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Setting Intention With Chango

Yamaya CruzSetting Intention With Chango1

Are you ready to take the red pill? Youtube videohttp://youtu.be/te6qG4yn-Ps

Setting intentions is really about breaking through. It is really about breaking through to the other side. There are a lot of stories about Chango. Some see him as a rich and vicious king, others see him as a womanizer. Or people like myself see him as a beacon of light, a vehicle of hope that teaches us and guides on how to break through on through to the spiritual side. There are a lot of legends about Chango. However, the one that I chose to believe is that Chango was a great and mighty king of Oyo. He was highly revered and hung himself from a tree from self-indulgence.


Trapped in the matrix3

It is time to take a leap of faithThis story describes Chango taking the leap of faith. This is when he really begins to understand that real power was not within his human body, but outside of it. This is when Chango became enlightened. He was the first man to tap into an infinite source of energy. He broke through barriers, set the bar high, showed people what could be done, and coaches and encouraged other people to follow him. People like Barack Obama, Michael Jordan, Jackie Robinson, were some of the first people to defy the laws of man. They didnt allow others to shape their beliefs and confine them with limitations. Instead, they chose to think differently, and so were able to travel and go places that other people only dreamed of.


We are all trust fund babies!Unfortunately, we are not all built equally. No, many of us are sorrier than others. However, we all come with batteries includes, we are prepackaged with memories that materialize into behaviors and characteristics. We all come to this world with different amounts of energy. It is almost like we all have our own trust funds. Some of us have more money than others. However, the trick is try and invest our money(energy) into goods and services that will increase or add value to our money. We all have money and the whole goal is to increase it as much as possible. We increase our trust funds or our energy by having good character.


Brewsters MillionsA great way to explain this concept is to watch the movie, Brewster Millions. It stars, my man, Richard Pryor. Pryor plays this washed up minor league baseball player who has to waste 30 million dollars in 30 days in order to inherit 300 million. But the catch is, he is not allowed to tell anyone about it. I like this movie, because he has this ancestor, who he never knew about who is handing him all of this money. We also have ancestors who are giving us knowledge/ energy, which translates into money, but we are wasting it. We are not investing this energy properly to add value to who we are as people.


Brewsters Millions7

What is your character score?Just a side note, I really want to explain to people what money is. Money is a manifestation of energy. It is energy in the physical world. Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Perry, Mark Zuckenburger have a great amount of energy. They were born with a significant about of money (energy) trust funds, and managed to increase the value of this trust fund over time. Of course, people like Oprah Winfrey, and Tyler Perry come from very modest backgrounds. However, they were able to access energy from the ancestors. They were we able to do this by being people of good character. Good character is like your credit score. The higher you credit score, the more energy you are able to borrow from the ancestors. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckenberg had money to start with, so they didnt have to borrow as much. This is why in the physical world, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Stepping to the bad sideIf you dont have good credit, or good character, you can also borrow energy from the ancestors. However, you will have to borrow the darker energy. This is like borrowing from loan sharks. The interest rate is around 200 percent, and if you dont pay it, then the ancestors will come back and chop your arm off. This is the kind of energy that involves trickery. This is when you attain things by lying, or cheating, or stealing. Or when you begin to cause someone a grave injustice or disservice. There are people who are able to work with negative energy. This is known as a process of alchemy, where an individual is able to turn their shit into gold. Theyll actually take negative energy and use it toward something greater. For example, they may donate drug money to a charity. Actions such as these offset debt.

9At this point, I want you to write down how much you think youre worth. If you could translate your worth, value into a dollar amount, how much would it be? And make sure when you write down this number to incorporate your talents, your special abilities, your charisma, special skills that you have that could translate into dollars. I am going to post my example here.

How Much are You Worth?10I have a college degree + a masters degree + am I skilled Webmaster + writer + I have a great big heart. So I would think that I am worth = $250K.

This is the value that I place on myself right now, with all of my credentials assets, talents, and skills. Yamaya CruzI have a college degree, a masters degree, am I skilled Webmaster, writer, and I have a great big heart. So I would think that I am worth around $250K. This is the value that I place on myself right now, with all of my credentials assets, talents, and skills. And be realistic with these numbers. What we are trying to do is build the foundation, the body, and structure of who we are as individuals. By doing this we are going to define our worth, and we are going to work to build it. We are going to do it the very same way Chango did. We are going to use the stepping-stones of enlightenment to move up, and to increase our levels of energy.

