OLOL at 6pmSyro Malabar Rite Mass 2nd Saturday of month at OLOL, 3.30pmMass in Lithuanian 1st Saturday of the month 7.15pm Mass in Portuguese 12:30pm (check parish newsletter for dates)

Confessions Sat 10-11am, 5pm and by appointment; at OLOL Friday 5.30-6pmReligious Houses Daughters of Jesus, 93 Lincoln Road, PE1 2SH. Tel: 01733 315038

Working Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth, 275 Gladstone Street, PE1 2BX Tel: 01733 561314

Schools St Thomas More Primary School Tel: 01733 566005St John Fisher High School Tel: 01733 343646

Hospitals and Nursing HomesPeterborough City Hospital Tel: 01733 678000The Gables; Thorpe Hall Tel: 01733 247419

Prison HMP Peterborough Tel: 01733 217500Other places of worship in the Parish:

DOGSTHORPE (+) Our Lady of Lourdes Welland Road, Dogsthorpe, PE1 3SP (1965)Clergy Rev Maciej Piaskowski SChr

Rev Mariusz Urbanowski, SChrServices in Polish Saturday Vigil 7.15pm: Sun M 9.15am (in English, by All SoulsPriests) 10.45am, 12:30pm and 7pm

Syro Malabar Rite Mass 2nd Saturday of month at OLOL, 3.30pmHds M 7pm

Confessions After weekday Mass and by appointment

Parish 35PETERBOROUGH, (+) St Luke

Address Benyon Grove, Orton Malborne, PE2 5XS (Cons 20 September 1989)

Tel 01733 370877Email Web Rev Jeffrey DownieServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm Sun M 11am

Hds M 10am, 7.30pmSyro Malabar Rite - Night Vigil 4th Friday of month 6.30-9.30pm

Confessions Sat 5pm or by appointmentPrison HMP Peterborough Tel: 01733 217500

Parish Directory 85

Other places of worship in the Parish:

SAWTRY, Cambs. St Benedict’s Address Community Women’s Institute Hall, Gidding Road, PE28 5TS Tel 01733 370877Services Sun M 9.15am

Hds No Mass - see Parish Church above

Parish 36PETERBOROUGH, (+) Sacred Heart and St Oswald

Address St Oswald’s Church, 933 Lincoln Road, Walton, PE4 6AE (1959)Tel 01733 322750 (Presbytery) 01733 321512 (Parish Office)Email Web Rev Thomas WaltonServices Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 10am

Hds 9.30am, 7pmConfessions Sat 11am – 11.40am, 5pm – 5.30pmSchools Sacred Heart Primary School Tel: 01733 262449Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Fitzwilliam Hospital Tel: 01733 261717Ashlynn Grange Tel: 01733 269200Werrington Lodge Tel: 01733 324252

Other places of worship in the Parish:

BRETTON, Peterborough, Sacred Heart Primary School. Address Tollgate, Bretton, PE3 9XDServices Sun M 12noon

Hds No Mass. See parish church above

PETERBOROUGH, Polish Mission

Address The Presbytery, 2 Cedar Grove, Peterborough, PE1 3SP Tel 01733 552726Clergy Rev Maciej Piaskowski SChr

Rev Marius Urbanowski SChrServices (all in Polish) Sat M 6.30pm Immaculate Conception Church, Spalding

Sun M 10.30am at Polish Club, 63, Church Street, Stanground, PE2 8HFalso M 12.30pm at Our Lady of Lourdes (See Parish 34)also M 8.30am Our Lady and St Charles, Wisbech (See Parish 49)

Confessions Before Mass and by appointment

PETERBOROUGH, St Olga’s Ukranian Greek Catholic Church

Address 67 New Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9HDUkranian Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite

Tel 01733 561400 Mobile 07517 117613Email rbadiak@aol.comClergy Rev Roman Badiak

86 Parish Directory

Parish 37PORINGLAND, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of the Annunciation

Address 21 Upgate, Poringland, NR14 7SH (1950; 1966; 1973; Cons 7 June 2003)

Tel 01508 492589Email Web www.ourladyporingland.wordpress.comClergy Rev Pádraig Hawkins (Bishop’s Private Secretary/Parish Priest)Services Sun M 9am

Hds M 8am, 12noon, and 7pmConfessions Sat 09.30-10am during Eucharistic Exposition and by appointment

Hospitals and Nursing HomesBeauchamp House Tel: 01508 520755Brooke House Tel: 01603 859049Saxlingham Hall Tel: 01508 499225Cedar House Tel: 0808 223 5417

Other places of worship in the Parish:

LODDON, Norfolk. St John’s Methodist Church, Address George Lane, LoddonServices Sun M First M Sat evng 6pm

Also serves: University of East Anglia

QUIDENHAM Norfolk. See Diss (Parish 13)

RAMSEY Cambs. See Whittlesey (Parish 48)

Parish 38ST IVES, Cambs. (+) The Sacred Heart

Address 19 Needingworth Road, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 5JT Tel 01480 462192Email Web Fr Karol Porczak MSServices Sun First M Sat evng 5pm; Sun M 8am, 11am

Hds M 10am, 8pmConfessions Sat 4.15-4.45pm and at callHospitals Papworth Hospital Tel: 01480 830541

Parish 39ST NEOTS, Cambs. (+) St Joseph

Address 39 East Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1JU (1918; 1931) Tel 01480 472587 (Claretian Missionaries CMF) Email Web www.stjosephsthugh.orgClergy Rev Jim Kennedy CMF Superior

Parish Directory 87

Rev Peter Paul AlphonseRev Antony Arockiam CMF (Parish Priest)Rev Peter Wareing CMF(All resident at The Towers, Buckden, PE19 5TA)

Services Sun M 8am, 11.15am, 5.30pmHds M 10am, 8pm

Confessions After all weekend Masses on 1st Sun and by appointmentPrison HMP Littehey Tel: 01480 335000

Other place of worship in the Parish:

BUCKDEN, Cambs. (+) St Hugh of Lincoln, Address The Towers, Buckden, St Neots, PE19 5TATel 01480 810344Web Clergy See aboveServices Sun 1st M Sat Evng 6.30pm, Sun M 9.45am

Hds. M 12noon, 7pmConfessions Sat 10 – 10.30am or by appt

For details of St Claret Retreat Centre see Buckden

SAWTRY, Peterborough. See Peterborough, St Luke (Parish 35)

Parish 40SAWSTON & CAMBOURNE, Cambs (+) Our Lady of Lourdes and St John Fisher

Address 135 High Street, Sawston, CB22 3HJ (1958)Tel 01223 832397Email www.ololsawston.comClergy The Very Rev Canon John MinhServices Sun M 8.45am; 11.15am

Hds M 9.30am, 6pmConfessions Saturday 10am or by appointment

CAMBOURNE (St John Fisher community)Address: Jeavons Lane, CB23 6AF

Served from SawstonClergy Canon John MinhServices Sun Vigil M Sat evng 5pm

Hds M 7.30pm

88 Parish Directory

Parish 41SHERINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) St Joseph

Address (Parish of Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham and Cromer), Cromer Road, NR26 8RT. (1908; Cons 2 August 1936)

Tel 01263 822036Email Web www.ourladyandstjoseph.infoClergy Rev Denys Lloyd (Dean)

Rev Timothy BugbyDeacons Rev Andrew NeateServices Sun M 11am

Hds M 10.30am, 7pmConfessions Sat after 9am Mass and by appointmentHospitals and Nursing Homes

Kelling Hospital and Pineheath Hospital Tel: 01263 710575

Other places of worship in the Parish:

CROMER (+) Our Lady of Refuge, Overstrand Road, NR27 0JHServices Services: Sun first M Sat 6pm ; Sun 9am

Hds M 9amConfessions Sat 5pm and by appointmentHospitals and Nursing Homes

Cromer Hospital Tel: 01263 513571Benjamin Court Hospital Tel: 01263 511856Halsey House Tel: 01263 512178

Parish 42SOUTHWOLD, Suffolk. (+) The Sacred Heart

Address Wymering Road. (1897; 1916; Cons 7 June 1956)Tel 01502 723207Clergy Rev Roger Spencer (Dean)Services Sun M 11am (Easter - End Sept Sat evng Vigil M 6pm)

Hds M 10amConfessions Sat 10.30-11.30amHospitals and Nursing Homes

Southwold Cottage Hospital Tel: 01502 723333Patrick Stead Hospital, Halesworth Tel: 01986 872124

Other places of worship in the Parish:

HALESWORTH, Suffolk. St Edmund, King and Martyr, Address Church Farm Lane, IP19 8SY (1950; 1957)Services Sun M 9am

Hds M 7pm

Parish 43STOWMARKET, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady

Address Stricklands Road, IP14 1AW (1878; 1884)Tel 01449 612946Email

Parish Directory 89

Web Rev David Finegan (Dean) Services Sun M 8.30am, 10.15am

Hds M 8am, 10am, 7.30pmConfessions Sat 10.30-11am

Other places of worship in the Parish:

WOOLPIT, Suffolk. St Mary’s C of E Church, Address The Street, Woolpit, IP30 9QGServices Sun Vigil M Sat evng 6pmConfessions Sat 5.30pm

Parish 44SUDBURY, Suffolk. (+) Our Lady and St John the Evangelist

Address 20 The Croft, CO10 1HW (1876; 1893; Cons 9 December 1993)Tel 01787 372703Email Web www.sudburywithhadleigh.comClergy Rev Peter BrettDeacons Rev Andy MortonServices Sun First M Sat evng 5pm; Sun M 9.15am

Hds Vigil M 7.30pm, M 9.30amSchools St Joseph’s Primary School Tel: 01787 373365

Other places of worship in the Parish:

HADLEIGH, Suffolk, St Joseph, Address Long Bessels, IP7 5DBServices Sun 11.15am

Hds as announcedConfessions After Sun Mass

Parish 45SWAFFHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Pity

Address 31 Station Street, PE37 7HP (1911; 1920; 1960)Tel 01760 721418Email ourladyofpity@btinternet.comWeb Clergy Rev Gordon WilliamsDeacons Rev Roger SparksServices Sun M 8.30am, 10.30am

Hds M 9.30am; 6pmConfessions Sat 10-10.30am during Eucharistic Exposition and on requestReligious House Daughters of Divine Charity, Sacred Heart Convent, 17, Mangate

Street, PE37 7QW Tel: 01760 724577House Superior Sr Emilia Birck FDCProvincial Superior Sr Thomas More Prentice FDC

Schools Sacred Heart (Independent) (Co-ed 3-16, Girls boarding 8-16),Tel: 01760 721330

90 Parish Directory

Hospitals and Nursing HomesSwaffham Community Hospital Tel: 01760 726550Holmwood House Tel: 01760 724404

Other places of worship in the Parish:

WATTON, Norfolk. in Methodist Church, Address High Street, IP25 6ABServices Sun Vigil M Sat evng 5.30pm

Hds as announcedConfessions On request or before M

OXBURGH, Norfolk. (+) Immaculate Conception and St Margaret, Address Oxburgh Hall. (1835)Services Quarterly (1st Sat of Month), March, June, September, December

12 noon and as announced

Parish 46THETFORD, Norfolk. (+) St Mary

Address 73 Newtown, IP24 3AU (1820; 1826) Tel 01842 752266Email Web Rev Canon Peter LeemingServices Sun M 8am, 10am, 6.30pm

Hds M 10am, 7.30pmConfessions Fri 9.15-9.45am; Sat 10.30-11amHospitals and Nursing Homes Alexander Court Tel: 01842 753466

Other places of worship in the Parish:

LYNFORD, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady of Consolation and St Stephen (1878; Cons 7 October1884) No regular services.

THORPE ST ANDREW, Norwich. See Norwich, St George. (Parish 33)

TRIMLEY ST MARY, Suffolk. See Felixstowe (Parish 17)

UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA Norwich. See Norwich above

WALSINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) National Shrine of Our Lady

Address Slipper Chapel, Houghton St Giles. (14th Century, Cons 8 September 1938) Chapel of Reconciliation, Houghton St Giles. (1982)

Administration Pilgrim Bureau, Friday Market Place, NR22 6EGTel 01328 820217 (Pilgrim Bureau)

01328 820495 (Shrine )Fax 01328 821087Email Web The Rev Mgr John Armitage (Rector)

Parish Directory 91

Deacons Rev Paul HironsServices Daily M 12noon

Sun M 12noon Confessions Before Mass and as arranged.For full Pilgrimage Programme consult websiteElmham House - accommodation for pilgrims, retreatants and others.

Tel: 01328 820217Email:

Shrine Shop Tel: 01328 821794Email:

Parish 47WALSINGHAM, Norfolk. (+) Church of the Annunciation

Address Friday Market, Little Walsingham. (1935; 1950; cons 25th March 2007)

Tel 01328 713044Web Rev Keith Tulloch SM (Parish Priest)Deacons Rev Stephen LeederServices Sun M 10.30am, Mon to Sat 9.30am

Hds M 9.30amConfessions Sat 10am ReligiousMarist Fathers: Rev Keith Tulloch SM (Parish Priest) Tel: 01328 711025

Mob: 07538 130655Rev Michael SimisonRev Thomas GoonanStella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1EY

Marist Sisters: Marist Convent, 57, High Street, Little Walsingham, NR22 6BZTel: 01328 820246

Little Sisters of Jesus: 8, Egmere Road, Little Walsingham, NR22 6BTTel: 01328 820422

Sisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation: St Bernard’s Cottage, 37B High Street, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6BZTel: 01328 820001

Community of Our Lady of Walsingham: Dowry House Retreat Centre, 47-51 High Street, Walsingham, NR22 6BZTel: 01328 801012

Canonesses of St Augustine: Sr Sandra Willington CSA, 16 Bridewell Street, NR22 6BJHospitals Wells and District Cottage Hospital Tel: 01328 711996

Other places of worship in the Parish:

BLAKENEY, Norfolk. (+) St Peter, Address Back Lane, NR25 7NP (1962)Services Sat M 6pm, Sun M 11am, Wed M 9.30pm

Hds M 9.30amConfessions On request

BURNHAM MARKET, Norfolk. (+) St Henry Walpole, The Green, PE31 8HD (1959)Services Sun M 9.30am, Fri M 9.30am

Hds M 9.30amConfessions On request

92 Parish Directory

WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady Star of the Sea (1928), The Buttlands, NR23 1EY

Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm, Sun M 9.15am; Hds M 10amConfessions On request

WATTON, Norfolk. See Swaffham (Parish 44)

WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA, Norfolk. See Walsingham (Parish 46)

Parish 48WHITTLESEY, Cambs. (+) St Jude the Apostle

Address 3 Station Road, PE7 1SA (1963)Tel 01733 203411Web www.sacredheartramsey.wordpress.comClergy Rev Michael VulliamyServices Sun M 10.30am

Hds M 7.30pmConfessions After weekday MHospitals and Nursing Homes

Aliwal Manor Old People’s Home Tel: 01733 203347The Elms Nursing Home Tel: 01733 202421St Mary’s House Tel: 01757 6222208The Gables Tel: 01493 667839

Other places of worship in the Parish:

RAMSEY, Cambs. (+) Sacred Heart of Jesus, Address 37, Newtown Road, PE26 1EQ (1863)Services Sun M 9am

Hds Vigil M 7.30pmConfessions Sun 8.30amHospitals and Nursing Homes

Manor House NH Tel: 01692 402252Red House NH Tel: 01842 753122Florence House Tel: 01493 332079Cedar Court Tel: 0800 371860

Parish 49WISBECH, Cambs. (+) Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo

Address 69 Queen’s Road, PE13 2PH (1840; 1854; 1962)Tel 01945 583466Email ppwisbech@gmail.comWeb

www.rosminicentrewisbech.orgClergy Rev James FyfeDeacons Rev Michael Jordan Tel: 01945 580332Rosmini Centre Tel: 01945 474422Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 10.15am,

Mass in Polish 8.30amHds M 10am, 7pm

Parish Directory 93

Confessions Saturday 5.30pm and by requestHospitals and Nursing Homes

North Cambridgeshire Hospital Tel: 01945 488088Glennfield Care Home Tel: 01945 581141Orchard House Tel: 01945 466784Dove Court Tel: 01945 474746Rose Lodge Care Home Tel: 01945 588463Lynncroft Nursing Home Tel: 01945 475229Somers Court Tel: 01495 463533

Parish 50WOODBRIDGE, Suffolk. (+) St Thomas of Canterbury

Address 13-15 Saint John’s Street, IP12 1EB. (1851; 1930; Cons. June 1984)Tel 01394 388828 (Presbytery)

01394 383551 (Parish Office)Web Email Rev Edmund Eggleston, KGCO, MADeacons Rev Michael Vipond Tel: 01728 724646

Email: Peter Coates MTh, DipACE, MEd Tel: 01394 420859

Mob: 0782644890, Email:

Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 11amHds M 9.30am

Confessions Sat 5.30 – 5.50pm.Prisons HMP Hollesley Bay Tel: 01394 412400

HMP Warren Hill Tel: 01394 633 400

Other places of worship in the Parish:

FRAMLINGHAM, Suffolk. Saint Clare, Address Fore Street, IP13 9DF (1953; 2003)Services Sun M 9am

Hds M 6.30pmConfessions On request

WOOLPIT, Suffolk. See Stowmarket (Parish 42)

WROXHAM, Norfolk. See Hoveton at North Walsham (Parish 32)

Parish 51WYMONDHAM, Norfolk. (+) Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury

Address 1 Norwich Road, NR18 0QE (1912; 1952)Tel 01953 603104 Mobile 07922 694433Email

Web Rev Michael Ryan

94 Parish Directory/Deaneries

Services Sun First M Sat evng 6pm; Sun M 10amHds 7pm

Confessions On request after Mass or by appointmentHospitals, nursing and residential homes

Melton House Tel: 01953 606645Ogden Court Community Hospital Tel: 01953 605060Windmill House Care Home Tel: 01953 607651Sutherlands Nursing Home Tel: 01953 600900Hethersett Hall Tel: 01603 810478Cheshire Home Tel: 01508 570279Carlton House Tel: 0117 321 5597Laurels Nursing Home Tel: 01953 455427Brooklyn House Care Home Tel: 0808 223 5412St Edmund’s Nursing Home Tel: 01953 452011

Other places of worship in the Parish:

ATTLEBOROUGH, Norfolk. In the Methodist Church, Address London Road, Attleborough, NR17 2BXServices Sun M 8.30am

DEANERIES BURY ST EDMUNDS (ST EDMUND) Dean: Rev David FineganParishes: Brandon, Bury St Edmunds, Clare, Diss, Haverhill, Mildenhall,

Newmarket, Stowmarket, Sudbury and Hadleigh, Thetford.

CAMBRIDGE (ST ANDREW) Dean: Rev Pat ClearyParishes: Buckden and St Neots, Cambridge, Ely, Huntingdon, St Ives,

Sawston and Cambourne

GREAT YARMOUTH (ST PETER) Dean: Rev Roger Spencer.Parishes: Beccles, Bungay, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Southwold.

IPSWICH (ST EDWARD) Dean: Rev John Barnes Parishes: Aldeburgh, Felixstowe, Ipswich, Woodbridge.

KING’S LYNN (ST WILFRID) Dean: Rev Canon Peter RollingsParishes: Downham Market, Fakenham, Hunstanton, King’s Lynn, Swaffham,

Walsingham Shrine, Walsingham, Wisbech.

NORWICH (ST FELIX) Dean: Rev Denys LloydParishes: Costessey, Dereham, North Walsham, Norwich, Poringland,

Sheringham/Cromer, Wymondham.

PETERBOROUGH (ST HUGH) Dean: Rev Tom WaltonParishes: March/Chatteris, Peterborough, Whittlesey/Ramsey.



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Schools Directory 97


Nursery and Primary (4-11)

COSTESSEY St Augustine’s Nursery and Primary School Address: West End, Costessey, Norwich, NR8 5AG Tel: 01603 743317 Fax: 01603 743833Email: Web: of School: Miss Rachel SwindellExec Headteacher: Mrs Kim PayneChaplain: Rev David Ward Tel: 01603 742812

GORLESTON St Mary and St Peter Primary School Address: East Anglian Way, Church Road, Gorleston, NR31 6QY Tel: 01493 445117Email: Web: Mrs Vicki LongChaplain: TBA Tel: 01493 301013

KING’S LYNN St Martha’s Primary School Address: Field Lane, Gaywood, King’s Lynn, PE30 4AYTel: 01553 774829 Fax: 01553 769990Email: Web: Mr Aidan McGovernChaplain: Rev Canon Peter RollingsTel: Tel: 01553 772220

NORWICH St Francis of Assisi Primary SchoolAddress: Jessopp Road, Norwich, NR2 3QBTel: 01603 441484 Fax: 01603 441484Email: Web: of School: Mrs Fran LuddenExec Headteacher: Mrs Kim PayneChaplain: Rev Provost David PaulTel: 01603 624615

Secondary Comprehensive (11-18)

NORWICH Notre Dame High School Address: Surrey Street, Norwich, NR1 3PBTel: 01603 611431 Fax: 01603 763381Email: Web: of School: Mr Neil CullyChaplain: Rev Dr Sean Connolly Tel: 01603 426971

98 Schools Directory


Primary (4-11)

BECCLES St Benet’s Primary SchoolAddress: Ringsfield Road, Beccles, NR34 9PQTel: 01502 712012Email: Web: Head: Mrs Veronica ShortHead of School: Mrs Sam BarlowChaplain: Dom Martin Gowman OSBTel: 01502 713179

BUNGAY St Edmund’s Primary School Address: St Mary’s Street, Bungay, NR35 1AYTel/Fax: 01986 892502Email: Web: Head: Mrs Veronica ShortHead of School: Mrs Sam BarlowChaplain: Rt Rev Dom Charles Fitzgerald-Lombard OSBTel: Tel: 01986 893355

BURY ST EDMUNDS St Edmund’s Primary School Address: Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QGTel: 01284 755141Email: Web: Head: Mrs Maria Kemble Head of School: Mrs Katie CopemanChaplain: Rev Canon Mark HackesonTel: 01284 754358

HAVERHILL St Felix Primary SchoolAddress: School Lane, Haverhill, CB9 9DE Tel: 01440 703775 Fax: 01440 710768Email: Web: www.stfelixhaverhill.comHead of School: Mr Chris Grey (Interim)Executive Head: Mrs Teresa SelveyChaplain: Rev Michael TeaderTel: 01440 702156/704923

IPSWICH St Mark’s Primary School Address: Stonelodge Lane West, Ipswich, IP2 9HNTel: 01473 601748 Fax: 01473 684588Email: Web: Mrs Theresa BarkerChaplain: Rev Christopher SmithTel: Tel: 01473 684963.

