X International Seminar on Regional Development Theme ... · Edson Aparecido A. Q. de Oliveira –...


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  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    X International Seminar on Regional Development

    Theme: Actors, Assets and Institutions: Regional Development in


    Santa Cruz do Sul, September 15-17, 2021

    Organizer: Graduate Program in Regional Development

    University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC

    Second Circular


    The International Seminar on Regional Development (ISRD) is a biennial

    event, organized by the Graduate Program in Regional Development - PPGDR

    – Master’s Degree and Doctorate of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul –

    UNISC. The event is a continuity of the National Seminars on Regional

    Development, whose first edition was held in 1996, on an annual basis. As of

    2002, the event has acquired an international scope, is held biennially, and is

    consolidating itself in Brazil as one of the main events that enables reflection,

    analysis and interdisciplinary debate on regional development. The debate

    occurs among Brazilian researchers, professors and students of Graduate

    Programs in Regional Development and other Graduate Programs in the fields

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    of Social and Human Sciences, as well as foreign researchers and students

    who develop research on this theme.

    The Graduate Programs in Regional Development are privileged spaces

    for the construction of theoretical and methodological references for this field of

    knowledge, which is of fundamental importance in the discussion of strategies

    aimed at promoting territorial development, based on equity and solidarity.

    It is understood that the territory presents itself as a contradictory totality,

    marked by conflicts and tensions in which particular socio-spatial arrangements

    shape regions.

    Considering the current socio-political and economic context in force at

    international level, and specially in our country, putting Regional Development

    in Perspective means giving prominence to the process of territory formation,

    marked by diverse trajectories, characterized by “unity in diversity”, in which the

    State has the responsibility to manage the contradictions that take shape in the


    In this sense, in 2021, the tenth edition´s theme will focus on “Actors,

    Assets and Institutions: Regional Development in perspective”.

    In order to provide the discussion and reflection on these and other issues

    that the central theme of the X International Seminar on Regional Development

    raises, the event was organized in four thematic axes that will also guide the

    arrangement of the round tables and the presentation sessions, as follows:

    Axis 1 – Regional Development in perspective: theoretical and

    methodological challenges

    In this axis are accepted papers related to the theoretical and

    methodological reflection on regional territorial development planning

    processes, the multiple scales, the different dimensions and contents of

    regional development processes and policies, among other related topics.

    Axis 2 – Actors, Social Organizations and Regional Development

    The proposal of this thematic axis is to gather papers, under different

    theoretical-methodological approaches, that enable the reflection on actions

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    and relations between actors and social organizations that participate in the

    regional development processes and policies. Methods of organization,

    articulations of civil society, existing participatory and collaborative practices in

    promoting regional development. The relations between state actors and civil

    society and their influence on public policies (formulation, implementation and

    evaluation), their designs, arrangements and constitution, their relations with

    other organizations and effects on development processes in different regional

    territories. In addition, the various institutional arrangements constituted in the

    State, such as intermunicipal consortia, conferences, regional development

    councils, governance network, among others.

    Axis 3 – Territorial Assets and Regional Development

    The proposal of this thematic axis is to reflect on the assets, that is, the

    elements that allow to explain how reality connects in a relational way in

    development processes. It intends to emphasize resources (assets/capital) that

    are mobilized by territorial agents, giving visibility to the structure of access and

    use of natural resources, and organization of the regional productive structure,

    focusing on the relation established between rural areas and urban centers and

    on the reinvestment of capital as a way of expanding opportunities in the

    territory. The following topics will be considered: environmental sustainability,

    economic viability, territorial identity, sociocultural diversity, social capital,

    resilience of territories, climate change and its effects on development, solidary

    economy, social technologies, among other topics related to the central theme

    of this axis.