The whole concept of security exists only in the subtle world. 11Chango is a representation of pure consciousness

I go over this briefly in the stepping-stones to enlightenment e-course, where I associate the chakra system with the orishas. There is one thing that I want you all to understand about Chango. For those of you who are familiar with the charka system, please bear with me. Chango is commonly associated with the Mulahadra chakra, also known as the root chakra. And if you would read any kind of textbook it would say that the root chakra is centered on security and being grounded. But I am going to tell you that this chakra is much more than that. Chango is a representation of pure consciousness.


pure consciousnessThere are many people who are heavy into African Folklore, and they come to my website and skim my pages and hit the back button. And then, I have comments like; I wanted to learn about African spirituality. They want to learn about ceremonies, or different steps to take before initiations. I dont cover that kind of information partly because everyone does it differently. Secondly, I choose to take a holistic approach to understanding African Spirituality. Many people fail to understand that our ancestors understood how the world worked. The stories about the orishas are not just folklore; they contain universal truths of how nature works. To them, there was no separation between science, religion, health, and self-development. Everything was clumped together because they realized that everything derived from the source of pure consciousness.


The process repeats itself and we get better and better at channeling this energy.

How does Energy Work?I just want to walk you through the chakra system really quickly. And I want to show you how the energy risings. Many scholars or spiritualist would call this Kundalini rising. This is when the energy builds, builds, and builds, and then it eventually reaches it climax when it gets to the very top, the crown chakra or the Ori. So what happens to this energy? The whole process starts all over again. The Ori, the Crown chakra, depending on which system you follows flows back into the mulahadra chakra. And the mulahadra charka is associated with Chango. So what does this entire mean in dummy terms? It means that in order for Chango to be enlightened, he had to master the energy of Yemaya. He had to master the energy of Ogun. He had to master the energy of Oshun. He had to master the energy of Obatala. He had to master the energy of Orunmila. The process was semi complete when he mastered the Ori. The process repeats itself and he gets better and better at channeling this energy.

14Chango is associated with the oneness from which everything is created

The one thing that we fail to understand is that our ancestors lived with these kinds of systems, and managed to survive for centuries. They were able to understand the mechanics of nature. They knew how and when to plant crops, and how and when to have ceremonies. They did everything based on this continuous flow or cycle of energy. So when we talk about Chango, we are talking about the cycle or force of nature. This force is really one. It we look at a rainbow, it is really just one beam of light, with different colored segments. The orishas represent pure consciousness. However, they are segmented into different channels of energy. So really, Chango can channel energy from all of the orishas. 15The Universe

Chango became enlightened when he realized this. Chango was a king and was born with a pretty big trust fund. And he was indulgent and wasteful. He brought everything that he could possible buy until he was just sick from indulgence. He was sick from spending and wasting money. And then, he began to understand that pleasure and happiness didnt come from attaining power, riches, or material gains. Then, he was able to shift his consciousness to understand that his real power came from within. Then, he was able to turn his measly 30 million dollar inheritance into a 300 million dollars inheritance because he had the whole universe to draw from. Because he realized that he was part of everything. He realized that he was part of nature itself.


So for those of you who are unhappy, and are looking to make a change. You may want to manifest money, a job, a man, and car, whatever. You will not do any of this effectively until you master the forces that are within. You cannot be unhappy, complacent, or just plain miserable and try and manifest things into your life. All you are going to get is more unhappiness, more misery. Today, we are going to make the shift by not being reactive, but proactive. We are going to shift our consciousness where we become the creators. We can then take our inheritance, our trust fund and work to grow it. We can do this by working on ourselves, improving our credit (character). This way we can borrow from the source, our ancestors and create more richness and prosperity for our communities and ourselves.

17Altar & The Ancestors

When I first started in this practice, the first thing that I was instructed to do was put up an altar. I had to light white candles, and place fresh flowers and maybe some food for my ancestors. I did this without knowing what the hell I was doing. It took me a long time to truly understand who the ancestors are. I love to ask a lot of my clients the same questions, and their answers span from the ancestors being their grandmothers, to the ancient Egyptians. The truth of the matter is this; the ancestors are all of these things.