Schools Directory 99

IPSWICH St Mary’s Primary School Address: Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4EUTel: 01473 728372 Fax: 01473 716893Email: Web: www.stmaryscatholicprimaryipswich.comHeadteacher: Mrs Jill SandvigChaplain: Rev John WarringtonTel: 01473 728115

IPSWICH St Pancras Primary School Address: Stratford Road, Ipswich, IP1 6EFTel: 01473 742074Email: Web: Mr Stephen Barker, BEd (Hons)Chaplain: Rev Canon Mathew GeorgeTel: 01473 741975

LOWESTOFT St Mary’s Primary School Address: Kirkley Cliff, Lowestoft, NR33 0DGTel: 01502 565384 Fax: 01502 585807Email: Web: www.stmarysrcps.comHeadteacher: Mr Alex Savage Chaplain: Rev Paul ChanhTel: 01502 572453

NEWMARKET St Louis Academy, Primary & Nursery Address: Fordham Road, Newmarket, CB8 7AA Tel: 01638 662719 Fax: 01638 660572Email: Web: of School: Mr Nick KerinExecutive Head: Mrs Teresa SelveyChaplain: Rev Canon Simon Blakesley Tel: 01638 662492

SUDBURY St Joseph’s Primary School Address: Beaconsfield Road, Sudbury, CO10 1JPTel: 01787 373365Email: Web: Head: Mrs Maria Kemble Head of School: Mrs Anne-Marie PriceChaplain: Rev Peter BrettTel: 01787 372703

Secondary Comprehensive (11-18)

BURY ST EDMUNDS St Benedict’s High School Address: Beeton’s Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6RHTel: 01284 753512 Fax: 01284 701927Email: Web: Mrs Kate Pereira

100 Schools Directory

Lay Chaplain: Mr Matt Spiller Tel: 01284 753512 Chaplain: From Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358

IPSWICH St Alban’s High School (11-18) Address: Digby Road, Ipswich, IP4 3NJTel: 01473 726178 Fax: 01473 718628Email: Web: Head: Mr Sean HayesHeadteacher: TBAChaplain: Rev John WarringtonTel: 01473 728115Lay Chaplain: Miss Katherine EdwardsTel: 01473 726178


Primary (4-11)

CAMBRIDGE St Alban’s Primary School, Address: Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1ENTel: 01223 712148 Fax: 01223 461286Email: Web: www.stalbans.ccceducation.orgHeadteacher: Mr Joe McCrossanChaplain: Served from Our Lady & the English MartyrsTel: 01223 350787

CAMBRIDGE St Laurence Primary School Address: Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JXTel: 01223 712227Fax: 01223 712227Email: Web: www.stlaurence.cambs.sch.ukHeadteacher: Mrs Clare ClarkChaplain: Rev Pat ClearyTel: 01223 354788

MARCH All Saints Inter-Church Academy (Primary) Address: County Road, March, PE15 8NDTel: 01354 659000Fax: 01354 658770Email: office@allsaints.cambs.sch.ukWeb: www.allsaints.cambs.sch.ukHeadteacher: Mr Mark MillinsonChaplain: Rev Paul MaddisonTel: 01354 650788

Secondary Comprehensive (11-16)

CAMBRIDGE St Bede’s Inter-Church School Address: Birdwood Road, Cambridge, CB1 3TD

Schools Directory 101

Tel: 01223 568816Fax: 01223 576482Email: Web: Mr Alistair DayChaplain: Rev Alexandra Clarke (Anglican)Tel: 01223 568816Email: Chaplain: Served from Our Lady and the English Martyrs, CambridgeTel: 01223 350787


Primary (4-11) PETERBOROUGH St Thomas More Primary School Address: Park Lane, Peterborough, PE1 5JWTel: 01733 566005Fax: 01733 312350Email: Web: Mrs Anne-Marie McElhinneyChaplain: Served from St Peter and All SoulsTel: 01733 562528

PETERBOROUGH Sacred Heart Primary SchoolAddress: Tollgate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9XDTel: 01733 262449Email: office@sacredheart.peterborough.sch.ukWeb: Mr Mark CooperChaplain: Rev Thomas WaltonTel: Tel: 01733 322750

Secondary Comprehensive (11-18)

PETERBOROUGH St John Fisher Catholic High School (11-18)Address: Park Lane, Peterborough, PE1 5JNTel: 01733 343646Fax: 01733 347983Email: Web: Mr Sean HayesLay Chaplain: Mr Luke TurnerTel: 01733 343646Chaplain: Served from St Peter and All Souls Tel: 01733 562528


BURY ST EDMUNDS Moreton Hall Preparatory School Address: Mount Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7BJ. Tel: 01284 753532Email:

102 Schools Directory

Web: www.moretonhallprep.orgHeadteacher: Mr Christopher MoxonChaplain: Canon Fr Mark Hackeson

CAMBRIDGE St Mary’s School Address: Bateman Street, Cambridge, CB2 1LY Tel: 01223 353253Fax: 01223 357451Email: Web: Ms Charlotte Avery Head of Juniors:Mr Matthew O’ReillyChaplain: Canon John MinhTel: 01223 832397

NORWICH Notre Dame Preparatory School, Address: Dereham Road, Norwich, NR2 3TA Tel: 01603 625593Fax: 01603 444139Email: Web: Mr Kieran O’HerlihyChaplain: Served from St John’s Cathedral, NorwichTel: 01603 624615

SWAFFHAM Sacred Heart School, Independent Day and Boarding School Co-educational 3 – 16 Boarders - Girls 8-16 Address: 17 Mangate Street, Swaffham, PE37 7QW Tel: 01760 721330Fax: 01760 725557Convent: 01760 724577Email: Sr Francis Ridler, FDCChaplain: Rev Gordon WilliamsTel: 01760 721418




The Association of Catholic Chaplains exists to provide support and ongoing formationand professional development to those who work as Chaplains in all sectors of CatholicEducation — Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form.

Further information can be obtained from the Director on Tel: 0207 901 4880.

Hospitals Directory 103



NORFOLK AND NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITALAddress: Colney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UYTel: 01603 286286Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615 THE NORWICH COMMUNITY HOSPITALAddress: Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TUTel: 01603 286286Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615

THE COLMAN HOSPITAL (PRISCILLA BACON LODGE)Address: Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PJTel: 01603 288951Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615

THE JULIAN HOSPITALAddress: Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TDTel: 01603 421421Served by: St John’s Cathedral, Norwich Tel: 01603 624615 HELLESDON HOSPITALAddress: Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BETel: 01603 421421Served by: St George’s, Norwich Tel: 01603 426971 THE NORVIC CLINICAddress: Northside, St Andrew’s Business Park, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 OHTTel: 01603 439614Served by: St George’s, Norwich Tel: 01603 426971

SPIRE HOSPITALAddress: Watton Road, Colney, Norwich, NR4 7TDTel: 01603 456181Served by: Our Lady & St Walstan’s Costessey Tel: 01603 742812


BENJAMIN COURT HOSPITALAddress: Roughton Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 0EQ

104 Hospitals Directory

Tel: 01263 511856Served by: Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham Tel: 01263 822036 CROMER AND DISTRICT HOSPITALAddress: Mill Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 0BQTel: 01263 513571Served by: Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham Tel: 01263 822036


DEREHAM HOSPITALAddress: Northgate, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 2EXTel: 01362 692391Served by: Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary, East Dereham Tel: 01362 694066


BURSTON HOUSE HOSPITAL (PRIVATE)Address: Rectory Road, Burston, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 5TUTel: 01379 741562Served by: The Most Holy Trinity, Diss Tel: 01379 642914

DITCHINGHAM ALL HALLOWS HOSPITALAddress: Station Road, Ditchingham, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 2QLTel: 01986 892728Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bungay. Tel: 01986 893355 GORLESTON THE JAMES PAGET HOSPITALAddress: Lowestoft Road, Gorleston-on-Sea, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 6LATel: 01493 452452Served by: St Peter’s, Gorleston Tel: 01493 301013


KELLING AND PINEHEATH HOSPITALAddress: High Kelling, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6QATel: 01263 713333Served by: Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham Tel: 01263 822036 KING’S LYNN

THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITALAddress: Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4ET

Hospitals Directory 105

Tel: 01553 613613Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s LynnTel: 01553 772220

THE SANDRINGHAM HOSPITAL (PRIVATE)Address: Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4HJTel: 01553 769770Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn. Tel: 01553 772220

FERMOY PSYCHIATRIC UNITAddress: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, King’s Lynn, PE30 4ETTel: 01553 609933Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn Tel: 01553 772220

THE NORFOLK HOSPICE, TAPPING HOUSEAddress: Wheatfields, Hillington, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE31 6BHTel: 01485 601700Served by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn. Tel: 01553 772220 NORTH WALSHAM

NORTH WALSHAM HOSPITALAddress: Yarmouth Road, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9APTel: 01692 500560Served by: Sacred Heart, North Walsham Tel: 01692 403258


SWAFFHAM COMMUNITY HOSPITALAddress: Sporle Road, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7HLTel: 01760 721363Served by: Our Lady of Pity, Swaffham Tel: 01760 721418


WELLS AND DISTRICT HOSPITALAddress: Mill Road, Wells-Next-The-Sea, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR23 1RFServed by: Our Lady of the Annunciation, Walsingham Tel: 01328 821353



THE IPSWICH HOSPITALAddress: Heath Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5PDTel: 01473 712233Served by: St James’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 726701

106 Hospitals Directory

WOODLANDS (MENTAL HEALTH UNIT)Address: Heath Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5PDTel: 01473 712233Served by: St James’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 726701

ST ELIZABETH’S HOSPICEAddress: 565 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 8LXTel: 01473 727776Served by: St James’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 726701 SUFFOLK NUFFIELD HOSPITAL (PRIVATE)Address: Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5SWTel: 01473 279100Served by: St James’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 726701

TREEHOUSE CHILDREN’S HOSPICEAddress: St Augustine’s Garden, Ipswich, IP3 8NSTel: 01473 271334Served by: St James’s, Ipswich Tel: 01473 726701 ALDEBURGH

ALDEBURGH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY HOSPITALAddress: Park Road, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5ESTel: 01728 452778Served by: Our Lady and St Peter, Aldeburgh Tel: 01728 452782


THE WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITALAddress: St Mary’s Road, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9NQTel: 01502 712164Served by: St Benet’s, Beccles Tel: 01502 713179


THE WEST SUFFOLK HOSPITALAddress: Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2QZTel: 01284 713000Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358

ST NICHOLAS’ HOSPICEAddress: McMillan Way, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2QYTel: 01284 766133 Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358

Hospitals Directory 107

NUFFIELD HOSPITAL (PRIVATE)Address: St Mary’s Square, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AATel: 01284 701371Served by: St Edmund King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds Tel: 01284 754358


HARTISMERE HOSPITALAddress: Castleton Way, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7BHTel: 01379 870543Served from: The Most Holy Trinity, Diss Tel: 01379 642914


PATRICK STEAD HOSPITALSAddress: Bungay Road, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8HPTel: 01986 872124Served by: Sacred Heart, Southwold Tel: 01502 723207


NEWMARKET HOSPITALAddress: Exning Road, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7JGTel: 01638 564000Served by: Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda, Newmarket Tel: 01638 662492/730603


THE WALNUT TREE HOSPITAL (PART OF WEST SUFFOLK HOSPITAL)Address: Walnut Tree Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 1BETel: 01787 371404Served by: Our Lady Immaculate and St John the Evangelist, Sudbury Tel: 01787 372703



ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITALAddress: Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQTel: 01223 245151Served by: St Philip Howard, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge Tel: 01223 217769

ROSIE MATERNITY HOSPITALAddress: Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 2SWTel: 01223 245151Served by: St Philip Howard, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge Tel: 01223 217769

108 Hospitals Directory

ARTHUR RANK HOSPICEAddress: Arthur Rank House, 351, Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DFTel: 01223 723000Served by: St Philip Howard, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge Tel: 01223 211235

SPIRE HOSPITALAddress: Impington, Cambridgeshire, CB4 9ELTel: 01223 237474Served by: St Laurence’s, Cambridge Tel: 01223 704640

BROOKFIELDS HOSPITAL (PRIVATE)Address: Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF Tel: 01223 723170Served by: St Philp Howard, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge Tel: 01223 211235


THE PRINCESS OF WALES HOSPITALAddress: Lynn Road, Ely, Cambs, CB6 1DNTel: 01353 652000Served by: Our Lady and St Etheldreda, Ely Tel: 01353 662759


FULBOURN HOSPITALAddress: Cambridge Road, Fulbourn, Cambs, CB1 5ESTel: 01223 245151Served by: Canon John Minh Tel: 01223 823397

IDA DARWIN HOSPITALAddress: Fulbourn, Cambs, CB1 5EETel: 01223 884000Served by: Our Lady and English Martyrs, Cambridge Tel: 01223 350787


HINCHINGBROOK HOSPITALAddress: Hinchingbrook Park, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6NTTel: 01480 416416Served by: St Michael the Archangel, Huntingdon Tel: 01480 453257


MILTON CHILDREN’S HOSPICEAddress: Church Lane, Milton, Cambs, CB4 6ABTel: 01223 860306Served by: St Laurence’s, Cambridge

Hospitals Directory 109

Tel: 01223 704640


PAPWORTH HOSPITALAddress: Papworth Everard, Cambs, CB3 8REServed by: Sacred Heart, St Ives Tel: 01480 830541


NORTH CAMBRIDGE HOSPITALAddress: The Park, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 3ABTel: 01945 613613 or 01945 488088Served by: Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo, Wisbech Tel: 01945 583466


PETERBOROUGH CITY HOSPITALAddress: Bretton Gate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9GZTel: 01733 67800Served by: St Peter and All Souls, Peterborough Tel: 01733 562528

FITZWILLIAM HOSPITAL (PRIVATE)Address: Milton Way, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9AQTel: 01733 261717Served by: Sacred Heart and St Oswald, Peterborough Tel: 01733 322750

HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY CO-ORDINATORRev Patrick LimacherAddress: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PATel: 01603 624615

If you have a relative or a friend or are being admitted to hospital, please ensure that youindicate that you or they are a Catholic, and also would like the Catholic Chaplain to be informed of your presence in hospital. Otherwise, the Catholic Chaplain will not know thata Catholic patient is in the hospital. The secular authorities are not permitted to tell theChurch if a patient is Catholic, and, according to secular rules and regulations, chaplainsand parish priests are not permitted to communicate with one another regarding yourpresence in hospital without your permission. It is also good practice to inform hospitalstaff that you would like receive visitors, as some hospitals will not permit visitors who arenot close family without prior permission from the patient.

Please inform: The hospital chaplain Your parish priest The nursing staff at the hospital upon arrival

110 Prisons Directory


NORWICH – HMP Norwich and YOIChaplain: Mrs Ursula Edwards Tel: 01603 708722 Email:

SCOTTOW – HMP Bure Chaplain: George Stone Tel: 01603 326179Email: Chaplain: Rev Ian Cooper Tel: 01603 326180

WAYLAND – HMP Wayland Chaplains: Rev Martin Sanderson Tel: 01440 743195Email:


HIGHPOINT – HMP Highpoint South Chaplain: Rev Alan McMahon Tel: 01440 743595Email: Rev Michael Teader Tel: 01440 743595Email:

HIGHPOINT – HMP Highpoint North Chaplain: Rev Alan McMahonTel: 01440 743595Email: Rev David Middleton Tel: 01440 743595 Email:

HOLLESLEY BAY – HMYC Hollesley Bay and HMYOI Warren Hill Chaplain: Mrs Antoinette (Tonie) Askin Tel: 01394 412401/633480 Email:


LITTLEHEY – HMP Littlehey Chaplain: Mr Prameel Joseph Tel: 01480 335252 Email:

Prisons Directory 111

MARCH – HMP Whitemoor Chaplain: Rev Gordon Adams (to be confirmed)Tel: 01354 602350Email:


PETERBOROUGH – HMP Peterborough Chaplain: vacantTel: 01733 561314

PRISON CHAPLAINCY CO-ORDINATORRev Alan McMahon Address: HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9YE Tel: 01440 743195Email:



ASHMAN, John (7.9.96) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH BAGSTAFF, David (10.7.76) Address: Catholic Church of St Henry More, Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4DX Email:, David (7.9.96) Address: 30 Park Lane, Helhoughton, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 7BE Email:, John (Dean) (7.10.95) Address: St Felix, 8 Gainsborough Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 7HT Email:, Stephen (26.5.73), (Rtd) Address: St Michael Cottage, Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, NR16 2PH Tel: 01953 716060 Email:, Simon (Vicar Judicial) (2.6.90) Address: 14 Exeter Road, Newmarket, CB8 8LT Email:, Peter (9.1.66) Address: The Priest’s House, 20 The Croft, Sudbury Suffolk, CO10 1HW Email:, Peter (7.3.71), (Rtd) Address: 16 Park Road, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1DQ Tel: 01328 710604 Email:, Patrick (Dean) (16.12.78) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 91 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1XB Email:, Michael (10.7.10) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email:, Sean (22.7.94) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 233 Sprowston Road, Norwich, NR3 4HZEmail:, Gordon (14.3.97), (Rtd) Address: 39 Royal Arch Court, 3 Earlham Road, Norwich, NR2 3RU Tel: 01603 766659 Email:, Olindo (24.1.54), (Rtd) Address: 34a Main Street, Yaxley, Peterborough, PE7 9LY Tel: 01733 242031 Email:, Liam (13.6.65), (Rtd) Address: Haven Bay Care Centre, Ballinacubby, Kinsale, Co Cork, Ireland Tel: 00353 23 44268 Email:

112 Clergy and Religious Directory

Clergy and Religious Directory 113

EDWARDS, Peter (8.3.97) Address: 42 Kelvin Close, Cambridge, CB1 8DN Tel: 01223 240757 Email:, Edmund (2.7.94) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 21a St John’s St, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1ED Email:, Martin (8.7.00) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SHEmail:, Dennis (20.9.80) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SHEmail:, David (Dean) (9.6.85), Address: Catholic Presbytery, 29 Lockington Rd, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 1BQ Email:, Anthony (Rtd) (12.3.65) Address: Wheelwrights, Lidgate, Nr Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9PR Tel: 01638 500078 Email:, John (24.9.99), (Rtd) Address: 12 St Mary’s Paddock, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 1HJ Email:, Russell (9.5.91), Address: The Slipper Chapel Cottage, Houghton St Giles, Norfolk, NR22 6AS Email:, James (20.11.98)Address: 69 Queens Road, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 2PH Email:, Adrian (21.7.90) Address: St James, 482 Landseer Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9LU Email: GEORGE, Mathew (7.1.97) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 468 Norwich Road, Ipswich, IP1 6JSEmail:, Luke Address: 47 Gilman Road, Norwich, NR3 4JB Email:, Michael (15.6.73) (Rtd) Address: The Presbytery, Newmarket Road, Kirtling, CB8 8PA Tel: 01638 730603 Email:, Mark (Vice Chancellor) (20.7.96) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG Email:, Eugène, MCL, JCL (Chancellor) (9.6.84) Address: Catholic Rectory, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JR Email: or, Padraig (9.7.11) Address: The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SH Email:, Richard (5.7.80) Address: Catholic Rectory, 29 Wells Road, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 9EG Email:

114 Clergy and Religious Directory

HELEY, John (18.6.88), (Rtd) Address: 24 Kestrel Close, Burnham Market, Norfolk, PE31 8EF Tel: 01328 730036 Email:, David (5.12.98) Address: 112 Robin Drive, Ipswich, IP2 0TY Email:, Chanh (Paul) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Gordon Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, IP33 2DA Email:, Paul (22.7.62), (Rtd) Address: Moon’s Acre House, 14 Moon’s Acre, Low Bentham Road, Bentham, Lancs LA2 7BP Tel: 01524 262541 Email:, David (1.5.93) Address: c/o The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7SHEmail:, Michael (14.3.97), (Rtd) Address: 44 Royal Arch Court, Earlham Road, Norwich, NR2 3RUTel: 01603 664118, Mob: 07930 601795Email:, Nicholas, MA, Mag Theol, Lic Phil (11.7.87) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 82 Hartford Road, Huntingdon, PE29 1XG Email:, Francis (9.6.63) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 1 Orwell Place, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1BDEmail:, Peter (2.7.77) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 73 Newtown, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3AU Tel: 01842 752266 Email:, Denys (Dean) (28.5.94) Address: Catholic Presbytery, Cromer Road, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8RTEmail:, Laurie (25.6.79) Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Email:, Henry (2.7.77) (Rtd)Address: 81 Mountbatten Road, Dersingham, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 6YETel: 01485 543818 Email:, Paul (14.1.89)Address: 8 St John’s Road, March, Cambs, PE15 8RJEmail:, Jaylord (8.12.17)Address: 8 St John’s Road, March, Cambs, PE15 8RJEmail:, Peter (18.3.62), (Rtd) Address: Coldham Cottage, Bury Road, Lawshall, Bury St Edmunds, IP29 4PLTel: 01284 830747MOFFATT, Brendan (12.6.83) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 35 London Road, East Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1ASEmail:

Clergy and Religious Directory 115

NGUYEN Minh, Hoan (John) (10.7.99) Address: 135 High Street, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3HJTel: 01223 832397Email:, Martin (14.3.97) Address: 31 High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QHEmail:, David (16.9.95) Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PAEmail:, Gerard (22.3.75) Address: Coldham Cottage, Bury Road, Lawshall, Bury St Edmunds, IP29 4PLTel: 01284 830393 Email:, Michael (7.9.96), (Rtd) Address: 14 Malthouse Road, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1BYTel: 01206 392695 Email:, Anthony (26.6.71) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 15 The Terrace, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5JHEmail:, Peter (Dean) (16.7.87) Address: Catholic Rectory, North Everard Street, King’s Lynn, PE30 5HQEmail:, Michael (12.9.81) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 1 Norwich Road, Wymondham, NR18 0QE Email:, MartinAddress: Homestead, Daffy Green, Shipdham, Theford, Norfolk, IP25 7QQ Tel: 01362 822590 Email:, Arockiya (16.04.05)Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 2PA Email:, Anthony (2.3.69) Address: 19 Egremont Street, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1AEEmail:, Philip (28.6.75) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 82 Hartford Road, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 1XGEmail:, Christopher (7.9.96) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 180 Hawthorne Drive, Ipswich, IP2 0QQ Email:, Roger (Dean) (5.6.79) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, The Common, Southwold, Suffolk, IP18 6AHEmail:, Michael (7.12.01) Address: 112 Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9HE Tel: 01440 704923 Email:, Michael (30.6.79) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 3 Station Road, Whittlesey, Cambs, PE7 1SAEmail:

116 Clergy and Religious Directory

WALSH, James (22.7.67) Address: 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9JP Email:, David (31.5.97) Address: The Presbytery, Townhouse Road, Costessey, Norwich, NR8 5AAEmail:, John (24.7.93) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4BDEmail:,William BTh (Oxon), LLM, ThL, (14.3.97), (Rtd) Address: St Peter’s, Back Lane, Blakeney, Norfolk, NR25 7NPTel: 01263 741519WHISENANT, Henry (06.07.13) Address: Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich NR2 2PA Email:, Richard (14.7.90) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 18 Stuart Close, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 0HPEmail:, Gordon (7.4.84) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 31 Station Street, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7HPEmail:


BURBIDGE, Bruce (22.7.94) Address: St Mary’s College, Oscott, Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 5AA Email:, James (23.9.89), B.D. RAF (Sqn Ldr) Address: The Chaplain’s Office, RAF Digby, Lincoln, Lincs, LN4 3LH Email:, Francis MA, MTh, PhD (8.12.73) Address: St Mary’s College, Oscott, Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 5AA Email:, David BD, AKC, MTh, RGN (7.9.96) Address: 7 Heath Avenue, Whittington Barracks, Lichfield, Staffs, WS14 9TQ


ABLEWHITE, John (Westminster) (Rtd) Address: 46 Tower Court, Tower Road, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4XS Tel: 01353 968056 Email:, Gordon (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: 38 Windsor Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5PL Tel: 01553 777428 Email:, John (Brentwood) Address: Shields, High Street, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6AZ Email:, Allen (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: 18 St Alban’s Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HG Tel: 01223 362671 Email:

Clergy and Religious Directory 117

BUGBY, Timothy (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: Seaview Cottage, Cromer Road, East Runton, Cromer, NR27 9NX Tel: 01263 512830 Email: Don MA (Rtd) (Southwark) Address: 8 Bell Close, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 1AZ Tel: 01728 605688DOWNIE, Jeffrey Address: 14 Sellers Grange, Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, PE2 5XX Email:, Erico de Mello (Chaplain to the Portuguese speaking communities) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 17 Howdale Road, Downham Market, PE38 9ABTel: 01366 382353Email:, Michael (Northampton) (Rtd) Address: c/o 322 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 4BD Tel: 01473 612819 Email:, Christopher (Nottingham) (Rtd) Address: Flat 3 Oakhampton Hse, East Barton Rd, Gt Barton, Suffolk, IP31 2RF Tel: 01284 788386 Email:, Mark (Westminster) Address: Fisher House, Guildhall St, Cambridge, CB2 3NH Email:, Neville (Northampton), (Rtd)Address: 12 The Pightle, North Cove, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 7PR Tel: 01502 476702 Email: Onyema (USA Forces), Address: Catholic Chaplain, Base Chapel Bldg 900, RAF Lakenheath, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 9PN Email:, PeterAddress: Catholic Rectory, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JREmail:, Michael (Birmingham)Address: 59 Mill Field, Ash Hill, Thetford, Norofolk, IP25 7BQEmail:, Michael (Rtd) (Brentwood) Address: Wuffing House 30 Sandringham Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk, PE36 5DR Tel: 01485 532358 Email: TENORIO Michael (USAF) Address: 100 ARW/HC, RAF Mildenhall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 8NFEmail:, Thomas (Dean) (Birmingham)Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 933, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE4 6AEEmail:, Ivan (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Address: 2 The Furlongs, Needingworth, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE27 4TX Tel: 01480 462107Email:

118 Clergy and Religious Directory


NIEWINSKI, Waldemar Address: Polonia House, 231 Chesterton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1AS. Tel: 01223 368539 Email:, Mroz Address: 82 Wellesley Road, Ipswich, IP4 1PHTel: 01473 21739 Email:, KrzysztofAddress: 4 Crown Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR5 0EREmail:, Maciej SChrAddress: 2 Cedar Grove, Peterborough, PE1 3SPEmail: URBANOWSKI, Mariusz, SChr Address: 2 Cedar Grove, Peterborough, PE1 3SPEmail:, WaidemarAddress: The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RSEmail:


FALCAO, Erico de Mello (Chaplain to the Portuguese speaking communities) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 17 Howdale Road, Downham Market, PE38 9ABTel: 01366 382353Email:


PANTHAMKAL, Philip John (SM) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 33 Walpole Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 3TH Mobile: 0771 3139350 Email:

PRIESTS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS (Working or resident in the Diocese)

ALPHONSE, Peter Paul (CMF) (26.12.12) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email:, Antony (CMF) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email:, William (CSSp), (Rtd) Address: 83 Town Close, East Winch, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1NU Email:, Bruno (OP)(20.09.08) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD

Clergy and Religious Directory 119

Email:, Robert (OP) (29.06.68) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Email:, Charles (OSB) (20.03.68) Address: 1 St Mary’s Street, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1AX Email:, Thomas (SM) (03.04.65) Address: Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1EY Email:, Martin (OSB) (23.06.07) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 2 Grange Road, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9NREmail: Nelson Address: Catholic Chaplain, RAF Alconbury, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4DA Tel: 01480 843068 Email: Alexander (SMMM) Address: Catholic Rectory, St Mary’s, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2AJ Email:, Alvan (SMMM) Address: Catholic Presbytery, 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QGEmail:, Benedict (OP) (27.09.08) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Email:, Jim (CMF) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs, PE19 5TA Email:, Alban (OFM Conv) (20.12.75) Address: St Edmund’s College, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge, CB3 0BN Email:, EUAN (OP) Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Email:, David (OSA) (03.07.71) Address: Clare Priory, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NXEmail:, Philip (SJ) Address: Fisher House, Guildhall St, Cambridge, CB2 3NHNICHOLS, Aidan (OP) (03.07.76), Address: Blackfriars, Buckingham Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DD Email:, Anthony (SMMM) (24.07.10) Address: St Mary’s, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 2AJEmail:’ROURKE, Ben (OSA) Address: Clare Priory, Clare, Suffolk CO10 8NXEmail:, Stefan (OSA) Address: Clare Priory, Ashen Road, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8NXEmail:, Karol (MS) (18.05.91) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, 19 Needingworth Road, St Ives, PE27 5JTEmail

120 Clergy and Religious Directory

SIMISON, Michael (SM) Address: Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1EY SOWA, Adam (MS) (14.05.94) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RSEmail: Piotr MS (04.06.2005) Address: The Catholic Presbytery, Geneva Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RSEmail:, Keith, (SM) (15.12.73) Address: Stella Maris, The Buttlands, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1EY Email: MALAISE, NicholasAddress: 422a Unthank Road, Norwich, NR4 7QH Email:, Peter (CMF) (07.12.58) Address: The Towers, Buckden, Cambs PE19 5TA Email:


BEDFORD, John (28.6.08) Address: 5 Garrick Walk, Old Fletton, Peterborough, PE2 8DD Email:, John (30.6.00) (Rtd)Address: 3 John Street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5HH Tel: 01553 774303 Email:, John (6.7.12) Address: 3 Applewood Close, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 9NUTel: 01223 503948Email:, Christopher (31.7.02) Address: 4 Godbold Close, Kesgrave, Ipswich, IP5 2FE Tel: 01473 625817 Email:, Clive (Rtd) (13.6.92) Address: 76 Broom Knoll, East End, East Bergholt, Suffolk, CO7 6XN Tel: 01206 396319 Email:, Claudio (14.7.04) Address: 202 Broadway, Peterborough, PE1 4DT Tel: 01733 344089Email:, Peter Address: 46 Greenways, Sutton Heath, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 3TR Tel: 01394 420859 Email:, Geoffrey (8.12.78) Address: 20 Brierley Walk, Cambridge, CB4 3NH Tel: 01223 351650Email:, William (25.5.91) Address: Crofthaven, The Croft, Old Costessey, Norwich, Norfolk, NR8 5DT Tel: 01603 743476 Email:

Clergy and Religious Directory 121

EBURNE, Andrew (11.6.10) Address: c/o St John’s Cathedral, Unthank Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 2PAEmail:, Tony (29.6.96) Address: 6 Borough End, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9YW Tel: 01502 715744Email:, Peter (29.6.96) Address: White Lilacs, Station Road, Cantley, Norfolk, NR13 3NL Tel: 01493 701341Email:, Nicholas (3.7.04) Address: 18 Levine Close, Brundall, Norwich, NR13 5RH Tel: 01603 715066 Email:, Ian (25.5.91) Address: Flat B, 28 Constitution Hill, Norwich, NR3 4BU Tel: 01603 491501Email:, Chris (29.6.96) (Rtd)Address: 8 Castle Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3NL Tel: 01284 752495Email:, Paul (25.5.91) Address: 123 Houghton St Giles, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6AQ Tel: 01328 821523 Email:, Raymond (25.5.91) (Rtd) Address: 10 Gilman Road, Norwich, NR3 4JB Tel: 01603 426918 Email:, Michael (3.7.04) Address: 19 Cambridge Drive, Wisbech, Norfolk, PE13 1SE Tel: 01945 580332Email:, Robert (25.5.91) (Rtd), Address: Otter Bank, 72, Green End, Comberton, Cambridge, CB3 7DA Tel: 01223 262964 Email:, Stephen (30.6.00) Address: 75 Langham Road, Field Dalling, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 7LG Tel: 01328 830712Email:, Patrick (2.7.05) Address: c/o Cathedral House, Unthank Road, Norwich, NR2 2PA Tel: 01603 624615 Email:, Peter (12.10.02) (Rtd)Address: 36 Folly Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QT Tel: 01953 603025Email:, Alan (8.7.06) Address: c/o, 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG Tel: 0790 763554 Email:

122 Clergy and Religious Directory

MORRILL, John (29.6.96) Address: 1 Bradford’s Close, Bottisham, Cambs, CB25 9DW Tel: 01223 811822 Email:, Shaun (04.07.15) (OOLW) Address: 38 Windsor Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5PL Tel: 01553 777428 Email:, Andrew (3.7.04) Address: 11 Maple Way, Leavenheath, Nr Colchester, Suffolk, CO6 4PQTel: 01206 263367 Email:, Andrew (29.6.96) Address: Apt 1, Upton House, 2 St Margaret’s Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9DGTel: 01263 510248Email:’TOOLE, Ron (29.6.79) Address: 23 Margaret Lilly Way. Aldborough, Norfolk, NR11 7PA Tel: 01263 768053 Email:, Stephen Address: c/o Our Lady Star of the Sea, Gordon Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1NL Tel: 07734 172545Email:, Anthony (11.6.94) (Rtd)Address: Frogs Hall, Frogs Hall Road, Lavenham, Suffolk, CO10 9QH Tel: 01787 248042 Email:, Roger (Rtd)Address: Winton House, 34, Theatre Street, Swaffham, Norfolk, PE37 7HA Tel: 01760 724113Email:, John Address: 24 Sutton Road, Witchford, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2HXTel: 01353 659384Email:, Michael (25.5.91) Address: 8 The Scrum, Danforth Drive, Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9HH Tel: 01728 724646 Email:, Martin (26.9.03) Address: ‘Kerala’, 42 Chapel Lane, Wimblington, March, PE15 0QX Tel: 01354 741488Email:, Michael (25.5.91) Address: Glencar, 39, Meadowvale Close, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9EP Tel: 01502 715163 Email:, Huw (17.07.15) Address: 6 Westward Deals, Kedlington, Suffolk, CB9 7PN Tel: 01440 708273Email:

Clergy and Religious Directory 123


St Mary’s Seminary, Oscott (Birmingham)Year 1 Bien Carlo Manuntag (St Philip Howard, Cambridge)Year 5: Alfonso Jude Belnas (St Philip Howard, Cambridge)

Allen Hall (Westminster)Year 1 Mark Ashwood (St John Cathedral, Norwich)Year 4: Anthony Asomugha (St John Cathedral, Norwich)

Deacon Andrew EburneVenerable English College (Rome)

Year 4: Peter Wygnański (St Lawrence, Cambridge)Beda College (Rome)

Year 1 Michael Smith (St Laurence, Cambridge)Year 3 Alan Hodgson (St Edmund’s, Bury)

Michael Brookes (Sacred Heart, Dereham)Paul Spellman (Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham)

Valladolid (Spain)Year 1 James Fernandez (St John Cathedral, Norwich)

Wonersh (Surrey)Simon Davies (St Neots)

Director of Vocations:Rev Patrick Cleary St Lawrence Presbytery, 91 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1XBTel: 01223 704 640Email:


2018 Jacob Cheriyan (Gorleston)Prameel Joseph (St Luke’s Peterborough)

2017 Brett Gladden (Bury St Edmunds)James Hurst (Newmarket)Martin L’Estrange (King’s Lynn)

Director of the Permanent DiaconateRev Canon Mathew George468 Norwich RoadIpswich, IP1 6JSTel: 01473 741975

Assistant Directors:Rev John BellTel: 01223 503948Rev John MorrillTel: 01223 811822

124 Clergy and Religious Directory


Canonesses of St Augustine (Congregation of Our Lady): Walsingham, Cambridge. Carmelites: QuidenhamCongregation of Jesus: CambridgeCommunity of Our Lady of Walsingham: WalsinghamDaughters of Divine Charity: Hunstanton, SwaffhamDaughters of Jesus: PeterboroughDominican Sisters: CambridgeFranciscan Missionaries of Mary: MarchLittle Sisters of Jesus: WalsinghamMarist Sisters: WalsinghamPoor Clares: SwaffhamReligious of Jesus and Mary: FelixstoweSisters of Our Lady of Grace and Compassion: Great BartonSisters of Our Lady of Reconciliation (SOLR): WalsinghamSisters of Our Lady of Walsingham: WalsinghamWorking Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth: Peterborough


Augustinians: ClareBenedictines (English Congregation): Bungay, BecclesClaretian Missionaries: BuckdenDominicans: CambridgeLa Salette: St Ives and Peterborough All SoulsMarists: WalsinghamSons of Mary Mother of Mercy: Cambridge, Great Yarmouth, Bury St Edmunds

RELIGIOUS SISTERS LIVING IN THE DIOCESE Other than those living in Communities listed above.DINES, Sr Jennifer CSA: 58 St Matthew’s Gardens, Cambridge, CB1 2PJFLYNN, Sr Colette, CJ: 10 Queen Elizabeth Close, Palace Plain, Norwich, NR3 1RY Tel: 01603 630734O’REILLY, Sr Marie: c/o 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1QG Tel: 01284 488790PRENDERGAST, Sr Mary Richard CJ: 15 Suffield Court, The Great Hospital, Bishopgate, Norwich, NR1 4EJ Tel: 01603 610543ROBB, Sr Pat CJ: 13 Southside Court, Cambridge, CB4 1EX Tel: 01223 473806 / 07722 826716.WELLINGTON, Sr Sandra: 16 Bridewell St, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6BJ


BATEMAN, Catherin, Siena: 3 Meadow Cottages, West Barsham, Norfolk, NR21 9NSBECKETT,Wendy: c/o Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, NR16 2PHKNIGHT, Karen: c/o Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, NR16 2PHCONNORS, Anthea: 5 Grove Road, Norwich, NR1 3RQMORRISON, Lynn Marie: c/o Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham NR16 2PHLINDSAY, Jenny: 9 Oakhampton House, East Barton Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2RF

Financial Report 125

FINANCIAL REPORTThe Roman Catholic Diocese of East AngliaSummarised AccountsFor year ended 31 December 2016

Statement of Financial Activities 2015 2016

Incoming ResourcesVoluntary income 5,360,791 4,745,037Activities for generating funds 388,228 1,286,852 Investment income 292,727 261,637Charitable activities 165,359 128,795Other Income 122,852 321,765

Total Incoming Resources 6,329,957 6,744,086

Resources expendedCost of generating funds 324,239 744,554Provision of worship 1,919,194 909,293Clergy and parish support 3,097,476 3,741,613Pastoral care & community support 384,623 360,220Schools programme 405,852 697,018Governance costs 0 0

Total Resources Expended 6,131,384 6,452,698

Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources 198,573 291,388

Other Recognised Gains/(Losses)Realised on investments (84,638) 741,993Unrealised on investments 0 0

Net movement on funds 113,935 1,033,381Funds brought forward 28,948,951 29,062,886 Funds carried forward 29,062,886 30,096,267

Balance SheetFixed assets 21,478,895 22,653,243Current assets 7,724,487 7,503,024Current liabilities (140,496) (60,000)

Total 29,062,886 30,096,267

FundsUnrestricted funds 5,394,180 5,662,119Restricted funds 3,277,280 3,734,884Parochial funds 20,391,426 20,699,264

Total 29,062,886 30,096,267

126 Financial Report

These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information the full annualaccounts, the auditor’s report on those accounts and the Trustees’ Annual Report shouldbe consulted. Copies of these can be obtained from the White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich NR14 7SH.

Statement of the TrusteesWe confirm that the extracts are a summary of information relating to both the Statementof Financial Activities and Balance Sheet from the annual accounts. The annual accountswere approved at the Trustees Meeting on 28th September 2017 and have been submitted to the Charity Commission. The Auditors’ Report as given on the full accountswas unqualified.

The Rt Rev Alan Hopes 28th September 2017

Auditors Statement to the Trustees of The Roman Catholic Diocese of East AngliaWe have examined the summarised financial statements set out on this page.

Respective responsibilities of Trustees and AuditorsThe Trustees for the preparation of the summarised financial statements. The Auditorshave agreed to report on their consistency with the full financial statements, on which wereported on 28th September 2017.

Basis of opinionWe have carried out the procedures we consider necessary to ascertain whether thesummarised financial statements are consistent with the full financial statements fromwhich they have been prepared.

OpinionIn our opinion the summarised accounts are consistent with the full accounts of the Diocese for the year ended 31st December 2016.

Price Bailey28th September 2017

Notes to the Accounts1. The Diocese of East Anglia is not wealthy. It has limited reserves or investments ofits own, receives relatively small amounts through legacies and donations and has nomeans of raising income other than from its parishes. This it does by levying charges orquotas based as a percentage of parish offertory collections. The income which itreceives is used to pay for the organisation and administration of all Diocesan activities,for the repairs and adaptations to its schools, for the training of future Diocesan priestsand for all those services which are given to parishes without charge. Comments on someof these Diocesan activities, which are highlighted in the SOFA under “General Funds”,“Designated Funds”, or “Parochial Funds”, are included below.

2. The activities of the Diocese are largely undertaken through its parishes. Of the over-all diocesan finances, parishes account for over 83% of income and approximately 71%of expenditure with some 70% of the Diocesan charity’s net assets being held at parochiallevel. The work of the parishes involves amongst other things the pastoral care of theRoman Catholic and general community of the parish and maintenance and upkeep ofplaces of worship.

3. A fund-raising campaign has been undertaken since February 2015 managed by theprofessional fund-raising company, CCS, which aims to provide funding for the following:

� Training of future priests

Financial Report 127

� Support of retired clergy� Special parish projects� Social outreach

During the year ended 31 December 2015, the project raised £123,441 from its trialphase in six parishes with total expenditure, including fundraiser’s costs for this period,being £205,563. Whilst a deficit is therefore reported in these accounts of £86,122, overallthe campaign expects to raise £5.8 million over the next 5 years. Total fundraising costsover the five years are expected to be around 12% of the amount raised.

4. At 31 December 2016 the Diocese's reserves stood at £30.04m. Of this £1.63m isrestricted to particular uses and £4.94m has been designated by the Trustees for certainspecific purposes.

5. Of the remaining reserves parochial funds amount to £20.65m of which £14.23m isrepresented by fixed assets in the form of churches and other property which are requiredfor the purposes of the Diocese and could not be realised without undermining its work.This leaves free parochial reserves of £6.42m which represents between one to twoyears’ total parochial expenditure and levy charges. This level of reserves is considerednecessary by the Trustees to enable the parishes to conduct their work in an orderly andefficient manner as well as providing income through investments to supplement theamounts received by donations.

6. General reserves amount to £2.81m of which £0.68m is represented by fixed assetsleaving free reserves of £2.13m. This is considered necessary in order for the Diocese tocontinue supporting and advising the parishes. The Trustees aim to maintain theDiocese's overall free reserves at least at the present level to continue to provide thesupport necessary for the Diocese to fulfil its objects

128 Second Collections

SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR 2018BUILDING BRIDGESSat/Sun, January 6/7For the two twinned Dioceses of Battambang in Cambodia and the Latin Patriarchate ofJerusalem. An optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office.

PAX CHRISTI Sat/Sun, January 13/14 – Peace SundayAn optional collection. Send money to Pax Christi via Diocesan Finance Office.

RACIAL JUSTICESat/Sun, January 27/28 – Racial Justice SundayAn optional collection. Send money to Catholic Trust for England and Wales (CaTEW) viaDiocesan Finance Office.

LENTEN ALMSLent The appointed charities for 2018 are: Aid to the Church in Need (Syria and Iraq) andDon’t Screen Us Out ( A mandatory (local ordinary) collection.Send money to Diocesan Finance Office.

CAFODFriday February 23 – Lent Friday FastCAFOD Friday Fast Days in Lent and October are NOT weekend second collections. Theyare an opportunity for the faithful to fast on a particular Friday and to then donate anymonies saved through such fasting to CAFOD in the envelopes distributed the weekend before. It is not envisaged that the faithful will be asked to give additional money in a second collection whilst the CAFOD envelopes are being collected in, unless the Parishor the Parish Priest chooses to hold an optional second collection specifically for the workof CAFOD.

Sat/Sun, February 24/25An optional collection. Send money to: CAFOD Romero House, 55 Westminster BridgeRoad, London SE1 7JB

HOLY LAND SHRINESGood Friday March 30 – Holy Places of PalestineA mandatory collection. Send money to the Diocesan Finance Office

VOCATIONSSat/Sun, April 21/22 – Vocations SundayA mandatory (local ordinary) collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office

CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKSat/Sun, May 12/13 – Catholic Communications SundayA mandatory (Holy See) collection. Send money to the Diocesan Finance Office

LIFE CHARITIES Sat/Sun, June 16/17 – Day for LifeA mandatory (CBCEW) collection. Send money to CaTEW via Diocesan Finance Office

Second Collections 129

PETER’S PENCESat/Sun, June 23/24 – Peter’s PenceA mandatory (Holy See) collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office

APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEASat/Sun, July 7/8 – Sea SundayAn optional collection. Send money to: AoS Freepost, RTKT-KCYH-BBYA, 39 EcclestonSquare, London, SW1V 1BX

CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICESat/Sun, September 8/9 – Education SundayAn optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office

HOME MISSIONSat/Sun, September 15/16 – Home Mission Sunday A mandatory (CBCEW) collection. Send money to CaTEW via Diocesan Finance Office

CAFODFriday October 5 – Harvest Fast DaySat/Sun, October 6/7An optional collection. Send money to: CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster BridgeRoad, London SE1 7JB

PACT (Prison Advice and Care Trust)Sat/Sun, October 13/14 – Prisoners’ SundayAn optional collection. Send money to: PACT, 29 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UA

MISSIO (THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH)Sat/Sun, October 20/21 –World Mission SundayA mandatory (Holy See) collection. Send money to: Mgr Canon James Cronin, NationalDirector Missio, 23 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1NU

CARITAS/ST EDMUND’S FUNDSat/Sun, November 3/4 – Diocesan Social OutreachAn optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office

DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICESat/Sun, November 24/25 –Youth SundayAn optional collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office

DIOCESAN DEPENDANT PRIESTS’ FUNDSat/Sun, December 15/16 – Dependant PriestsA mandatory (Local Ordinary) collection. Send money to Diocesan Finance Office

Any time in 2018There is also an annual appeal by one or more religious orders dedicated to missionarywork overseas.A mandatory annual appeal (CBCEW) Details TBA

130 Organisations and Societies Directory


AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED (ACN)A registered Catholic Charity in England and Wales 1097984 and Scotland SC040748

Directly under the Holy See, Aid to the Church in Need supports the faithful wherever theyare persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need. ACN is a Catholic charity – helping tobring Christ to the world through prayer, information and action. Founded in 1947 by FrWerenfried van Straaten, whom Pope John Paul II named “An outstanding Apostle ofCharity”, the organisation is now at work in about 130 countries throughout the world. Thecharity – whose UK office is in Sutton, Surrey – undertakes thousands of projects everyyear including providing transport for clergy and lay Church workers, construction ofchurch buildings, funding for priests and nuns and help to train seminarians. Since 1979,almost 50 million copies of Aid to the Church in Need Child’s Bibles have been printed in172 languages and have been distributed worldwide.