    Axis 4 – Institutions and Regional Development

    The proposal of this thematic axis is to bring together papers that allow

    theoretical and methodological reflections on formal and informal, public,

    community and private institutions, productive arrangements, networks and

    forms of cooperation; social and economic agents and organizations and their

    set of institutional relations, among other topics linked to the dynamics of

    regional development. Studies aiming at a better understanding of the

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    competitiveness of production systems and chains are welcome;

    characterization, profile and structure of networks cooperation, technological

    innovation and its influence on regional dynamics; reconversion and regional

    productive restructuring, and new forms of coordination and governance.



    To promote the exchange between researchers of Brazilian Institutions and

    those with researchers of Institutions from other countries, besides bringing

    together recent graduates, current graduate students and

    researchers/professionals from other fields of knowledge to the debate on

    issues related to Regional Development;

    To provide reflection and discussion on the dynamics of regional

    development in different socio-spatial formations, through actors, assets

    and institutions involved in processes and policies developed and

    articulated in different spatial scales;

    Create opportunities to the participants of the event to present their

    research communication, and its online publication in the Conference

    Proceedings, disseminating new knowledge in the field of Regional


    Promote interaction and exchange of experiences among researchers and

    students/researchers of the Graduate Programs in Regional Development

    and related fields of Brazilian and foreign universities.

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622



    Airton Muller – PPGDR - UNIJUÍ

    Alcione Talaska – IFC – SC

    Alex Pizzio – PPGDR - UFT

    Alexandre Assis Tomporoski – PPGDR – UnC – SC

    Almir Arantes – UNEMAT – MT

    Amalia Stuhldreher - Universidad de La República - Uruguay

    Andrea Carrión - FLACSO - Ecuador

    Analía Laura Emiliozzi - Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto - Argentina

    Anelise Graciele Rambo – PGDREDES – UFRGS - RS

    Ângela Cristina T. Felippi – PPGDR – UNISC - RS

    Ariel Garcia – CEUR – CONICET - Argentina

    Carlos Eduardo Ruschel Anes – PPGDPP – UFFS - RS

    Catia Grisa - PPGREDES – UFRGS - RS

    Christian Luiz da Silva – PPGPGP – UTFPR – PR

    Cidoval Moraes de Sousa – PPGDR-UEPB – PB

    Cláudia Tirelli – PGDR-UNISC – RS

    Cláudio Machado Maia – PPGPSDR-UNOCHAPECÓ – SC

    Clovis Reis - PPGDR – FURB - SC

    Cristiane Mansur Moraes Souza – PPGDR-FURB – SC

    Daniel Claudy da Silveira – UNIJUI – RS

    Daniel Gewer – PPGDR – FACCAT – RS

    Daniella Gac – Universidad de Los Lagos - Chile

    Dioneia Dalcin – PPGDPP – UFFS - RS

    Edemar Rotta – PPGDPP – UFFS - RS

    Edson Aparecido A. Q. de Oliveira – PPGDR-UNITAU – SP

    Elisabeth Cristina Drumm – URCAMP - RS

    Erica Karnopp – PPGDR-UNISC – RS

    Evelyn del Valle Colino - Universidad Nac. Rio Negro – Argentina

    Ezequiel Plinio Albarello – URI – RS

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    Fernando Cezar Macedo – UNICAMP – SP

    Flávio Sacco dos Anjos – PPGDTSA-UFPEL – RS

    Florencia Granato – Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto - Argentina

    Gilson Ditzel Santos – PPGDR-UTFPR – PR

    Giovana Mendes de Oliveira – PPGGEO – UFPEL – RS

    Gláucia de Oliveira Assis – PPGPTDSA - UDESC

    Gleicy Vasques – UFMS – MS

    Gleimiria Batista da Costa – UNIR - RO

    Gonzalo Antonio De La Maza Escobar - Universidad de Los lagos – Chile

    Grazielle Betina Brandt – PPGDR-UNISC – RS

    Gustavo Busso – PPGDT – Universidade Nacional de Rio Cuarto - Argentina

    Héctor Martin Civitaresi – Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro - Argentina

