Y4 - Mountain Locations


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Key Vocabulary

glacier A slow moving river of ice

mountain A large, steep hill with a summit

fell A local name for a range of hills

seasonalThings that happen depending on the season

tourist A person on holiday

national park A protected area of countryside

avalancheSnow, ice and rocks falling down a mountain

valley A low area of land between hills

range A series of connected mountains

ridge A long, narrow hilltop

summit The highest point of a mountain

plateau A flat area of high ground

Keswick A market town in the Lake District

MegèveA ski resort village in the French Alps

Alps A mountain range in Southern Europe

Lake District A national park in England

Key Questions

What is Europe like?

Europe is one of the smallest continents. It is the continent that we live in. Some areas of Europe are very cold such as Iceland; other areas can be much warmer such as Greece and Turkey. Europe is the only continent not to have a desert. There are 44 countries in Europe - how many of these do you know? (Take a look on the map)

What is the Lake District like?

The Lake District is an area of mountains and lakes in the north west of England. Most of it is a national park. It includes the highest mountain in England - Scafell Pike - which is 910m high. It also includes the deepest and longest lakes in England. The main towns in the Lake District include Windermere and Keswick. Many people visit this area and spend time sailing on the lakes, fell walking and enjoying some of the beautiful scenery.

What are the Alps like?

The Alps are one of the great mountain ranges in Europe, stretching from Austria in the east to France in the west. The highest peak is Mont Blanc (which means White Mountain) which is 4810m high. The Alps are among the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, with people visiting all year round. In the summer, people go there to walk, cycle and paraglide whereas in winter, skiing, snowboarding and tobogganing are extremely popular. One of the tourist destinations near to Mont Blanc is Megève.

Y4 - Mountain Locations

To be able to name and locate the main countries of Europe. To be able to compare and contrast mountain areas in the French Alps and the Lake District. To be able to use maps, atlases and globes to locate and describe features. To be able to use geographical vocabulary to communicate findings.



Map of Europe