Address: 12–14 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4DA Tel: 0208 642 8668 Web: National Director UK: Neville Kyrke-Smith East Anglia Area Secretary: Tamsyn Filby Tel: 07746 537388 Email:

APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA (AoS)The Apostleship of the Sea AoS is the official maritime and welfare mission agency of theCatholic Church in Great Britain, as well as a registered charity wholly reliant on voluntarycontributions. Ninety percent of world trade is carried by ship; however seafarers oftenwork in dangerous conditions suffering loneliness, deprivation and even exploitation. AoSdeploys chaplains and ship visitors who welcome vulnerable merchant seafarers to ourshores and provides for their pastoral and practical needs – regardless of creed or nation-ality. Catholic seafarers are also given the opportunity to receive the sacraments. AoSalso provides chaplains on board cruise ships, works to maintain ecumenical seafarers’centres inside ports, and collaborates with industry bodies to speak up for seafarers’rights. AoS relies on a network of valued parish contacts and volunteers to sustain its development.

East Anglia Ports Chaplain: Patricia EzraMob: 07758 356 372Email: Martin Foley Address: AoS, 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1BX Tel: 0207 901 1931 Email: Web:

ASSOCIATION OF BLIND CATHOLICSThe only service the ABC now provides is a talking-book lending library.

Contact: Michael QuestierAddress: 58, Oakwood Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 7BU Tel: 01293 772104Email:

Organisations and Societies Directory 131

BENEDICTINE LIFENorfolk Oblates of Douai Abbey meet at the “Julian Chapter” every second Thursday atthe Church of Our Lady and St Walstan, Costessey, Norwich, at 11am.

Contact: Tony Howes Tel: 01603 742487

CAFODCAFOD is the international development and relief agency of the Catholic Church inEngland and Wales. It builds partnerships with local organisations in over 30 countriesacross Africa, Asia and Latin America, supporting them to build a better world for peopleliving in extreme poverty. CAFOD focuses on sustainable livelihoods, clean water andsanitation, combating HIV/AIDS, and peace-building. In emergencies it provides immedi-ate relief and also supports long-term programmes to rebuild people's lives. CAFOD issupported by people in parishes and schools in England and Wales through donations,prayers, volunteering and campaigning. For more information about how we work locallyand volunteering opportunities, please contact:

Community Participation Coordinator: Jane CroneAddress: CAFOD in East Anglia Volunteer Centre, Margaret Beaufort Institute

of Theology, 12-14 Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DU Tel: 01223 358552Email: Web:

CARITAS CHRISTICaritas Christi is an international secular institute for women in which members make acommitment for life to be totally given to God. Out of love they choose to live a celibatelife in order to dedicate their love in its completeness to God, the Church and all people.Their service is given in the circumstances of their everyday lives. They remain laypeople. If you are single or widowed and would like information, write to:

Contact: Miss Sandra SowlsAddress 31 Chestnut Avenue, Stonehouse, Gloucs, GL10 2HW Tel: 01453 824881

CARITAS EAST ANGLIACaritas East Anglia encourages, supports and co-ordinates works of social outreach inthe diocese. It is a member of the Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), the social actionarm of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The management team of Caritas EastAnglia includes representatives of each deanery and of caring organisations active in thediocese. Caritas East Anglia administers the St Edmund's Fund, which makes crisisgrants to needy individuals and families, and Alive in Faith project grants, which are available to parishes and associated groups to support local social action initiatives, especially to seed fund new projects. Contact a deanery representative or apply for crisis or project grants:

Administrator: to be appointedEmail:

CATENIAN ASSOCIATIONThe Catenian Association is an international brotherhood of Catholic business and professional men who meet socially once a month to offer mutual support and to encourage friendship among Catholic families. Prayers and Masses for Vocations are amajor consideration. A Benevolent Fund is maintained for widows, children or members inneed, and a Bursary Fund to help and encourage young Catholics under 25 years of ageto involve themselves in projects for the benefit of the community at home or abroad.

132 Organisations and Societies Directory

Provincial Secretary: Malcolm ButterworthEmail:

Norwich and District Circle 86Secretary: John FlynnAddress: 449 Unthank Road, Norwich NR4 7QNTel: 01603 454238Email:

Cambridge Circle 52Secretary: Stephen GoddardAddress: 77 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambs, CB2 5JJTel: 01223 526662Email:

Ipswich Circle 123Secretary: Richard ColleyAddress: Stour House, Church Road, Wrabness, Essex CO11 2TGTel: 01255 880868Email:

Peterborough Circle 184Secretary: Laurence OakleyAddress: 44 Holdfield Drive, Ravensthorpe, Peterborough PE3 7LWTel: 01733 268751Email:

West Norfolk Circle 351Secretary: William O’BrienAddress: Barsham House, High Street, Fincham, King’s Lynn, PE33 9ELEmail:

Bury St Edmunds 362Secretary: Paul RossiAddress: 17 Grindle Gardens, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2QGTel: 01284 703784Email:

CATHOLIC ARCHIVES SOCIETYThe Catholic Archives Society promotes and advises on listing, management and preservation of records of dioceses, religious foundations and institutions of the CatholicChurch. It does not collect or store archives.

Secretary: Sarah Maspero Address: 38 Crawford Drive, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7RW Email Web:

CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL DIOCESAN SERVICE TEAMThe Diocesan Service Team for Charismatic Renewal exists to co-ordinate and supportprayer groups in the Diocese. They also organise days of renewal and the CelebrateWeekend Conference. It is part of a network that is led by the National Service Committeeat Allen Hall. Information regarding days of renewal or other events may be obtained from:

Regional contact: Philip WaltersAddress: 228 Nelson St, Norwich, NR2 4DU Tel: 07910 157584

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Email: philipwalters228@gmail.comWeb:

Contact prayer groups direct as follows:Bury St Edmunds: Anthea Rix

Tel: 01284 787119 Email:

Cambridge: Sandy Hobson Tel: 01954 780196 Email:

Felixstowe: Brenda Brazier Tel: 01394 671499

Gorleston: Mavis BeanTel: 01493 665573

Great Yarmouth: Molly SmithTel: 01493 302974

Ipswich: Jan Cavanagh Tel: 01473 730426

Ipswich: Marie Kenning Tel: 01473 839154 Email:

King’s Lynn: Kathy McNeil Tel: 01553 674495

March: Anthony and Ann MashmanTel: 01354 658141

Norwich St John’s: Rob Smith Tel: 01603 460764

Norwich Costessey: Maureen Watt Tel: 01603 951167

Norwich St George: Philip Waters Tel: 07910 157584 Email:

Peterborough St Luke: Eileen O’Doherty Tel: 07837 379251 Email:

CATHOLIC CLOTHING GUILDPresident: Mrs P Bright, 2 Cage Lane, Stretham, Ely, Cambs, CB6 3LB Vice President: Mrs A Daws /Mrs B Miller Hon Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs Diane Stanley

Address: 1 Magnolis Close, Fakenham, NR218GD Tel: 01328 863935Email:

CATHOLIC FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY The Catholic Family History Society exists to assist those researching their Catholic an-cestry. Details of membership, publications and resources can be found at:

Address: 19 Lime Tree Grove, Croydon, CR0 8AY Email: cfhsrecords@gmail.comWeb:

CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION UKMembership is open to Catholic doctors, nurses, pharmacists, radiographers, physiother-apists, hospital chaplains, health care managers and all other health care professionalsand their students.

134 Organisations and Societies Directory Office: 39 Eccleston Square, London SW1V IBX Tel: 02079014895President for England & Wales: Dr Phillip Howard

Email: Dr Stephen Brennan

Email: Anglia Contact: Dr Robert Hardie


CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUEIs a national and international organisation involved in charitable works of all kinds. Itseeks to make the voice of Catholic women heard on many issues including family life.Founded in 1906 by Margaret Fletcher. New members are always welcome.Diocesan President: Teresa Wiseman

Address: 163 Norwich Road, Wymondham, NR18 0SJ Tel: 01953 604144 Email:

Diocesan Secretary: Jenny BirchallAddress: 141 Faulkeners Way, Trimley St Mary, Felixstowe, IP11 0FFTel: 01394 671217 Email:

There are local groups in Buckden, Cambridge, Felixstowe, Ipswich, Lowestoft, Southwold, Thorpe and Wymondham and many individual members across the Diocese,who are affiliated to a section.

CATHOLIC WOMEN’S NETWORKA national network of women who believe that the gospel speaks about freedom from oppression and calls women to full participation in all aspects of life and the Church as amatter of justice. The Network aims to: empower women to grow and mature in their spiritual life; encourage and enable women to engage in theology; work towards the participation of women in every aspect of church life; create new ways of worship together. We publish a quarterly journal, ‘Network’, for all women interested in liturgy, ministry, theology and spirituality. This is available by subscription for non-members.Women Word Spirit has become the voice of CWN. CWN is a member of the NationalBoard of Catholic Women.

Contact: Mary WarrenerAddress: 31 Homeway Road, Leicester, LE5 5RH Web: Email:

CATHOLIC UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND CATHOLIC UNION CHARITABLE TRUSTThe Catholic Union of Great Britain CUGB is the consistent voice of the Catholic laitywhich works to promote and develop the values of our Catholic social teaching by workingwith the Bishops' Conference and members of both Houses of Parliament. This is to en-sure that our values are presented to key decision makers who determine legislation andsocial policy. We also work to promote the common good in public life and it is vital thatthe Catholic voice continues to be proclaimed in public. We liaise with the wider Christiancommunity on issues of common interest. The funding of CUGB is by annual individualmembership subscription.

The Catholic Union Charitable Trust CUCT was launched in February 2015. This will develop and strengthen the role of advancing Catholic moral and spiritual principles bymeans of conferences, lectures, training and seminars on education and by the implementation of a social media strategy. The funding of the CUCT is by donation

Organisations and Societies Directory 135

through the gift aid scheme.President: Sir Edward Leigh MPAddress: The Catholic Union, St Maximilian Kolbe House,

63 Jeddo Road, London, W12 9EETel: 020 8749 1321Email:

CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMUNITIESChristian Life Communities are small groups of people who meet regularly to help eachother deepen their life of prayer. CLC’s special characteristic is the spirituality of St Ig-natius of Loyola, helping members to integrate prayer and action in their daily lives. Forfurther information:

Address: CLC Office, 114, Mount Street, London, W1K 3AHEmail: Web: or

EAST ANGLIAN CATHOLIC HISTORY SOCIETY The East Anglian Catholic History Society is dedicated to promoting knowledge and studyof the history of the Catholic faith in the region covered by the Diocese and to that end itaims to assist and advise local parish history groups, whether established or just settingthemselves up.

Email: catholiceastanglia@gmail.comWeb:

ENGLISH CATHOLIC HISTORY ASSOCIATIONThe Association aims to advance the education of the public in English Catholic historyincluding promoting interest and encouraging research into the Catholic history of England and Wales and helping to preserve relevant documents. Regular meetings andvisits are arranged and members receive a quarterly newsletter.

Secretary: Angela HodgesAddress: 45, High Street, Stoke-Sub-Hamdon, Somerset, TA14 6PR Tel: 01935 823928 Web: Email:

EQUESTRIAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE OF JERUSALEM KHSUnder its Papal Constitution, the Order is a Religious Order of Knighthood, being one ofonly two such recognised by the Holy See, the other being the Sovereign Military Order ofMalta. The Order is worldwide and has the specific task of supporting the maintenanceand advancement of Christianity in the Holy Land through prayer, pilgrimage and almsgiving, principally through the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The Eastern Section, which covers this diocese as well as those of Brentwood andNorthampton, is one of eight Sections in the Lieutenancy of England and Wales.

Eastern Section President: Bernard Waddingham KGCHSEmail: bernard.waddingham@msn.comSecretary: Kathy Bishop DC*HSEmail: Web:

FRIENDS OF THE HOLY FATHERTo pray for His Holiness’s intentions, to study his teaching and make it more widely knownas well as supporting a fund to assist towards defraying the rising expenses incurred infurthering his Apostolic Ministry.

Chairman: John Dean

136 Organisations and Societies Directory

Vice-Chairman: Dr Michael Straiton Secretary: Mary MaxwellAddress: 23a Vincent House, Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2NB Tel: 01844 299455 Email: fhfenquiries@gmail.comWeb:

FRIENDS OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL OF EAST ANGLIAThe Friends, a registered charity no 289281, raise funds for the enhancement of theCathedral, the mother church of the Diocese, through membership subscriptions, donations, legacies and events. They also promote interest in the Cathedral to assist thegrowth of the diocesan family. Subscription is £20 per annum, £10 concessions or £150for life membership, £200 joint.

Chairman: Jeremy EvansTel: 01787 210146Email

GRAIL SECULAR INSTITUTEThe Grail Secular Institute offers a particular way of life to single or widowed Catholicwomen. Those who belong, make a formal commitment to live out their baptismal prom-ises through the channel of the Grail and its mission. There are two ways of belonging: asmembers of the Grail Community, or as individual members Companions. All membersseek to find God in their everyday life situations. Community members live together, expressing a simple, uncluttered and celibate life-style. They aim to be open, to heal andto release the gifts of those whom they meet. They are accountable to those with whomthey live and see all that they undertake as enabling people to grow towards their full potential. Companions of the Grail live independently and follow their chosen occupation.This makes specific demands on each person, but also provides challenge, support andguidance. They meet regularly in area groups and aim to be alert to developments andneeds in both Church and society so as to bring an informed response to daily situations.Companions and the Grail Community spend time together each year to share moredeeply the ethos and mission of the Grail. See also Grail Society, below.

Contact: Moira LeighAddress: The Grail Community, The Hermitage, Cheriton Road,

Winchester, SO22 5HW Tel: 01962 859870Email: Web:

GRAIL SOCIETYGrail people quest for the pearl of great price and value all people at whatever point theyhave reached in their quest. We do this in the awareness of God’s presence surroundingus in the living world, in human society and in all we meet. As a community centred on theEucharist, we are committed to sharing the Christian values that inspire us and bring toour lives a spirit of creativity, celebration and joy. The Grail offers forms of membership forsingle women and married couples and there is also associate membership open to all.Local groups meet regularly throughout the country.

Web: Grail Community: The Hermitage, Cheriton Road, Winchester, SO22 5HW

Tel: 01962 859870 Email:

Diocesan Representatives: Peter and José SmithAddress: 31 Ancient Meadows, Bottisham, Cambridge, CB25 9AX Tel: 01223 813179 Email:

Organisations and Societies Directory 137

KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA - PROVINCE 27 EAST ANGLIAThe order of the Knights of St Columba exists for its members to support the mission ofthe Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the common good of society andthe spiritual, intellectual and material welfare of its members and their families. A memberof the order aims to achieve these objectives through the fundamental virtues of Charity,Unity and Fraternity. Membership is open to all practising Catholic men aged 16 or over.The clergy of all ecclesiastical ranks are also most welcome to join the order as Membersof Honour. To book an illustrated talk on the Order or to obtain details of forthcoming activities in the Province please contact a Provincial officer. For membership details,please contact your nearest council officer, or via the Knights of St Columba websites:


Provincial Grand Knight: Brian LaffertyAddress: 14 Kitchener Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 4HU Email:

Provincial Secretary: Don BlakemanAddress: 59 Breydon Way, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 9ASEmail:

Grand Knights, Charter Councils Province East Anglia No 27: Council 206 Ipswich – Brendan McArdle

Address: 3 Wilmslow Avenue, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4RWEmail:

Council 287 Cambridge – Lawrence J CoyleAddress: 18 Crocksford Road, Newmarket, CB8 9BG Email:

Council 313 Peterborough – Peter O’ ConnorAddress: 41 Somersby Garth, Welland, Peterborough, PE1 4UAEmail:

Council 319 King’s Lynn – Paul BurdickAddress: Maple Lodge, Common Rd North, Walton Highway,

Norfolk, PE14 7DGEmail:

Council 518 Lowestoft – Gordon CuthbertAddress: 22 Sutherland Drive, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 4LPEmail:

Council 534 Great Yarmouth – Wlodzimierz Feliks SzczerbaAddress:17 Tolhouse Street, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2SQEmail:

Council 976 Norwich – Colin HarperAddress: 3 Beeching Road, Norwich, NR1 2LEEmail:

University of East Anglia Cell, Norwich – Rev Andrew EburneAddress: Multi Faith Centre, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJEmail:

LAY DOMINICANSLay members of the Order of Preachers committed to prayer, study, community and mis-sion. Meeting regularly in fraternities, Lay Dominicans pray and study together and thengo out to preach Christ to the world as active lay Catholics. Fraternities are in Cambridgeand Walsingham.

Contact: Ian HerbertsonTel: 01480 810929 Email: Web:

138 Organisations and Societies Directory

LEGION OF MARYA worldwide organisation living and fulfilling the ideals of the Decree on the Lay Aposto-late. Its objective is the spiritual formation of its members through prayer and action underecclesiastical guidance. Its mission is to be at the disposal of the parish priest for all formsof evangelisation and pastoral care so as to bring all peoples to Christ.

All enquiries to: De Montfort House, Morning Star Avenue, Brunswick Street, Dublin 7, Ireland

Email: Web:

LIFELIFE is a registered national charity which provides a nation-wide care service for pregnant girls and women through its network of 50 care centres. It is not an exclusivelyCatholic association. Free and confidential help and support is provided by trained volunteers to those with a problem pregnancy, fertility, infertility and those suffering fromthe effects of an abortion. Free confidential pregnancy testing; Free confidential pregnancy, abortion and post-abortion counselling offered. Free advice given on and helpwith accommodation; Social Security and housing benefits.

National Helpline: 0808 8025433 Text-to-talk service: lifecare88020Main office: 01926 312272Email:

The LIFE Fertility Care Programme LFC helps couples who have difficulty conceiving.This is a non-invasive treatment based on the Natural Procreative Technology NaPro verysuccessfully developed in the USA and available to married couples only at our new clinicin LIFE House, 1, Mill Street, Leamington Spa, Warks. CV31 1ES. For further details:

Contact: Ira WinterTel: 01926 834654 Email:

Life Contacts in East Anglia:Regional and Ipswich Life Chairperson: Miss Judith FellAddress: 43 Bond Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1JD Tel: 01473 214590.Lowestoft: Chris BrooksTel: 01502 563208Email:

LIFE ASCENDING Vie Montante InternationaleFor Christians in their middle and later life, helping them grow spiritually and to take uptheir responsibilities as members of the Church through friendship, spirituality and mis-sion.

President: Ross Roberts National Secretary: Mrs Marie RydeAddress: 63 Dartmouth Road, Hendon, London, NW4 3HYTel: 020 8202 4930 Email: Web:

MARRIAGE CARENational Office: Bishop’s Park House, 25-29 Fulham High Street, Fulham, London

SW6 3JHTel: 0207 371 1341 Fax 0207 371 4921

Organisations and Societies Directory 139

Email: Web:

Established in 1946 to support Marriage and Family Life, Marriage Care provides a freeconfidential counselling service for adults in 54 centres throughout England and Wales.Professionally trained marriage counsellors offer counselling for those with marital andrelationship difficulties. For an appointment or further details contact your local centre at:

Newmarket and Cambridge Tel: 0800 389 3801 Norwich and Peterborough Tel: 0800 389 3801

MERYEMANAEcumenical shrine of Our Lady of Grace based in Ipswich. Monthly meetings. Annual pilgrimage walk on Sunday near to 8 September.

Contact: Miss Judith Fell, 43, Bond Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1JDTel: 01473 214590

Miss Jean JohnsonEmail:

MISSIOMissio is the Pope’s official charity for overseas mission and has 120 offices worldwideunder the coordination of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Rome. We are the Holy Father’s chosen instrument for sharing the Gospel and building the Church throughout the world. Together, the Missio offices globally support 1,069 dioceses in 157 countries.Missio is the only Catholic charity which supports the 40% of the Universal Church that istoo new, young or poor to support itself. We aim to follow Christ’s example by helpingeveryone in need, regardless of background or belief.

Missio comprises four branches which work together to build the Catholic faith throughoutthe world. The four branches are:The Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF): builds the Church and empowers local people to form and sustain communities of faithThe Society of St Peter the Apostle (SPA): trains future priests, sisters and catechistsMission Together (MT): supports disadvantaged and vulnerable children in mission dioceses by providing food, shelter, healthcare, education and spiritual formationThe Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU): educates the faithful about mission

Diocesan Director: Rev Chris Brighten Tel: 07554 799 174Email: Office: 23 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1NU Tel: 020 7821 9755Email: Web: Charity No 1056651

MOVEMENT OF CHRISTIAN WORKERS (Formerly Family and Social Action)To promote ongoing Christian formation through small groups and provide a comprehensive service to them. The groups exist to help people relate faith to daily life,build up Christian community on a local level, give positive support to families and equipand sustain Christians for their civic and social responsibilities. The movement has a development worker who is able to encourage and support new groups throughout thecountry.

Administrator: Jo O’BrienOffice: 337 Clay Lane, South Yardley, Birmingham, B26 1ESEmail: Web:

140 Organisations and Societies Directory

NATIONAL BOARD OF CATHOLIC WOMENA consultative body to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, and with consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC with representatives from 32Catholic organisations and the Dioceses of England and Wales. A forum through whichCatholic women are enabled to share their views and concerns and make recommendations at national and international level. Quarterly paper Catholic Omnibus –‘putting faith into action’ with issues and actions from all the major Church agencies.