18Akashic Records

In metaphysics, people tend to talk a lot about the Akashic records. It is a huge database that stores all of the worlds information. Throughout the years, many psychics and those who were proven to have supernatural gifts were able to access these records. Many of them actually spoke about going into altered states of consciousness. Some describe going into a sleep like state, where a guide, guardian, or angel comes to them and relays information. In African religions, the Akashic records are known as a collective source of energy called the ancestors. In African religions, our altered state of consciousness is called the spirit possession.19The Spirit Possession

The spirit possession is very important. It not only bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds. It is a way for us to get information, ideas, or any form of energy. Remember when I explained that you are born with a certain amount of energy that is you your trust fund? You can begin to increase this energy if you learn how to borrow from the ancestors. I like to explain this concept in two ways. Just imagine going into battle. You can either go into battle by yourself. Or you can call a whole legion of soldiers to be your army. When you start to develop and become spiritual, you raise your vibrations, your character score, and then you are able to recruit spirits into camp.

20Solving all of our problems

There is another example that I used on my blog post. I used the binary code as an example. For those of you who are not familiar with the binary code is a language code that is used to program computers. This language code consists of two numbers, one and zero. So with this language, a programmer can only perform one function at a time. Theres no multi-tasking, so he has to complete one function before he can move onto the next. Now, there is something that is called quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, a computer can actually do numerous functions at one time. When I say numerous, I mean millions. So when youre not connected with your ancestors, you are kind of going through life alone, trying to solve all of your problems. When you actually begin to work with you ancestors, its like having millions of people all working to solve your problems. So, would youd rather solve all of your problems by yourself? Or would youd rather call out to the ancestors and allow them to help you? Chango was the first person to understand this. He understood that his life would be much easier if you called out to the ancestors for guidance and help.

21End of part oneBut that is the biggest problem. Many of us have a difficult time asking for help

Our social structure inhibits us from being our best selves. We are constantly being plagued with doubt and negativity. We dont believe that we have access to this infinite amount of energy. We dont believe that we are worth 250k or more. So we go through life earning what we believe we deserve to earn. We feel trapped. We feel like we need to exchange time for money. We dont take our skills and creativity and began to create passive income. Instead, we give it to a corporation and hand over all of our rights and let them take all of the credit. And I am sure that there are some of you who wrote down what they think and there are worth, and looking at those figures makes you feel very uncomfortable. 23You need to be a goldigger!

But Kanye West doesnt feel uncomfortable to charge $350 for a concert ticket. Madonna doesnt feel uncomfortable about making her guest wait almost three hours for her show to start. Congressmen dont feel uncomfortable about spending your tax dollars on drugs and prostitutes. I am not telling you to be rude, selfish, and to exploit others. I am telling you to understand your worth. And know that you deserve to make this kind of money. The Universe does not discriminate. The laws of attraction are the laws of attraction. So today, on this webinar, I want you to lift your vibration levels and start to understand that you are worthy.

24Your Dreams tell you who youre supposed to be

Start a daily practice; imagine yourself making this kind of money. But be sure to imagine yourself being healthy, and happy, these things are very important. Write down your skills. Make a list of what you are good at, and get it in your mind that someone will pay you for those skills. You can be a good cook, a hairdresser, and a great math teacher. Your skills and talents are part of your trust fund. Use your trust fund as an investment into your life. Use your trust fund as a resource to increase your worth and overall value. Start to shift your consciousness. Keep doing these practices until youre there. Ask your ancestors for help. Youll start to see opportunities arise.


For a lot of us, it is difficult to get out heads wrapped around this conceptFor a lot of us, it is difficult to get out heads wrapped around this concept. But we have to understand that people who are millionaires and or have a lot of money think this way. They think like Kanye West, They think like Puff Daddy. They are always exchanging their skills for money, and thus, their trust fund increases. Remember, we are all trying to go from 30 million dollars to 300 million dollars. So if you havent already done so. I want you to write down your skills on a piece of paper. I want you to write down how much you would charge someone for your services. It could be baking a cake. It could be watching someones son. Whatever it is, I want you to write down something that you are passionate about, and a skill that you believe that you have.

26Pray to the Ancestors

If you have an altar, I want you to put that request on your altar. If you dont have an altar or chose not to use your altar, you can do a meditation or prayer instead. Call upon your ancestors. Ask them to present you the opportunity to make this money. And ask with love in your heart. Remember, we never approach the ancestors with anger, resentment, or hostility. You can start out small and work your way up, but remember youre going to have to be really strong to pull stronger things into your life.