    Ivaldo Gehlen - PPGDR – UFRGS - RS

    Ivo Theis – PPGDR - FURB

    Isabel Bortagaray - Universidad de La República - Uruguay

    Jandir Ferreira Lima – PPGDRA-UNIOESTE – PR

    Jaqueline Mallmann Haas – PPGREDES – UFRGS - RS

    Jefferson Marçal da Rocha – UNIPAMPA – RS

    João Aparecido Bazolli - PPGDR – UFT - TO

    Joaquín Farinós Dasí – Universidad de Valença – Espanha

    Jorge Hernandez - Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto – Argentina

    José António Cadima Ribeiro – Universidade do Minho – Portugal

    José Carlos Severo Correa – UNIPAMPA – RS

    José Luiz Moura Filho – UFSM – RS

    Juçara Spinelli – UFFS - RS

    Juscelino Gomes Lima – IFET e UFPI – PI

    Julio Jose Plaza Tabasco – Universidad Castilla-La Mancha – Espanha

    Luciana Butzke – PPGDR - FURB – SC

    Luciano Albino – PPGDR – UEPB - PB

    Lucir Reinaldo Alves – PPGDR – UNIOESTE – PR

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    Marcel Theza Manriquez – Universidad de Los lagos – Chile

    Marcelo Vinícius de La Rocha Domingues - FURG – RS

    Márcio Gazolla – PPGDR-UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco - PR

    Marco André Cadoná – PPGDR-UNISC – RS

    Marcos Junior Marini – PPGDR-UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco - PR

    Marcos Paulo Dhein Griebeler – PPGDR – FACCAT - RS

    Margarida Angélica Pires Pereira Esteves – UniNova - Lisboa – Portugal

    Maria de Lourdes Bernartt - PPGDR-UTFPR - Campus Pato Branco - PR

    Mariana Barbosa de Souza – PPGG – UEPG – PR

    Markus Brose – PPGDR-UNISC – RS

    Mireya Valencia – UnB - DF

    Mirian Beatriz Schneider - PPGDR - UNIOESTE – PR

    Mónica Donadoni - Universidade Nacional de Rio Cuarto - Argentina

    Mônica Carniello – PPGPDR-UNITAU – SP

    Mônica Pons – PPGPC-UFSM – RS

    Moacir Santos - PPGDR – UNITAU - SP

    Muriel Pinto – PPGPP – UNIPAMPA - RS

    Paula Remoaldo – Universidade do Minho - Portugal

    Potira Viegas Preiss – PPGDR – UNISC – RS

    Reto Bertoni – Universidad de La República - Uruguay

    Rógis Juarez Bernardy - PPGA – UNOESC – SC

    Rosmari Cazarotto – PPGSA – UNIVATES – RS

    Rui Fragoso – Universidade de Évora – Portugal

    Sérgio Allebrandt – PPGDR-UNIJUÍ – RS

    Silvia Gorenstein – CEUR – CONICET - Argentina

    Silvia Virginia Coutinho Areosa - PPGDR – UNISC - RS

    Silvio Cezar Arend – PPGDR - UNISC – RS

    Tanise Dias Freitas – PPGDR – UNISC – RS

    Tiago Costa Martins - PPGCIC-UNIPAMPA – RS

    Valdir Roque Dallabrida – PPGDR-UNC – SC

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    Victor Ramiro Fernández – Universidad Nacional de Litoral - Argentina

    Virginia Elisabeta Etges – PPGDR-UNISC – RS

    Waldecy Rodrigues – PPGDR – UFT - TO

    Weimar Freire da Rocha Jr. – PPGDRA – UNIOESTE - PR


    Date of the event

    September 15-17, 2021

    Full paper submission

    From November 9, 2020 to March 31, 2021

    Paper analysis by the Scientific Committee

    From April 16 to May 16, 2021

    Notification of paper acceptance

    June 8, 2021

    Notification of meeting rooms

    September 3, 2021


    From June 1 to August 31, 2021

    - Professors, researchers, professionals, and general public: R$ 250,00

    - Students of the Graduate and Undergraduate Programs: R$ 150,00

    Attention: Registration fee payment deadline for paper presenters at the event:

    August 13, 2021.