Tel: 07724 685780 Email: Development Officer: Mrs Angela Perkins, 12 Worsall Road, Yarm,

Cleveland, TS15 9DFWeb:

OUR LADY’S CATECHISTSAn association of men and women who are qualified to give religious instruction. Ourpostal courses include ‘Sowing the Seed’ for training parish catechists leading to a certificate, or as a developmental course only; ‘Reaping the Harvest’ which provides amore academic training enabling catechists to lead parish programmes; ‘CatholicismMade Simple’ a basic introduction to the Faith for adults and youth; The Children’s Sectionwhich includes the Weekly Gospels suitable for children’s liturgy or children at non-Catholic schools and also a course that prepares children for First Reconciliation, HolyCommunion an Confirmation. Those interested are invited to:

Contact: Angela Ashby, 45 Seaton Road, Felixstowe, IP11 9BSTel 01394 276907 Email: Web:

PILGRIMAGE PEOPLEPilgrimage People is a UK charity (No 1145830) arranging pilgrimage tours to the HolyLand that interact with the local Christian community living there. They also support andencourage twinning between communities in the UK and the Holy Land, and actively sup-port projects which relieve suffering, encourage education and support healthcare. This isdone in close collaboration with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Contact: Fr Paul Maddison, Pilgrimage People, Stapleford Granary, Bury Road, Stapleford, Cambridge, CB22 5BP

Tel: 0800 6123423Email: info@pilgrimagepeople.orgWeb:

PACT – PRISON ADVICE and CARE TRUST (Formerly known as The Bourne Trust) The national Catholic charity supporting the families of prisoners, those coming out ofprison and prisoners themselves. Pact seeks to minimise the harm caused by a prisonsentence, offering an opportunity for a fresh start. Pact work throughout England andWales in courts, prisons and in the community. All of our work is supported by volunteersfrom parishes.If you or someone you know is in need of support please call our free, confidentialhelpline on 0808 808 3444, email us or fill in our helplinewebform by visiting For further information please contact Pact’s Parish & Supporter Relations Team, 29Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UA.

Tel: 020 7735 9535 Email: Web:

Organisations and Societies Directory 141

SECULAR DISCALCED CARMELITE ORDER (Community of Our Lady of Walsingham)Following in the footsteps of the great Carmelite reformers St Teresa of Jesus and StJohn of the Cross, generations of Carmelites have discovered in the Carmelite way of lifea means of developing a close relationship with God and a wonderful foundation for serving God’s people. Under the protection of Mary the Mother of God, SecularCarmelites are women and men, married or single, lay or clerical who live out this heritage through the circumstances of daily life, Holy Scripture, the sacramental life of theChurch, and contemplative prayer. We have a Rule of Life supported by a formation programme. For further information please contact:

Regional Rep: Jane NicholsonTel: 01485 570082 Email:

Communities in East Anglian Diocese monthly meetings:Our Lady of Walsingham, WalsinghamSt Teresa and St Hugh, St Luke’s Catholic Church PeterboroughMother of Carmel and St Henry Morse Carmelite Monastery Quidenham

SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER – EAST ANGLIAN REGIONSecular Franciscans are lay men and women, and diocesan clergy, who make a perma-nent commitment to live the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the spirit of St Francis ofAssisi, following a Rule of Life approved by the Pope. We strive to lead lives of continuingconversion - through a life of penance, evangelical simple living, and prayer - supportedby programmes of formation. It is a vocation to a way of life lived in the spirit of the Beatitudes, drawing inspiration from the lives of St Francis and St Clare. You are called toserve - you discern your call by attending monthly meetings - you will never know if youare called unless you try. You can be assured of a warm welcome. Contacts for local fraternities in the Diocese are:

Cambridge ‘Our Lady of the Poor’ Fraternity – Peter Qualey ofsAddress: 5 Dibbin Close, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3HZ Tel: 01536 407354 Email:

Ipswich ‘Blessed John Duns Scotus’ Fraternity – David Gleave ofsAddress: 4 Nelson Road, Ipswich, IP4 4DS Tel: 01473 720668 Email:

Norwich ‘Pax et Bonum’ Fraternity - Rob Hardie ofs Address: Orchard Cottage, Newton Road, Hainford, Norwich, NR10 3BQTel: 01603 897609 Email:

Walsingham (Re-emerging Fraternity) – Francis Walsh ofsAddress: Rose Cottage, 13 Home Lane, Hindringham, Fakenham, NR21 0PZ Tel: 01328 878321 Email:

Contacts for other fraternities in the region are:Bedford ‘Gospel to Life’ Fraternity - Anne Simmonds ofs

Address: 4 East Court, Goldington Green, Bedford, MK41 0AH Tel: 01234 308395 Email:

142 Organisations and Societies Directory

Clacton ‘Our Lady of Light’ Fraternity - Willem Botha ofsAddress: 2 Heron Road, Frinton-on-Sea, CO13 0UU Tel: 07976 000999 Email:

SECULAR FRATERNITIES OF ST CHARLES DE FOUCAULDAn association whose members aim to help each other to love God more and to knowHim in the Gospels, to adore Him more in the Blessed Sacrament and to love all peoplewithout exception.

Contact: Rev Ron O’TooleAddress: 23 Margaret Lilly Way, Aldborough, Norfolk, NR11 7PA Email: 01263 768053

THE DIOCESE OF EAST ANGLIA DEPENDENT PRIESTS’ FUNDThis Fund is a Registered Charity and has its own Charity Registration Number: 1102707.The purpose of the Fund is to assist the Bishop of the Diocese in the care of SecularPriests of the Diocese of East Anglia, who are permanently or temporarily incapacitatedby old age, infirmity, illness or accident. The Fund exists to assist Priests as regardsneeds that may arise because of some shortfall in the Diocesan Pension and/or becauseof illness, etc prior to retirement. The income of the Fund comes from parish collections,donations, legacies and investment income. Applications for grants are submitted to theFund Trustees, who meet quarterly.

Contact: John Pitt, Financial SecretaryEmail:

THE JULIAN MEETINGSThe Julian Meetings foster the practice and teaching of contemplative prayer in theChristian Tradition. There are groups in all parts of the Diocese. For more information:

Email: Web:

SPECIAL PROJECTS IN CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY AREAS For 50 years SPICMA has been reaching out to the poorest and most marginalized in thedeveloping world. Small communities often lack the means of approaching the largercharities or their needs are too small for consideration by them. SPICMA has focused itswork through missionary congregations and diocesan clergy, helping tens of thousandswith development grants and emergency aid. This builds up the capacity of the localchurch as we realise the importance of faith and an effective partner on the ground. Wehave no offices and all of us are unpaid volunteers.

Address: PO Box 299, Cirencester, GL7 9FP.Contact: Hon Director Patrick Phelan Email: Web:

THE ST BARNABAS SOCIETY(Successor to The Converts’ Aid Society)For the assistance of clergy and religious received into the Catholic Church.

Hon Secretary: William JohnstoneAddress: 4 First Turn, Wolvercote, Oxford, OX2 8AH Tel: 01865 513377Email: johnstonewj@gmail.comWeb:

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THE SOCIETY OF ST GREGORYThe national Catholic society promoting understanding, active participation and goodpractice in the celebration of the liturgy. The Society organises summer schools, lecturesand study days for all who are engaged in liturgy and music as well as regular meetingsfor composers. The Society’s quarterly journal Music and Liturgy available by subscription; contains articles, news, reviews and a practical liturgy planner. The Societyis a registered charity.

Diocesan Contact: Rosemary MuntusAddress: Old Mill House, The Causeway, Hitcham, Suffolk, IP7 7NF Email: rmuntus@aol.comWeb:

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ENGLAND AND WALESEast Anglia Central Council Board:President: Michael McMahon

Tel: 07748 754550.Email:

Treasurer: Bernard Shaw Tel: 01223 240207 Email:

Secretary: Jackie RobertsEmail:

Twinnage: Christine KnightTel: 01223 423823Email:

Gift Aid: Kenneth Wheatcroft Tel: 01223 353047Email:]

Prison Visiting: Francis BuxtonTel: 01328 701793 Email:

SURVIVE-MIVAAn organisation of Catholic lay people which raises funds to provide ambulances, mobiledispensaries and pastoral vehicles to Catholic Missions in areas of urgent need through-out the developing world.

Director: Simon Foran, 5 Park Vale Road, Aintree, Liverpool, L9 2DG

Tel: 0151 523 3878 Fax: 0151 523 3841 Email: Web:

THE UNION OF CATHOLIC MOTHERSFoundations at Costessey, Dereham, St James and St Joseph, Ipswich, St Neots, Inde-pendent members at Hunstanton, West Earlham, Adleburgh and Leiston.

Joint President: Mrs Anne SibleyAddress: 14 Priors Grove, Yaxham, Dereham, NR19 1SL Tel: 07774275569Email: annesibley@iclaud.comJoint President: Mrs Leigh DavisAddress: 7 The White House, St Neots Road, Eaton Ford, St Neots, PE19 BE Tel: 077253 42216Email: Secretary: Mrs Marguerite Wayling, 8 Windmill Lane, Old Costessy,

144 Organisations and Societies Directory

Norwich, Norfolk, NR8 5ED Tel: 01603 742161Spiritual Advisor: Fr Denis Lloyd

WALSINGHAM ASSOCIATIONThe Association exists primarily to spread devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham and encourage Pilgrimage to her Shrine. Branches and groups throughout the country meetregularly with members seeking to deepen their devotion to Our Lady by joining in dailyprayer with members throughout the country and to support prayerfully the growth and development of the Shrine Cambridge: Miss M Plumb

Address: 44 Belvoir Road, Cambridge, CB4 1JJ Tel: 01223 356863

East Dereham: Mrs T SandersonAddress: 2 Homestead, Daffy Green, Shipdham,

Thetford, IP25 7QQ Tel: 01362 822590

Gorleston: Rosary Group Coordinator Susanna CraigAddress: c/o St Peter the Apostle, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth Tel: 01493 655673

King’s Lynn: Mr A D AtheyAddress: 2 Castle Acre Close, South Wootton, King’s Lynn,

Norfolk, PE30 3TD Tel: 01553 671791

Norwich: Mrs Gerri RochfordAddress: 148 George Borrow Road, Norwich, NR4 7HX Tel: 01603 504761

Peterborough: Mrs D RobertsAddress: 125 Leighton, Orton Malborne, Peterborough PE2 5QE

National Secretary: Walsingham AssociationAddress: Pilgrim Bureau, Friday Market Place, Walsingham, Norfolk,

NR22 6EG Tel: 01328 820217 Email: Web:

Diocesan Calendar 145


“Christ’s saving work is celebrated in sacred memory by the Church onfixed days throughout the course of the year. Each week on the day calledthe Lord’s Day the Church commemorates the Lord’s resurrection. Once ayear at Easter the Church honours the resurrection of the Lord and hisblessed passion with the utmost solemnity. In fact, through the yearlycycle the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and keeps theanniversaries of the saints.”

(GNLY 1)

Preliminary Notes

� This Calendar is based on the GENERAL ROMAN CALENDAR, the NATIONALCALENDAR as contained in the Roman Missal (2010) and the revised DIOCESANCALENDAR.� The titular and anniversary of dedication of each church are kept as Solemnities. Lestthey be overlooked, it is advisable to mark them in this Calendar. � Local observances are permitted of Saints or Beati connected in some way with thelocality, as through birth, ministry, death, or custody of major relics. The Bishop should beconsulted in each instance.� On the ‘green’ ferias per annum (of the year) a wide choice of Mass formula isavailable: EITHER of any of the 34 Sundays per annum (with the prayers ofthe Sunday selected, or of another Sunday, or those provided ad diversa), OR of anySaint mentioned on that day in the Martyrology, OR of any votive Mass or Mass addiversa, OR of any Mass for the dead (provided that the daily Mass formula is only usedwhen the Mass is, in fact, applied for the dead). The Requiem Mass which forms part of the funeral rite is allowed on any day exceptthe Paschal Triduum, the Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter, and the Holydays ofObligation.� The Gloria is said on all Sundays (apart from Advent and Lent), Solemnities, Feasts,and other solemn celebrations, but not on Memorials. The Credo is said on Sundays andSolemnities, and is also allowed at other solemn celebrations.� THE LECTIONARY. On Sundays, Cycle B (Year 2) is to be used until theFirst Sunday of Advent, when Cycle C (Year 3) begins. The weekday readings are of Year2. Attention is drawn to the section headed ‘Principles of Choice’ in the introduction. Adecided preference is expressed for continuous readings, as provided for the weekdaysthroughout the year, even though a Memorial occurs (apart from the few instances notedin the Calendar of a strictly proper reading). The 1981 Lectionary provides readings forFeasts observed in this country (Vol II, pp 1316 and fol). For other Solemnities and Feastslacking proper readings, the appropriate Common should be used, while suitable readings may be chosen for special celebrations.� As Eucharistic Prayer IV must always be used with its own preface, the days on which itmay not be used have been indicated by the note ‘Not EP IV’.The Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation also have integral prefaces, and may not be used on Sundays or dayswhen EP IV is not permitted.� Parish priests are bound to offer Mass for their people on all Sundays and Holydays ofObligation.� The necrology includes all clergy of the former Northampton Diocese from the year

146 Diocesan Calendar

1850. Places in parenthesis are where priests died or retired from. Any errors oromissions in the necrology of diocesan clergy should be notified to the Bishop’s PersonalAssistant.



In the Catholic tradition the human experience of time is used as a way of engaging uswith the saving mystery of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. The cycle of days,weeks and the whole year is, for this reason, of supreme importance in Christian worship.

Each week, on the day called the Lord’s Day, the Church commemorates the Lord’sresurrection. Once a year, at Easter, the Church honours this resurrection and passionwith the utmost solemnity. Through the yearly cycle the Church unfolds the entire mysteryof Christ and keeps the anniversary of the saints.

All other celebrations need to find their proper place in the Calendar so that the principalmysteries of the redemption do not lose their appropriate prominence.

Amongst these other celebrations, from the earliest times have been the rogation andember days, days of prayer for particular need or in thanksgiving for particular blessingsof the Lord. Since 1972, the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has preferred todrop all distinction between ember and rogation days, and to speak simply of Days ofspecial prayer.

In 1972, six such days were introduced, but in the years which followed the number ofsuch days increased to such an extent that they risked intruding on the celebration of theliturgical year, and especially on the celebration of the Lord’s Day on Sundays.Subsequently the Bishops’ Conference concluded that from Advent 1996 these Days ofspecial prayer be subsumed into and replaced by a Cycle of Prayer.

The Cycle of Prayer seeks to preserve the integrity of the Sunday liturgy, without losingsight of the importance of being united with the universal or local Church in praying andworking for important intentions. It seeks to do this be encouraging the faithful to pray forthe intentions set out in the Cycle in their personal prayers throughout the periodspecified, and not only at Mass on a particular day.

The Cycle of Prayer is based on a division of the year into six periods, three of thesebeing the principal liturgical seasons of Advent/Christmas; Lent and Easter and the otherthree periods being divisions of Ordinary Time, namely Winter, Summer and Autumn.

Each of these six periods is allocated its proper series of intentions for prayer, which maybe taken up by both individuals and parishes and other groups throughout the season.Each individual intention also has its particular focal point, ie a particular celebration orDay of Prayer ordered by the Holy See.

How might a parish keep the Cycle of Prayer?

Outside of the Liturgy

� Intentions for the whole period might be listed in the parish newsletter or printed on aprayer card so as to help individual parishioners keep in mind and pray for the intentionsfor that period.

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� Publicity and informational material might be displayed on parish noticeboards.� Prayer-focuses may be placed in an appropriate place in the Church – following theexample of the candle symbol popularised by Amnesty International.� Parish meetings might be arranged so as to better inform parishioners about theparticular objects of the intention (eg peace, Christian unity, the place and role of womenin the Church and the world, the sick, sea-farers, racial justice, prisoners and theirfamilies). This will also give the opportunity for parishioners to learn how they mightbecome actively involved in working for the fulfilling of the intentions for which they pray.� Retiring collections might be taken to support particular forms of pastoral activity.

Within the Liturgy


� On the Day of Special Prayer itself, and especially on Sundays, it is appropriate toannounce the Day of Special Prayer in the opening remarks at the beginning of Mass,and for the special intention to be included in the Prayer of the Faithful (Bidding Prayers).Care should be taken that the remaining petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful should beformulated in accordance with the norms given in the General Instruction of the RomanMissal.� When a Day of Prayer or other observance falls on a Sunday, the Mass and Lectionarytexts of the Sunday are normally to be used.� On weekdays the use of suitable ‘Masses for Various Needs and Occasions’ or ‘VotiveMasses’ should be considered to support the marking of the Day of Prayer. The readingsassigned for each day in the Lectionary for weekdays should not be omitted too frequentlyand without sufficient reason. It is often more fruitful to explore any special intentionsthrough the readings assigned to the day, than to choose from the Common those whichmay appear at first sight more appropriate to the intention.� The homily at Mass is necessary for the nurturing of the Christian life. It should developsome aspect of the readings from the scriptural readings or liturgical texts of the Mass,while taking into account the mystery being celebrated or the needs proper to thelisteners. The homily should not be narrowly confined to the intention of the Cycle ofPrayer alone, nor be replaced by a non-homiletic talk or an appeal for money.

Other Liturgies and Celebrations

� When it is desired to have a form of extended prayer for one of the intentions in theCycle of Prayer, serious consideration should be given to holding a special non-eucharistic service for that purpose, such as a Vigil, the Evening Prayer of the Church, aLiturgy of the Word, or a procession with litanies.� Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, ‘which must clearly express the cult of theBlessed Sacrament in its relationship to the Mass’, should also be considered. It shouldbe noted that there is specific provision within this rite for special prayers.� When considering how particular intentions are to be presented and marked within aparish, every effort should be made to extend the invitation to participate in this to allmembers of the parish, including the younger members of the parish, and thehousebound.

Each of the 51 parishes within the Diocese of East Anglia will be allocated one week duringthe year during which to pray, not only for the Intentions of the National Cycle of Prayer, butalso for Vocations to the Priesthood and to the Religious Life, and the Needs and Intentionsof the Diocese. During this week, each Parish shall also have the opportunity to celebrate40 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration, including as they do so, the specific prayers and initiativesof the New Evangelisation.

148 January - Diocesan Calendar



1 Mon SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. W Gl, Cr, Pf of BVM I (on the Solemnity of the Motherhood),

“In communion with” pr. Not EP IV.

2 Tue SS Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen BBDD. Mem. W

3 Wed Christmas Feria. M pr. W or The Most Holy Name of Jesus (W) Fr Guy Pritchard + 1983 (rtd fr. Ely 1970)

4 Thu Christmas Feria. M pr. W Rev Bernard Warwick +2001 (Deacon at Dereham)

5 Fri Christmas Feria. M pr. W

6 Sat Christmas Feria. M pr. W Provost William Wainwright +1983 (rtd fr. All Souls, Peterborough 1955)

1st WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 2 – Our Lady and St Peter, Aldeburgh

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for ‘Building Bridges’ at all Masses (Optional).Announce: Next Sunday is Peace Day and there will be a second collection

for Pax Christi (optional)

7 SUN THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY WGl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. “In communion with” pr.Fr Arthur Speight +1990 (St James, Ipswich)

8 Mon BAPTISM OF THE LORD. Feast WGl. Pf pr. Not EP IV.Fr Henry Stanley +1924 (Gorleston)


During Ordinary Time – (Winter) i.e. up to Lent, we are asked to pray for these intentions:

Peace on Earth: especially on 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time and on Racial JusticeDay which occurs three Sundays before the 1st Sunday of Lent. The World Day ofPrayer for Peace is marked on 1 January. As this day is when the Church celebratesthe Solemnity of Mary Mother of God and it is the beginning of the new year in England, the day is transferred to 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. There may be a collection on this day for the work of Pax Christi. The day of prayer for Racial Justice isorganised by the ecumenical Churches’ Commission for Racial Justice. Within theCatholic Church material is distributed by Catholic Association for Racial Justice(CARJ) for whom a collection may be taken on this day.

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Prayer:O God of peace, who is peace itself and whom a spirit of discord cannot grasp, nor aviolent mind receive, grant that those who are one in heart may persevere in what isgood and that those in conflict may forget evil and so be healed.Roman Missal

Christian Unity: especially during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18–25 January. The Week of was originally begun in 1908 by the American Episcopalian clergyman Paul Wattson who later became a Catholic. The Week begins on 18 January and ends on 25 January—the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul. Material forthe Week of Prayer is prepared in collaboration by Pontifical Council for PromotingChristian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council ofChurches. Each year this material is produced by Christians in a different country.

Prayer:May the divisions among Christians be overcome so that we may hasten to your eternal Kingdom in the perfect communion of the Churchcf. Roman Missal

Victims of Trafficking: especially on feast of St Josephine Bakhita — 8 February. StJosephine Bakhita is the Sudanese Saint who at the age of nine was kidnapped andsold into slavery. She suffered terribly at the hands of her kidnappers so much so thatshe forgot her birth name. Her kidnappers gave her the name ‘Bakhita’ which means‘Fortunate’.

PrayerO God, who led Saint Josephine Bakhita from abject slavery to the dignity of beingyour daughter and a bride of Christ, grant, we pray, that by her example we may showconstant love for the Lord Jesus crucified, remaining steadfast in charity and prompt toshow compassion.Roman Missal

The Sick and Those Who Care for Them: especially on World Day of Prayer for theSick — 11 February. 11 February is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. On this theChurch is asked to pray and give attention to the sick and those who care for them.Each year the Holy Father writes a message.

PrayerAccept the prayers we offer for our brothers and sisters who are ill, that, having beenanxious for them in their danger, we may rejoice at their recovery of Roman Missal

The Unemployed: especially on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. The Day ofPrayer for the Unemployed was organised by Church Action on Poverty. They have recently renamed their day as Poverty Action Sunday. Caritas-Social Action is theagency in the Catholic Church which acts an umbrella for many diocesan and local organisations concerned with poverty and other social issues.

PrayerO God, the source of human dignity, in your image every person is fashioned and byyour Son all people are redeemed. Make us honour the work of your hands, that we may reverence you in those whomthe world considers least and serve you in all whom society neglects.

150 January - Diocesan Calendar

Peace Day Sunday 14 January. Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 – 25 January. Day for Victims of Trafficking Thursday 8 February [St

Josephine Bakhita]. World Day for the Sick Sunday 11 February. Racial Justice Day Sunday 28 January. Day of Prayer for the Unemployed Sunday 11 February.

Weekday Readings of Year II start Vol II, p. 457A decided preference is expressed in the Lectionary’s principles of choice for continuous readings, as provided for weekdays of the year, even though a Memorialoccurs, (apart from a few instances, noted, of a strictly proper reading).