27when it comes to manifesting, size doesnt matter

Just a quick note, when it comes to manifesting, size doesnt matter. Weight is something that was kind of made up in the physical world. And the only reason why those things exist is because of the force of gravity. Now, when I suggest that you start out small, I am doing so because so many of us cant grasp asking for $250K. For many of us, we just think that its too big. We may feel that it is virtually impossible. Secondly, in order for you to manifest a great deal of money, you have to be very focused. You really cant allow any of your thoughts to go astray. This is really hard to do, especially when youre just starting out.

28Are you ready to receive?

Another reason why manifesting a huge dollar amount might be hard to do, is because of the universal law of action. In many cases, the universe, or the ancestors has already responded to your request, but you just arent ready to actively receive those request. Again, this comes down to unconscious and subconscious issues of insecurity, or unworthiness. Sometimes we do meditations and a great deal of crazy or negative thoughts pops up, and some of them are so powerful that we feel that we cant get them out of our head. Well these negative thoughts are coming from the ancestors. In these cases, you are actually pulling information/energy from them. I go into this more thoroughly in the Seven African Powers Module.

29Negative Thoughts

Thoughts of not being good enough, or thinking that meditation doesnt work. Or what Yamaya Cruz is saying is bullshit. All of those thoughts eat away at your trust fund. They eat away at your self-worth. And pretty soon, youre going to have a deficit. You are going to be in the red. So then, you wont be able to manifest anything. So whenever I work with anybody, I clean him or her first. This is very important. I do this because there is a great deal of negative energy that actually lives in the consciousness mind. And there are actually three levels of consciousness. There is the Id, the Ego, and the Superego.

30The Law of Attraction

So we tend to have dominant thoughts and non-dominant thoughts. The dominant thoughts have far reaching consequences in our lives. Non-dominant thoughts are fleeting thoughts. They are very minor and superficial, and the basically come and go. So getting back to the levels of consciousness. All three levels of consciousness must believe in positive dominant thoughts. They all must believe in the primary law of attraction, so there is no resistance. When I talk about negative thoughts. I am also talking about some of the people in your life. These are the people who dont want you to change. These are the people who secretly dont want you to succeed. They dont want you to feel like your better than them.

31Let go of the haters!!!

These people are incredibly insecure. Many of them have become rather attached to your financial statues quo. They may or may not be financially dependent on you. They are just comfortable with where you are. And most people dont like change. Again, most people live in fear of change, because it threatens their security. So if you boost your finances, other people in your life may feel that youve left them behind. So if you are serious about setting intention and changing your life. I want you take the time to identify all of those people now. Once you shift our mind set, you may double or even triple your income. You may change the way you feel and behave towards life. So right now think about how you are going to handle it. Are you going to be able to talk it through? Or are you going to decide to part ways.

Ive parted ways with a lot of people. My rule with people is if they dont add to my life, or there is no even exchange. Then they are not worth having around. They are only going to cause you to degrade in character. They ll be manipulative and try and hold you back because they are looking at for themselves and not you. So try and work it out, if you cant it is best to let them go. Then, you can work on asking the ancestors for better relationships. You can work on manifesting divine relationships and bring people into your life that truly cares about you.

32Start to put together your team

It is very important to surround yourself around positive people, partly because their energy is going to help you grow. The old adage that two heads are better than one is true. You need to have positive people, because they are gong to give you a great deal of your energy, which in turn will allow you to grow. This energy will make you more powerful because it will give you determination. Determination is like the momentum that you need to get started. Determination is the combination of time, energy, and action. Determination is the one thing that is needed in order to shift your consciousness. So with that said, we are going to use determination to begin to purge negativity.

33Here is a quick simple way of purging negativity.

It is important to understand that negativity is the single biggest killer of attraction and manifesting. If you allow negative energy to degrade, you will begin to attract disease, debt, and everything else imaginable. The best way to rid negativity is by focusing on a higher emotion. Love is the highest emotion. Chango was able to rid himself of his physical body. He was able to rid himself from negativity once he found love. He found love. He was able to experience love in the purest sense, and once he experienced this. He didnt need anything else. Many of us dont love fully, partly because we dont understand how powerful that emotion is. But when you crank up this emotion, and experience it on full blast, you begin to understand that love is really all you need to sustain you. Love is the gateway or pathway to being enlightened or spiritual.