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    From September 1 to September 15, 2021

    - Professors, researchers, professionals, and general public: R$ 300,00

    - Students of the Graduate and Undergraduate Programs: R$ 200,00

    Registration fee payment:

    - For Brazilians, through bank slip, generated by registering on the Event

    website: http://www.unisc.br/site/sidr/

    - For foreigners, payment can be made at the event venue.


    Papers must be a full one (not an abstract) and may be submitted by

    professors, researchers and students of the Regional Development Graduate

    Programs and programs related to Regional Development, Brazilians and

    foreigners, in order to be analyzed by a Scientific Committee, formed by

    specialists in the thematic axes of the event. The paper(s) presentation and its

    inclusion in the Conference proceedings are conditioned to the registration and

    payment of the event fee by at least one of the authors.

    Paper Submission

    • Each participant is allowed to submit a maximum of three papers for the

    event. In this count will be computed the papers submitted by the applicant both

    as author and co-author.

    • Each paper can have a maximum of four authors.

    • Papers to be submitted for the event may be presented orally. The

    Scientific Committee reserves the right to indicate papers for the “poster”

    category. The oral presentation may not exceed 15 minutes. After the

    presentation of all the planned papers for the presentation session, in each


  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    room, a time for discussion will be set aside. Posters presentation will be held in

    a special session, in a specific room for this modality, to be announced in the

    event schedule.

    • Papers should be sent by online submission system, available on the

    event website. Paper sent by e-mail will not be accepted. The link for submitting

    the papers is: http://online.unisc.br/acadnet/anais/index.php/sidr/login

    • Papers that do not comply with the rules of submission and presentation,

    will not be accepted.

    Language requirement of X ISRD

    Papers written in Portuguese, Spanish and English will be accepted. The

    official language of the event is Portuguese, but the papers can also be

    presented in Spanish and English.

    Paper Selection

    The Scientific Committee of the event will select the papers based on their

    suitability to the general theme of the event, related to the thematic axes,

    originality of the proposal, scientific and academic relevance and contribution in

    the field of regional development.

    Papers selected to be presented at the X ISRD

    Only original papers, of authors registered in the event and with the due

    fees paid, can be presented.

    The Conference proceedings will be published in October 2021, after the

    event, online, and only with the papers effectively presented at the event.


  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622



    • Certificates will be available in October 2021, after the event and in

    online format.

    • Certificates of presentation of papers will only be issued for papers

    actually presented.



    September 15 to 17, 2021 Morning Afternoon Evening

    Sep 15 Wed

    8 to 9 a.m. – Registration

    9:00 a.m. – Opening

    1:30 p.m. – Round Table Discussion 1: Regional Development in perspective: theoretical and methodological challenges - Carlos Brandão (IPPUR-UFRJ) - Juan Cuadrado-Roura (Universidad de Alcalá - Spain)

    7:00 p.m. – Welcome cocktail

    9:30 a.m. – Opening Lecture: Arilson

    Favareto (UFABC) 3:30 p.m. – Book Launching

    4:00 p.m. – Coffee break

    4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. – Research Communications

    Sep 16 Thu

    9:00 a.m. – Round Table Discussion 2: Actors, Social Organizations and Regional Development

    - Sergio Montero (Cider Universidad de los Andes - Colombia) - Daniella Gac (CEDER- Universidad de los Lagos - Chile) - Cidonea Machado Deponti (PPGDR- UNISC)

    1:30 p.m. – Round Table Discussion 3: Territorial Assets and Regional Development

    - Marcel Bursztyn (UnB) - Carolina Trivellia (IEP- Peru) - Michael Klinger (Universität Innsbruck - Áustria)