9 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G

10 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G

11 Thu Feria. M ad lib. GCanon Herbert Gray +1951 (Gorleston)

12 Fri Feria. M ad lib. Gor S Aelred of Rievaulx Ab (W)Fr Charles Flynn +1943 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1930)

13 Sat Feria. M ad lib. Gor S Hilary BD (W)or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

2nd WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 3 – St Benet’s Minster, Beccles

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for Pax Christi at all Masses (Optional).

14 SUN 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Peace Day G 15 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Patrick Duffy +1928 (rtd fr. Huntingdon 1909) Fr Alfred Wilson +1936 (Shefford)

16 Tue S Fursey Ab. Mem. (Follow East Anglia pr.) W

17 Wed S Anthony Ab. Mem. W Fr George Fressanges +1944 (St John’s, Norwich)

18 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity begins. Joint services with other Christians are recommended. Mgr Provost Joseph Tonks +1943 (Northampton Cathedral) Fr Derrick Morgan +1984 (Chesham)

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19 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Wulstan B (W) Canon Thomas Fitzgerald +1915 (St John’s, Norwich)

20 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Fabian PpM (R) or S Sebastian M (R) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Thomas Simister +2005 (Bungay) Rev. Anthony Sutton +2014 (Deacon at English Martyrs, Cambridge)

3rd WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 4 – St Thomas of Canterbury, Brandon

This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Racial Justice DayThere will be a Second Collection for the Catholic Association for

Racial Justice next weekend (Optional).

21 SUN 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr Ernest Shebbeare +1936 (Woodbridge) Canon Leonard Tomlinson +1983 (rtd fr. Chesham Bois 1975)

22 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or S Vincent Deacon M (R) Fr David Cox +1956 (St Ethelbert, Slough) Fr Stephen Reith +2009 (rtd fr. Leighton Buzzard 2002) 23 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr James McDermott +1999 (rtd fr. St John Ogilvie, Corby 1996) Fr Arthur Tomlinson +2001 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 1982) Canon Stanislaus Condon +2012 (rtd fr. Woburn Sands 2004)

24 Wed S Francis de Sales BD Mem. W Anniversary of the Bishop’s Episcopal Ordination to be commemorated in the General Intercessions. Fr William Fippard +1895 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1894)

25 Thu THE CONVERSION OF S PAUL, Ap Feast. W Gl, Pf of Apostles Not EPIV

26 Fri SS Timothy & Titus BB Mem. W First Reading pr. (Vol II p.931) Canon Matthias Lane +1886 (Stoke-by-Nayland) Fr John Reffitt +1988 (Swaffham)

27 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Angela Merici V (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Rev Richard Smyth +1988 (Deacon at Sudbury) Rev John Hawkes +2005 (Deacon at Walsingham) Fr George McCann +2015 (rtd fr. Beaconsfield 1996)

152 January/February - Diocesan Calendar

4th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 5 – St Edmund, King and Martyr, Bungay

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Catholic Association for Racial Justice at all Masses (Optional).

28 SUN 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Racial Justice Day G

29 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Francis Rudd +1973 (Southwold)

30 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G

31 Wed S John Bosco P Mem. W Fr William Bodley +1900 (Oxburgh) Fr Joseph Sweeney +1993 (rtd fr. St James, Ipswich 1979)


1 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Henry Morse RelM (R)

2 Fri THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD. Feast. W Candlemas Day. Gl, Pf pr. Not EPIV Blessing of Candles and Procession or Solemn Entrance.

3 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Blaise BM (R) or S Ansgar B (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) The blessing of throats may be given today (even if the memorial of S Blaise is not kept) either after the Gospel at Mass, or at another time of the day. Two unlit candles are held under the throat and the priest or deacon says “Through the intercession of St Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may God free you from disease of the throat and from every other evil, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

5th WEEK OF THE YEAR Psalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 6 – St Edmund, King and Martyr, Bury St Edmunds

This Weekend: Announce: This coming Thursday is a Day of Prayer for Victims of Trafficking and Those Who Work to Combat it.

This coming Sunday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick and a Day of Prayer for the Unemployed.

4 SUN 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G 5 Mon S Agatha VM Mem. R Canon Gerard Roberts +1976 (Beaconsfield)

6 Tue S Paul Miki & Comps. MM Mem. R Fr Louis Allen +1931 (Peterborough)

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7 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Laurence Richmond +1872 (rtd fr. Northampton Cathedral 1865) Archbishop Frederick Keating +1928 (Fourth Bishop of Northampton translated to Liverpool 1921.) Fr James Reidy +1983 (rtd fr. St Mark’s, Ipswich 1969)

8 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Jerome Emiliani P (W) or S Josephine Bakhita V (W) Day of Prayer for Victims of Trafficking. Fr Robert Manley +1983 (St George’s, Norwich)

9 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Rev. Paul Lewin +2001 (Deacon at Sudbury)

10 Sat S Scholastica V Mem. W


During Lent we are asked to pray for these intentions:

Candidates for the Sacraments: especially on the Sundays of Lent

For those preparing to be initiated into the Church at Easter, Lent marks the final stageof preparation, the period of Purification and Enlightenment. It begins with the Rite ofElection on the First Sunday of Lent. During the season of Lent the Scrutinies are celebrated on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays in preparation for Baptism, Confirmationand Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Many parishes will also receive candidates for Reception into the Church.

‘The people of God, as represented by the local Church, should understand and showby their concern that the initiation of adults is the responsibility of all the baptised.’

‘During Lent, the period of purification and enlightenment, the faithful should take careto participate in the rites of the scrutinies and presentations and give the elect the example of their own renewal in the spirit of penance, faith, and charity. At the EasterVigil, they should attach great importance to renewing their own baptismal promises.’RCIA 9

The celebration of other Sacraments, such as Confirmation and First Holy Communion, will often take place within the Easter season so that candidates forthese Sacraments will also be preparing in Lent. These candidates should also be remembered in the prayers of the community.

PrayerFather of love and power, it is your will to establish everything in Christ and to draw usinto his all- embracing love.Guide the elect of your Church, strengthen them in their vocation, build them into thekingdom of your Son, and seal them with the Spirit of your promise.Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Needy and Hungry of the World: especially on Lenten Fast Day, Friday of thefirst week in Lent.

154 February - Diocesan Calendar

The agency for overseas development, CAFOD, encourages the Church in Englandand Wales to use the Friday of the first week in Lent as an opportunity to rememberthe needy and hungry of the world. The day is an opportunity the three Lenten disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving which derive from the proclamation of the Word on Ash Wednesday.The proceeds from the practice of fasting on the Friday are usually collected at Masson the 2nd Sunday of Lent.

PrayerAll powerful Father, God of goodness, you provide for all your creation.Give us an effective love for our brothers and sisters who suffer from lack of food.Help us do all we can to relieve their hunger, that they may serve you with carefreehearts.Roman Missal

Women’s World Day of Prayer: especially on 1st Friday in March

Women’s World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women whocome together to observe a common day of prayer held on the first Friday in Marcheach year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer andservice. Through Women’s World Day of Prayer women are encouraged to becomeaware of their talents and use them in the service of the wider community.

PrayerFather, you have given all peoples one common origin, and your will is to gather themas one family in yourself.Fill the hearts of all women with the fire of your love and the desire to ensure justicefor all.Hear the prayers offered you by women throughout the world for an end to all division,and a human society built on love and peace.Roman Missal (adapted)

Penitents and Wanderers:

The twin themes of Lent are baptism and penance. Lent is a time of reflection andpreparation for Easter. Many parishes offer opportunities for the celebration of theSacrament of Penance in the Lenten season. In recent years some parishes have ex-plored using the Lenten period as a time to assist those returning to the Church after aperiod of not being active in the life of the Church. This reflects the ancient practice ofthe Order of Penitents which reached its end on the morning of Holy Thursday.

PrayerGod of power and might, we praise you through your Son, Jesus Christ, who comes inyour name.He is the Word that brings salvation.He is the hand you stretch out to sinners. He is the way that leads to your peace.

God our Father, we had wandered far from you, but through your Son you havebrought us back. You gave him up to death so that we might turn again to you and find our way to oneanother. Roman Missal: Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation II

Candidates for the Sacraments Especially on the Sundays of Lent. Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 2 March. Lent Fast Day Friday 23 February.

6th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 7 – Our Lady and the English Martyrs, Cambridge

This Weekend: Announce: There are to be days of Fasting and Abstinence on AshWednesday and Good Friday

The time for Easter Communion runs from Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday (Can 920.2). Lenten Alms will be collected throughout Lent for the Diocesan appointed charities - Aid

to the Church in Need (Syria and Iraq) and Don’t Screen Us Out.

11 SUN 6th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G World Day of Prayer for the Sick Day of Prayer for the Unemployed 12 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G

13 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Peter Cansdale +2003 (rtd fr. Cromer 1997)

The series of weeks of the year is now interrupted and will resume after Pentecost.Ps Wk 4 for the rest of this week.


14 Wed ASH WEDNESDAY. Fast and Abstinence V Omit penitential act: bless ashes after Gospel and homily. Pf Lent IV. Not EPIV. Lenten Pf from today until 18 March, unless otherwise noted. Prayer over the People at the Dismissal. The Prayer over the People is optional on all other weekdays of Lent. Provost John Warmoll +1885 (Bedford) Canon Michael Dwane +1913 (Lynford)

15 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V Canon John Dalton +1874 (Norwich) Fr Vincent Weitz +1991 (rtd fr. Princes Risborough 1978)

16 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Cyril Banham +1963 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1961)

17 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order) Mgr Provost Christopher Scott +1922 (Cambridge) Canon Henry O’Connor +1952 (Lynford) Fr Kenneth Chapman +1983 (Wymondham)

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156 February - Diocesan Calendar

1st WEEK OF LENTPsalter Week 1


This Weekend: Announce: Next Friday is Lent Fast DayNext weekend a Second Collection will be taken for the work of CAFOD.

18 SUN 1st SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EPIV. Prayer over the People.

19 Mon Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr John Harris +2013 (rtd fr. St Gregory’s, Northampton 2000)

20 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Gerald Flanagan +1955 (Iver Heath) Fr Gerard Moir +1965 (rtd fr. Clapham Park 1959) Fr Michael Finch +1986 (rtd fr. Beaconsfield 1984)

21 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of S Peter Damian BD or Collect of S Robert Southwell PM – East Anglia Pr.) Fr John Scott +1878 (rtd fr. Sawston Hall 1855)

22 Thu THE CHAIR OF S PETER Ap Feast. W Gl, Pf of Apostles I. Not EP IV Canon Francis Drake +1933 (Convent, Slough)

23 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of S Polycarp BM) LENT FAST DAY Fr Wilfred Johnson +1994 (rtd fr. Wellingborough 1990)

24 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V Bishop Joseph Rudderham +1979 (left Northampton Cathedral 1949 to become Bishop of Clifton) Fr William Gaffney +1985 (rtd fr. Marlow 1975) Fr Michael O’Brien +1985 (St John’s Cathedral, Norwich)

2nd WEEK OF LENTPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 9 – St Philip Howard, Cambridge

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the work of CAFOD at all Masses.Announce: Women’s World Day of Prayer on Friday 2nd March.

25 SUN 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EP IV. Prayer over the People.

26 Mon Lent Feria. M pr. V

27 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V

28 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Charles Reilly +1916 (rtd fr. Woodbridge 1911)

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MARCH 2018

1 Thu S DAVID, PATRON OF WALES B. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV.

2 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Women’s World Day of Prayer

3 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V

3rd WEEK OF LENTPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 10 – Mother of Good Counsel, Clare

4 SUN 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EPIV. Prayer over the People.

5 Mon Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Trevor Richardson +2002 (Swaffham)

6 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of S Kyneburgha)

7 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of SS Perpetua & Felicity MM) Fr Damien Walne +2015 (Great Billing)

8 Thu S FELIX B (Secondary Patron of the Diocese) Feast. W See East Anglian Pr. Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV. Fr Bernard Quinlan +1922 (Shefford) Fr Anthony Chadwick +2005

9 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of S Frances of Rome Rel) Fr Edward Scott +1935 (St George’s, Norwich) Fr Reginald Atkinson +1983 (rtd fr. St Oswald’s, Peterborough 1970)

10 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V

4th WEEK OF LENTPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 11 – Our Lady and St Walstan, Costessey

11 SUN 4th SUNDAY OF LENT (Lætare Sunday) V or Rose Pf pr. Not EPIV. Prayer over the People. Fr David Harris +1925 (High Wycombe)

12 Mon Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Cyril Snowden +1966 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1963)

13 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V

158 March - Diocesan Calendar

Anniversary of the Pope’s election to be commemorated in the General Intercessions. Fr John Ketterer +1973 (rtd fr. Hunstanton 1972) Fr David Woodard +1988 (Oundle) Fr John Glen +1996 (Christ the King, Bedford)

14 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr John McNally +2007 (Felixstowe) Rev Leonard Matthews +2011 (Deacon at Hunstanton)

15 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V

16 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V Mgr Bruno Scott James +1984 (rtd fr. Walsingham 1943)

17 Sat S PATRICK, PATRON OF IRELAND B Feast. W Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol

5th WEEK OF LENTPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 12 – Sacred Heart and St Margaret Mary, Dereham

18 SUN 5th SUNDAY OF LENT V Pf pr. Not EP IV. Prayer over the People. II Vesp. of Sunday.

19 Mon S JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BVM. SOLEMNITY. W Gl, Cr, Pf of S Joseph. Not EPIV. Rev Patrick Byrne +1979 (Deacon at All Souls, Peterborough)

20 Tue Lent Feria. M pr. V

21 Wed Lent Feria. M pr. V Mgr Charles Davidson +1975 (rtd fr. Waterbeach Carmel 1972) Fr Albert Whyatt +1991 (rtd fr. North Walsham 1989)

22 Thu Lent Feria. M pr. V

23 Fri Lent Feria. M pr. V (ad lib. Collect of S Turibius of Mogrovejo B) Fr Geoffrey Brennan +1922 (rtd fr. Thetford 1916) Fr William Cooper +1927 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1918) Fr Augustine Berrell +1995 (rtd fr. March 1987)

24 Sat Lent Feria. M pr. V Fr Joseph Teeling +1979 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 1978)

HOLY WEEKPsalter Week 2

This Weekend: Announce: This week the Church celebrates the Sacred Paschal Triduum.

Good Friday is a day of Fast and AbstinenceThere will be a collection taken for the Holy Land Shrines on Good Friday.

Diocesan Calendar - March 159

25 SUN PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD RPf pr. Not EP IV. Prayer over the People.

Procession or Solemn Entrance at the principal Mass and Solemn or Simple Entrance at other Masses. In the Procession, the priest may wear a cope which is replaced by a chasuble when the procession is over. The unveiled processional cross is decorated with palm branches according to custom. Palms are blessed at the Procession or Solemn Entrance but not at the Simple Entrance. Except at the Simple Entrance, the Introductory Rites of the Mass are omitted.

Bishop T. Leo Parker +1975 (Seventh Bishop of Northampton)




29 Thu THURSDAY OF HOLY WEEK (MAUNDY THURSDAY) THE SACRED PASCHAL TRIDUUM The celebrations of the Sacred Triduum are to be carried out in cathedral and parochial churches and only in those churches in which they can be performed with dignity, that is, with a good attendance of the faithful, an appropriate number of ministers, and the means to sing at least some of the parts. Consequently, it is desirable that small communities, associations and special groups of various kinds join together in these churches to carry out the sacred celebrations in a more noble manner (Norms for the Sacred Paschal Triduum, Roman Missal p. 329 #3). A priest may not celebrate the rites of the Sacred Triduum on his own. MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER W

Gl. Pf of Eucharist I. “In communion with, Therefore, Lord” and “On the day before” pr. Not EP IV.

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in the evening; crosses may be veiled in white and the altar decorated with flowers in moderation. The tabernacle should be entirely empty and sufficient hosts consecrated for today and tomorrow. The Altar of Repose should be decorated with flowers and candles. While the Gloria is sung, all the bells in the church are rung and then remain silent until the Gloria of the Easter Vigil. During the same period, the organ and other musical instruments may be used only to support the singing. The Washing of Feet may take place during the Mass. Following the Prayer after Communion, the Blessed Sacrament is taken to the Altar of Repose where it is kept in a tabernacle. Solemn Adoration may not continue after midnight. After the Blessed Sacrament has been transferred, the altar is stripped of all cloths, cross and candles.

160 March/April - Diocesan Calendar

30 Fri GOOD FRIDAY. Day of Fast and Abstinence. ROffice of Readings and Morning Prayer with the people recommended.The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord about 3pm, unless pastoral reasons suggest a later hour. HC may be given to the faithful only at this celebration, but may be brought to the sick at any hour. According to the Church’s ancient tradition, only the Sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick may be celebrated today and tomorrow.

COLLECTION FOR HOLY LAND SHRINES (Mandatory) Canon Bernard Murray +1924 (Lynford) Fr Henry Macklin +1956 (Cople)

31 Sat HOLY SATURDAY. Today, HC may only be given as Viaticum. Fr Frederick Donovan +1940 (rtd fr. Stowmarket 1939)


During Easter we are asked to pray for these intentions:

New Members of the Church: The Easter Vigil is the usual time to celebrate theSacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) with Adults. The EasterSeason is therefore the time for post-baptismal catechesis or ‘mystagogy’ with thenewly baptised or ‘neophytes’.

‘This is a time for the community and the neophytes together to grow in deepeningtheir grasp of the paschal mystery and in making it part of their lives through medita-tion on the Gospel, sharing in the Eucharist, and in doing works of charity.’ RCIA 234

In many communities and dioceses, the Easter Season is a privileged time to cele-brate the Sacraments of First Communion and Baptism.

PrayerFather, you give your Church constant growth by adding new members to your family.Help us put into action in our lives the baptism we have received in faithRoman Missal

Vocations: Especially on World Day of Prayer for Vocations — 4th Sunday of Easter

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is held each year on the Fourth Sunday ofEaster. In the Gospel of John read on this Sunday, in each of the three years, Jesusspeaks of himself as the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd who has come so thatpeople may have life to the full, the one who lays down his life for his sheep, the onewho knows his sheep — they recognise his voice.

PrayerFather, in your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people.Fill your Church with the spirit of courage and love.Raise up worthy ministers of your altars and ardent but gentle servants of the gospel. Roman Missal

Human Work: Especially on St Joseph the Worker —1 May

Diocesan Calendar - April 161

The commemoration of St Joseph the Worker on 1 May was instituted by Pius XII in1955. It proposes the example and intercession of Joseph as worker and provider.

PrayerGod our Father, creator and ruler of the universe, in every age you call men andwomen to develop and use their gifts for the good of others.With St Joseph as our example and guide, help us to do the work you have asked andcome to the rewards you have promised.Roman Missal (adapted)

The Right Use of the Media: Especially on World Communications Day — the Seventh Sunday of Easter

‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation’ is the message ofthe Ascension of the Lord. It offers the starting point for understanding the right use ofthe media. World Communications Day was established by the Pontifical Council forSocial Communications and each year there is message from the Holy Father

PrayerFather of light, from whom every good gift comes, send your Spirit into our lives withthe power of a mighty wind, and by the flame of your wisdom open the horizons of ourminds.Loosen our tongues to sing your praise in words beyond the power of speech, for without your Spirit men and women could never raise their voice in words of peace orannounce the truth that is Jesus the Lord.

Roman Missal

The Church: Especially at Pentecost

Throughout the Season of Easter the first reading at Mass is taken from the Acts ofthe Apostles. Luke tells the story of the early Church from the Ascension and Pentecost to the early missions of the apostles.

‘When the work which the Father gave the Son to do on earth was accomplished, theHoly Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost in order that he might continually sanctifythe Church. Then “the Church was openly displayed to the crowds and the spread ofthe Gospel among the nations, through preaching, was begun.” As the “convocation” ofall men for salvation, the Church in her very nature is missionary, sent by Christ to allthe nations to make disciples of them.’ Catechism 767

‘Those who with God’s help have welcomed Christ’s call and freely responded to it areurged on by love of Christ to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the world. Thistreasure, received from the apostles, has been faithfully guarded by their successors.All Christ’s faithful are called to hand it on from generation to generation, by professingthe faith, by living it in fraternal sharing, and by celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.’ Catechism 3

PrayerGod our Father, in all the churches scattered throughout the world you show forth theone, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.Through the gospel and the Eucharist bring your people together in the Holy Spirit andguide us in love.

162 April - Diocesan Calendar

Make us a sign of your love for all people, and help us show forth the living presenceof Christ in the world. Roman Missal

St Joseph the Worker: Tuesday 1 May. World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Sunday 22 April. World Communications Day: Sunday 13 May.The Church - especially at Pentecost: Sunday 20 May.


THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT WPf of Easter I. “In communion with” and “Therefore, Lord” pr. Not EPIV.Solemn Blessing. Double “Alleluia” at Dismissal.The Easter Vigil should not begin before nightfall and should end before daybreak. The Easter Proclamation (Exultet) may not be replaced by another text, nor by a hymn. All bells are rung during the Gloria and the altar candles are lit. The Alleluia is intoned three times by the celebrant (or a cantor if necessary).

APRIL 2018


CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 13 – The Most Holy Trinity, Diss

This Weekend: Announce that Friday Abstinence is dispensed during the Easter Octave

1 SUN EASTER SUNDAY. SOLEMNITY WITH OCTAVE. W Seq. Pf of Easter I. “In communion with” and “Therefore, Lord” pr. Not EP IV. Solemn Blessing of Easter Vigil optional. Double “Alleluia” at Dismissal. Renewal of Baptismal Promises in place of Cr. Masses during the Octave have same features as this day, except Seq. ad lib., no Cr or Solemn Blessing, Monday to Saturday.

2 Mon EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Fr Bernard Hindle +1992 (Chesham)

3 Tue EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Mgr Canon John Ashmole +1938 (Northampton Cathedral)

4 Wed EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Fr Michael Foley +1979 (rtd fr. Chesham 1978)

5 Thu EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Canon John Abbott +1858 (Norwich) Rev. Ray Restieaux +1986 (Deacon at St John’s Cathedral, Norwich) Fr Denis Brophy +1992 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1985)

Diocesan Calendar - April 163

Mgr Canon Noel Burditt +2000 (rtd fr. Winslow 1990)

6 Fri EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W Friday Abstinence is dispensed today Fr Donald Hillier +1980 (rtd fr. March 1977)

7 Sat EASTER OCTAVE. M pr. W I Vesp. of fol.

2nd WEEK OF EASTERPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 14 – St Dominic, Downham Market

8 SUN 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER (or of Divine Mercy) W II Vesp. of Sunday. Fr William Poole +1867 (King’s Lynn)

9 Mon THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY W Gl. In Cr, genuflect at “and by the Holy Spirit … and became man.” Pf pr. Not EP IV.