34So what I want you to start to do is to declare love for anything and everything that comes your way. Even if you confronted with by misfortunes and not so positive events, I want you to say I love to the positive and negative things in your life. Purging is necessary so you will always be clear to receive what you have been attracting and manifesting. The law of attraction requires several essential components before it can truly work for you:Affirmative thoughtsPositive emotionsGenuine desiresGratitudeRedefined action and receiving

Declare your love for everything & EveryoneSo what I want you to start to do is to declare love for anything and everything that comes your way. Even if you confronted with by misfortunes and not so positive events, I want you to say I love to the positive and negative things in your life. Purging is necessary so you will always be clear to receive what you have been attracting and manifesting. The law of attraction requires several essential components before it can truly work for you:Affirmative thoughtsPositive emotionsGenuine desiresGratitudeRedefined action and receiving


Add loveWhen you add love to the equation, all of these components manifest automatically. Love is the most powerful force in the world. Some of the best healers and medicine men work with just the power of their heart, and they are able to bring about change and create miracles just by using the force of love. When you are in this perpetual state of love, negativity does not have a chance to arise. This sense of love will actually dissolve those negative fleeting thoughts. If people have bad intentions toward you, your sense of love will change the entire dynamic and create an added value that relationship. Love will make you thankful. Youll start to see the positive aspects of everything that exists in your life. Challenges will become less daunting, and youll always remember to love rather than complain.

36So, we are going to finish this webinar by doing a brief cleaning. The way energy works is that once something is depleted, you have to go back and fill it up with something else. We are going to fill ourselves up with love while we set our intentions. Then, we are going to ask our ancestors to help us find opportunities to help us define our worth, to help us increase our trust fund.

Cleaning 37

Energy ChannelsSo the first thing that we are going to do is work with our energy channels. In traditional Chinese medicine, they work with meridians or energy channels that they described as bright yellow rivers of light. Of course, in the Yoruba pantheon, these yellow Oshun of light would be Oshun. Coincidence? No, there is no such thing as a coincidence. Also, it is not a coincidence that both healing and Oshun are associated with the heart. I spoke about the healing of the heart earlier is this webinar, and also I spoke about it in more detail in the Seven African Powers Module. So the human body operates on the basis of energy channels. When a person experiences disease, or dis ease in their body. One or more of these energy channels are obstructed. Stress and negative emotions can all obstruct the negative flow of emotions throughout the body. If any of these energy channels is blocked, then it is difficult to manifest anything.

38 1, find a quite place to lie down2, close your eyes and take deep breaths3, feel the stress and anxieties evaporate with each breath4, Imagine that you are able to see within your body, find areas in your body where you are experiencing tension or pain. Everyone experiences negativity differently. Some people see three-dimensional objects while others see various colors. Some people feel emotions, or some form of pain when they detect negativity in their bodies. 5, Start to hold an internal dialog with the affected area Ask the pain why it is there? Ask why it has a hold on you? Acknowledge its presence

Releasing Negative Energy396, Ask yourself if you are willing to release the affected area7, Visualize releasing the area of tension8, Ask the ancestors for help. Allow them to help you release this energy. Remember, we call out to the Orishas and the ancestors to help us with problems that are too big to handle by ourselves.9, Youll start to notice a change in your visualization. This is your body telling you that it is trying its best to adjust itself and find balance. 10, Then, I want you to think about a time when you felt loved. Think about a time when you were in love, and you lost yourself completely in this emotion. Try and get euphoric feeling of love back.

Increasing Your Credit Score4011, Then we are going to set our intention. By doing this, we are paring our intention with love, so this way our intention will be much more powerful. This powerful force of love will fuel our intention. 12, while youre in this state. See your worth, understand your worth, and start to ask the ancestors to present opportunities to help you increase your trust fund, to help you increase your character score.

Increasing Your credit scorehttp://newafricanspirituality.com/page92/page92.html41Peace Out!Dont forget to sign up for the my other workshopsUnderstanding RelationshipsSexual MojoBusiness Magic

Check out my novel When The Shadows Began To Dance

Contact me for speaking engagements, readings, coaching, consultations and workshops! Yamayacruz@newafricanspirituality.com

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