    3:30 p.m. – Coffee Break

    7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Meeting of the OBSERVA-DR

    4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Research Communications

    Sep 17 Friday

    9:00 a.m. Round Table Discussion 4: Institutions and Regional Development

    - Maria Ignacia Fernández (RIMISP- Chile) - Waldecy Rodrigues (PPGDR-UFT)

    1:30 p.m. Round Table Discussion 5: The scientific field of regional development in Brazil: Perspectives and Challenges - Ivo Theis (PPGDR-FURB) - Fernando Macedo (PPGDE-UNICAMP)

    3:30 p.m. Coffee Break

    4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Research Communications

    6:00 p.m. – Closing

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622



    Use Microsoft Word software (version 97-2003 and newer versions) for

    writing the text. Page Setup (including abstract):

    • Paper size: A4 (29.7 cm x 21 cm)

    • Top margin: 3 cm

    • Bottom margin: 2 cm

    • Left margin: 3 cm

    • Right margin: 2 cm

    Titles and subtitles should be sorted according to the following criteria:

    • Title of the paper: Arial, normal font-style, 14-point size bold letters.

    • Subtitle: Arial, normal font-style, 12-point size bold letters.

    • Sub-Subtitle: Arial, italic font, 12-point bold letters.

    Full paper text setup:

    • Arial Font, 11-point size, justified paragraph.

    • Spacing between characters and words: simple.

    • Spacing between lines: 1.5 cm.

    • Number of pages: minimum of 10 (ten) and maximum of 20 (twenty),

    including illustrations, bibliography and endnotes.

    • Numbering of pages: bottom right margin.

    First page content:

    • Title of the paper: centered and in capital letters.

    • Abstract: 250 words at maximum, in a single paragraph, in the same

    language of the paper.

  • Atores, Ativos e Instituições: O Desenvolvimento Regional em Perspectiva Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, 15 a 17 de setembro de 2021 ISSN: 2447-4622


    • Keywords: three to five, separated by period.

    • Author(s) identification: in order to guarantee the anonymity of the

    authorship, no form of author identification on the paper is allowed. The

    electronic submission system will assign an identification code to the papers

    that will be evaluated. Identified papers will be disqualified.

    Rules for bibliographic references:

    • Bibliographical references have to follow the standards established by

    the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

    • For in-text citations, the author-date system has to be used. Ex:

    (SANTOS, 1996, p. 58).


    • Illustrations, footnotes, tables, and graphics linked to Word should be in

    Arial Font, 10-point size.

    • Illustrations should be incorporated in the text, in JPEG format. The

    maximum number of illustrations in the text should be 05 (five).

    • The file should not exceed 3MB.


    - Dr. Rogério Leandro Lima da Silveira (Coordinator) rlls@unisc.br

    - Dr. Erica Karnopp (Subcoordinator) erica@unisc.br

    - Dr. Cidonea Machado Deponti

    - Dr. Virginia Elizabeta Etges

    - Dr. Silvio Cezar Arend

    - Grasiela da Conceição

    - Carolina de Oliveira




    X International Seminar on Regional DevelopmentSecond CircularAxis 1 – Regional Development in perspective: theoretical and methodological challengesAxis 2 – Actors, Social Organizations and Regional DevelopmentAxis 3 – Territorial Assets and Regional DevelopmentAxis 4 – Institutions and Regional DevelopmentOBJECTIVES OF THE X INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT (ISRD):SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEESCHEDULE - X SIDRFull paper submissionPaper analysis by the Scientific CommitteeNotification of paper acceptanceNotification of meeting roomsREGISTRATIONFrom September 1 to September 15, 2021Registration fee payment:RULES FOR FULL PAPER SUBMISSION AND PRESENTATIONPaper SubmissionLanguage requirement of X ISRDPaper SelectionPapers selected to be presented at the X ISRDCertificatesSCHEDULEFull paper text setup:Rules for bibliographic references:ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