10 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Bernard McCaul +1932 (St Mary’s, Ipswich)

11 Wed S Stanislaus BM Mem. R Canon Ernest Garnett +1948 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1945)

12 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W

13 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Martin I PpM (R) Fr Michael Kennedy +1973 (Newmarket) Fr Francis Tester +2008 (Walsingham)

14 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W

3rd WEEK OF EASTERPsalter Week 3


This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is a World Day of Prayer for Vocations. There will be a Second Collection for the Diocesan Priests’ Training Fund next weekend.

15 SUN 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER W Fr Donald Heptonstall +1954 (Hunstanton)

16 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Henry Long +1936 (rtd fr. Leighton Buzzard 1934) Fr James Mullett +1955 (Great Billing)

17 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W Canon Edward McHugh +1962 (Aylesbury)

18 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Edward Wimbridge +1941 (rtd fr. Wolverton 1939)

164 April - Diocesan Calendar

19 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Wallace Clare +1963 (Prep. School, Ipswich)

20 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Roy Gathercole +2002 (rtd at King’s Lynn)

21 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Anselm BD (W) Canon William Collis +1893 (Shefford)

4th WEEK OF EASTERPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 16 – St Anthony of Padua, Fakenham

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Diocesan Priests’ Training Fund at all Masses.

22 SUN 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER World Day of Prayer for Vocations W II Vesp. of Sunday. Fr Anthony Roberts +1997 (rtd fr. Gorleston 1987) 23 Mon S GEORGE M PATRON OF ENGLAND. SOLEMNITY R Gl, Cr, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV. Fr Thomas Fitzgerald +1940 (Bedford)

24 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Adalbert BM (R) or S Fidelis of Sigmaringen. PM (R) Bishop Charles Grant +1989 (Eighth Bishop of Northampton) Fr George Grace +1998 (rtd fr. Huntingdon 1994) Mgr Canon Edward McBride +2011 (rtd fr. Sheringham 2000)

25 Wed S MARK Evangelist Feast. R Pf of Apostles II. Not EP IV.

26 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W

27 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W

28 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Peter Chanel PM (R) or S Louis de Montfort P (W) Fr David Thomson +1998 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 1985)

5th WEEK OF EASTERPsalter Week 1



30 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Pius V Pp (W)

Diocesan Calendar - May 165

MAY 2018

1 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Joseph the Worker Gospel and Pf pr. Not EP IV (W) Day of Prayer for God’s blessing on human work. M no. 26 For the sanctification of human labour (in urban areas) or M no. 27 At seed-time (in rural areas) Bishop Dudley Cary-Elwes +1932 (5th Bishop of Northampton)

2 Wed S Athanasius BD Mem. W

3 Thu SS PHILIP & JAMES App. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles I. Not EPIV. Fr John Duff +1873 (Ramsey)

4 Fri THE ENGLISH MARTYRS. Feast R Gl, Pf of Martyrs. Not EPIV

5 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W

6th WEEK OF EASTERPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 18 – St Peter the Apostle, Gorleston

This Weekend: Announce: Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord and a Holy Day of Obligation. Next Sunday is World Communications Day.

There will be a Second Collection for the Catholic Communications Network next weekend.


7 Mon Easter Feria. M pr. W Mgr Provost Augustine Peacock +1956 (rtd fr. St Pancras, Ipswich 1953) Mgr Canon Harold Squirrell +1962 (Poringland) Mgr Provost Anthony Hulme +1987 (rtd fr. St Joseph’s, Bedford 1984)

8 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W

9 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W I Vesp. of fol. Vigil M. of Ascension: Gl, Cr, Pf, “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV.

10 Thu THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY. W Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. Gl, Cr, Pf and “In communion with” in EP I pr. Not EP IV.

11 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W

12 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or SS Nereus & Achilleus MM (R) or S Pancras M (R) Canon Thomas Quinlivan +1885 (rtd fr. Cambridge 1883)

166 May - Diocesan Calendar

7th WEEK OF EASTERPsalter Week 3


This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Catholic Communications Network at all Masses.

13 SUN 7th SUNDAY OF EASTER. World Communications Day W

14 Mon S MATTHIAS Ap. Feast R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV.

15 Tue Easter Feria. M pr. W Canon Francis Sammons +1975 (Whittlesey)

16 Wed Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Thomas Richards +1957 (rtd fr. Aston-Le-Walls 1956)

17 Thu Easter Feria. M pr. W Fr Gerald Thornton +1986 (rtd fr. Langley 1981) Fr Bertram Sammons +1988 (rtd fr. Wisbech 1978)

18 Fri Easter Feria. M pr. W or S John I PpM (R) Fr Charles Joole +1883 (Slough) Rev. Anthony Northrop +2012 (Deacon at English Martyrs, Cambridge)

19 Sat Easter Feria. M pr. W or S Dunstan B (W) Vigil M of Pentecost in Extended or Simple Form. Gl, Cr, Pf, “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Double “Alleluia” at Dismissal. Canon George Dalby +1962 (Our Lady’s, Luton)

THE NATIONAL CYCLE OF PRAYERDuring Ordinary Time (Summer) i.e. up to September, we are asked to pray for theseintentions:

A Deeper Understanding between Christians and Jews; Those Who Suffer Persecu-tion, Oppression and Denial of Human Rights; Human Life; Europe; Seafarers.

Day for Life: Sunday 17 June St John Fisher and St Thomas More: Friday 22 JuneEurope - St Benedict: Wednesday 11 July

St Bridget: Monday 23 July St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross: Thursday 9 August

Sea Sunday: Sunday 8 July

7th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3


This Weekend: Announce that next Sunday is the last day for Easter Communions.

Diocesan Calendar - May/June 167

20 SUN PENTECOST SUNDAY. SOLEMNITY. R Seq., Pf “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Double “Alleluia” at Dismissal. Paschal Candle to be kept in the baptistery with due honour so that candles of the newly baptised can be lit from it. Fr Patrick Harte +1976 (St Joseph’s, Bedford)

21 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or S Christopher Magallanes, P & Comps MM (R) Fr Hugh Capper +1988 (rtd fr. Fakenham 1984)

22 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Rita of Cascia Rel (W)

23 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G

24 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G

25 Fri S Bede the Venerable PD Mem. W 26 Sat S Philip Neri P Mem. W

I Vesp. of fol. Fr Charles Meaden +1950 (Thetford) Fr Christopher Back +2014 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 2005) Fr Tony Webb +2016 (rtd fr. Fakenham 2016)

8th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 21 – Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St Edmund, Hunstanton

27 SUN THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. SOLEMNITY. W Missal p533. Pf pr Not EP IV. (Readings of Year B, Vol I p 613) Fr Robert Gates +1876 (rtd at Bury St Edmunds)

28 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G

29 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Rev. John Gardner +1988 (Deacon at St Ives) Fr Brendan Peters +1991 (rtd fr. Quidenham 1989) Mgr Gerald Moorcraft +2011 (rtd fr. Princes Risborough 2010) Mgr Patrick McAleenan +2017 (rtd fr. Our Lady’s, Corby 2009)

30 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Walstan (East Anglia Pr.) (W) Canon James Flint +1936 (rtd fr. Lynford 1933)


JUNE 2018

1 Fri S Justin M Mem. R

2 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G

168 June - Diocesan Calendar

or SS Marcellinus & Peter MM. (R) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Provost George Frederick Stokes +1928 (Ely)

9th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 22 – St Michael the Archangel, Huntingdon

This Weekend: Announce that Abstinence this Friday is dispensed because of the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

3 SUN THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST W (CORPUS CHRISTI). SOLEMNITY. Missal p.537. Gl, Cr, Pf of the Most Holy Eucharist; Not EP IV. Readings of Year B (Vol I. p. 622)

4 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G

5 Tue S Boniface BM Mem. R Canon John J. Mossey +1995 (rtd fr. Hunstanton 1983)

6 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Norbert B (W) Canon Charles Eeles +1926 (King’s Lynn) Fr Thomas K. Philips +1947 (Sheringham)

7 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Thomas Seed +1883 (Shefford) 8 Fri THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS. SOLEMNITY. W Missal p.540. Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Readings of Year B (Vol I p. 631) II Vesp. of day. Friday Abstinence is dispensed today. Fr Francis Byrne +1924 (Costessey)

9 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Immaculate Heart of the BVM. Missal p. 916, Divine Office p. 30*. (W) Readings pr. Pf of BVM I (“on the feast day”) or II. Not EP IV or S Columba Ab (W) or S Ephrem DnD (W) Fr Antony Dillon +1955 (Cambridge) Rev. Martin Dudley Franks + 2006 (Deacon at St Ives)

Mgr Peter Hocken +2017 (rtd as Bishop’s Chaplain, Northampton 2001)

10th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2


This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is the Day for Life.There will be a Second Collection taken for the work of Life Charities next weekend.

Diocesan Calendar - June 169


11 Mon S Barnabas Ap Mem. 1st Reading pr. Pf of App. Not EP IV. R Fr Richard Murtagh +1975 (rtd fr. Rushden 1974)

12 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G

13 Wed S Anthony of Padua PD Mem. W Fr Austin O’Sullivan +1921 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Fr James Purcell +1942 (St Ives)

14 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Arthur Tillett +1962 (rtd fr. Marlow 1959)

15 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Michael Bourke +1896 (Wroxham Hall)

16 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Richard of Chichester B (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Mgr George Davies +1911 (Costessey Hall)

11th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3


This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the work of Life Charities.Announce that next Sunday there will be a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence.

17 SUN 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Day for Life. G 18 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G 19 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Romuald Ab. (W) Fr John Drew +2008 (St George’s, Norwich)

20 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Alban M. (R) Fr Christopher Macgregor +1943 (Ely)

21 Thu S Aloysius Gonzaga Rel Mem. W

22 Fri SS JOHN FISHER B & THOMAS MORE MM. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EPIV.

23 Sat S Etheldreda AbV Mem. W I Vesp. of fol.

12th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4


This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence.Announce that next Friday is the Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul,

a Holyday of Obligation.

170 June/July - Diocesan Calendar

24 SUN THE NATIVITY OF S JOHN THE BAPTIST. SOLEMNITY W Titular of the Cathedral. Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EPIV

25 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G In Cathedral only: I Vesp. of fol.

26 Tue DEDICATION OF THE CATHEDRAL. FEAST W Gl, Pf pr. Not EPIV In Cathedral only SOLEMNITY: Gl, Cr., Pf pr. Not EPIV Fr Edmund Rees-Jones +1982 (rtd fr. Diss 1975) Fr Nigel Bourne +1990 (rtd fr. St Brendan’s, Corby 1981)

27 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Cyril of Alexandria BD (W) Mgr Canon Mark Oleron +1880 (Northampton Cathedral)

28 Thu S Irenaeus BM Mem. R I Vesp. of fol. Vigil M of Solemnity: Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV.

29 Fri SS PETER & PAUL App. SOLEMNITY R Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. Canon Timothy Russ +2013 (Great Missenden)

30 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (R) or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

JULY 2018

13th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 26 – St Mary Magdalen, Ipswich

This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Sea SundayThere will be a Second Collection next weekend for the Apostleship of the Sea.


2 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Thomas McDonald +1875

3 Tue S THOMAS Ap Feast R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV.

4 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Elizabeth of Portugal (W) Fr Maurice Hignett +1982 (rtd fr. Our Lady of Lourdes, Peterborough 1978) Fr George Bennet +2001 (Wymondham)

5 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Anthony Zaccaria P (W) Fr Gerard Collins +1996 (rtd fr. Little Chalfont 1987)

Diocesan Calendar - July 171

6 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Maria Goretti VM (R) Fr Joseph Farrell +1986 (St Laurence’s, Cambridge) Fr John Cureton +2005 (ret fr. Swaffham 1996)

7 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Canon Richard Duckett +1910 (Norwich)

14th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2


This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Apostleship of the Sea at all Masses.

8 SUN 14th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Sea Sunday G Fr George Webb +1950 (rtd fr. Thetford 1937) Fr Eric Woodhead +2010 (rtd at Poringland)

9 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or S Augustine Zhao Rong P & Comps. MM (R) Fr Francis Warmoll +1899 (Stowmarket)

10 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Provost Seth Eccles +1884 (Weston Underwood) Fr Edmund O’Gorman +1974 (rtd fr. Rushden 1965)

11 Wed S BENEDICT Ab PATRON OF EUROPE. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors or Religious. Not EPIV Bishop Michael Evans +2011 (Third Bishop of East Anglia)

12 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Alexander Scott +1918 (Lowestoft) Fr Edward Hill +1990 (rtd fr. Little Chalfont 1975)

13 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Henry (W) Rev Hubert Grant Scarfe +1995 (Deacon)

14 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Camillus de Lellis P (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

15th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 28 – Our Lady of the Annunciation, King’s Lynn

15 SUN 15th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr Tom Feighan +2016 (rtd fr. High Wycombe 2011)

16 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady of Mount Carmel (W) Anniversary of Bishop’s Installation to be commemorated

172 July - Diocesan Calendar

in the General Intercessions. Fr Bernard Nesden +1999 (rtd fr. Hunstanton 1995) Bishop Alan C. Clark +2002 (First Bishop of East Anglia) Canon Patrick Carey +2015 (rtd fr. Bourne End 1996)

Mgr Anthony Philpot +2016 (rtd fr. English College, Rome 2006)

17 Tue Feria. M ad lib. GFr Joseph Clemente +1918 (Slough)Fr William Jolly +1982 (rtd fr. Costessey 1975)

18 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G

19 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G

20 Fri Feria. M ad lib. Gor S Apollinaris BM (R)Fr Laurence O’Toole +2010 (rtd fr. Sawston 2000)

21 Sat Feria. M ad lib. Gor S Laurence of Brindisi PD (W)or Our Lady on Saturday (W)Canon Denis McSweeney +2015 (Flitwick)

16th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 29 – Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Lowestoft


23 Mon S BRIDGET Rel. PATRON OF EUROPE. Feast W Gl, Pf I or II of Saints or Pf of Holy Virgins and Religious. Not EPIV Fr Vincent MacRory +2013 (rtd fr. SS Philip & James, Bedford 1999)

24 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Sharbel Makhluf P (W) Fr Joseph Parr +1983 (Our Lady of Lourdes, Peterborough)

25 Wed S JAMES Ap Feast R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. Canon Stephen Longman +1885 Fr Patrick Oates +1975 (Sacred Heart, Luton) Mgr John Drury +2005 (rtd fr. Kirtling 2004) Mgr Richard Wilson +2010 (rtd fr. Costessey 2004)

26 Thu SS Joachim & Anne, parents of the BVM. Mem. W Canon Edmund Stokes +1961 (English Martyrs, Cambridge) Fr Robert McCormick +2015 (rtd fr. Diss 2003)

27 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G

28 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

Diocesan Calendar - July/August 173

17th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 30 – Our Lady of Good Counsel and St Peter, March

29 SUN 17th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr Montgomery Fulcher +1973 (Stoke-by-Nayland)

30 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or S Peter Chrysologus BD (W)

31 Tue S Ignatius of Loyola P Mem. W


1 Wed S Alphonsus Liguori BD Mem. W

2 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Eusebius of Vercelli B (W) or S Peter Julian Eymard P (W)

3 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Hugh Byron +1993 (rtd fr. Wisbech 1984)

4 Sat S John Vianney P Mem. W I Vesp. of fol. Mgr John Ryan +2008 (rtd fr. Buckingham 1995)

18th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 31 – Our Lady Immaculate and St Etheldreda, Newmarket

5 SUN 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr William Oddy +2007 (rtd fr. Costessey 1986)


7 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Sixtus II Pp & Comps. MM (R) or S Cajetan P (W)

8 Wed S Dominic P Mem. W


10 Fri S LAWRENCE DnM Feast. R Gl, Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV. Canon Patrick Grogan +1940 (rtd fr. Wroxham Hall 1926) Fr Thomas Walker +1949 (rtd fr. Gorleston 1945) Fr Stephen Doupe +1972 (Hunstanton)

174 August - Diocesan Calendar

11 Sat S Clare V Mem. W I Vesp. of fol.

19th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 32 – The Sacred Heart, North Walsham

This Weekend: Announce that this coming Wednesday is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holyday of Obligation.


13 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or SS Pontian Pp & Hippolytus P MM (R)

14 Tue S Maximilian Mary Kolbe, PM Mem. R I Vesp. of fol. Vigil M of Solemnity: Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. W

15 Wed THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BVM. SOLEMNITY. W Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EP IV. Holyday of Obligation. M for the People.

16 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Stephen of Hungary (W)

17 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G

18 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Ethelbert Payne +1967 (Wellingborough)

20th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4



20 Mon S Bernard AbD Mem. W

21 Tue S Pius X Pp Mem. W Bishop Francis Amherst +1883 (Second Bishop of Northampton) Fr John Lickert +1934 (Newmarket)

22 Wed The Queenship of the BVM. Mem. W

23 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Rose of Lima V (W) Fr Joseph Mayne +1942 (Northampton Cathedral)

24 Fri S BARTHOLOMEW Ap Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. Fr Andrew Kay +1932 (Slough) Mgr Canon Arthur Brewer +1972 (rtd fr. Our Lady’s, Luton 1972)

Diocesan Calendar - August 175

25 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Louis (W) or S Joseph Calasanz P (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

21st WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 34 – St Peter and All Souls, Peterborough

This Weekend: Announce that this coming Saturday is theWorld Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

26 SUN 21st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Mgr Canon William Hunting +1969 (Shefford)

27 Mon S Monica Mem. W Fr Frederick Lockyer +1954 (Bury St Edmunds) Mgr Canon Paul Taylor +2002 (rtd fr. Ely 1993)

28 Tue S Augustine BD Mem W

29 Wed The Passion of S John the Baptist M Mem. R Gospel pr. Pf pr. Not EP IV

30 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or SS Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line, & Margaret Ward MM (R) Fr Patrick Crowe +2000 (Our Lady’s, Luton)

31 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Aidan B & SS of Lindisfarne (W)


During Ordinary Time (Autumn), ie from September to Christ the King, we are askedto pray for these intentions:

The Harvest: the Fruits of Human Work and the Reverent Use of Creation; especiallyon World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1 September) and on last Sunday inSeptember or whenever Harvest Festivals are held.

“The annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation will offer individual believersand communities a fitting opportunity to reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewardsof creation, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he has entrusted to ourcare, and to implore his help for the protection of creation as well as his pardon for thesins committed against the world in which we live.” (Pope Francis, Letter inaugurating World Prayer of Care for Creation)

The Church has long celebrated the agricultural harvest. This intention also includesall human work. In all circumstances of human life there are choices to be made regarding the environment and our reverent stewardship of the God’s gift of creation.“The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. Therefore the earth’s treasures no longer serve to build God’s gardenfor all to live in, but they have been made to serve the powers of exploitation and destruction” (Benedict XVI, homily at Inaugural Mass, 2005).”

176 September - Diocesan Calendar

PrayerO Lord, good Father, who in your providence have entrusted the earth to the humanrace, grant, we pray, that with the fruits harvested from it we may be able to sustain lifeand, with your help, always use them. Roman Missal

Students and Teachers: especially on Education Day — 2nd Sunday of September

The day of prayer for Education is organised ecumenically by the Education agenciesof the various denominations. In the Catholic Church material is distributed by theCatholic Education Service. There may be a collection for the Agency on this Sunday.

PrayerGod is the source of all wisdom and knowledge.Let us ask him to bless those who seek to learn and their teachers.For students, that the Spirit of God may grant them the gifts of wisdom of understanding.For teachers, that they may share their knowledge with gentleness, patience, and concern for their students.Book of Blessings

The Spread of the Gospel: especially on Home Mission Day: 3rd Sunday in September and World Mission Day: the penultimate Sunday in October

Home Mission Day is on the 3rd Sunday in September. Material for the day is preparedby the Home Mission Desk. There may be a collection to support the work of theagency.World Mission Day is on the penultimate Sunday in October. A Mass ‘for the Spread ofthe Gospel’ may be celebrated on this Sunday. Each year the Holy Father writes amessage for World Mission day. In England and Wales material is produced forparishes by the Pontifical Mission Societies. There may be a collection for their workon this day.

PrayerO God, whose will it is that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of thetruth, look upon your abundant harvest and be pleased to send workers to gather it,that the Gospel may be preached to all creation and that your people, gathered by theword of life and sustained by the power of the Sacraments, may advance in the path ofsalvation and love.Roman Missal

Justice and Peace in the World: especially on Harvest Fast Day: 1st Friday in OctoberThe Harvest Fast Day is one of two such days organised by CAFOD. The money offered from the fasting is usually collected at Mass on the following Sunday.

PrayerO God, who shows a father’s care for all, grant, in your mercy, that the members of thehuman race, to whom you have given a single origin, may form in peace a single family and always be united by a fraternal spirit. Roman Missal

Prisoners and their Families: especially on Prisoners Sunday (2nd Sunday on October) and in Prisons Week: 2nd Week in October

Diocesan Calendar - September 177

Prisoners Week was a Catholic initiative begun in 1975 by Bishop Victor Guazelliwhich has since ecumenical support and observance. It reflects the work of the PrisonAdvice and Care Trust which builds on its origins as the Bourne Trust — the CatholicPrisoner’s Aid Society. The Sunday and the following week seek to focus attention notonly on the needs of prisoners but on all those involved the field of prison care, prisoners families, victims of crime, prison staff and many volunteers.

PrayerAlmighty and merciful God, to whom alone the secrets of the heart lie open, who recognize the just and make righteous the guilty, hear our prayers for your servantsheld in prison, and grant that through patience and hope they may find relief in their affliction and soon return unhindered to their own Roman Missal

All Victims of War: especially on Remembrance Sunday: 2nd Sunday in November

Remembrance Sunday falls on the Sunday nearest Armistice Day, 11 November,which marks the end of the First World War. On this day are remembered all thosewho gave their lives for their country, all who suffered and died through acts of war andthose who were left behind to grieve and mourn. In England and Wales one Mass forthe Dead may celebrated on this Sunday.

PrayerO God, merciful and strong, who crushes wars and casts down the proud, be pleasedto banish violence swiftly from our midst and to wipe away all tears, so that we may alltruly deserve to be called your children.Roman Missal

Young People: especially on Christ the King: 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The Church in England and Wales has marked the contribution of young people onChrist the King for many years. Universally it is marked on Palm Sunday. In manyparishes it is an opportunity to focus on the role of young people in the Sunday liturgyand in the life of the parish. Over the last few years material prepared to assist the dayhas used the live simply campaign. There may be a collection for diocesan and nationyouth services on this day.

PrayerO God, who gave one origin to all peoples and willed to gather from them one familyfor yourself, fill all hearts of all young people, we pray, with the fire of your love andkindle in them a desire for the just advancement of their neighbour, that, through thegood things which you richly bestow upon all, each human person may be brought toperfection, every division may be removed, and equity and justice may be establishedin human society. Roman Missal (adapted)

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Saturday 1 SeptemberEducation Day Sunday 9 September Home Mission Day Sunday 16 September World Mission Day Sunday 21 October The Harvest, etc Sunday 23 September or

whenever Harvest Festivals are held.

Harvest Fast Day Friday 5 October

178 September - Diocesan Calendar

Prisons Week 14 - 20 OctoberRemembrance Day Sunday 11 November World Day of the Poor Sunday 18 NovemberYouth Day Sunday 25 November


1 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

22nd WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2


This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Education DayThere will be a Second Collection next weekend for the

Catholic Education Service (Optional).

2 SUN 22nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G Fr Arthur Wallace +1898 (Convent, Ipswich)

3 Mon S GREGORY THE GREAT PpD Feast. W Pr in England, Missal p. 998. Gl, Pf of Holy Pastors. Not EP IV.

4 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Cuthbert B (W) Fr Michael Geraghty +1952 (rtd fr. Felixstowe 1943)

5 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Fr James Marks +1996 (Chesham)

6 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G

7 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G

8 Sat THE NATIVITY OF THE BVM. Feast. W Gl, Pf of BVM I. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol. Fr Francis Glanfield +1986 (Northampton Cathedral) Fr Paul Mercer +2016 (rtd fr. Bury St Edmunds 2015)

23rd WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 36 – Sacred Heart and St Oswald, Peterborough

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Catholic Education Service (Optional).Announce: Next Sunday is Home Mission Day There will be a Second Collection next

weekend for the Home Missions.

9 SUN 23rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Education Day G Fr Mortimer Flanagan +1946 (Swaffham) Fr James Smith +2011(rtd fr. March 1982)

Diocesan Calendar - September 179

10 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G

11 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Canon William Burrows +1959 (St Pancras, Ipswich)

12 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or The Most Holy Name of Mary (W)

13 Thu S John Chrysostom BD Mem. W


15 Sat Our Lady of Sorrows. Mem. W Proper Readings Seq. ad lib., Pf of BVM I “on the feast day”. I Vesp. of fol. Bishop Arthur Riddell +1907 (Third Bishop of Northampton)

24th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 37 – Our Lady of the Annunciation, Poringland

This Weekend Take a Second Collection for the Home Missions at all Masses.

16 Sun 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Home Mission Day G

17 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or S Robert Bellarmine BD (W)

18 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Ronald Waldie +1911 (Rushden) Fr Francis Murphy +1994 (rtd fr. Marlow 1976)

19 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Januarius BM (R) or S Theodore of Canterbury B (W) Fr George Miles +1931 (Stoke-by-Nayland)

20 Thu SS Andrew Kim Tae-gon P, Paul Chong Ha-sang and R Comps. MM Mem Mgr Graham Adams +2014 (rtd fr. Aston-le-Walls 2010)

21 Fri S MATTHEW Ap & Evangelist Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV.

22 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Provost William Blackman +1911 (Great Billing)

25th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1



180 September/October - Diocesan Calendar

24 Mon OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM. Feast. W PRINCIPAL PATRON OF THE DIOCESE. (Follow East Anglia Pr.) Gl, Pf of BVM I “on the feast day” or II or of the Annunciation. Not EP IV. Fr Ivan Rudkin +2009 (Woodbridge)

25 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Henry Colpman +1899 (Wisbech)

26 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or SS Cosmas & Damian MM (R) Fr Edmund Golston +1990 (rtd fr. Woburn Sands 1985) Fr Michael Edwards +2003 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1996) Fr Anthony Sketch +2012 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 2009)

27 Thu S Vincent de Paul P Mem. W Canon William Moser +1911 (Peterborough)

28 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Wenceslaus M (R) or SS Lawrence Ruiz & Comps. MM (R) Fr George Page +1937 (Wisbech)

29 Sat SS MICHAEL, GABRIEL & RAPHAEL, Archangels. Feast. W Gl, Pf of Angels. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol.

26th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2


This Weekend: Announce: Next Friday is Harvest Fast Day. There will be a Second Collection for CAFOD next weekend.



1 Mon S Therese of the Child Jesus VD Mem. W

2 Tue The Holy Guardian Angels Mem. W Readings pr. Pf pr. Not EP IV

3 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Rev Donald Faux +1996 (Deacon at Wells-next-the-Sea) Fr John Maunsell +1999 (rtd fr. Aston-le-Walls 1981)

4 Thu S Francis of Assisi DnRel Mem. W Fr Francis Armstrong +1967 (Sheringham) Fr Cyril Henslow +1968 (rtd fr. Leighton Buzzard 1961) Fr Geoffrey Crawfurd +1969 (Langley, Slough)

5 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G HARVEST FAST DAY

Diocesan Calendar - October 181

6 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Bruno P (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Canon Robert Pate +1911 (Notre Dame Convent, Northampton) Fr Malcom Cowin +1984 (Wymondham)

27th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 40 – Our Lady of Lourdes and St John Fisher, Sawston & Cambourne

This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (1st of 4).Take a Second Collection for CAFOD.

Announce: Next Sunday is the start of Prisons’ Week, during which we are asked to prayfor prisoners and their families. There will be a second collection for the Prisons Advice

and Care Trust (optional).


8 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G

9 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Denis B and Comps. MM (R)

or S John Leonardi P (W) or Blessed John Henry Newman P (W)

10 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Paulinus of York B (W) Fr William Lowndes +1929 (St Pancras, Ipswich)

11 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G

12 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Wilfrid B (W)

13 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Edward the Confessor (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

28th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 41 – Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham and Cromer

This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (2nd of 4).Take a second collection for the Prisons Advice and Care Trust at all Masses (optional).Announce: This week is Prisons Week during which we are asked to pray for prisoners

and their families. Next Sunday is World Mission Day. There will be a Second Collection for Missio (The

Association for the Propagation of the Faith) taken next weekend.

14 SUN 28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G Fr Robert Middleton +1906 (Bedford) Fr Thomas Scott +1928 (rtd fr. Aylesbury 1926) Fr Benjamin Grist +2012 (at Ditchingham)

182 October - Diocesan Calendar

15 Mon S Teresa of Jesus VD Mem. W Fr Edgar Hardwick +1971 (Coldham Cottage)16 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S Hedwig Rel (W) or S Margaret Mary Alacoque V (W) Rev. Thomas Newland +1989 (Deacon at St George’s, Norwich)

17 Wed S Ignatius of Antioch BM Mem. R Fr Michael Sellers +1987 (Wolverton)

18 Thu S LUKE, Evangelist. Feast. R Gl, Pf. of Apostles II. Not EPIV Fr James Sloan +1988 (rtd fr. Southwold 1984)

19 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S John de Brébeuf and S Isaac Jogues PP & Comps MM (R) or S Paul of the Cross P (W) 20 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr William Bainbridge +1970 (rtd fr. High Wycombe 1963)

29th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 42 – The Sacred Heart, Southwold

This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (3rd of 4).Take a Second Collection for Missio (APF) at all Masses.

21 SUN 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME World Mission DayG

22 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G or S John Paul II Pp (W) Fr Arthur (Sandy) Phelps +2016 (rtd at St Philip Howard, Cambridge)

23 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G or S John of Capistrano P (W)

24 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Anthony Claret B (W) Canon Bernard Smith +1903 (Marlow) Mgr Provost Frank Diamond +1992 (rtd fr. Great Billing 1990)

25 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Mgr Harry Wace +2002 (rtd fr. Dereham 2001)

26 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or SS Chad & Cedd BB (W) Canon William Hammond +1900 (Aston-le-Walls)

27 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W)

Diocesan Calendar - October /November 183

30th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2


This Weekend: Take a Mass Count at each Mass this Weekend (4th of 4).Announce: This coming Thursday is All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation,

This coming Friday is All Souls’ DayThere will be a Second Collection next weekend for the St Edmund’s Fund.


29 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Leo Hammond +1999 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 1993) Fr Christopher Roberts +1999 (rtd fr. St Aidan’s, Northampton 1988)

30 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G

31 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G I Vesp. of fol. Provost Frederick Charles Husenbeth +1872 (Costessey)


1 Thu ALL SAINTS. SOLEMNITY. W Holyday of Obligation. M for the People. Gl; Cr; Pf pr. Not EPIV. II Vesp. of Day

2 Fri THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) V or Black Every priest may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses today, with an interval of time between one Mass and the next. A stipend may be taken for only one. One Mass is to be offered for the Pope’s Intentions and one for the Holy Souls.

3 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Martin de Porres Rel (W) or S Winifride V (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Robert Allan +1953 (rtd fr. Lowestoft 1941) Mgr Canon Joseph McShee +1971 (rtd fr. Costessey 1965)

31st WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 44 – Our Lady and St John the Evangelist, Sudbury

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the St Edmund’s Fund at all Masses.


5 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Thomas Lynch +1992 (St Oswald’s, Peterborough)

184 November - Diocesan Calendar

6 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G

7 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G or S Willibrord B. (W) Mgr Valentine Elwes +1966 (Clapham Park) Fr Brian Nightingale +1983 (St Oswald’s Peterborough)

8 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Bernard Heath +2013 (rtd fr. St Mary’s, Ipswich 2005)


10 Sat S Leo the Great PpD Mem. W I Vesp. of fol.

32nd WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 45 – Our Lady of Pity, Swaffham

11 SUN 32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Remembrance Day G One Requiem Mass for the War Dead permitted: no Gl, readings from Masses for the Dead, Cr is said, Pf of the Dead. Canon Henry St Leger-Mason +1940 (Southwold) Fr Basil Jones +1974 (Thetford)

12 Mon S Josaphat BM Mem. R Fr Raymond Kerby +2009 (rtd fr. St Ives 2001)

13 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Augustine Wilkinson +1934 (rtd fr. Coldham Cottage 1925)

14 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Bishop Laurence Youens +1939 (Sixth Bishop of Northampton) Fr William Arrowsmith +1954 (rtd fr. Brantham 1950) Fr Geoffrey Jarvis +2009 (Walsingham)

15 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G or S Albert the Great BD (W) Rev Terence McCarthy +1997 (Deacon at St Ives)

16 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Margaret of Scotland (W) or S Gertrude V (W) or S Edmund of Abingdon B (W)

17 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or S Hilda Ab (W) or S Hugh of Lincoln B (W) or S Elizabeth of Hungary Rel (W) or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr J. Richard B. Smith +1971 (rtd fr. Thornton College 1949)

Diocesan Calendar - November 185

33rd WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1


This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King and is celebratedas Youth Day.

There will be a Second Collection next weekend for the Diocesan Youth Service.

18 SUN 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME G World Day of the Poor 19 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Thomas Walmsley-Carter +1938 (Sheringham) Fr Bryan Houghton +1992 (rtd fr. Bury St Edmunds 1969)

20 Tue S EDMUND, King M Feast R SECONDARY PATRON OF THE DIOCESE. Follow East Anglia Pr. Gl Pf of Holy Martyrs. Not EP IV

21 Wed The Presentation of the BVM. Mem. W Pf of BVM I “on the feast day”. Not EP IV. Fr John Kemp +1882 Fr William Barker +1958 (Fakenham) Fr Donald Jenkinson +1977 (Kettering)

22 Thu S Cecilia VM Mem. R Canon Patrick Rogers +1918 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Rev. Francis Hanley +2008 (Deacon at St George’s, Norwich)

23 Fri Feria. M ad lib. G or S Clement I PpM. (R) or S Columban Ab (W)

24 Sat S Andrew Dung-Lac P & Comps. Mem. R I Vesp. of fol.

34th WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 47 – Church of the Annunciation, Walsingham

This Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Diocesan Youth Service at all Masses.

25 SUN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE. W SOLEMNITY. Youth Day. Missal, p. 543. Readings of Year B (Vol I. p. 829) Fr Ronald Fawsitt +1990

26 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G Provost Hugh Parker +1961 (rtd fr. Gorleston 1958)

27 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Canon Denis Brennan +1967 (Our Lady’s, Corby)

28 Wed Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Henry King +1907 (Shefford)

186 November/December - Diocesan Calendar

29 Thu Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Henry Hughes +1943 (Lynford) Canon Gerard Hulme +1978 (rtd fr. Sheringham 1976) Fr Francis Hacon +1989 (Cromer)

30 Fri S ANDREW Ap Patron of Scotland. Feast. R Gl, Pf of Apostles. Not EP IV. Fr Edward Watkis +1958 (rtd fr. North Walsham 1956)


1 Sat Feria. M ad lib. G or Our Lady on Saturday (W) Fr Henry Logan +1884 Fr Ronald Henry Bustin +1992 (Little Chalfont)


During Advent and Christmastide, we are asked to pray for these intentions:

Openness to the Word of God: especially on 2nd Sunday of Advent

In many denominations this Sunday is known as Bible Sunday. This originates from theCollect for this Sunday in the Book of Common Prayer:

PrayerBlessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us soto hear them, to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that, through patience,and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope ofeverlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Advent is a time when the Church ‘re-reads and re-lives the great events in salvationhistory in the ‘“today” of her liturgy’. [CCC 1095]

PrayerAll-wise God, as you have granted us to drink with delight from the Word that leads usto know you, in your goodness grant us also to come at length to you, source of allwisdom and stand for ever before your face. Based on a prayer of the Venerable Bede

Migrants and Refugees: especially on 3 December.

On December 3rd the Church commemorates St Francis Xavier. This is the day chosen by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peopleto mark World Migration Day. Each year there is a message from the Holy Father reflecting on the ‘signs of the times’.

“Asylum seekers and refugees - I wish to underline how the tendency is to stop at thequestion of their arrival while disregarding the reasons for which they left their nativeland.” [Benedict XVI - Message for World Migration day 2005]

PrayerLord, no one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care.In your kindness watch over refugees and exiles, those separated from their loved

Diocesan Calendar - December 187

ones, young people who are lost, and those who have left or run away from home.Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be and help us always to showyour kindness to strangers and those in need.Roman Missal: For Refugees and Exiles

Expectant Mothers: especially on 4th Sunday of Advent

The Gospel on the 4th Sunday of Advent focusses on the role of Mary in our salvation.Over the three year cycle the gospel tells of the betrothal of Mary to Joseph, the Annunciation and the Visitation. The stories prepare us for the Birth of our Lord atChristmas.

PrayerGod has brought gladness and light to the world through the Virgin Mary’s delivery ofher son.Grant the prayer of all mothers to be as they ask for the birth of a healthy child.May they safely deliver a son or daughter to be numbered among your family, to serveyou in all things, and to gain eternal life.Adapted from the Book of Blessing

Migrants’ Day Monday 3 December Bible Sunday Sunday 9 December Expectant Mothers Sunday 23 December

1st WEEK OF ADVENT (Year C; Weekday Cycle I)Psalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 48 – St Jude the Apostle, Whittlesey

Today the liturgical cycle begins anew. The Sunday readings are taken from Year C(III) and the weekday readings from Year I.

During the Season of Advent, the Gloria is not said, unless otherwise noted, anduntil 16 December the Preface of Advent I is used at all Masses (except Masses forthe dead) unless otherwise noted. EP IV is not permitted.

2 SUN 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT. V Pf of Advent I. Not EP IV. Fr John Taylor +1876

3 Mon S Francis Xavier P Mem. (Migrants’ Day) W

4 Tue Advent Feria. M pr. V or S John Damascene PD (W)

5 Wed Advent Feria. M pr. V Fr Lawrence Howlin +1992 (rtd fr. St Neots 1989)

6 Thu Advent Feria. M pr. V or S Nicholas B (W) Fr Thomas Walters +1974 (rtd fr. Olney 1964)

7 Fri S Ambrose B Mem. W I Vesp. of fol. Mgr Provost John Freeland +1940 (Thornton College)

188 December - Diocesan Calendar

Fr Anthony Seely +2011 (rtd fr. St John’s Cathedral, Norwich 2009) 8 Sat THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BVM. SOLEMNITY.W Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EPIV I Vesp. of fol. Fr Christopher Madden +1918 (St Pancras, Ipswich) Mgr Canon John Malone +1970 (rtd fr. Northampton Cathedral 1966)

2nd WEEK OF ADVENTPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 49 – Our Lady and St Charles Borromeo, Wisbech

This Weekend: Announce that there will be a Second Collection next weekend for theDependent Priests’ Fund.

9 SUN 2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT. Bible Sunday V Pf of Advent I. Not EP IV. Fr Kevin Jones +1957 (St George’s, Norwich) Fr Brendan Gorman +2013 (Christ the King, Bedford)

10 Mon Blessed Martyrs of East Anglia. Mem (Follow East Anglia Pr)R 11 Tue Advent Feria. M pr. V or S Damasus I Pp (W) Fr Bernard Davenport +2012 (Chesham Bois)

12 Wed Advent Feria. M pr. V or Our Lady of Guadalupe (W)

13 Thu S Lucy VM Mem. R Fr Bernard Hyde +1961 (rtd fr. Northampton Cathedral 1936)

14 Fri S John of the Cross PD Mem. W Fr George Wrigglesworth +1900 (King’s Lynn) Fr Gerard Conlon +1966 (St Joseph’s, Luton)

15 Sat Advent Feria. M pr. V Canon John Cosser +1950 (rtd fr. Wellingborough 1948) Fr Laurence Nicholson +1969 (St Mary’s, Ipswich)

3rd WEEK OF ADVENTPsalter Week 3

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 50 – St Thomas of Canterbury, Woodbridge

Parish 51 – Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury, WymondhamThis Weekend: Take a Second Collection for the Dependent Priests’ Fund at all Masses.

16 SUN 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT. (Gaudete Sunday) V or Rose

17 Mon Advent Feria. M pr. (O Sapientia) V Proper Readings start Pf of Advent II daily till 24 Dec.

18 Tue Advent Feria. M pr. (O Adonai) V Fr Constantine Ketterer +1940 (Ely)

Diocesan Calendar - December 189

Fr David Johnston +1979 (rtd fr. Kirtling 1979)19 Wed Advent Feria. M pr. (O Radix Iesse) V

20 Thu Advent Feria. M pr. (O Clavis David) V Fr Alfred Bull +1980 (rtd fr. St Mary Magdalen, Ipswich 1977) Fr Peter Wynekus +2012 (rtd fr. Woodbridge 2001)

21 Fri Advent Feria. M pr. (O Oriens) V (ad lib. Collect of S Peter Canisius PD) 22 Sat Advent Feria. M pr. (O Rex Gentium) V Mgr Charles Smith +1954 (rtd fr. Beaconsfield 1949)

4th WEEK OF ADVENTPsalter Week 4

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:This Weekend: Announce that Friday Abstinence is dispensed

during the Christmas Octave

23 SUN 4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT (O Emmanuel) V Pf of Advent II. Not EP IV. Fr Anthony Wendling +1886 (Wolverton) Fr Liam Brady +1993 (rtd fr. Burnham 1985)

24 Mon Advent Feria. M pr. V

THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY WITH OCTAVE. W Vigil M with Gl, Cr (Genuflect in Cr as below). Pf pr. “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. I Vesp. of fol. Fr Frederick Nutt +1971 (Cromer) Fr Gerard Langley +1992 (rtd fr. Blakeney 1990) 25 Tue CHRISTMAS DAY W Holyday of Obligation. M. for the People. Gl. In Cr, genuflect at “and by the Holy Spirit … and became man.” Pf pr. “In communion with” pr. Not EPIV. All priests may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses today, provided the Masses are celebrated at their proper time. During the Octave one of the Prefaces of the Nativity is used at all Masses, except those of a divine person with a proper pf, apart from Sundays and Solemnities. Prayer during the Day is from the weekday psalter; Vespers are as Vesp II, but with proper readings etc., each day. Canon John Henry Thomson +1968 (rtd fr. Aldeburgh 1967) 26 Wed S STEPHEN THE FIRST MARTYR. Feast. R Bishop William Wareing +1865 (First Bishop of Northampton)

27 Thu S JOHN Ap & Evangelist. Feast. W

28 Fri HOLY INNOCENTS MM Feast. R Friday abstinence is dispensed today Fr John Fennell +1997 (Wellingborough)29 Sat S THOMAS BECKET BM. Patron of the Pastoral Clergy. Feast R

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CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 1 – Cathedral Church of St John the Baptist, Norwich

30 SUN THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH. Feast W Gl, Cr, Pf of Nativity I – III. “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV. Fr Louis Boulin +1902 (Aston-le-Walls)

31 Mon Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity. M pr. W (ad lib. Collect of S Sylvester I Pp.) I Vesp of fol Mgr Canon J. Bernard Marshall +1946 (Cambridge) Fr Denis Roberts +1969 (Great Billing)



1 Tue SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. W Gl, Cr, Pf of BVM I (on the Solemnity of the Motherhood), “In communion with” pr. Not EP IV.

2 Wed SS Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen BBDD Mem. W

3 Thu Christmas Feria. M pr. W or The Most Holy Name of Jesus (W) Fr Guy Pritchard + 1983 (rtd fr. Ely 1970)

4 Fri Christmas Feria. M pr. W Rev Bernard Warwick +2001 (Deacon at Dereham)

5 Sat Christmas Feria. M pr. W

2nd WEEK OF CHRISTMASPsalter Week 2

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 2 – Our Lady and St Peter, Aldeburgh

6 SUN THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. SOLEMNITY W Gl, Cr, Pf pr. Not EPIV “In union with” pr. Holy day of Obligation. M. for the people. Provost William Wainwright +1983 (rtd fr. All Souls, Peterborough 1955)

7 Mon Christmas Feria. M pr. W or S Raymond of Penyafort P (W) Fr Arthur Speight +1990 (St James, Ipswich)

8 Tue Christmas Feria. M pr. W Fr Henry Stanley +1924 (Gorleston)

9 Wed Christmas Feria. M pr. W

10 Thu Christmas Feria. M pr. W

Diocesan Calendar - January 2019 191

11 Fri Christmas Feria. M pr. W Canon Herbert Gray +1951 (Gorleston)

12 Sat Christmas Feria. M pr. W or S Aelred of Rievaulx Ab (W) Fr Charles Flynn +1943 (rtd fr. Sudbury 1930)

1st WEEK OF THE YEARPsalter Week 1

CYCLE OF PRAYER/40HRS/PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS:Parish 3 – St Benet’s Minster, Beccles

This Weekend: Announce: Next Sunday is Peace Day. There will be a Second Collection for Pax Christi next weekend (Optional).

13 SUN BAPTISM OF THE LORD. Feast WGl. Pf pr. Not EP IV.

14 Mon Feria. M ad lib. G

15 Tue Feria. M ad lib. G Fr Patrick Duffy +1928 (rtd fr. Huntingdon 1909) Fr Alfred Wilson +1936 (Shefford)

16 Wed S Fursey Ab Mem. (Follow East Anglia pr.) W

17 Thu S Anthony Ab Mem. W Fr George Fressanges +1944 (St John’s, Norwich)


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